public static ActionData GetActionData(this Controller controller)
            foreach (var key in controller.Request.Form.Keys)
                if (ActionData.HasActionData(key))

        private async Task MessageReceivedAsync(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable <object> result)
                var    activity = await result as Activity;
                string userText = string.IsNullOrEmpty(activity.Text) ? string.Empty : activity.Text.ToLower();

                // Handle the text as appropriate
                if (IsMessageEmpty(activity) || userText.StartsWith("help"))
                    await ShowHelp(context);


                else if (userText.StartsWith("hi") || userText.StartsWith("hello") || userText.StartsWith("hey"))
                    await context.PostAsync(@"Hi! What can I do for you? (try ""get approval"" to start an approval request)");


                else if (userText.StartsWith("logout"))
                    await context.SignOutUserAsync(ConnectionName);

                    await context.PostAsync("You are now logged out.");


                else if (userText.StartsWith("reset demo please"))
                    await ResetDemo(context, activity);

                    await context.PostAsync("DEMO RESET");


                // Anything else requires auth
                // The text can be empty when receiving a message back from a card
                // button.
                else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userText))
                    // Handle card action data
                    var actionData = ActionData.Parse(activity.Value);

                    // When the user selects a file in the select file card
                    if (actionData.CardAction == CardActionTypes.SelectFile)
                        // Save selected file to conversation state
                        context.ConversationData.SetValue("selectedFile", actionData.SelectedFile);
                        // Show file detail card and confirm selection
                        context.Call(CreateGetTokenDialog(), ConfirmFile);
                        //reply = await ConfirmFile(context, activity, accessToken.Token, actionData.SelectedFile);
                    // When the user clicks the "send approval request" button
                    else if (actionData.CardAction == CardActionTypes.SendApprovalRequest)
                        // Check approvers
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(actionData.Approvers))
                            SaveMissingInfoState(context, "approvers", actionData);
                            await context.PostAsync("I need at least one approver email address to send to. Who should I send to?");


                            string[] approvers = EmailHelper.ConvertDelimitedAddressStringToArray(actionData.Approvers.Trim());
                            if (approvers == null)
                                SaveMissingInfoState(context, "approvers", actionData);
                                await context.PostAsync($"One or more values in **{actionData.Approvers}** is not a valid SMTP email address. Can you give me the list of approvers again?");

                                //await ShowTyping(context, activity);
                                // Save user ID, selected file, and approvers to conversation state
                                context.ConversationData.SetValue("approvalRequestor", activity.From.Id);
                                context.ConversationData.SetValue("selectedFile", actionData.SelectedFile);
                                context.ConversationData.SetValue("approvers", approvers);

                                context.Call(CreateGetTokenDialog(), SendApprovalRequest);
                    // User clicked the "no" button when confirming the file.
                    else if (actionData.CardAction == CardActionTypes.WrongFile)
                        // Re-prompt for a file
                        context.Call(CreateGetTokenDialog(), PromptForFile);
                    //  User selected a pending approval to check status
                    else if (actionData.CardAction == CardActionTypes.SelectApproval)
                        // Save the selected approval to conversation state
                        context.ConversationData.SetValue("selectedApproval", actionData.SelectedApproval);
                        context.Call(CreateGetTokenDialog(), GetApprovalStatus);
                        await context.PostAsync(@"I'm sorry, I don't understand what you want me to do. Type ""help"" to see a list of things I can do.");

                else if (userText.StartsWith("get approval"))
                    context.Call(CreateGetTokenDialog(), PromptForFile);
                else if (userText.StartsWith("check status"))
                    // Save user ID to conversation state
                    context.ConversationData.SetValue("approvalRequestor", activity.From.Id);
                    context.Call(CreateGetTokenDialog(), PromptForApprovalRequest);
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ExpectedMissingInfo(context)))
                    string missingField = ExpectedMissingInfo(context);

                    if (missingField == "approvers")
                        // Validate input
                        string[] approvers = EmailHelper.ConvertDelimitedAddressStringToArray(userText.Trim());
                        if (approvers == null)
                            await context.PostAsync(@"Sorry, I'm still having trouble. Please enter the approvers again, keeping in mind:
- Use full SMTP email addresses, like `[email protected]`
- Separate multiple email addresses with a semicolon (`;`), like `[email protected];[email protected]`");
                            ActionData actionData = context.UserData.GetValue <ActionData>("actionData");
                            //await ShowTyping(context, activity);

                            // Save user ID, selected file, and approvers to conversation state
                            context.ConversationData.SetValue("approvalRequestor", activity.From.Id);
                            context.ConversationData.SetValue("selectedFile", actionData.SelectedFile);
                            context.ConversationData.SetValue("approvers", approvers);

                            context.Call(CreateGetTokenDialog(), SendApprovalRequest);
                    await context.PostAsync(@"I'm sorry, I don't understand what you want me to do. Type ""help"" to see a list of things I can do.");

            catch (Microsoft.Graph.ServiceException ex)
                await context.PostAsync("EXCEPTION OCCURRED");

                await context.PostAsync(ex.ToString());
