public CalcAffordanceDto([NotNull] string name, int id, [NotNull] CalcProfileDto personProfile, [NotNull] string calcLocationName, StrGuid calcLocationGuid, bool randomEffect, [ItemNotNull][NotNull] List <CalcDesireDto> satisfactionvalues, int miniumAge, int maximumAge, PermittedGender permittedGender, bool needsLight, double timeStandardDeviation, byte colorR, byte colorG, byte colorB, [NotNull] string affCategory, bool isInterruptable, bool isInterrupting, [ItemNotNull][NotNull] List <CalcAffordanceVariableOpDto> variableOps, [ItemNotNull][NotNull] List <VariableRequirementDto> variableRequirements, ActionAfterInterruption actionAfterInterruption, [NotNull] string timeLimitName, int weight, bool requireAllDesires, [NotNull] string srcTrait, StrGuid guid, [NotNull] AvailabilityDataReferenceDto isBusyArray, [NotNull] HouseholdKey householdKey, BodilyActivityLevel bodilyActivityLevel) { Name = name; ID = id; PersonProfile = personProfile; CalcLocationName = calcLocationName; CalcLocationGuid = calcLocationGuid; RandomEffect = randomEffect; Satisfactionvalues = satisfactionvalues; MiniumAge = miniumAge; MaximumAge = maximumAge; PermittedGender = permittedGender; NeedsLight = needsLight; TimeStandardDeviation = timeStandardDeviation; ColorR = colorR; ColorG = colorG; ColorB = colorB; AffCategory = affCategory; IsInterruptable = isInterruptable; IsInterrupting = isInterrupting; VariableOps = variableOps; VariableRequirements = variableRequirements; ActionAfterInterruption = actionAfterInterruption; TimeLimitName = timeLimitName; Weight = weight; RequireAllDesires = requireAllDesires; SrcTrait = srcTrait; Guid = guid; IsBusyArray = isBusyArray; HouseholdKey = householdKey; BodilyActivityLevel = bodilyActivityLevel; }
protected CalcAffordanceBase([NotNull] string pName, [NotNull] CalcLocation loc, [NotNull][ItemNotNull] List <CalcDesire> satisfactionvalues, int miniumAge, int maximumAge, PermittedGender permittedGender, bool needsLight, bool randomEffect, [NotNull] string pAffCategory, bool isInterruptable, bool isInterrupting, ActionAfterInterruption actionAfterInterruption, int weight, bool requireAllAffordances, CalcAffordanceType calcAffordanceType, StrGuid guid, [ItemNotNull][NotNull] BitArray isBusyArray, BodilyActivityLevel bodilyActivityLevel, [NotNull] CalcRepo calcRepo, [CanBeNull] CalcSite site = null) : base(pName, guid) { CalcAffordanceType = calcAffordanceType; BodilyActivityLevel = bodilyActivityLevel; CalcRepo = calcRepo; Site = site; ParentLocation = loc; Satisfactionvalues = satisfactionvalues; _isBusyArray = new BitArray(calcRepo.CalcParameters.InternalTimesteps); //copy to make sure that it is a separate instance for (var i = 0; i < isBusyArray.Length; i++) { _isBusyArray[i] = isBusyArray[i]; } Weight = weight; RequireAllAffordances = requireAllAffordances; MiniumAge = miniumAge; MaximumAge = maximumAge; PermittedGender = permittedGender; NeedsLight = needsLight; RandomEffect = randomEffect; AffCategory = pAffCategory; IsInterruptable = isInterruptable; IsInterrupting = isInterrupting; _actionAfterInterruption = actionAfterInterruption; CalcAffordanceSerial = _calcAffordanceBaseSerialTracker; #pragma warning disable S3010 // Static fields should not be updated in constructors _calcAffordanceBaseSerialTracker++; #pragma warning restore S3010 // Static fields should not be updated in constructors }
public InterruptionHandlerEntry(ActionAfterInterruption action, [NotNull] string description) { Action = action; Description = description; }
public static string ConvertToDescription(ActionAfterInterruption tc) { var entries = MakeAllEntries(); return(entries.First(x => x.Action == tc).Description); }
public CalcAffordance([NotNull] string pName, [NotNull] CalcProfile personProfile, [NotNull] CalcLocation loc, bool randomEffect, [NotNull][ItemNotNull] List <CalcDesire> satisfactionvalues, int miniumAge, int maximumAge, PermittedGender permittedGender, bool needsLight, double timeStandardDeviation, ColorRGB affordanceColor, [NotNull] string pAffCategory, bool isInterruptable, bool isInterrupting, [NotNull][ItemNotNull] List <CalcAffordanceVariableOp> variableOps, [NotNull][ItemNotNull] List <VariableRequirement> variableRequirements, ActionAfterInterruption actionAfterInterruption, [NotNull] string timeLimitName, int weight, bool requireAllDesires, [NotNull] string srcTrait, StrGuid guid, [NotNull] CalcVariableRepository variableRepository, [NotNull][ItemNotNull] List <DeviceEnergyProfileTuple> energyprofiles, [ItemNotNull][NotNull] BitArray isBusy, BodilyActivityLevel bodilyActivityLevel, [NotNull] CalcRepo calcRepo) : base(pName, loc, satisfactionvalues, miniumAge, maximumAge, permittedGender, needsLight, randomEffect, pAffCategory, isInterruptable, isInterrupting, actionAfterInterruption, weight, requireAllDesires, CalcAffordanceType.Affordance, guid, isBusy, bodilyActivityLevel, calcRepo) { _variableOps = variableOps; _variableRequirements = variableRequirements; _variableRepository = variableRepository; Energyprofiles = energyprofiles; SourceTrait = srcTrait; if (personProfile == null) { #pragma warning disable IDE0016 // Use 'throw' expression throw new DataIntegrityException("The affordance " + Name + " has no person profile!"); #pragma warning restore IDE0016 // Use 'throw' expression } _timeStandardDeviation = timeStandardDeviation; SubAffordances = new List <CalcSubAffordance>(); _personProfile = personProfile; AffordanceColor = affordanceColor; TimeLimitName = timeLimitName; }