//This procedures calculate MonthEnd Balance Movements to the Correct Period public JsonResult OnPostAccBalanceUpdate([FromBody] ActCostPeriod ActCostPeriod) { string PeriodNo = ActCostPeriod.Period; if (HttpContext.User.IsInRole("Admin")) { if (!PeriodExists(PeriodNo)) { return(new JsonResult("This period does not exist. Update not Run")); } try { _context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("Step3_AccBalanceMovementUpdate"); return(new JsonResult("Balance Movements Updated Successfully for " + ActCostPeriod.Period)); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException e) { return(new JsonResult("Update not run. Error Message is: " + e.InnerException.Message)); } } return(new JsonResult("You do not rights to run this update")); }
//This procedures Archives the Employee Table for the Correct Period public JsonResult OnPostEmloyeeUpdate([FromBody] ActCostPeriod ActCostPeriod) { string PeriodNo = ActCostPeriod.Period; if (HttpContext.User.IsInRole("Admin")) { if (!PeriodExists(PeriodNo)) { return(new JsonResult("This period does not exist. Update not Run")); } try { _context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("Step2_EmployeeArchive @p0", parameters: new[] { PeriodNo }); return(new JsonResult("Employee Table Archived Updated Successfully for " + ActCostPeriod.Period)); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException e) { return(new JsonResult("Update not run. Error Message is: " + e.InnerException.Message)); } } return(new JsonResult("You do not rights to run this update")); }