/// <summary>
        /// Override OnCreate method
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="savedInstanceState"></param>
        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

            // Set the activity back button on the actionbar

            #region Initialization
            mProgressBar  = FindViewById <ProgressBar>(Resource.Id.achProgressBar);
            mRecyclerView = FindViewById <RecyclerView>(Resource.Id.recyclerView);
            AchievementsDA achievementsDA = new AchievementsDA();

            Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                RunOnUiThread(() => mProgressBar.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible);
                if (DbConnector.OpenSQLConnection())
                    mAchievementsCompl = achievementsDA.GetAllAchievements(Intent.GetStringExtra("Username"));

                // Handle columns on orientation change
                if (Resources.Configuration.Orientation == Android.Content.Res.Orientation.Portrait)
                    mLayoutManager = new GridLayoutManager(this, 1);
                    mLayoutManager = new GridLayoutManager(this, 2);

                // Load achievements into CardViews
                RunOnUiThread(() =>
                    mAdapter = new RecyclerAdapter(mAchievementsCompl, this);
                    mProgressBar.Visibility = ViewStates.Gone;
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Method for updating player stats and achievements once a puzzle is fixed
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scores"></param>
        private void UpdatePlayerStats(PlayerStats scores)
            if (mUsername != String.Empty)
                Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                    PlayerStats stats = new PlayerStats();

                    #region Update Player Stats
                    if (DbConnector.OpenSQLConnection())
                        // Connection opened
                        PlayerStatsDA statsDA = new PlayerStatsDA();
                        if (statsDA.IsStatsExist(mUsername))
                            // Stats exist, therefore update
                            stats           = statsDA.FindStats(mUsername);
                            stats.XP       += scores.XP;
                            stats.SR       += scores.SR;
                            stats.PlayTime += TimeSpan.FromSeconds(mTimeInSeconds);
                            stats.Golds    += scores.Golds;
                            stats.Silvers  += scores.Silvers;
                            stats.Bronzes  += scores.Bronzes;

                            DbConnector.CloseSQLConnection(); // Close connection to the database
                            if (DbConnector.OpenSQLConnection())
                                if (!statsDA.UpdateStats(stats))
                                    string error = "There was a problem updating your stats.";
                                    RunOnUiThread(() =>
                                        AlertGenerator.ShowError(error, this);
                                // Connection could not be opened
                                string error = "Connection to the database could not be established.";
                                RunOnUiThread(() =>
                                    AlertGenerator.ShowError(error, this);
                            // Stats does not exist, therefore insert
                            stats.Username = mUsername;
                            stats.XP       = scores.XP;
                            stats.SR       = scores.SR;
                            stats.PlayTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(mTimeInSeconds);
                            stats.Golds    = scores.Golds;
                            stats.Silvers  = scores.Silvers;
                            stats.Bronzes  = scores.Bronzes;

                            if (!statsDA.InsertStats(stats))
                                string error = "There was a problem updating your stats.";
                                RunOnUiThread(() =>
                                    AlertGenerator.ShowError(error, this);
                        // Connection could not be opened
                        string error = "Connection to the database could not be established.";
                        RunOnUiThread(() =>
                            AlertGenerator.ShowError(error, this);

                    DbConnector.CloseSQLConnection(); // Close connection to the database

                    #region Update Achievements
                    if (DbConnector.OpenSQLConnection())
                        // Connection opened
                        AchievementsDA achievementsDA = new AchievementsDA();
                        List <AchievementsCompleted> achievementsCompleted = new List <AchievementsCompleted>();
                        achievementsCompleted = achievementsDA.GetAllAchievements(mUsername);
                        DbConnector.CloseSQLConnection(); // Close connection to the database

                        if (achievementsCompleted != null)
                            // Achievements exist, therefore update
                            achievementsCompleted = AchievementsTracker.UpdateAchievements(achievementsCompleted, mUsername, stats, mCurrentMode, sCurrentLvl);
                            for (int i = 0; i < 19; i++)
                                if (achievementsCompleted[i].Title != String.Empty)
                                    string title       = achievementsCompleted[i].Title;
                                    string description = achievementsCompleted[i].Description;
                                    string image       = achievementsCompleted[i].Image;

                                    // Pull up Achievement dialog
                                    FragmentTransaction transaction = FragmentManager.BeginTransaction();
                                    AchDialog dialogFrag            = new AchDialog(title, description, image);
                                    dialogFrag.Show(transaction, "dialog fragment");
                            if (DbConnector.OpenSQLConnection())
                                if (!achievementsDA.UpdateAchievements(achievementsCompleted))
                                    string error = "There was a problem updating your stats.";
                                    RunOnUiThread(() =>
                                        AlertGenerator.ShowError(error, this);
                                // Connection could not be opened
                                string error = "Connection to the database could not be established.";
                                RunOnUiThread(() =>
                                    AlertGenerator.ShowError(error, this);
                            // Achievements do not exist, therefore insert
                            achievementsCompleted = AchievementsTracker.InsertAchievements(achievementsCompleted, mUsername, mCurrentMode);

                            if (DbConnector.OpenSQLConnection())
                                if (!achievementsDA.InsertAchievements(achievementsCompleted))
                                    string error = "There was a problem updating your stats.";
                                    RunOnUiThread(() =>
                                        AlertGenerator.ShowError(error, this);
                        // Connection could not be opened
                        string error = "Connection to the database could not be established.";
                        RunOnUiThread(() =>
                            //Enabling the controls back
                            AlertGenerator.ShowError(error, this);

                    DbConnector.CloseSQLConnection(); // Close connection to the database