public static void AddLocals(ContentURI uri, int defaultAddId, XElement selectedElement) { //if the selected element has xmldocs, don't interfere with them if (!selectedElement.HasElements) { bool bNeedsLocals = NeedsLocals(selectedElement, defaultAddId); if (bNeedsLocals) { if (uri.URIMember.ClubInUse.AccountToLocal != null) { AccountToLocal defaultLocal = GetIsDefaultLocal(uri); if (defaultLocal != null) { //these assist the ui for newly inserted economics nodes //i.e. by giving them the right units of measurement in the drop down selections selectedElement.SetAttributeValue( UNITGROUP_ID, defaultLocal.UnitGroupId.ToString()); selectedElement.SetAttributeValue( CURRENCYGROUP_ID, defaultLocal.CurrencyGroupId.ToString()); selectedElement.SetAttributeValue( REAL_RATE_ID, defaultLocal.RealRateId.ToString()); selectedElement.SetAttributeValue( NOMINAL_RATE_ID, defaultLocal.NominalRateId.ToString()); selectedElement.SetAttributeValue( RATINGGROUP_ID, defaultLocal.RatingGroupId.ToString()); } } } } }
public static AccountToLocal GetIsDefaultLocal(ContentURI uri) { AccountToLocal defaultLocal = null; if (uri.URIMember.ClubInUse.AccountToLocal != null) { defaultLocal = uri.URIMember.ClubInUse.AccountToLocal.FirstOrDefault( l => l.IsDefaultLinkedView == true); } return(defaultLocal); }
public static async Task <AccountToLocal> GetDefaultLocal(ContentURI uri, DataAccess.DevTreksContext context) { AccountToLocal local = null; if (uri.URIMember != null && context != null) { local = await context.AccountToLocal .Where(cl => cl.AccountId == uri.URIMember.AccountId && cl.IsDefaultLinkedView == true) .FirstOrDefaultAsync(); } return(local); }
public async Task <List <AccountToLocal> > GetLocalsByClubIdAsync( ContentURI uri, int accountId) { List <AccountToLocal> colClubLocals = new List <AccountToLocal>(); if (accountId == 0) { //set default objects AccountToLocal atol = new AccountToLocal(true); colClubLocals.Add(atol); return(colClubLocals); } Helpers.SqlIOAsync sqlIO = new Helpers.SqlIOAsync(uri); SqlParameter[] colPrams = { sqlIO.MakeInParam("@AccountId", SqlDbType.Int, 4, accountId) }; SqlDataReader dataReader = await sqlIO.RunProcAsync( "0GetLocalsByClubId", colPrams); if (dataReader != null) { using (dataReader) { while (await dataReader.ReadAsync()) { AccountToLocal atol = new AccountToLocal(true); atol.PKId = dataReader.GetInt32(0); atol.LocalName = dataReader.GetString(1); atol.LocalDesc = dataReader.GetString(2); atol.UnitGroupId = dataReader.GetInt32(3); atol.UnitGroup = dataReader.GetString(4); atol.CurrencyGroupId = dataReader.GetInt32(5); atol.CurrencyGroup = dataReader.GetString(6); atol.RealRateId = dataReader.GetInt32(7); atol.RealRate = dataReader.GetFloat(8); atol.NominalRateId = dataReader.GetInt32(9); atol.NominalRate = dataReader.GetFloat(10); atol.DataSourceTechId = dataReader.GetInt32(11); atol.DataSourceTech = dataReader.GetString(12); atol.GeoCodeTechId = dataReader.GetInt32(13); atol.GeoCodeTech = dataReader.GetString(14); atol.DataSourcePriceId = dataReader.GetInt32(15); atol.DataSourcePrice = dataReader.GetString(16); atol.GeoCodePriceId = dataReader.GetInt32(17); atol.GeoCodePrice = dataReader.GetString(18); atol.RatingGroupId = dataReader.GetInt32(19); atol.RatingGroup = dataReader.GetString(20); atol.AccountId = dataReader.GetInt32(21); atol.IsDefaultLinkedView = dataReader.GetBoolean(22); atol.Account = new Account(); //2.0.0 deprecated //atol.LinkedViewId = dataReader.GetInt32(22); //atol.LinkingXmlDoc = atol.LinkedViewName; //atol.LinkedView = new LinkedView(); colClubLocals.Add(atol); } } } else { //set default objects AccountToLocal aton = new AccountToLocal(true); colClubLocals.Add(aton); } sqlIO.Dispose(); return(colClubLocals); }
private bool AddLocals(List <ContentURI> addedURIs, List <AccountToLocal> addedMs) { bool bHasSet = true; string sParentNodeName = string.Empty; int iParentId = 0; foreach (ContentURI addedURI in addedURIs) { //not essential with a 2 level hierarchy, but keep the pattern consistent Helpers.GeneralHelpers.GetParentIdAndNodeName(addedURI, out iParentId, out sParentNodeName); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(addedURI.ErrorMessage)) { _dtoContentURI.ErrorMessage = DevTreks.Exceptions.DevTreksErrors.MakeStandardErrorMsg( string.Empty, "INSERT_NOPARENT"); return(false); } //2.0.0 -direct edits allowed for newly added default locals if (addedURI.URINodeName == Locals.LOCAL_TYPES.local.ToString() && _dtoContentURI.URINodeName == Locals.LOCAL_TYPES.localaccountgroup.ToString()) { var newAccountToLocal = new AccountToLocal { LocalName = addedURI.URIName, LocalDesc = Helpers.GeneralHelpers.NONE, UnitGroupId = 0, UnitGroup = string.Empty, CurrencyGroupId = 0, CurrencyGroup = string.Empty, RealRateId = 0, RealRate = 0, NominalRateId = 0, NominalRate = 0, DataSourceTechId = 0, DataSourceTech = string.Empty, GeoCodeTechId = 0, GeoCodeTech = string.Empty, DataSourcePriceId = 0, DataSourcePrice = string.Empty, GeoCodePriceId = 0, GeoCodePrice = string.Empty, RatingGroupId = 0, RatingGroup = string.Empty, IsDefaultLinkedView = false, //parentid is the same as dtoURI AccountId = _dtoContentURI.URIId, Account = null, }; _dataContext.AccountToLocal.Add(newAccountToLocal); _dataContext.Entry(newAccountToLocal).State = EntityState.Added; addedMs.Add(newAccountToLocal); } else if (addedURI.URINodeName == LinkedViews.LINKEDVIEWS_TYPES.linkedview.ToString() && _dtoContentURI.URINodeName == Locals.LOCAL_TYPES.localaccountgroup.ToString()) { //2.0.0 deprecated local linked view calculators, //retain for potential uses //var newAccountToLocal = new AccountToLocal //{ // LocalName = addedURI.URIName, // LocalDesc = Helpers.GeneralHelpers.NONE, // UnitGroupId = 0, // UnitGroup = string.Empty, // CurrencyGroupId = 0, // CurrencyGroup = string.Empty, // RealRateId = 0, // RealRate = 0, // NominalRateId = 0, // NominalRate = 0, // DataSourceTechId = 0, // DataSourceTech = string.Empty, // GeoCodeTechId = 0, // GeoCodeTech = string.Empty, // DataSourcePriceId = 0, // DataSourcePrice = string.Empty, // GeoCodePriceId = 0, // GeoCodePrice = string.Empty, // RatingGroupId = 0, // RatingGroup = string.Empty, // IsDefaultLinkedView = false, // LinkingXmlDoc = string.Empty, // AccountId = _dtoContentURI.URIId, // Account = null, // LinkedViewId = addedURI.URIId, // //LinkedView = null //}; //_dataContext.AccountToLocal.Add(newAccountToLocal); //_dataContext.Entry(newAccountToLocal).State = EntityState.Added; //addedMs.Add(newAccountToLocal); } } return(bHasSet); }