Example #1
 public AccessToken(AccessToken_JSON json)
     this.token      = json.access_token;
     this.type       = json.token_type;
     this.expiration = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(json.expires_in);
     this.scope      = json.scope;
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Coroutine checks the cached access token validity. If it isn't valid, retrieves a token from PlayerPrefs if it exists, or get a new token from Blizzard using OAuth.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="region">Region used to get the access token.</param>
        /// <param name="result">Action to execute with the access token once retrieved.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IEnumerator CheckAccessToken(BattleNetRegion region = BattleNetRegion.UnitedStates, Action <string> result = null)
            DateTime currentDate = DateTime.Now;

            if (accessToken != null && accessToken.token.Length <= 0 && accessToken.expiration >= currentDate)
                // If we already have a valid access token in the cache, update it and skip the rest
                SetPrefsToken(PREFS_TOKEN_GENERAL, accessToken);
                Debug.LogFormat("Cached token still valid : '{0}' (expires {1})", accessToken.token, accessToken.expiration.ToString());

                if (result != null)

                yield break;
                // Making sure that we don't keep anything from the invalid "token"
                accessToken = null;

                // If the token is invalid, try to fetch it from the PlayerPrefs first
                AccessToken storedToken = GetPrefsToken(PREFS_TOKEN_GENERAL);

                if (storedToken != null && storedToken.token.Length > 0 && storedToken.expiration > currentDate)
                    // If the stored access token is still valid, replace the cache with it and skip the rest
                    Debug.LogFormat("Stored token still valid : '{0}' (expires {1})", storedToken.token, storedToken.expiration.ToString());

                    if (result != null)

                    accessToken = storedToken;
                    yield break;
                    Debug.Log("Invalid access token, retrieving a new token...");

                    // The stored token is also invalid, fetch an entirely new token, cache it, and store it
                    string url = string.Concat(URL_START, RegionToString(region), OAUTH_TOKEN_URL);

                    Dictionary <string, string> form = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                        { "grant_type", "client_credentials" },
                        { "client_id", AppInfos.BlizzardClientID },
                        { "client_secret", AppInfos.BlizzardClientSecret }

                    UnityWebRequest tokenRequest = UnityWebRequest.Post(url, form);
                    yield return(tokenRequest.SendWebRequest());

                    if (!tokenRequest.isNetworkError && !tokenRequest.isHttpError)
                        string           resultContent = tokenRequest.downloadHandler.text;
                        AccessToken_JSON json          = JsonUtility.FromJson <AccessToken_JSON>(resultContent);

                        accessToken = new AccessToken(json);

                        SetPrefsToken(PREFS_TOKEN_GENERAL, accessToken);
                        Debug.LogFormat("Access token granted : '{0}' ; expires {1}", accessToken.token, accessToken.expiration.ToString());

                        if (result != null)
                        Debug.LogError("<color=red>Error : </color>" + tokenRequest.error);