Example #1
        public string ScriptIndexFK(string SrcDbProviderCd, string TarDbProviderCd, bool IsFrSource, CurrSrc CSrc, CurrTar CTar)
            StringBuilder sbDrop = new StringBuilder("");
            StringBuilder sbCrea = new StringBuilder("");
            string        strIx;
            string        strFK;
            DataTable     dtIx;
            DataTable     dtFK;
            DataTable     dt;

            dt = GetTables(SrcDbProviderCd, IsFrSource, false, false, CSrc, CTar);
            foreach (DataRow dr2 in dt.Rows)
                using (Access3.DbScriptAccess dac = new Access3.DbScriptAccess())
                    dtIx = dac.GetData("EXEC sp_helpindex " + dr2["tbName"].ToString(), IsFrSource, CSrc, CTar);
                foreach (DataRow drIx in dtIx.Rows)
                    if (drIx[0].ToString().Substring(0, 3) != "PK_")                    // No primary key.
                        sbDrop.Append("IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysindexes WHERE name = '" + drIx[0].ToString() + "')\r\n");
                        sbDrop.Append("DROP INDEX " + dr2["tbName"].ToString() + "." + drIx[0].ToString() + " \r\nGO\r\n");
                        strIx = "CREATE ";
                        if (drIx[1].ToString().LastIndexOf("unique") > 0)
                            strIx += " UNIQUE ";
                        strIx += "INDEX " + drIx[0].ToString() + " ON " + dr2["tbName"].ToString() + "(";
                        strIx += drIx[2].ToString() + ")\r\nGO\r\n\r\n";
                        //replace (-)
                        sbCrea.Append(Regex.Replace(sbDrop.Append(strIx).ToString(), "[(]-[)]", " DESC"));
                        sbDrop.Remove(0, sbDrop.Length);                        //clear the drop statement
                using (Access3.DbScriptAccess dac = new Access3.DbScriptAccess())
                    dtFK = dac.GetFKInfo(dr2["tbName"].ToString(), IsFrSource, CSrc, CTar);
                foreach (DataRow drFK in dtFK.Rows)
                    sbDrop.Append("if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'dbo." + drFK["cName"].ToString() + "') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsForeignKey') = 1)\r\n");
                    sbDrop.Append("ALTER TABLE dbo." + dr2["tbName"].ToString() + " DROP CONSTRAINT " + drFK["cName"].ToString() + " \r\nGO\r\n");
                    strFK = "\r\nALTER TABLE " + dr2["tbName"].ToString() + " ADD\nCONSTRAINT " + drFK["cName"].ToString() + " FOREIGN KEY\r\n(";
                    for (int i = 1; i <= (int)drFK["cColCount"]; i++)
                        strFK += "\r\n" + drFK["cKeyCol" + i.ToString().Trim()].ToString() + ",";
                    strFK  = strFK.Substring(0, strFK.Length - 1);
                    strFK += ")\r\n REFERENCES " + drFK["cRefTable"].ToString() + "\r\n(";
                    for (int i = 1; i <= (int)drFK["cColCount"]; i++)
                        strFK += "\r\n" + drFK["cRefCol" + i.ToString().Trim()].ToString() + ",";
                    strFK = strFK.Substring(0, strFK.Length - 1);
                    strFK = sbDrop.Append(strFK).ToString();
                    sbDrop.Remove(0, sbDrop.Length);                     //clear the drop statement
                    strFK += ")\r\nGO\r\n";
Example #2
        public string ScriptClearDb(string SrcDbProviderCd, string TarDbProviderCd, bool bTable, bool bData, bool bIndex, bool bView, bool bSp, CurrSrc CSrc, CurrTar CTar)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("");
            DataTable     dt;

            if (bSp)
                dt = GetSps(SrcDbProviderCd, TarDbProviderCd, false, CSrc, CTar);                 //Drop  Target Stored Procedures
                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                    sb.Append("IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = object_id(N'dbo." + dr[0].ToString() + "') AND type='" + dr[1].ToString().Trim() + "')\r\n");
                    if (dr[1].ToString() == "FN")
                        sb.Append("DROP FUNCTION dbo." + dr[0].ToString() + "\r\n");
                        sb.Append("DROP PROCEDURE dbo." + dr[0].ToString() + "\r\n");
            if (bTable || bView)
                dt = GetViews(TarDbProviderCd, false, CSrc, CTar);                 //Drop Target Views
                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                    sb.Append("IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = object_id(N'dbo." + dr[0].ToString() + "') AND type='V')\r\n");
                    sb.Append("DROP VIEW dbo." + dr[0].ToString() + "\r\nGO\r\n");
            if (bTable || bData || bIndex)
                dt = GetFKeys(TarDbProviderCd, false, CSrc, CTar);                 //Drop Target FKs
                string FKType;
                if (TarDbProviderCd.Equals("M"))
                    FKType = "F";
                    FKType = "RI";
                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                    sb.Append("IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = object_id(N'dbo." + dr["fkName"].ToString() + "') and type='" + FKType + "')\r\n");
                    sb.Append("ALTER TABLE dbo." + dr["tbName"].ToString() + " DROP CONSTRAINT " + dr["fkName"].ToString() + " \r\nGO\r\n");
            if (bTable || bIndex)
                dt = GetTables(TarDbProviderCd, false, false, false, CSrc, CTar);                       //Drop Target Index
                DataTable dtIx;
                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                    using (Access3.DbScriptAccess dac = new Access3.DbScriptAccess())
                        dtIx = dac.GetData("EXEC sp_helpindex " + dr["tbName"].ToString(), false, CSrc, CTar);
                    foreach (DataRow drIx in dtIx.Rows)
                        if (drIx[0].ToString().Substring(0, 3) != "PK_")                        // No primary key.
                            sb.Append("IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysindexes WHERE name = '" + drIx[0].ToString() + "')\r\n");
                            sb.Append("DROP INDEX " + dr["tbName"].ToString() + "." + drIx[0].ToString() + " \r\nGO\r\n");
            if (bData)
                dt = GetTables(TarDbProviderCd, false, false, false, CSrc, CTar);
                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                    sb.Append("DELETE FROM dbo." + dr["tbName"].ToString() + "\r\nGO\r\n");
            if (bTable)
                dt = GetTables(TarDbProviderCd, false, false, false, CSrc, CTar);                 //Drop target Tables
                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                    sb.Append("IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = object_id(N'dbo." + dr[0].ToString() + "') AND type='U')\r\n");
                    sb.Append("DROP TABLE dbo." + dr[0].ToString() + "\r\nGO\r\n");
Example #3
        public string ScriptCreateTable(string tbName, CurrSrc CSrc)
            string        TypesWithPar = "#binary#varbinary#nchar#nvarchar#char#varchar#";
            StringBuilder sb           = new StringBuilder("");
            StringBuilder sbPk         = new StringBuilder("");
            DataTable     dtCol;
            DataTable     dtPk;

            using (Access3.DbScriptAccess dac = new Access3.DbScriptAccess())
                dtCol = dac.GetColumnInfo(tbName, CSrc);
                dtPk  = dac.GetPKInfo(tbName, CSrc);
            if (dtPk.Rows.Count > 0)
                sbPk.Append("CONSTRAINT " + dtPk.Rows[0]["cName"].ToString() + " PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (");
                for (int i = 1; i <= (int)dtPk.Rows[0]["cColCount"]; i++)
                    sbPk.Append("\r\n" + dtPk.Rows[0]["cKeyCol" + i.ToString().Trim()].ToString() + ",");
                sbPk = sbPk.Replace(",", "", sbPk.Length - 1, 1);
            sb.Append("CREATE TABLE " + tbName + " ( \r\n");
            foreach (DataRow dr in dtCol.Rows)
                sb.Append(dr["col_name"].ToString() + " " + dr["col_typename"].ToString() + " ");
                if (TypesWithPar.IndexOf("#" + dr["col_typename"].ToString() + "#") > 0)
                    // sp_MShelpcolumns returns col_len -1 for varbinary(max) and 0 for varchar(max):
                    if (dr["col_len"].ToString() == "-1" || dr["col_len"].ToString() == "0")
                        sb.Append("(max) ");
                        sb.Append("(" + dr["col_len"].ToString() + ") ");
                if (dr["col_typename"].ToString().Equals("decimal") || dr["col_typename"].ToString().Equals("numeric"))
                    sb.Append("(" + dr["col_prec"].ToString() + "," + dr["col_scale"].ToString() + ") ");
                if ((bool)dr["col_identity"])
                    sb.Append("IDENTITY(" + dr["col_seed"].ToString() + "," + dr["col_increment"].ToString() + ") ");
                if ((bool)dr["col_null"])
                    sb.Append("NULL ");
                    sb.Append("NOT NULL ");
                //Add default constraint
                if (dr["col_dridefname"] != System.DBNull.Value)
                    sb.Append("CONSTRAINT " + dr["col_dridefname"].ToString() + " DEFAULT " + dr[15].ToString());
            if (sbPk.Length < 1)
                sb = sb.Replace(",", "", sb.Length - ",\r\n".Length, 1);
            sb.Append(sbPk.ToString() + ")\r\nGO\r\n");
        public void ExecScript(string dbProviderCd, string Source, string CmdName, string IsqlFile, CurrSrc CSrc, CurrTar CTar, string dbConnectionString, string dbPassword)
            StringBuilder sbError = new StringBuilder("");

            sbWarning.Remove(0, sbWarning.Length);
            OleDbDataReader drd;

            using (Access3.DbScriptAccess dac = new Access3.DbScriptAccess())
                drd = dac.ExecScript(dbProviderCd, CmdName, IsqlFile, dbProviderCd == string.Empty, CSrc, CTar, dbConnectionString, dbPassword);
            Regex isqlWarningRule = new Regex(@"Level\s+([1-9],|1[0-1],)");
            Regex isqlErrorRule   = new Regex(@"(?i)(Level\s+(1[2-9]|2[0-9]))|(Library\serror:)|(not\srecognized\sas\san\sinternal)|(isql:\sunknown\soption)|(Syntax\sError\sin)");
            Regex batErrorRule    = new Regex(@"(?i)(\s+denied\.|\s+msg\s+|\s+error\s+|\s+failed)");
            bool  addToError      = false;
            bool  addToWarning    = false;

            while (drd.Read())
                if (!drd.GetValue(0).Equals(System.DBNull.Value))
                    if (IsqlFile == string.Empty)                       // batch bcp
                        if (batErrorRule.IsMatch(drd.GetString(0)))
                            addToError = true;
                        if (addToError)
                            sbError.Append(Regex.Replace(drd.GetString(0), @"(-P\s*\w*\s|-U\s*\w*\s)", "") + "\r\n");
                        if (isqlErrorRule.IsMatch(drd.GetString(0)))
                            addToError   = true;
                            addToWarning = false;
                        else if (isqlWarningRule.IsMatch(drd.GetString(0)))
                            addToError   = false;
                            addToWarning = true;
                        if (addToError)
                            sbError.Append(Regex.Replace(drd.GetString(0), @"(-P\s*\w*\s|-U\s*\w*\s)", "") + "\r\n");
                        else if (addToWarning)
                            sbWarning.Append(Regex.Replace(drd.GetString(0), @"(-P\s*\w*\s|-U\s*\w*\s)", "") + "\r\n");
            if (IsqlFile == string.Empty)               // batch bcp
                ApplicationAssert.CheckCondition(!batErrorRule.IsMatch(sbError.ToString()), Source, "DbScript.ExecScript()", sbError.ToString());
                ApplicationAssert.CheckCondition(!isqlErrorRule.IsMatch(sbError.ToString()), Source, "DbScript.ExecScript()", sbError.ToString());
            if (sbWarning.ToString() != "")
                sbWarning.Insert(0, Source + ": DbScript.ExecScript(): ");
        public string ScriptIndexFK(string SrcDbProviderCd, string TarDbProviderCd, bool IsFrSource, bool allBut, CurrSrc CSrc, CurrTar CTar)
            StringBuilder       sbDrop = new StringBuilder("");
            StringBuilder       sbCrea = new StringBuilder("");
            string              strIx;
            string              strFK;
            DataTable           dtIx;
            DataTable           dtFK;
            DataTable           dt;
            Func <string, bool> conditional = (tblName) =>
                // always unconditional because of the way defined
                // for this is always called with allBut thus anything not in the but needs to have the index refreshed(change in def by developer)
                // for the BUT(i.e. data + table) the table would be removed and recreate thus index would needs to be recreated
                //if (allBut)
                //    return exceptTables.Contains(tblName);
                //    return !exceptTables.Contains(tblName);

            dt = GetTables(SrcDbProviderCd, IsFrSource, false, false, CSrc, CTar);
            foreach (DataRow dr2 in dt.Rows)
                using (Access3.DbScriptAccess dac = new Access3.DbScriptAccess())
                    dtIx = dac.GetData("EXEC sp_helpindex " + dr2["tbName"].ToString(), IsFrSource, CSrc, CTar);
                bool inConditionalBlock = false;
                bool hasContent         = false;
                foreach (DataRow drIx in dtIx.Rows)
                    if (drIx[0].ToString().Substring(0, 3) != "PK_"
                        !dr2["tbName"].ToString().Contains("sysdiagrams") // SQL Server generated, not always available on target
                        )                                                 // No primary key.
                        if (conditional(dr2["tbName"].ToString()) && !inConditionalBlock)
                            // re-create table only if it is not there
                            sbCrea.Append("IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = object_id(N'dbo." + dr2["tbName"].ToString() + "') and type='" + "U" + "')\r\n");
                            inConditionalBlock = true;
                        hasContent = true;
                        sbDrop.Append("IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysindexes WHERE name = '" + drIx[0].ToString() + "')\r\n");
                        sbDrop.Append("    DROP INDEX " + dr2["tbName"].ToString() + "." + drIx[0].ToString() + " \r\n\r\n");
                        strIx = "CREATE ";
                        if (drIx[1].ToString().LastIndexOf("unique") > 0)
                            strIx += " UNIQUE ";
                        strIx += "INDEX " + drIx[0].ToString() + " ON " + dr2["tbName"].ToString() + "(";
                        strIx += drIx[2].ToString() + ")\r\n";
                        //replace (-)
                        sbCrea.Append(Regex.Replace(sbDrop.Append(strIx).ToString(), "[(]-[)]", " DESC"));
                        sbDrop.Remove(0, sbDrop.Length);                        //clear the drop statement
                using (Access3.DbScriptAccess dac = new Access3.DbScriptAccess())
                    dtFK = dac.GetFKInfo(dr2["tbName"].ToString(), IsFrSource, CSrc, CTar);
                foreach (DataRow drFK in dtFK.Rows)
                    if (conditional(dr2["tbName"].ToString()) && !inConditionalBlock)
                        // re-create table only if it is not there
                        sbCrea.Append("IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = object_id(N'dbo." + dr2["tbName"].ToString() + "') and type='" + "U" + "')\r\n");
                        inConditionalBlock = true;
                    hasContent = true;
                    sbDrop.Append("if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'dbo." + drFK["cName"].ToString() + "') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsForeignKey') = 1)\r\n");
                    sbDrop.Append("ALTER TABLE dbo." + dr2["tbName"].ToString() + " DROP CONSTRAINT " + drFK["cName"].ToString() + " \r\n\r\n");
                    strFK = "\r\nALTER TABLE " + dr2["tbName"].ToString() + " ADD\nCONSTRAINT " + drFK["cName"].ToString() + " FOREIGN KEY\r\n(";
                    for (int i = 1; i <= (int)drFK["cColCount"]; i++)
                        strFK += "\r\n" + drFK["cKeyCol" + i.ToString().Trim()].ToString() + ",";
                    strFK  = strFK.Substring(0, strFK.Length - 1);
                    strFK += ")\r\n REFERENCES " + drFK["cRefTable"].ToString() + "\r\n(";
                    for (int i = 1; i <= (int)drFK["cColCount"]; i++)
                        strFK += "\r\n" + drFK["cRefCol" + i.ToString().Trim()].ToString() + ",";
                    strFK = strFK.Substring(0, strFK.Length - 1);
                    strFK = sbDrop.Append(strFK).ToString();
                    sbDrop.Remove(0, sbDrop.Length);                     //clear the drop statement
                    strFK += ")\r\n";
                if (conditional(dr2["tbName"].ToString()) && inConditionalBlock)
                    // re-create table only if it is not there
                if (hasContent)
        public string ScriptCreateTables(string SrcDbProviderCd, string TarDbProviderCd, bool IsFrSource, bool allBut, CurrSrc CSrc, CurrTar CTar)
            StringBuilder       sb = new StringBuilder("");
            DataTable           dt;
            DataTable           dtIx;
            Func <string, bool> conditional = (tblName) =>
                if (allBut)

            dt = GetViews(SrcDbProviderCd, IsFrSource, CSrc, CTar); //Drop Views
            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                sb.Append("IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = object_id(N'dbo." + dr[0].ToString() + "') AND type='V')\r\n");
                sb.Append("DROP VIEW dbo." + dr[0].ToString() + "\r\nGO\r\n");
            dt = GetFKeys(SrcDbProviderCd, IsFrSource, CSrc, CTar);             //Drop FKs
            string FKType = "F"; if (TarDbProviderCd.Equals("S"))

                FKType = "RI";

            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                // it is the ref table that needs to be check for FK constraint which points to the original table(where the constraint needs to be removed) !!!
                if (!conditional(dr["refTbName"].ToString()))
                    sb.Append("IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = object_id(N'dbo." + dr["fkName"].ToString() + "') and type='" + FKType + "')\r\n");
                    sb.Append("ALTER TABLE dbo." + dr["tbName"].ToString() + " DROP CONSTRAINT " + dr["fkName"].ToString() + " \r\nGO\r\n");
            dt = GetTables(SrcDbProviderCd, IsFrSource, false, false, CSrc, CTar);
            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                // SQL Server generated, skip
                if (dr["tbName"].ToString().Contains("sysdiagrams"))

                if (conditional(dr["tbName"].ToString()))
                    // re-create table only if it is not there
                    sb.Append("IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = object_id(N'dbo." + dr["tbName"].ToString() + "') and type='" + "U" + "')\r\n");

                using (Access3.DbScriptAccess dac = new Access3.DbScriptAccess())
                    dtIx = dac.GetData("EXEC sp_helpindex " + dr["tbName"].ToString(), IsFrSource, CSrc, CTar);
                foreach (DataRow drIx in dtIx.Rows)
                    if (drIx[0].ToString().Substring(0, 3) != "PK_")                    // No primary key.
                        sb.Append("IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysindexes WHERE name = '" + drIx[0].ToString() + "')\r\n");
                        sb.Append("DROP INDEX " + dr["tbName"].ToString() + "." + drIx[0].ToString() + " \r\n");

                sb.Append("IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = object_id(N'dbo." + dr[0].ToString() + "') AND type='U')\r\n");
                sb.Append("DROP TABLE dbo." + dr[0].ToString() + "\r\n");

                sb.Append(ScriptCreateTable(dr["tbName"].ToString(), CSrc).Replace("\r\nGO\r\n", "\r\n"));

                if (conditional(dr["tbName"].ToString()))