Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Makes the specified user owner of the collection that this object protects.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newOwner">Member object that is to become the new owner.</param>
        /// <param name="oldOwnerRight">The rights that the old owner should be assigned.</param>
        /// <returns>An array of Nodes which need to be committed to make this operation permanent.</returns>
        public Node[] ChangeOwner(Member newOwner, Access.Rights oldOwnerRight)
            // Find the existing owner.
            Member oldOwner = collection.Owner;

            if (oldOwner == null)
                throw new DoesNotExistException(String.Format("The collection: {0} - ID: {1} does not have an owner.", collection.Name, collection.ID));

            // Reset the old ace.
            if (oldOwnerRight == Access.Rights.Deny)
                // Old owner will have no rights to the collection.
                // Set the new right for the old owner.
                oldOwner.Rights  = oldOwnerRight;
                oldOwner.IsOwner = false;

            // Just change the rights on the current ace and reset it.
            newOwner.Rights  = Access.Rights.Admin;
            newOwner.IsOwner = true;

            Node[] nodeList = { oldOwner, newOwner };
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert Rights
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rights"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Rights Convert(Access.Rights rights)
            Rights result;

            switch (rights)
            case Access.Rights.Admin:
                result = Rights.Admin;

            case Access.Rights.Secondary:
                result = Rights.Secondary;

            case Access.Rights.ReadWrite:
                result = Rights.ReadWrite;

            case Access.Rights.ReadOnly:
                result = Rights.ReadOnly;

            case Access.Rights.Deny:
                result = Rights.Deny;

                result = Rights.Unknown;

Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the User Policy
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userID">The User ID</param>
        /// <returns>The UserPolicy Object</returns>
        public static UserPolicy GetPolicy(string userID, string AdminId)
            UserPolicy props = new UserPolicy();

            props.UserID = userID;

            Store store = Store.GetStore();

            Domain domain = store.GetDomain(store.DefaultDomain);

            Member member = domain.GetMemberByID(userID);

            if (member == null)
                throw new UserDoesNotExistException(userID);

            Access.Rights rights = (member != null) ? member.Rights : Access.Rights.Deny;

            props.isAdmin = (rights == Access.Rights.Admin);

            props.LoginEnabled = !(domain.GetLoginpolicy(userID));

            // disk space
            DiskSpaceQuota quota = DiskSpaceQuota.Get(member);

            props.SpaceLimitEffective = quota.Limit;
            //props.SpaceUsed = quota.UsedSpace;
            props.SpaceUsed = Simias.Server.Catalog.GetUsedSpaceOfUserID(userID);
            //props.SpaceAvailable = quota.AvailableSpace;

            props.SpaceLimit       = DiskSpaceQuota.GetLimit(member);
            props.SpaceAvailable   = props.SpaceLimitEffective - props.SpaceUsed;
            props.EncryptionStatus = Simias.Policy.SecurityState.GetStatus(member);

            // To return disable sharing value for an user
            props.SharingStatus = Simias.Policy.Sharing.GetStatus(member);

            // file size
            props.FileSizeLimit          = FileSizeFilter.GetLimit(member);
            props.FileSizeLimitEffective = FileSizeFilter.Get(member).Limit;

            //No of ifolders limit
            props.NoiFoldersLimit = iFolderLimit.Get(member).Limit;

            // sync interval
            props.SyncInterval          = Simias.Policy.SyncInterval.GetInterval(member);
            props.SyncIntervalEffective = Simias.Policy.SyncInterval.Get(member).Interval;

            // file types
                                        out props.FileTypesIncludes, out props.FileTypesExcludes);

            // file types effective
            SystemPolicy.SplitFileTypes(FileTypeFilter.Get(member, false).FilterUserList,
                                        out props.FileTypesIncludesEffective, out props.FileTypesExcludesEffective);
            props.AdminGroupRights = iFolderUser.GetAdminRights(AdminId, userID);
Example #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the object class where owner access is being requested.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="collection">Collection where access violation occurred.</param>
 /// <param name="member">Member that is requesting the access.</param>
 /// <param name="message">Message to pass to exception.</param>
 public AccessException(Collection collection, Member member, string message) :
     this.collection      = collection;
     this.desiredRights   = Access.Rights.Admin;
     this.currentUserGuid = member.UserID;
     this.ownerAccess     = true;
Example #5
        public ProvisionInfo InitializeUserInfo(string user)
            ProvisionInfo info = null;

            Simias.Server.EnterpriseDomain enterpriseDomain =
                new Simias.Server.EnterpriseDomain(false);
            if (enterpriseDomain == null)
                throw new SimiasException("Enterprise server domain does not exist.");

            Store store = Store.GetStore();

            Simias.Storage.Domain domain = store.GetDomain(enterpriseDomain.ID);
            if (domain == null)
                throw new SimiasException("Enterprise server domain does not exist.");

            // find user
            Member member = domain.GetMemberByName(user);

            if (member != null)
                info        = new ProvisionInfo();
                info.UserID = member.UserID;

                // post-office box
                //POBox.POBox poBox = POBox.POBox.GetPOBox( store, domain.ID, info.UserID );

                //info.POBoxID = poBox.ID;
                //info.POBoxName = poBox.Name;

                //Member poMember = poBox.GetMemberByID( member.UserID );
                //info.MemberNodeName = poMember.Name;
                //info.MemberNodeID = poMember.ID;
                //info.MemberRights = poMember.Rights.ToString();
                info.MemberNodeName = member.Name;
                info.MemberNodeID   = member.ID;

                // Clients before this build do not understand "Secondary" rights so change that to ReadWrite. Also, Secondary rights
                // are relevant only for server and not for clients, so makes sense.
                Access.Rights rights   = (Access.Rights)member.Rights;                 // ( Access.Rights )Enum.Parse( typeof( Access.Rights ), member.Rights );
                Access.Rights NewRight = rights;
                if (rights == Access.Rights.Secondary)
                    NewRight = Access.Rights.ReadWrite;
                info.MemberRights = NewRight.ToString();
                throw new SimiasException("User: "******" does not exist");

Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Is the User an Administrator
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// A User is a system administrator if the user has "Admin" rights in the domain.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="userID">The User ID</param>
        /// <returns>true, if the User is a System Administrator</returns>
        private bool IsAdministrator(string userID)
            Store store = Store.GetStore();

            Domain domain = store.GetDomain(store.DefaultDomain);
            Member member = domain.GetMemberByID(userID);

            Access.Rights rights = (member != null) ? member.Rights : Access.Rights.Deny;

            return(rights == Access.Rights.Admin);
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the current user has the desired access rights.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="member">Member object to check access for.</param>
        /// <param name="desiredRights">Desired rights.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the user has the desired access rights, otherwise false.</returns>
        public bool IsAccessAllowed(Member member, Access.Rights desiredRights)
            bool allowed = true;

            // Check if the member has sufficient rights.
            if (member.ValidateAce.Rights < desiredRights)
                allowed = IsWorldAccessAllowed(desiredRights);

Example #8
        public DomainInfo GetDomainInfo(string userID)
            Simias.Server.EnterpriseDomain enterpriseDomain =
                new Simias.Server.EnterpriseDomain(false);
            if (enterpriseDomain == null)
                throw new SimiasException("Enterprise server domain does not exist.");

            Store store = Store.GetStore();

            Simias.Storage.Domain domain = store.GetDomain(enterpriseDomain.ID);
            if (domain == null)
                throw new SimiasException("Enterprise server domain does not exist.");

            DomainInfo info = new DomainInfo();

            info.ID          = domain.ID;
            info.Name        = domain.Name;
            info.Description = domain.Description;

            // member info
            Member member = domain.GetMemberByID(userID);

            if (member != null)
                info.MemberNodeName = member.Name;
                info.MemberNodeID   = member.ID;

                // Clients before this build do not understand "Secondary" rights so change that to ReadWrite. Also, Secondary rights
                // are relevant only for server and not for clients, so makes sense.
                Access.Rights rights   = (Access.Rights)member.Rights;                 // ( Access.Rights )Enum.Parse( typeof( Access.Rights ), member.Rights );
                Access.Rights NewRight = rights;
                if (rights == Access.Rights.Secondary)
                    NewRight = Access.Rights.ReadWrite;
                info.MemberRights = NewRight.ToString();
                throw new SimiasException("User: "******" does not exist");

Example #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a SyncStartInfo from a serialized object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="reader"></param>
 public StartSyncInfo(BinaryReader reader)
     CollectionID     = new Guid(reader.ReadBytes(16)).ToString();
     Context          = reader.ReadString();
     ChangesOnly      = reader.ReadBoolean();
     ClientHasChanges = reader.ReadBoolean();
     Status           = (StartSyncStatus)reader.ReadByte();
     Access           = (Access.Rights)reader.ReadByte();
         HostID = reader.ReadString();
     catch (Exception)
         HostID = null;
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor for the AccessControlEntry object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aceProperty">A Property object that contains access control information.</param>
        internal AccessControlEntry(Property aceProperty)
            this.aceProperty = aceProperty;

            // Find the delimiting character in the string.
            string acs       = aceProperty.ToString();
            int    delimiter = acs.IndexOf(':');

            if (delimiter == 0)
                throw new CollectionStoreException(String.Format("Invalid access control format: {0}.", acs));

            // Get the id out of the string.
            id = acs.Substring(0, delimiter);

            // Get the rights out of the string.
            rights = (Access.Rights)Enum.Parse(typeof(Access.Rights), acs.Substring(delimiter + 1));
Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Accept the subscription on the master side
        /// </summary>
        public Member Accept(Store store, Access.Rights rights)
            Collection c = store.GetCollectionByID(this.SubscriptionCollectionID);

            // check collection
            if (c == null)
                throw new DoesNotExistException("Collection does not exist.");

            // member
            Member member = new Member(this.ToName, this.ToIdentity, rights, this.ToPublicKey);

            // commit

            // state update
            this.SubscriptionState       = SubscriptionStates.Responded;
            this.SubscriptionDisposition = SubscriptionDispositions.Accepted;
            this.ToMemberNodeID          = member.ID;

Example #12
        public string CreateMaster(string collectionID, string collectionName, string rootDirID, string rootDirName, string userID, string memberName, string memberID, string memberRights)
            Simias.Server.EnterpriseDomain enterpriseDomain =
                new Simias.Server.EnterpriseDomain(false);
            if (enterpriseDomain == null)
                throw new SimiasException("Enterprise server domain does not exist.");

            Store store = Store.GetStore();

            Simias.Storage.Domain domain = store.GetDomain(enterpriseDomain.ID);
            if (domain == null)
                throw new SimiasException("Enterprise server domain does not exist.");

            ArrayList  nodeList = new ArrayList();
            Collection c        = new Collection(store, collectionName, collectionID, domain.ID);

            c.Proxy = true;

            string existingUserID = Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name;
            Member existingMember = domain.GetMemberByID(existingUserID);

            if (existingMember == null)
                throw new SimiasException(String.Format("Impersonating user: {0} is not a member of the domain.", Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name));

            // Make sure the creator and the owner are the same ID.
            if (existingUserID != userID)
                throw new SimiasException(String.Format("Creator ID {0} is not the same as the caller ID {1}.", existingUserID, userID));

            // member node.
            Access.Rights rights = (Access.Rights)Enum.Parse(typeof(Access.Rights), memberRights);
            Member        member = new Member(memberName, memberID, userID, rights, null);

            member.IsOwner = true;
            member.Proxy   = true;

            // check for a root dir node
            if (((rootDirID != null) && (rootDirID.Length > 0)) &&
                (rootDirName != null) && (rootDirName.Length > 0))
                // Get the collections Unmanaged Path
                string path = c.UnmanagedPath;
                path = Path.Combine(path, rootDirName);

                // create root directory node
                DirNode dn = new DirNode(c, path, rootDirID);

                if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(path))

                dn.Proxy = true;

            // Create the collection.
            c.Commit(nodeList.ToArray(typeof(Node)) as Node[]);

            // get the collection master url
            Uri        request = Context.Request.Url;
            UriBuilder uri     =
                new UriBuilder(request.Scheme, request.Host, request.Port, Context.Request.ApplicationPath.TrimStart(new char[] { '/' }));

Example #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the object class where access is being requested.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="collection">Collection where access violation occurred.</param>
 /// <param name="member">Member that is requesting the access.</param>
 /// <param name="desiredRights">Requested access rights.</param>
 public AccessException(Collection collection, Member member, Access.Rights desiredRights) :
     this(collection, member, desiredRights, "Current user does not have collection modify rights.")
Example #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the world role has the desired access rights.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="desiredRights">Desired rights.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the world role has the desired access rights, otherwise false.</returns>
        private bool IsWorldAccessAllowed(Access.Rights desiredRights)
            Member member = GetMember(Access.World);

            return(((member != null) && (member.ValidateAce.Rights >= desiredRights)) ? true : false);
Example #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor for the AccessControlEntry object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ID">Identifier for user.</param>
 /// <param name="accessRights">Access control rights to assign to user.</param>
 internal AccessControlEntry(string ID, Access.Rights accessRights)
     id          = ID.ToLower();
     rights      = accessRights;
     aceProperty = new Property(PropertyTags.Ace, id + ":" + Enum.GetName(typeof(Access.Rights), rights));