public void Test()
            DocumentCollection acDocColl = Application.DocumentManager;

            Editor acEd = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor;

            Window wind = Application.MainWindow;

            AcadApplication acadApplication = Application.AcadApplication as AcadApplication;

            AcadMenuBar acadMenuBa = Application.MenuBar as AcadMenuBar;

            ContextMenuExtension acCtxMenuExten = new ContextMenuExtension();

            /*Document acNewDoc = acDocColl.Add("acac.dwg");
            *  Document acNewDoc2 = acDocColl.Add("aca.dwg");*/

            /* foreach (Document acDoc in acDocColl)
             * {
             *   acEd.WriteMessage($"\n{acDoc.Name}");
             * }*/

            /*wind.WindowState = Window.State.Minimized;
             * wind.Text = "学习学习再学习";
             * wind.SetLocation(new System.Drawing.Point(200, 200));
             * wind.SetSize(new System.Drawing.Size(500, 500));*/


            /*foreach ( AcadPopupMenu pm in acadMenuBa)
             * {
             *  acEd.WriteMessage($"\n{pm.Name}");
             * }*/

            /*AcadPopupMenu pm = acadMenuBa.Item(0);
             *  pm.AddMenuItem(0, "画直线", "Line");*/

            acCtxMenuExten.Title = "自定义菜单";
            MenuItem acNewMenuItem = new MenuItem("创建新文档");

            acNewMenuItem.Click += (o, e) => {
                Document acNewDoc = acDocColl.Add("acac.dwg");


            /*Application.AddObjectContextMenuExtension(RXObject.GetClass(typeof(Line)), acCtxMenuExten);*/
Example #2
        /// <summary> 添加菜单的操作可以直接在AutoCAD运行过程中执行,而不用像Revit中一样必须要先关闭然后在程序启动时添加 </summary>
        public static void AddMenuItem()
            // This example creates a new menu called TestMenu and inserts a menu item
            // into it. The menu is then displayed on the menu bar.
            // To remove the menu after execution of this macro, use the Customize Menu
            // option from the Tools menu.

            var app = Application.AcadApplication as AcadApplication;

            // AcadMenuGroup 表示AutoCAD中加载的一个.cuix文件中的菜单集合。
            // MenuGroups.Item(0) 与 Menubar 中的菜单集合 并不是同一个集合,它的 MenuFileName 属性对应的文件为:
            // C:\Users\zengfy\appdata\roaming\autodesk\autocad 2014\r19.1\chs\support\acad.cuix
            AcadMenuGroup currMenuGroup = app.MenuGroups.Item(0);

            //Create the new menu
            AcadPopupMenu topPpMenu = currMenuGroup.Menus.Add("MenuHandler");

            // Assign the macro string the VB equivalent of "ESC ESC _open "
            string openMacro = "ESC ESC _open "; // VBA 中的写法:openMacro = Chr(3) & Chr(3) & Chr(95) & "open" & Chr(32)

            //Add a menu item to the new menu, Macro 即对应要在命令行中输入的字符
            AcadPopupMenuItem childMenuItem = topPpMenu.AddMenuItem(Index: topPpMenu.Count + 1, Label: "Open",
                                                                    Macro: openMacro);

            // 添加可以包含子项的菜单
            AcadPopupMenu     menuItemContainer = topPpMenu.AddSubMenu(Index: topPpMenu.Count + 1, Label: "block");
            AcadPopupMenuItem childMenuItem2    = menuItemContainer.AddMenuItem(Index: menuItemContainer.Count + 1,
                                                                                Label: "画圆", Macro: "Circle ");

            // Display the menu on the menu bar

            // If index is a string, the name of the popup menu must contain any underscore that appears in the menu.
            topPpMenu.InsertInMenuBar(Index: "工具(&T)");  // Index: app.MenuBar.Count + 1

            // 以下为功能测试项 --------------------------------------------------------

            // The index must be either an integer or a string. If an integer, the index must be between 0 and N-1, where N is the number of objects in the menu bar. The new item will be added immediately before the specified index location.
            topPpMenu.InsertInMenuBar(Index: app.MenuBar.Count + 1);

            // 从 MenuBar 提取一个菜单项。
            // 注意:MenuBar 只能用来读取其中的 AcadPopupMenu 集合,而不能操纵菜单项的添加或移除。
            AcadMenuBar mb = app.MenuBar;
            // 下面这个Item(0)对应的是AutoCAD界面中菜单栏中的第一个菜单项,通常这个菜单项为“文件(F)”
            AcadPopupMenu ppm1 = mb.Item(0);

            // 将菜单项从 MenuBar 中移除
Example #3
        private void AddMenus(AcadApplication app, string menuName, List <MethodInfo> methods)
            // This example creates a new menu called TestMenu and inserts a menu item
            // into it. The menu is then displayed on the menu bar.
            // To remove the menu after execution of this macro, use the Customize Menu
            // option from the Tools menu.

            // AcadMenuGroup 表示AutoCAD中加载的一个.cuix文件中的菜单集合。
            // MenuGroups.Item(0) 与 Menubar 中的菜单集合 并不是同一个集合,它的 MenuFileName 属性对应的文件为:
            // C:\Users\zengfy\appdata\roaming\autodesk\autocad 2014\r19.1\chs\support\acad.cuix
            AcadMenuGroup currMenuGroup = app.MenuGroups.Item(0);

            //Create the new menu
            foreach (AcadPopupMenu m in currMenuGroup.Menus)
                if (m.Name == menuName)

            AcadPopupMenu topPpMenu = currMenuGroup.Menus.Add(menuName);

            foreach (var mtd in methods)
                var att = mtd.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(CommandMethodAttribute)).First() as CommandMethodAttribute;

                // Assign the macro string the VB equivalent of "ESC ESC _open "
                //string openMacro = "ESC ESC _open "; // VBA 中的写法:openMacro = Chr(3) & Chr(3) & Chr(95) & "open" & Chr(32)

                //Add a menu item to the new menu, Macro 即对应要在命令行中输入的字符
                string label;
                // label = string.IsNullOrEmpty(att.LocalizedNameId) ? att.GlobalName : att.LocalizedNameId;
                var des =
                    mtd.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DisplayNameAttribute)).FirstOrDefault() as DisplayNameAttribute;
                label = des != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(des.DisplayName) ? des.DisplayName : att.GlobalName;

                AcadPopupMenuItem childMenuItem = topPpMenu.AddMenuItem(Index: topPpMenu.Count + 1, Label: label,
                                                                        Macro: att.GlobalName + "\n");

                //// 添加可以包含子项的菜单
                //AcadPopupMenu menuItemContainer = topPpMenu.AddSubMenu(Index: topPpMenu.Count + 1, Label: "block");
                //AcadPopupMenuItem childMenuItem2 = menuItemContainer.AddMenuItem(Index: menuItemContainer.Count + 1,
                //    Label: "画圆", Macro: "Circle ");

            // Display the menu on the menu bar
            // If index is a string, the name of the popup menu must contain any underscore that appears in the menu.
            topPpMenu.InsertInMenuBar(Index: app.MenuBar.Count + 1); // Index: "工具(&T)"

            // 以下为功能测试项 --------------------------------------------------------

            // The index must be either an integer or a string. If an integer, the index must be between 0 and N-1, where N is the number of objects in the menu bar. The new item will be added immediately before the specified index location.
            topPpMenu.InsertInMenuBar(Index: app.MenuBar.Count + 1);

            // 从 MenuBar 提取一个菜单项。
            // 注意:MenuBar 只能用来读取其中的 AcadPopupMenu 集合,而不能操纵菜单项的添加或移除。
            AcadMenuBar mb = app.MenuBar;
            // 下面这个Item(0)对应的是AutoCAD界面中菜单栏中的第一个菜单项,通常这个菜单项为“文件(F)”
            AcadPopupMenu ppm1 = mb.Item(0);

            // 将菜单项从 MenuBar 中移除