private async Task <string> Process_V3(string content_username, long contentid, string reason, int type, int mediatype) { if (HttpContext.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { string sign_in = "<a href=\"" + Config.GetUrl() + "Login.aspx\" class=\"bold\">Sign In</a>"; string sign_up = "<a href=\"" + Config.GetUrl() + "Register.aspx\" class=\"bold\">Sign Up</a>"; return(sign_in + " or " + sign_up + " to post report!"); } var info = SiteConfig.userManager.GetUserAsync(User).Result; var userName = info.UserName; if (content_username == userName) { return(SiteConfig.generalLocalizer["_abuse_msg_01"].Value); // You can't post abuse / spam report on your own content. } if (await AbuseReport.Check_UserName(_context, userName, contentid, type)) { return(SiteConfig.generalLocalizer["_abuse_msg_02"].Value); // "You already post abuse / spam report on this content."; } //*********************************** // ENABLE comment if you want to validate report based on ip address //*********************************** string ipaddress = Request.HttpContext.Connection.RemoteIpAddress.ToString(); if (await AbuseReport.Check_IPAddress(_context, ipaddress, contentid, type)) { return(SiteConfig.generalLocalizer["_abuse_msg_03"].Value); // Report already posted from this IP address. } await AbuseReport.Add(_context, contentid, userName, ipaddress, reason, type); int count_reports = await AbuseReport.Count(_context, contentid, type); if (count_reports > Jugnoon.Settings.Configs.GeneralSettings.spam_count) { int OldValue = 0; switch (type) { case 0: // disable video VideoBLL.Update_Field_V3(_context, contentid, (byte)0, "isenabled"); OldValue = Convert.ToInt32(VideoBLL.Get_Field_Value(_context, contentid, "isenabled")); break; } } return(SiteConfig.generalLocalizer["_abuse_msg_04"].Value); }
public async Task <ActionResult> load() { var json = new StreamReader(Request.Body).ReadToEnd(); var data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AbuseEntity>(json); var _posts = await AbuseReport.LoadItems(_context, data); var _records = 0; if ( == 0) { _records = await AbuseReport.Count(_context, data); } return(Ok(new { posts = _posts, records = _records })); }