Example #1
        public void GetSemanticExpansions(string filename, string tok, uint line, uint idx, string expr)
            DModule ast = null;

            if (!_modules.TryGetValue(filename, out ast))
                throw new COMException("module not found", 1);

            CodeLocation loc = new CodeLocation((int)idx + 1, (int)line);

            _editorData.SyntaxTree  = ast as DModule;
            _editorData.ModuleCode  = _sources[filename];
            _editorData.CaretOffset = getCodeOffset(_editorData.ModuleCode, loc);
            // step back to beginning of identifier
            while (_editorData.CaretOffset > 0 && isIdentifierCharacter(_editorData.ModuleCode[_editorData.CaretOffset - 1]))
                if (idx > 0)
            _editorData.CaretLocation = new CodeLocation((int)idx + 1, (int)line);

            VDServerCompletionDataGenerator cdgen    = new VDServerCompletionDataGenerator(tok);
            AbstractCompletionProvider      provider = AbstractCompletionProvider.BuildCompletionData(cdgen, _editorData, null);        //tok

            _expansions = cdgen.expansions;
        public static void BuildCompletionData(Document EditorDocument,
                                               IAbstractSyntaxTree SyntaxTree,
                                               CodeCompletionContext ctx,
                                               CompletionDataList l,
                                               char triggerChar)
            var deltaOffset = (char.IsLetter(triggerChar) || triggerChar == '_' || triggerChar == '@') ? 1 : 0;

            var caretOffset   = ctx.TriggerOffset - deltaOffset;
            var caretLocation = new CodeLocation(ctx.TriggerLineOffset - deltaOffset, ctx.TriggerLine);
            var codeCache     = EnumAvailableModules(EditorDocument);

            var edData = new EditorData {
                CaretLocation = caretLocation,
                CaretOffset   = caretOffset,
                ModuleCode    = EditorDocument.Editor.Text,
                SyntaxTree    = SyntaxTree as DModule,
                ParseCache    = codeCache,
                Options       = DCompilerService.Instance.CompletionOptions

                new CompletionDataGenerator {
                CompletionDataList = l
                triggerChar == '\0'?null:triggerChar.ToString());
        public static void BuildCompletionData(DEditorDocument EditorDocument, IList <ICompletionData> l, string EnteredText,
                                               out string lastResultPath)
            lastResultPath = null;

            var provider = AbstractCompletionProvider.BuildCompletionData(new IDECompletionDataGenerator(l), EditorDocument, EnteredText);
Example #4
        public static void BuildCompletionData(Document EditorDocument,
                                               IAbstractSyntaxTree SyntaxTree,
                                               CodeCompletionContext ctx,
                                               CompletionDataList l,
                                               char triggerChar)
            bool removeChar = char.IsLetter(triggerChar) || triggerChar == '_' || triggerChar == '@';

            var deltaOffset = 0;            //removeChar ? 1 : 0;

            var caretOffset   = ctx.TriggerOffset - (removeChar ? 1 : 0);
            var caretLocation = new CodeLocation(ctx.TriggerLineOffset - deltaOffset, ctx.TriggerLine);
            var codeCache     = EnumAvailableModules(EditorDocument);

            var ed = new EditorData {
                CaretLocation = caretLocation,
                CaretOffset   = caretOffset,
                ModuleCode    = removeChar ? EditorDocument.Editor.Text.Remove(ctx.TriggerOffset - 1, 1) : EditorDocument.Editor.Text,
                SyntaxTree    = SyntaxTree as DModule,
                ParseCache    = codeCache,
                Options       = DCompilerService.Instance.CompletionOptions

            if (EditorDocument.HasProject)
                var cfg = EditorDocument.Project.GetConfiguration(Ide.IdeApp.Workspace.ActiveConfiguration) as DProjectConfiguration;

                if (cfg != null)
                    ed.GlobalDebugIds   = cfg.CustomDebugIdentifiers;
                    ed.IsDebug          = cfg.DebugMode;
                    ed.DebugLevel       = cfg.DebugLevel;
                    ed.GlobalVersionIds = cfg.GlobalVersionIdentifiers;
                    double d;
                    int    v;
                    if (Double.TryParse(EditorDocument.Project.Version, out d))
                        ed.VersionNumber = (int)d;
                    else if (Int32.TryParse(EditorDocument.Project.Version, out v))
                        ed.VersionNumber = v;

            if (ed.GlobalVersionIds == null)
                ed.GlobalVersionIds = VersionIdEvaluation.GetOSAndCPUVersions();

                new CompletionDataGenerator {
                CompletionDataList = l
                triggerChar == '\0'?null:triggerChar.ToString());
Example #5
 public static void BuildCompletionData(Document EditorDocument,
                                        DModule SyntaxTree,
                                        CodeCompletionContext ctx,
                                        CompletionDataList l,
                                        char triggerChar)
         new CompletionDataGenerator {
         CompletionDataList = l
         DResolverWrapper.CreateEditorData(EditorDocument, SyntaxTree as DModule, ctx, triggerChar),
         triggerChar == '\0'?null:triggerChar.ToString());
Example #6
        public void GetSemanticExpansions(string filename, string tok, uint line, uint idx, string expr)
            IAbstractSyntaxTree ast = null;

            if (!_modules.TryGetValue(filename, out ast))
                throw new COMException("module not found", 1);

            CodeLocation loc        = new CodeLocation((int)idx, (int)line);
            EditorData   editorData = new EditorData();

            editorData.CaretLocation = loc;
            editorData.SyntaxTree    = ast as DModule;
            editorData.ModuleCode    = _sources[filename];
            editorData.CaretOffset   = getCodeOffset(editorData.ModuleCode, loc);
            VDServerCompletionDataGenerator cdgen    = new VDServerCompletionDataGenerator();
            AbstractCompletionProvider      provider = AbstractCompletionProvider.BuildCompletionData(cdgen, editorData, tok);

            _expansions = cdgen.expansions;
            //throw new NotImplementedException();
 public override void Visit(PostfixExpression_Access x)
     if (IsIncompleteExpression(x.AccessExpression)) {
         halt = true;
         if (x.PostfixForeExpression is DTokenDeclaration && (x.PostfixForeExpression as DTokenDeclaration).Token == DTokens.Dot) {
             // Handle module-scoped things:
             // When typing a dot without anything following, trigger completion and show types, methods and vars that are located in the module & import scope
             prv = new CtrlSpaceCompletionProvider (cdgen, scopedBlock, null, MemberFilter.Methods | MemberFilter.Types | MemberFilter.Variables | MemberFilter.TypeParameters );
             prv = new MemberCompletionProvider (cdgen, x.PostfixForeExpression, scopedBlock, scopedStatement);
         base.Visit (x);
 public override void Visit(TokenExpression e)
     if (e.Token == DTokens.Incomplete) {
         halt = true;
         const MemberFilter BaseAsmFlags = MemberFilter.Classes | MemberFilter.StructsAndUnions | MemberFilter.Enums | MemberFilter.Methods | MemberFilter.TypeParameters | MemberFilter.Types | MemberFilter.Variables;
         if (scopedStatement is AsmStatement || scopedStatement is AsmStatement.InstructionStatement)
             prv = new CtrlSpaceCompletionProvider(cdgen, scopedBlock, scopedStatement, BaseAsmFlags | MemberFilter.x86Registers | MemberFilter.x64Registers | MemberFilter.Labels);
         else if (scopedStatement is AsmStatement.RawDataStatement)
             prv = new CtrlSpaceCompletionProvider(cdgen, scopedBlock, scopedStatement, BaseAsmFlags | MemberFilter.Labels);
         else if (handlesInitializer)
             prv = new CtrlSpaceCompletionProvider (cdgen, scopedBlock, scopedStatement);
 public override void Visit(AsmStatement.InstructionStatement s)
     if (s.Operation == AsmStatement.InstructionStatement.OpCode.__UNKNOWN__)
         prv = new InlineAsmCompletionProvider(s, cdgen);
         scopedStatement = s;
         halt = true;
		public override void Visit (ContinueStatement s)
			if(s.IdentifierHash == DTokens.IncompleteIdHash) {

				prv = new CtrlSpaceCompletionProvider(cdgen, scopedBlock, MemberFilter.Labels);

				halt = true;
				base.Visit (s);
 public override void VisitDNode(DNode n)
     if (n.NameHash == DTokens.IncompleteIdHash) {
         if (n.ContainsAttribute(DTokens.Override))
             prv = new MethodOverrideCompletionProvider(n, cdgen);
             explicitlyNoCompletion = true;
         halt = true;
         base.VisitDNode (n);
 public override void VisitAttribute(UserDeclarationAttribute a)
     if (a.AttributeExpression != null &&
         a.AttributeExpression.Length>0 &&
         IsIncompleteExpression (a.AttributeExpression[0])) {
         prv = new CtrlSpaceCompletionProvider(cdgen, scopedBlock, scopedStatement,
             MemberFilter.BuiltInPropertyAttributes | MemberFilter.Methods | MemberFilter.Variables | MemberFilter.Types);
         halt = true;
         base.VisitAttribute (a);
 public override void VisitAttribute(Modifier a)
     string c;
     if (a.ContentHash == DTokens.IncompleteIdHash || ((c = a.LiteralContent as string) != null && c.EndsWith(DTokens.IncompleteId))) {
         prv = new AttributeCompletionProvider (cdgen) { Attribute = a };
         halt = true;
         base.VisitAttribute (a);
        public override void Visit(DTokenDeclaration td)
            if (td.Token == DTokens.Incomplete) {
                if (handlesBaseClasses) {
                    MemberFilter vis;
                    if (handledClass.ClassType == DTokens.Interface)
                        vis = MemberFilter.Interfaces | MemberFilter.Templates;
                        vis = MemberFilter.Classes | MemberFilter.Interfaces | MemberFilter.Templates;

                    prv = new CtrlSpaceCompletionProvider (cdgen, handledClass, null, vis);
                } else if (td.InnerDeclaration != null)
                    prv = new MemberCompletionProvider (cdgen, td.InnerDeclaration, scopedBlock, scopedStatement);
                    prv = new CtrlSpaceCompletionProvider (cdgen, scopedBlock, scopedStatement);

                halt = true;
            } else
                base.Visit (td);
        public override void Visit(DVariable n)
            if (n.NameHash == 0 && n.ContainsAttribute(DTokens.Override))
                prv = new MethodOverrideCompletionProvider(n, cdgen);
                halt = true;

            if (n.IsAlias) {
                // alias |
                // alias id = |
                // NOT alias Type |
                if (IsIncompleteDeclaration (n.Type)) {
                    prv = new CtrlSpaceCompletionProvider (cdgen, scopedBlock,scopedStatement);
                    halt = true;
            }else if (n.Initializer != null) {
                handlesInitializer = true;
                n.Initializer.Accept (this);
                handlesInitializer = false;


            // auto |
            if(!halt && n.NameHash == 0 && n.ContainsAttribute (DTokens.Auto)) {
                halt = true;
                explicitlyNoCompletion = true;
		public override void Visit(StructInitializer init)
			if (initializedNode != null && init.MemberInitializers != null && init.MemberInitializers.Length != 0)
				var lastMemberInit = init.MemberInitializers[init.MemberInitializers.Length - 1];
				if (lastMemberInit.MemberNameHash == DTokens.IncompleteIdHash)
					prv = new StructInitializerCompletion(cdgen,initializedNode, init);
					halt = true;

		public override void Visit (IsExpression x)
			// is(Type |
			if (x.TypeAliasIdentifierHash == DTokens.IncompleteIdHash && 
				x.TestedType != null && 
				!IsIncompleteDeclaration(x.TestedType)) {
				halt = true;
				explicitlyNoCompletion = true;
			else if (x.TypeSpecializationToken == DTokens.Incomplete)
				prv = new CtrlSpaceCompletionProvider(cdgen, scopedBlock, MemberFilter.Types | MemberFilter.ExpressionKeywords | MemberFilter.StatementBlockKeywords);
				halt = true;
				base.Visit (x);
		public override void Visit (DebugSpecification s)
			if (s.SpecifiedId == DTokens.IncompleteId) {
				prv = new DebugSpecificationCompletionProvider(cdgen);
				halt = true;
 public override void Visit(TraitsExpression x)
     if(x.Keyword == DTokens.IncompleteId)
         prv = new TraitsExpressionCompletionProvider(cdgen);
         halt = true;
         base.Visit (x);
 public override void Visit(IdentifierDeclaration td)
     if (td.IdHash == DTokens.IncompleteIdHash) {
         halt = true;
         if(td.InnerDeclaration != null)
             prv = new MemberCompletionProvider (cdgen, td.InnerDeclaration, scopedBlock, scopedStatement);
         base.Visit (td);
 public override void Visit(NewExpression x)
     if (IsIncompleteDeclaration (x.Type)) {
         halt = true;
         prv = new CtrlSpaceCompletionProvider (cdgen, scopedBlock, scopedStatement, MemberFilter.Types | MemberFilter.TypeParameters);
         base.Visit (x);
 public override void Visit(ScopeGuardStatement s)
     if (s.GuardedScope == DTokens.IncompleteId) {
         prv = new ScopeAttributeCompletionProvider (cdgen);
         halt = true;
         base.Visit (s);
 public override void VisitAttribute(PragmaAttribute a)
     if (a.Arguments != null &&
         a.Arguments.Length>0 &&
         IsIncompleteExpression (a.Arguments[a.Arguments.Length-1])) {
         prv = new AttributeCompletionProvider (cdgen) { Attribute=a };
         halt = true;
         base.VisitAttribute (a);
 public override void VisitImport(ImportStatement.ImportBinding i)
     if (!halt) {
         if (IsIncompleteDeclaration (i.Symbol)) {
             prv = new SelectiveImportCompletionProvider (cdgen, curImport);
             halt = true;
         } else
             base.VisitImport (i);
 public override void VisitAttribute(VersionCondition vis)
     if (vis.VersionIdHash == DTokens.IncompleteIdHash) {
         halt = true;
         prv = new AttributeCompletionProvider (cdgen){ Attribute = vis };
         base.VisitAttribute (vis);
		public override void Visit (DVariable n)
			if (n.NameHash == 0 && n.ContainsAttribute(DTokens.Override))
				prv = new MethodOverrideCompletionProvider(n, cdgen);
				halt = true;

			if (n.IsAlias) {
				// alias |
				// alias id = |
				// NOT alias Type |
				if (IsIncompleteDeclaration (n.Type)) {
					prv = new CtrlSpaceCompletionProvider (cdgen, scopedBlock, MemberFilter.All | MemberFilter.BlockKeywords);
					halt = true;
			}else if (n.Initializer != null) {
				initializedNode = n;
				handlesInitializer = true;
				n.Initializer.Accept (this);
				handlesInitializer = false;


			// auto |
			if(!halt && n.NameHash == 0 && 
				(n.ContainsAttribute (DTokens.Auto) || DParser.ContainsStorageClass(n.Attributes) != Modifier.Empty)) {
				halt = true;
				explicitlyNoCompletion = true;
 public override void VisitImport(ImportStatement.Import i)
     if (IsIncompleteDeclaration(i.ModuleIdentifier))
         prv = new ImportStatementCompletionProvider(cdgen, i);
         halt = true;
         curImport = i;
		public override void VisitAttribute (DebugCondition c)
			if (c.DebugIdHash == DTokens.IncompleteIdHash) {
				halt = true;
				prv = new DebugSpecificationCompletionProvider(cdgen);
				base.VisitAttribute (c);
 public override void Visit(ModuleStatement s)
     if (IsIncompleteDeclaration (s.ModuleName)) {
         scopedStatement = s;
         prv = new ModuleStatementCompletionProvider (cdgen);
         halt = true;
         base.Visit (s);
        public override void Visit(GotoStatement s)
            if(s.StmtType == GotoStatement.GotoStmtType.Identifier &&
                s.LabelIdentifierHash == DTokens.IncompleteIdHash) {

                prv = new CtrlSpaceCompletionProvider(cdgen, scopedBlock, s, MemberFilter.Labels);

                scopedStatement = s;
                halt = true;
                base.Visit (s);