/* Get a localised string from the game's string bank */
        public LocalisedText GetLocalisedString(string ID, AYZ_Lang Language)
            //For each text bank, search for the requested ID and return its string
            foreach (string textFile in GetTextFiles(Language))
                string[] textFileContent = File.ReadAllLines(textFile);
                for (int i = 0; i < textFileContent.Length; i++)
                    if (textFileContent[i] == "[" + ID + "]")
                        LocalisedText theString = new LocalisedText();
                        theString.TextValue = "";
                        int stringIndex = 1;
                        while (theString.TextValue.Length == 0 || theString.TextValue.Substring(theString.TextValue.Length - 1) != "}")
                            string thisLine = textFileContent[i + stringIndex];
                            if (thisLine == "")
                                thisLine = "\r\n\r\n";
                            theString.TextValue += thisLine;
                        theString.TextValue = theString.TextValue.Substring(1, theString.TextValue.Length - 2);
                        theString.TextID    = ID;
                        theString.MissionID = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(textFile);
                        theString.Language  = languageFolders[(int)Language];


            //Couldn't find string, this is probably a pretty big issue, so throw here.
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Requested to find localised string which does not exist! Fatal!");
        /* Get all text IDs by language */
        public List <LocalisedText> GetAllIDs(AYZ_Lang Language)
            List <LocalisedText> textIDs = new List <LocalisedText>();

            foreach (string textFile in GetTextFiles(Language))
                string[] textFileContent = File.ReadAllLines(textFile);
                for (int i = 0; i < textFileContent.Length; i++)
                    if (textFileContent[i].Length > 0 && textFileContent[i].Substring(0, 1) == "[")
                        LocalisedText stringID = new LocalisedText();
                        stringID.TextValue = "N/A";
                        stringID.TextID    = textFileContent[i].Substring(1, textFileContent[i].Length - 2);
                        stringID.MissionID = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(textFile);
                        stringID.Language  = languageFolders[(int)Language];


 /* Get all text file names by language */
 private string[] GetTextFiles(AYZ_Lang Language)
     return(Directory.GetFiles(textFolder + languageFolders[(int)Language] + @"\", "*.TXT", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly));