        // The Page_Load event on this page is used to obtain
        // order information from a database and then update
        // UI elements with them.
        private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            // Obtain Order ID from QueryString
            int OrderID = Int32.Parse(Request.Params["OrderID"]);

            // Get the customer ID too
            string CustomerId = User.Identity.Name;

            // Obtain Order Details from Database
               AWC.BusinessLayer.Orders orderHistory = new AWC.BusinessLayer.Orders();
               AWC.Entities.Order myOrderDetails = orderHistory.GetOrderDetails(OrderID, CustomerId);

            // if order was found, display it
            if (myOrderDetails != null) {

                // Bind Items to GridControl
                GridControl1.DataSource = myOrderDetails.OrderItems;

                // Update labels with summary details
                lblTotal.Text = String.Format( "{0:c}", myOrderDetails.OrderTotal);
                lblOrderNumber.Text = OrderID.ToString();
                lblOrderDate.Text = myOrderDetails.OrderDate.ToShortDateString();
                lblShipDate.Text = myOrderDetails.ShipDate.ToShortDateString();
            // otherwise display an error message
            else {

                MyError.Text = "Order not found!";
                detailsTable.Visible = false;