public void DidToggleAudioLoop(ARDMainView mainView) { if (mainView.IsAudioLoopPlaying) { _audioPlayer.Stop(); } else { _audioPlayer.Play(); } mainView.IsAudioLoopPlaying = _audioPlayer.Playing; }
public void StartPlayTrack() { if (isPermissionGranted) { trackModels = GetTrackList(); currentTrack = trackModels[0]; _mediaPlayer = AVAudioPlayer.FromUrl(new Foundation.NSUrl(currentTrack.Url)); _mediaPlayer.FinishedPlaying += (object sender, AVStatusEventArgs e) => { _mediaPlayer = null; }; _mediaPlayer?.Play(); } }
public void PlayRecording(string path) { if (_audioPlayer != null) { _audioPlayer.Stop(); _audioPlayer.Dispose(); } if (File.Exists(Constants.INITIAL_AUDIO_FILE_PATH)) { _url = NSUrl.FromFilename(Constants.INITIAL_AUDIO_FILE_PATH); _audioPlayer = AVAudioPlayer.FromUrl(_url, out _error); _audioPlayer.Play(); _audioPlayer.FinishedPlaying += PlayCompletion; } if (File.Exists(path) && !File.Exists(Constants.INITIAL_AUDIO_FILE_PATH)) { try { ObjCRuntime.Class.ThrowOnInitFailure = false; _url = NSUrl.FromString(path); _audioPlayer = AVAudioPlayer.FromUrl(_url); _audioPlayer.Play(); _audioPlayer.FinishedPlaying += PlayCompletion; } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception(e.Message); } } }
public void PlaySound(string fileName) { NSUrl songUrl; //Music enabled? if (!MusicOn) { return; } if (audio != null) { audio.Stop(); audio.Dispose(); } songUrl = new NSUrl("Sounds/" + fileName); NSError err; audio = new AVAudioPlayer(songUrl, "mp3", out err) { Volume = MusicVolume }; audio.FinishedPlaying += delegate { audio = null; }; audio.NumberOfLoops = 0; audio.Play(); }
public void PlaySound(string FileName) { NSUrl songURl; AVAudioPlayer audio = new AVAudioPlayer; //music enabled if (!MusicOn) { return; } //Any existing sound effects if (audio != null) { audio.Stop(); audio.Dispose(); } //initialze background music songURl = new NSUrl("Sounds/" + FileName); audio = new AVAudioPlayer(songURl, "mp3"); audio.Volume = MusicVolume; audio.FinishedPlaying += delegate { audio = null; }; audio.NumberOfLoops = 0; audio.Play(); }
public void Play() { NSUrl songURL; // Any existing background music? if (backgroundMusic != null) { //Stop and dispose of any background music backgroundMusic.Stop(); backgroundMusic.Dispose(); } // Initialize background music songURL = new NSUrl(filePath); NSError err; backgroundMusic = new AVAudioPlayer(songURL, "wav", out err); backgroundMusic.Volume = MusicVolume; backgroundMusic.FinishedPlaying += delegate { // backgroundMusic.Dispose(); backgroundMusic = null; }; backgroundMusic.NumberOfLoops = -1; backgroundMusic.Play(); }
private SoundChannel playIos(double startTime = 0, int loops = 0, SoundTransform sndTransform = null) { if (null == _player) { return(null); } if (loops < 0) { loops = 0; } _player.NumberOfLoops = loops; if (startTime > 0) { _player.PlayAtTime(startTime); } else { _player.Play(); } return(_channel); }
public void PlaySound(int samplingRate, byte[] pcmData) { int numSamples = pcmData.Length / (bitsPerSample / 8); MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(memoryStream, Encoding.ASCII); // Construct WAVE header. writer.Write(new char[] { 'R', 'I', 'F', 'F' }); writer.Write(36 + sizeof(short) * numSamples); writer.Write(new char[] { 'W', 'A', 'V', 'E' }); writer.Write(new char[] { 'f', 'm', 't', ' ' }); // format chunk writer.Write(16); // PCM chunk size writer.Write((short)1); // PCM format flag writer.Write((short)numChannels); writer.Write(samplingRate); writer.Write(samplingRate * numChannels * bitsPerSample / 8); // byte rate writer.Write((short)(numChannels * bitsPerSample / 8)); // block align writer.Write((short)bitsPerSample); writer.Write(new char[] { 'd', 'a', 't', 'a' }); // data chunk writer.Write(numSamples * numChannels * bitsPerSample / 8); // Write data as well. writer.Write(pcmData, 0, pcmData.Length); memoryStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); NSData data = NSData.FromStream(memoryStream); AVAudioPlayer audioPlayer = AVAudioPlayer.FromData(data); audioPlayer.Play(); }
public void StartPlayEffect(string title) { try { if (effect != null) { effect.Stop(); effect.Dispose(); effect = null; } var url = NSUrl.FromFilename(title + ".mp3"); NSError _err = null; effect = new AVAudioPlayer( url, AVFileType.MpegLayer3, out _err ); effect.NumberOfLoops = 0; effect.PrepareToPlay(); effect.Play(); } catch { //ignore } }
private void RequestListener_TripUpdates(object sender, CreateRequestEventListener.TripUpdatesEventArgs e) { if (e.Status == "accepted") { tripStatusText.Text = "Coming"; mapHelper.UpdateDriverlocationToPickup(e.DriverLocation, pickuplocationLatLng); } else if (e.Status == "arrived") { tripStatusText.Text = "Arrived"; mapHelper.UpdateDriverArrived(); // AVAudioPlayer player = AVAudioPlayer.FromUrl(NSUrl.FromFilename("Sounds/alertios.aiff")); player.PrepareToPlay(); player.Play(); } else if (e.Status == "ontrip") { tripStatusText.Text = "On Trip"; mapHelper.UpdateLocationToDestination(e.DriverLocation, destinationLatLng); } else if (e.Status == "ended") { faresAmountText.Text = "$" + e.Fares.ToString(); overlay.Hidden = false; makePaymentView.Hidden = false; UIView.Animate(0.2, HideTripControlPanel); makePaymentButton.TouchUpInside += (i, args) => { overlay.Hidden = true; makePaymentView.Hidden = true; ClearTripOnMap(); }; } }
void ControlBackgroundMusic(string controlType, float volumeLevel) { if (((backgroundMusicPlayer == null) || (backgroundMusicPlayer.Playing == false)) && (controlType == "Play")) { backgroundMusicPlayer = AVAudioPlayer.FromUrl(NSUrl.FromFilename(GetRandomBackgroundMusic(backgroundMusicPlayer == null ? string.Empty : "./" + backgroundMusicPlayer.Url.RelativePath))); backgroundMusicPlayer.NumberOfLoops = -1; backgroundMusicPlayer.Volume = volumeLevel; backgroundMusicPlayer.Play(); } else if (backgroundMusicPlayer != null) { if (controlType == "Stop") { backgroundMusicPlayer.Stop(); } else if (controlType == "Pause") { backgroundMusicPlayer.Pause(); } else if (controlType == "Resume") { backgroundMusicPlayer.Play(); } } }
internal void Play() { if (_sound == null) { return; } #if IOS // AVAudioPlayer sound.Stop() does not reset the playback position as XNA does. // Set Play's currentTime to 0 to ensure playback at the start. _sound.CurrentTime = 0.0; #endif _sound.Play(); _playCount++; }
public void PlayAudio(string path) { try { path = System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.GetTempPath(), path); // this line is added to place file in iOS temp directory, may not be required in Halza app if (player != null) { //Stop and dispose of any background music player.Stop(); player.Dispose(); } // Initialize background music NSUrl songURL = new NSUrl("Sounds/" + path); NSError err; player = new AVAudioPlayer(songURL, "acc", out err); player.FinishedPlaying += delegate { player = null; }; //player.NumberOfLoops = 0; player.Play(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// Sliders the end. /// </summary> /// <param name="item">Item.</param> /// <param name="args">Arguments.</param> private void SliderEnd(object item, EventArgs args) { if (m_wasPlaying) { m_audioPlayer.Play(); } }
#pragma warning disable CS1998 // Async method lacks 'await' operators and will run synchronously private async Task <AVAudioPlayer> NewSound(string filename, float defaultVolume, bool isLooping = false) #pragma warning restore CS1998 // Async method lacks 'await' operators and will run synchronously { var songUrl = new NSUrl(Path.Combine(SoundPath, filename)); NSError err; var fileType = filename.Split('.').Last(); var sound = new AVAudioPlayer(songUrl, fileType, out err) { Volume = defaultVolume, NumberOfLoops = isLooping ? -1 : 0 }; //// this will stop the current playing sound, but will also introduce weird noise.... //if (_soundPlaying != null && _soundPlaying.Playing) //{ // _soundPlaying.Stop(); // _soundPlaying.Dispose(); //} sound.FinishedPlaying += SoundOnFinishedPlaying; sound.Play(); return(sound); }
async Task <bool> AskQuestionMethodAsync(string question) { bool result = false; await TextToSpeechService.SpeakAsync(question, false).ConfigureAwait(false); await TextToSpeechService.SpeakAsync("Please, answer after the signal", false).ConfigureAwait(false); UIApplication.SharedApplication.InvokeOnMainThread(() => { AVAudioSession.SharedInstance().SetCategory(AVAudioSessionCategory.Playback); AVAudioSession.SharedInstance().SetActive(true); _audioPlayer = AVAudioPlayer.FromUrl(NSUrl.FromFilename(Path.Combine("Sounds", "tap.aif"))); _audioPlayer.PrepareToPlay(); _audioPlayer.Play(); }); StartListening(); var intRes = Task.WaitAny(new[] { _voiceRecognitionTCS.Task }, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)); if (intRes == -1) { throw new TaskCanceledException(); } result = await _voiceRecognitionTCS.Task; return(result); }
public static void PlayFile(string FileName) { var url = NSUrl.FromFilename(FileName); _player = AVAudioPlayer.FromUrl(url); _player.Play(); }
public void PlaySound(int samplingRate, byte[] pcmData) { int numSamples = pcmData.Length / (bitsPerSample / 8); MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); BinaryWriter binaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(memoryStream, Encoding.ASCII); binaryWriter.Write(new char[] { 'R', 'I', 'F', 'F' }); binaryWriter.Write(36 + sizeof(short) * numSamples); binaryWriter.Write(new char[] { 'W', 'A', 'V', 'E' }); binaryWriter.Write(new char[] { 'f', 'm', 't', ' ' }); binaryWriter.Write(16); binaryWriter.Write((short)1); binaryWriter.Write((short)numChannels); binaryWriter.Write(samplingRate); binaryWriter.Write(samplingRate * numChannels * bitsPerSample / 8); binaryWriter.Write((short)(numChannels * bitsPerSample / 8)); binaryWriter.Write((short)bitsPerSample); binaryWriter.Write(new char[] { 'd', 'a', 't', 'a' }); binaryWriter.Write(numSamples * numChannels * bitsPerSample / 8); binaryWriter.Write(pcmData, 0, pcmData.Length); memoryStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); NSData data = NSData.FromStream(memoryStream); AVAudioPlayer audioPlayer = AVAudioPlayer.FromData(data); audioPlayer.Play(); }
void AskQuestionMethod(string question) { UIApplication.SharedApplication.InvokeOnMainThread(() => { _error = new UIAlertView(question, "Please, answer after the signal", null, "NO", "Yes"); _error.Clicked += (sender, buttonArgs) => { StopListening(); _recognitionTask.TrySetResult(buttonArgs.ButtonIndex != _error.CancelButtonIndex); }; _error.Show(); }); TextToSpeechService.Speak(question, false).Wait(); TextToSpeechService.Speak("Please, answer after the signal", false).Wait(); UIApplication.SharedApplication.InvokeOnMainThread(() => { AVAudioSession.SharedInstance().SetCategory(AVAudioSessionCategory.Playback); AVAudioSession.SharedInstance().SetActive(true); //SystemSound notificationSound = SystemSound.FromFile(@"/System/Library/Audio/UISounds/jbl_begin.caf"); //notificationSound.AddSystemSoundCompletion(SystemSound.Vibrate.PlaySystemSound); //notificationSound.PlaySystemSound(); _audioPlayer = AVAudioPlayer.FromUrl(NSUrl.FromFilename(Path.Combine("Sounds", "tap.aif"))); _audioPlayer.PrepareToPlay(); _audioPlayer.Play(); }); Question = question; StartListening(); }
public async Task <byte[]> TakePhoto() { var session = AVAudioSession.SharedInstance(); session.SetCategory(AVAudioSessionCategory.Record, AVAudioSessionCategoryOptions.DuckOthers); session.SetActive(true); NSError nSError; aVPlayer = new AVAudioPlayer(new NSUrl("Sounds/5minsilence.mp3"), "mp3", out nSError); aVPlayer.FinishedPlaying += delegate { aVPlayer = null; }; aVPlayer.Volume = 10f; aVPlayer.Play(); var videoConnection = stillImageOutput.ConnectionFromMediaType(AVMediaType.Video); var sampleBuffer = await stillImageOutput.CaptureStillImageTaskAsync(videoConnection); var jpegImageAsNsData = AVCaptureStillImageOutput.JpegStillToNSData(sampleBuffer); var jpegAsByteArray = jpegImageAsNsData.ToArray(); return(jpegAsByteArray); }
public void Play() { ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate { _audioPlayer.Play(); }); }
public string GenerateSound() { String fileName = "find.mp3"; NSError error = null; AVAudioSession.SharedInstance().SetCategory(AVAudioSession.CategoryPlayback, out error); NSUrl url = new NSUrl("Sounds/" + fileName); backgroundmusic = AVAudioPlayer.FromUrl(url); backgroundmusic.Volume = 1.0f; backgroundmusic.PrepareToPlay(); backgroundmusic.BeginInterruption += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { backgroundmusic.Play(); Device.StartTimer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), OnTimerTick); }; backgroundmusic.FinishedPlaying += (object sender, AVStatusEventArgs e) => { backgroundmusic = null; }; backgroundmusic.NumberOfLoops = -1; backgroundmusic.Play(); return("iOS sound got called!"); }
public void PlayBackgroundMusic(string filename) { NSUrl songURL; // Music enabled? if (!MusicOn) { return; } // Any existing background music? if (backgroundMusic != null) { //Stop and dispose of any background music backgroundMusic.Stop(); backgroundMusic.Dispose(); } // Initialize background music songURL = new NSUrl("Son/" + filename); NSError err; backgroundMusic = new AVAudioPlayer(songURL, "mp3", out err); backgroundMusic.Volume = MusicVolume; backgroundMusic.FinishedPlaying += delegate { // backgroundMusic.Dispose(); backgroundMusic = null; }; backgroundMusic.NumberOfLoops = -1; backgroundMusic.Play(); backgroundSong = filename; }
private async Task StartPlayerAsync(string title) { await Task.Run(() => { if (player == null) { var url = NSUrl.FromFilename($"{title}.mp3"); NSError _err = null; player = new AVAudioPlayer( url, AVFileType.MpegLayer3, out _err ); player.NumberOfLoops = -1; //player.Looping = true; player.PrepareToPlay(); player.Play(); } else { if (player.Playing == true) { player.Stop(); } else { player.Play(); } } }); }
public void PlaySound(string filename) { NSUrl songURL; // Music enabled? if (!EffectsOn) { return; } // Any existing sound effect? if (soundEffect != null) { //Stop and dispose of any sound effect soundEffect.Stop(); soundEffect.Dispose(); } // Initialize background music songURL = new NSUrl("Son/" + filename); NSError err; soundEffect = new AVAudioPlayer(songURL, "mp3", out err); soundEffect.Volume = EffectsVolume; soundEffect.FinishedPlaying += delegate { soundEffect = null; }; soundEffect.NumberOfLoops = 0; soundEffect.Play(); }
public void Speak(string text, string lang) { HttpWebRequest request; HttpWebResponse response = null; try { string uri = String.Format( "{0}&text={1}&language={2}", BING_API_ID, text, lang ); request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(uri); response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse(); Stream s = response.GetResponseStream(); NSData d = NSData.FromStream(s); audioPlayer = AVAudioPlayer.FromData(d); audioPlayer.PrepareToPlay(); audioPlayer.Play(); } catch (System.Net.WebException) { if (response != null) { response.Close(); } } }
public void PlayAudio(SoundEffectType effect) { string fileName = ""; switch (effect) { case SoundEffectType.FacebookAlert: fileName = "facebook_sound.mp3"; break; case SoundEffectType.FacebookPop: fileName = "facebook_pop.mp3"; break; case SoundEffectType.Notification: fileName = ""; break; } var filePath = NSBundle.MainBundle.PathForResource(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName), Path.GetExtension(fileName)); NSError outError; NSUrl fileURL = new NSUrl(fileName); using (AVAudioPlayer audioPlayer = new AVAudioPlayer(url: fileURL, "video/mp4", outError: out outError)) { var url = NSUrl.FromString(filePath); audioPlayer.Play(); } }
public void Play(byte[] data) { AVAudioPlayer player = AVAudioPlayer.FromData(NSData.FromArray(data)); player.PrepareToPlay(); player.Play(); }
public void PlaySound(Queue <byte[]> audio) { if (audio == null) { throw new ApplicationException("audio is null"); } if (audio.Count > 0) { var audioSource = audio.Dequeue(); SetAudioSettings(); var filePath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), "Audio.wav"); File.WriteAllBytes(filePath, (byte[])audioSource); _player = AVAudioPlayer.FromUrl(NSUrl.FromFilename(filePath)); if (_player == null) { throw new ApplicationException("_player is null"); } _player.FinishedPlaying += (sender, e) => { PlaySound(audio); }; _player.Play(); } }
public Task PlaySoundAsync(string filename) { var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <bool>(); // Any existing sound playing? if (_player != null) { //Stop and dispose of any sound _player.Stop(); _player = null; } string path = NSBundle.MainBundle.PathForResource(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename), Path.GetExtension(filename)); var url = NSUrl.FromString(path); _player = AVAudioPlayer.FromUrl(url); _player.PrepareToPlay(); _player.FinishedPlaying += (object sender, AVStatusEventArgs e) => { _player = null; tcs.SetResult(true); }; _player.Play(); return(tcs.Task); }
public AudioPlay(string file) { player = AVAudioPlayer.FromUrl (new NSUrl (file)); if (player != null){ player.NumberOfLoops = -1; player.Play (); } }
public override void ViewDidLoad () { base.ViewDidLoad (); _imageView = new UIImageView (View.Bounds); //UIButton.FromType(UIButtonType.Custom); //_imageView.ContentMode = UIViewContentMode.ScaleAspectFill; //_imageView.Frame = View.Bounds; //_imageView.ClipsToBounds = true; //_imageView.Layer.MasksToBounds = true; //_imageView.Center = View.Center; var orientation = UIDevice.CurrentDevice.Orientation; FlashCardImageCrop crop; string xCassetName; if (orientation == UIDeviceOrientation.Portrait) { crop = _flashCard.ImageDef[AspectRatio.Twelve16].Portrait.Crop; xCassetName = _flashCard.ImageDef[AspectRatio.Twelve16].Portrait.XCasset; } else { crop = _flashCard.ImageDef[AspectRatio.Twelve16].Landscape.Crop; xCassetName = _flashCard.ImageDef[AspectRatio.Twelve16].Landscape.XCasset; } _imageView.Layer.ContentsRect = new CGRect { X = crop.X1, Y = crop.Y1, Width = crop.Width, Height = crop.Height }; _imageView.Image = UIImage.FromBundle (xCassetName); //_imageView.SetImage(UIImage.FromBundle(_flashCard.Image), UIControlState.Normal); _cancelButton = UIButton.FromType(UIButtonType.Custom); _cancelButton.Frame = View.Bounds; _cancelButton.TouchUpInside += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { if(_eventHandler != null){ _eventHandler.FlashCardDismissed(); _itemSound.Stop(); } }; View.AddSubview (_imageView); View.AddSubview (_cancelButton); var songURL = new NSUrl ("sounds/" + _flashCard.Sound); NSError err; _itemSound = new AVAudioPlayer(songURL, AVFileType.MpegLayer3, out err); _itemSound.Volume = 7; // _itemSound.FinishedPlaying += delegate { // // backgroundMusic.Dispose(); // _itemSound = null; // }; _itemSound.NumberOfLoops=0; _itemSound.Play(); //backgroundSong=filename; }
public override void ViewDidLoad() { base.ViewDidLoad(); View.BackgroundColor = UIColor.White; View.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleDimensions; // iOS is forgiving on audio files. It will handle all three of these just fine. string mediaType = "caf"; //"mp3"; //"wav"; var fileUrl = new NSUrl(NSBundle.MainBundle.PathForResource("Sounds/wubwub", mediaType), false); player = AVAudioPlayer.FromUrl(fileUrl); player.PrepareToPlay(); button1 = new UIButton(UIButtonType.RoundedRect); button1.SetTitle("Make Some Noise", UIControlState.Normal); button1.SizeToFit(); button1.Center = new CGPoint(View.Bounds.Width / 2f, View.Bounds.Height / 2f); button1.TouchUpInside += (sender, e) => { player.Play(); }; // You can tie in to the event when the sound finishes as well. Here, we just spin the button afterward. player.FinishedPlaying += (sender, e) => { // (Courtesy of CABasicAnimation rotationAnimation = CABasicAnimation.FromKeyPath("transform.rotation"); rotationAnimation.To = NSNumber.FromDouble(Math.PI * 2); rotationAnimation.RemovedOnCompletion = true; // Give the added animation a key for referencing it later (to remove, in this case). button1.Layer.AddAnimation(rotationAnimation, "rotationAnimation"); }; Add(button1); rand = new Random(); var variousPlayers = (new[] { "Sounds/ding-dong", "Sounds/pew-beep", "Sounds/wee-ooo", "Sounds/wubwub", }).Select(path => { var url = new NSUrl(NSBundle.MainBundle.PathForResource(path, "wav"), false); var audioPlayer = AVAudioPlayer.FromUrl(url); audioPlayer.PrepareToPlay(); return audioPlayer; }).ToList(); button2 = new UIButton(UIButtonType.RoundedRect); button2.SetTitle("Random", UIControlState.Normal); button2.SizeToFit(); button2.Center = CGPoint.Add(new CGPoint(View.Bounds.Width / 2f, View.Bounds.Height / 2f), new CGSize(0f, button1.Frame.Height + 8f)); button2.TouchUpInside += (sender, e) => { variousPlayers[rand.Next(variousPlayers.Count - 1)].Play(); }; Add(button2); }
public bool Play (IMusicTrack music, bool loop) { var avfMusic = (AvfMusicTrack)music; if (avfMusic == null) throw new ArgumentException ("Music must be an AvfBackgroundMusic object.", "music"); _music = avfMusic; if (_player != null) _player.Dispose (); _player = AVAudioPlayer.FromUrl (new NSUrl (Assets.ResolvePath (avfMusic.Path))); _player.Volume = _volume; _player.NumberOfLoops = loop ? -1 : 0; return _player.Play (); }
public void StartAudioPlayback(string AudioFilePath) { NSError error = null; NSUrl audioFileUrl = NSUrl.FromFilename(AudioFilePath); _player = AVAudioPlayer.FromUrl(audioFileUrl, out error); if (_player != null) { _player.PrepareToPlay(); _player.Play(); } else { throw new Exception("Could not load Accelerometer sensor"); } }
private void Play(string fileName) { if (IsJokeDay) try { if (_player != null) { _player.Stop(); _player.Dispose(); } NSUrl ulr = NSUrl.FromFilename(fileName); _player = AVAudioPlayer.FromUrl(ulr); _player.Play(); } catch { } }
void RenderAudioAsync () { CFUrl sourceUrl = CFUrl.FromFile (NSBundle.MainBundle.PathForResource ("composeaudio", "mp3")); CFUrl destinationUrl = CFUrl.FromFile (System.IO.Path.Combine (System.Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal), "output.caf")); if (busy) return; busy = true; SetCaption ("Rendering..."); var thread = new System.Threading.Thread (() => { try { RenderAudio (sourceUrl, destinationUrl); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine (ex); } BeginInvokeOnMainThread (() => { SetCaption ("Playing..."); using (var playUrl = new NSUrl (destinationUrl.Handle)) { player = AVAudioPlayer.FromUrl (playUrl); } player.Play (); player.FinishedPlaying += (sender, e) => { BeginInvokeOnMainThread (() => { player.Dispose (); player = null; SetCaption ("Render audio"); busy = false; }); }; }); }); thread.IsBackground = true; thread.Start (); }
public void PlaySound(WordModel theWord, List<WaveModel> waves) { if (theWord.Status == WordStatus.COMPLETE) { int lastPlayedIdx = -1; if (mLastPlayed.ContainsKey(theWord.Word)) lastPlayedIdx = mLastPlayed[theWord.Word]; if (lastPlayedIdx < waves.Count - 1) lastPlayedIdx++; else lastPlayedIdx = 0; var localFile = Path.Combine ("file://", MainModel.GetSoundsDirectory (), waves[lastPlayedIdx].WaveFileName); mCurrentSound = AVAudioPlayer.FromData (MonoTouch.Foundation.NSData.FromFile(localFile)); mCurrentSound.Play (); mLastPlayed[theWord.Word] = lastPlayedIdx; } }
public override void Play(string filename) { try { /// todo: Устранить загадочную ошибку var Soundurl = NSUrl.FromFilename(filename); if (player != null) player.Stop(); player = AVAudioPlayer.FromUrl(Soundurl); player.Stop(); player.CurrentTime = player.Duration * 2; player.NumberOfLoops = 1; player.Volume = 1.0f; player.FinishedPlaying += DidFinishPlaying; player.PrepareToPlay(); player.Play(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("PlaySound: Error: " + e.Message, true); } }
public void PlaySound(Media media) { NSError error; if (_soundPlayer != null) { _soundPlayer.Stop(); _soundPlayer = null; } if (media == null || media.Data == null || media.Data.Length == 0) return; try { _soundPlayer = AVAudioPlayer.FromData(NSData.FromArray (media.Data), out error); } catch (Exception e) { } if (_soundPlayer != null) _soundPlayer.Play (); // else // throw new InvalidCastException(String.Format ("Audio file format of media {0} is not valid",media.Name)); }
public void PlayAudio(byte[] audioRecording, string fileExtension) { if (_player != null) { _player.Dispose(); _player = null; } var session = AVAudioSession.SharedInstance(); if (session == null || audioRecording == null) { var alert = new UIAlertView("Playback error", "Unable to playback stream", null, "Cancel"); alert.Show(); alert.Clicked += (object senderObj, UIButtonEventArgs arg) => alert.DismissWithClickedButtonIndex(0, true); } else { NSError error; ObjCRuntime.Class.ThrowOnInitFailure = false; session.SetCategory(AVAudioSessionCategory.Playback); session.SetActive(true, out error); var documents = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments); var temp = Path.Combine(documents, "..", "tmp"); _tempAudioFile = Path.Combine(temp, Guid.NewGuid() + fileExtension); File.WriteAllBytes(_tempAudioFile, audioRecording); using (var url = new NSUrl(_tempAudioFile)) { _player = AVAudioPlayer.FromUrl(url, out error); } _player.Volume = 1.0f; _player.NumberOfLoops = 0; _player.FinishedPlaying += player_FinishedPlaying; _player.PrepareToPlay(); _player.Play(); } }
public void playAudio(string word) { var newURL = new NSUrl ("Audio_Files/"+word+".m4a"); var backupURL = new NSUrl ("Audio_Files/oat.m4a"); session.SetActive (true); try { player = AVAudioPlayer.FromUrl (newURL); } catch(Exception ex) { //just play a random word so it doesn't crash. Used to determine gaps player = AVAudioPlayer.FromUrl (backupURL); } AVAudioPlayerDelegate avDel = new AVAudioPlayerDelegate (); player.Delegate = avDel; player.Play (); }
public void StartSound(Media media) { NSError error; if (soundPlayer != null) { soundPlayer.Stop(); soundPlayer = null; } soundPlayer = AVAudioPlayer.FromData(NSData.FromArray (media.Data), out error); if (soundPlayer != null) soundPlayer.Play (); else logMessage (LogLevel.Error,String.Format ("Audio file format of media {0} is not valid",media.Name)); }
public void Speak (string text, string lang) { HttpWebRequest request; HttpWebResponse response = null; try { string uri = String.Format ( "{0}&text={1}&language={2}", BING_API_ID, text, lang ); request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create (uri); response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse (); Stream s = response.GetResponseStream (); NSData d = NSData.FromStream (s); audioPlayer = AVAudioPlayer.FromData (d); audioPlayer.PrepareToPlay (); audioPlayer.Play (); } catch (System.Net.WebException) { if (response != null) response.Close (); } }
public void playAudio() { session.SetActive (true); player = AVAudioPlayer.FromUrl (url); AVAudioPlayerDelegate avDel = new AVAudioPlayerDelegate (); player.Delegate = avDel; player.Play (); }
public static async Task<bool> LikePost(Post post, UIButton likeButton, UITableView tableView = null, NSIndexPath indexPath = null) { if (post.liked || post.IsExpired()) { return false; } likeButton.SetImage(UIImage.FromBundle("LikeSelected"), UIControlState.Normal); likeButton.SetImage(UIImage.FromBundle("LikeSelected"), UIControlState.Highlighted); likeButton.SetImage(UIImage.FromBundle("LikeSelected"), UIControlState.Selected); UIView.Animate(.3, delegate { likeButton.Transform = CoreGraphics.CGAffineTransform.MakeScale((nfloat)1.7, (nfloat)1.7); }, delegate { likeButton.Transform = CoreGraphics.CGAffineTransform.MakeScale((nfloat)1, (nfloat)1); }); if (post.userPoster.idUser != Globe.SharedInstance.User.idUser) { post.liked = true; post.expiration = post.expiration + 60000; likeButton.SetImage(UIImage.FromBundle("LikeSelected"), UIControlState.Normal); likeButton.SetImage(UIImage.FromBundle("LikeSelected"), UIControlState.Highlighted); likeButton.SetImage(UIImage.FromBundle("LikeSelected"), UIControlState.Selected); AVAudioSession audioSession = AVAudioSession.SharedInstance(); NSError error = audioSession.SetCategory(AVAudioSessionCategory.Ambient, AVAudioSessionCategoryOptions.MixWithOthers); audioSession.SetActive(true, out error); AVAudioPlayer player = new AVAudioPlayer(new NSUrl("ticksound.m4a"), "m4a", out error); player.NumberOfLoops = 1; player.Play(); player.FinishedPlaying += (sender, e) => { player.Stop(); player = null; }; try { bool result = await TenServices.LikePost(post); if (!result) { post.liked = false; likeButton.SetImage(UIImage.FromBundle("Like"), UIControlState.Normal); likeButton.SetImage(UIImage.FromBundle("Like"), UIControlState.Highlighted); likeButton.SetImage(UIImage.FromBundle("Like"), UIControlState.Selected); } else { if (tableView != null && indexPath != null) { tableView.ReloadRows(new NSIndexPath[] { indexPath }, UITableViewRowAnimation.None); } } return result; } catch (RESTError) { post.liked = false; likeButton.SetImage(UIImage.FromBundle("Like"), UIControlState.Normal); likeButton.SetImage(UIImage.FromBundle("Like"), UIControlState.Highlighted); likeButton.SetImage(UIImage.FromBundle("Like"), UIControlState.Selected); } finally { if (!post.liked) { post.expiration = post.expiration - 60000; } } } return false; }
void startPlaybackForPlayer(AVAudioPlayer p) { if (p.Play ()) { this.updateViewForPlayerState (p); } else Console.WriteLine (@"Could not play {0}", p.Url); }
public void PlayAudio(string fileName) { if (!SettingsHelper.Mute) { if (audioPlayer != null && audioPlayer.Playing) audioPlayer.Stop (); var filePath = NSUrl.FromFilename (fileName); var newPlayer = AVAudioPlayer.FromUrl (filePath); newPlayer.PrepareToPlay (); audioPlayer = newPlayer; audioPlayer.Volume = 1; audioPlayer.Play (); audioPlayer.FinishedPlaying += (sender, e) => { audioPlayer.Play (); }; } }
/// <summary> /// Plaies the action. /// </summary> /// <param name="item">Item.</param> /// <param name="args">Arguments.</param> private void PlayAction(object item, EventArgs args) { m_oldSessionCategory = AVAudioSession.SharedInstance().Category; AVAudioSession.SharedInstance ().SetCategory (AVAudioSessionCategory.Playback); // m_audioPlayer = AVAudioPlayer.FromUrl(NSUrl.FromFilename(m_recordingFilePath)); m_audioPlayer.WeakDelegate = this; m_audioPlayer.MeteringEnabled = true; m_audioPlayer.PrepareToPlay(); m_audioPlayer.Play(); //UI Update { this.SetToolbarItems (new UIBarButtonItem[]{ m_pauseButton,m_flexItem1, m_recordButton,m_flexItem2, m_trashButton}, true); this.ShowNavigationButton (false); m_recordButton.Enabled = false; m_trashButton.Enabled = false; } //Start regular update { m_playerSlider.Value = (float)m_audioPlayer.CurrentTime; m_playerSlider.MaxValue = (float)m_audioPlayer.Duration; m_viewPlayerDuration.Frame = this.NavigationController.NavigationBar.Bounds; m_labelCurrentTime.Text = NSStringExtensions.TimeStringForTimeInterval (m_audioPlayer.CurrentTime); m_labelRemainingTime.Text = NSStringExtensions.TimeStringForTimeInterval((m_ShouldShowRemainingTime) ? (m_audioPlayer.Duration - m_audioPlayer.CurrentTime): m_audioPlayer.Duration); m_viewPlayerDuration.SetNeedsLayout(); m_viewPlayerDuration.LayoutIfNeeded(); this.NavigationItem.TitleView = m_viewPlayerDuration; if (mplayProgressDisplayLink != null) mplayProgressDisplayLink.Invalidate (); mplayProgressDisplayLink = CADisplayLink.Create (UpdatePlayProgress); mplayProgressDisplayLink.AddToRunLoop (NSRunLoop.Current, NSRunLoopMode.Common); } }
void playAudio () { Debug.WriteLine ("Playing converted audio..."); UpdateFormatInfo (fileInfo, destinationURL); startButton.SetTitle ("Playing Output File...", UIControlState.Disabled); // set category back to something that will allow us to play audio since kAudioSessionCategory_AudioProcessing will not AudioSession.Category = AudioSessionCategory.MediaPlayback; // play the result NSError error; player = AVAudioPlayer.FromUrl (destinationURL, out error); if (player == null) { Debug.Print ("AVAudioPlayer failed: {0}", error); updateUI (); return; } player.DecoderError += delegate { Debug.WriteLine ("DecoderError"); updateUI (); }; player.BeginInterruption += delegate { Debug.WriteLine ("BeginInterruption"); player.Stop (); updateUI (); }; player.FinishedPlaying += delegate(object sender, AVStatusEventArgs e) { Debug.WriteLine ("FinishedPlaying"); updateUI (); player = null; }; if (!player.Play ()) { Debug.WriteLine ("ERROR: Cannot play the file"); updateUI (); player = null; } }
void AudioPlayer.PlayAudio() { Player= new AVAudioPlayer(NSUrl.FromFilename(Path.Combine(AudioFilePath, AudioFileName + ".wav")),".wav",out Error); Player.Play(); }
private void playerPlayButtonTouchUpInside_Event(object sender, EventArgs e) { var documents = Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments); var fileName = Path.Combine (documents, fileNameLabel.Text); _audioPlayer = AVAudioPlayer.FromUrl(NSUrl.FromFilename(fileName)); if (_audioPlayer != null) { _audioPlayer.FinishedPlaying += audioPlayerFinishedPlaying_Event; _audioPlayer.PrepareToPlay (); _audioPlayer.Play (); progressBar.MinValue = 0.0f; progressBar.Value = 0.0f; progressBar.MaxValue = (float)_audioPlayer.Duration; updateTimer = NSTimer.CreateRepeatingScheduledTimer (TimeSpan.FromSeconds (0.01), delegate { progressBar.Value = (float) _audioPlayer.CurrentTime; }); playerPlayButton.Selected = true; } }
public void PlayAudio() { try { var error = new NSError(); if (player != null) { } player = AVAudioPlayer.FromUrl (url); player.NumberOfLoops = 1; player.Volume = 1.0f; player.FinishedPlaying += DidFinishPlaying; player.PrepareToPlay (); player.Play (); } catch (Exception ex) { var tt = ex.Message; } }