Example #1
    // Lookup a symbol in the current context.
    // The context includes the lexical scope stack, super scopes, 
    // and using directives        
    // If it doesn't exist, then return null if !fMustExist and throw exception if fMustExist
    public virtual SymEntry LookupSymbolWithContext(Identifier id, bool fMustExist)
        string strName = id.Text;
        // Search through stack of lexical scopes
        SymEntry sym = null;
        Scope t = m_CurrentContext;
        while(t != null)
            sym = LookupSymbol(t, id, false); // <-- smart lookup, go through ILookupController
            if (sym != null) 
                return sym;
            t = t.m_LexicalParent;            

        // Don't need this any more with ILookupControllers
        #if false
        // Check using directives if not found in the current scope stack
        // Do this by traversing the scope stack and looking for UserNamespaceEntry
        // (we can never be in an imported namespace, so that's ok)
        t = m_CurrentContext;
        while (t != null)
            AST.NamespaceDecl node = t.Node as AST.NamespaceDecl;            
            if (node != null)
                sym = node.LookupSymbolInUsingDirectives(this, id);
                if (sym != null)
                    return sym;

            t = t.m_LexicalParent;

        // Symbol  not found
        if (fMustExist) 
        return null;
Example #2
        // Global namespace has "" name.
        public UserNamespaceEntry(AST.NamespaceDecl node, string stFullName)
            Debug.Assert(node != null);
            Debug.Assert(stFullName != null);

            m_strName    = node.Name;
            m_stFullName = stFullName;

            // Create the real scope for the namespace. This scope just has the symbols,
            // but it can't be attached to a particular node or lexical parent
            // since it's shared by all blocks for that namespace.
            if (IsGlobal)
                // Add filename as a debugging hint
                string stFilename = node.Location.Filename;
                m_scope = new Scope("global " + stFilename, null, null);
                m_scope = new Scope("user_namespace:" + node.Name, null, null);
            //m_node = node;
            m_node = null;
Example #3
        } // end Driver.Main

// Parse multiple source files into a single program.
// The Parser only understands Lexers (as opposed to filenames), so we can't
// give the parser the string array of source files. But we don't want to
// create the lexers all at once and pass them to the parser either.
// Return null on errors.
        private static AST.ProgramDecl ParseAllFiles(
            string [] arstSourceFiles
            //AST.ProgramDecl root = null;
            AST.NamespaceDecl [] arFiles = new AST.NamespaceDecl[arstSourceFiles.Length];

            bool fHasErrors = false;

            int iFile = 0;

            foreach (string stSourceFile in arstSourceFiles)
                string stShort = IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(stSourceFile);

                // Get a lexer for this file
                System.IO.StreamReader reader = null;

                    reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(stSourceFile);
                } catch (System.Exception e)
                    reader = null;
                    PrintError_CantFindSourceFile(stSourceFile, e);
                    fHasErrors = true;

                if (reader == null)
                    arFiles[iFile] = null;
                    ILexer lex = new ManualParser.Lexer(stSourceFile, reader, m_defines);

                    // Parse this file
                    IParser p = new ManualParser.Parser(lex);
                    Debug.Assert(p != null);

                    // Return null on errors. Continue to try and parse the other source
                    // files so that we can catch as many errors as possible, but
                    // we won't resolve / codegen anything if it has parse errors.
                    Log.WriteLine(Log.LF.Parser, "Parsing source file:" + stSourceFile);
                    AST.NamespaceDecl nodeFile = p.ParseSourceFile();

                    if (nodeFile == null)
                        fHasErrors = true;

                    // Spit this out even if we have errors; it may be partially helpful.
                    if (s_fGenerateXML)
                        System.Xml.XmlWriter oParse = new System.Xml.XmlTextWriter(stShort + "_parse.xml", null);
                        AST.Node.DumpTree(nodeFile, oParse);

                    arFiles[iFile] = nodeFile;

                // Add to program

            if (fHasErrors)

            return(new AST.ProgramDecl(arFiles));