Example #1
        // Extract a big integer value.
        public byte[] GetBigInt(ASN1Type type)
            if (Type != type)
                // Not the expected type.
                throw new CryptographicException
            int len = Length;
            int ofs = Offset;

            byte[] value;
            if (len > 1 && buffer[offset + ofs] == 0)
                // Strip the leading zero byte.
                value = new byte [len - 1];
                Array.Copy(buffer, offset + ofs + 1, value, 0, len - 1);
                // The first byte is non-zero.
                value = new byte [len];
                Array.Copy(buffer, offset + ofs, value, 0, len);
            offset += len + ofs;
            count  -= len + ofs;
Example #2
        // Add a container to this builder.
        public ASN1Builder AddContainer(ASN1Type type)
            ASN1Builder container = new ASN1Builder(type);

Example #3
        public bool IsString()
            ASN1Type type = Type;

            return(type == ASN1Type.PrintableString ||
                   type == ASN1Type.IA5String);
Example #4
 public void Skip(ASN1Type type)
     if (Type != type)
         // Not the expected type.
         throw new CryptographicException
Example #5
 public String GetString(ASN1Type type)
     if (Type != type)
         // Not the expected type.
         throw new CryptographicException
Example #6
        public String GetString()
            ASN1Type type = Type;

            if (type != ASN1Type.PrintableString &&
                type != ASN1Type.IA5String)
                // Not one of the standard string types.
                throw new CryptographicException
Example #7
        // Extract a 64-bit integer value.
        public long GetInt64(ASN1Type type)
            if (Type != type)
                // Not the expected type.
                throw new CryptographicException
            int  len  = Length;
            int  ofs  = Offset;
            int  posn = 0;
            long value;
            int  byteval;

            if (len < 1)
                // Need at least 1 octet.
                throw new CryptographicException
            byteval = buffer[offset + ofs + posn];
            if ((byteval & 0x80) != 0)
                value = (-1L << 8) | (long)(uint)byteval;
                value = (long)byteval;
            while (posn < len)
                byteval = buffer[offset + ofs + posn];
                value   = (value << 8) | (long)(uint)byteval;
            offset += len + ofs;
            count  -= len + ofs;
Example #8
        // Get a parser for the contents of a field.
        public ASN1Parser GetContents(ASN1Type type, int adjust)
            if (Type != type)
                // Not the expected type.
                throw new CryptographicException
            int len = Length;
            int ofs = Offset;

            if (len < adjust)
                // Contents are no long enough.
                throw new CryptographicException
            ASN1Parser parser =
                new ASN1Parser(buffer, offset + ofs + adjust, len - adjust);

            offset += len + ofs;
            count  -= len + ofs;
Example #9
        // Get a byte array that contains the contents of a field.
        public byte[] GetContentsAsArray(ASN1Type type, int adjust)
            if (Type != type)
                // Not the expected type.
                throw new CryptographicException
            int len = Length;
            int ofs = Offset;

            if (len < adjust)
                // Contents are no long enough.
                throw new CryptographicException
            byte[] result = new byte [len - adjust];
            Array.Copy(buffer, offset + ofs + adjust,
                       result, 0, len - adjust);
            offset += len + ofs;
            count  -= len + ofs;
Example #10
 // Extract an object identifier.
 public byte[] GetObjectIdentifier(ASN1Type type)
Example #11
 // Add a big integer to this builder.
 public void AddBigInt(ASN1Type type, byte[] value)
     list.Add(new ASN1BigIntBuilder(type, value));
Example #12
 // Add an octet string to this builder.
 public void AddOctetString(ASN1Type type, byte[] value)
     AddByteArray(type, value);
	// Extract a big integer value.
	public byte[] GetBigInt(ASN1Type type)
				if(Type != type)
					// Not the expected type.
					throw new CryptographicException
				int len = Length;
				int ofs = Offset;
				byte[] value;
				if(len > 1 && buffer[offset + ofs] == 0)
					// Strip the leading zero byte.
					value = new byte [len - 1];
					Array.Copy(buffer, offset + ofs + 1, value, 0, len - 1);
					// The first byte is non-zero.
					value = new byte [len];
					Array.Copy(buffer, offset + ofs, value, 0, len);
				offset += len + ofs;
				count -= len + ofs;
				return value;
	public byte[] GetContentsAsArray(ASN1Type type)
				return GetContentsAsArray(type, 0);
	public void Skip(ASN1Type type)
				if(Type != type)
					// Not the expected type.
					throw new CryptographicException
Example #16
		/// <summary>
		/// This is advanced interface - this is what I would like...
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="asnseq"></param>
		/// <param name="num"></param>
		/// <param name="tip"></param>
		public static void Make(ASN1Sequence asnseq, int num, ASN1Type tip)
			asnseq.ComponentTypes[num] = ASN1ComponentTypeInfo.Make(tip);
Example #17
 // Add a bit string to this builder.
 public void AddBitString(ASN1Type type, byte[] value)
     list.Add(new ASN1BitStringBuilder(type, value));
Example #18
 // Add a byte array field to this builder.
 public void AddByteArray(ASN1Type type, byte[] value)
     list.Add(new ASN1ByteBuilder(type, value));
Example #19
 // Add a set to this builder.
 public ASN1Builder AddSet(ASN1Type type)
Example #20
 // Constructor.
 public ASN1BitStringContentsBuilder(ASN1Type type) : base(type)
Example #21
 // Constructor.
 public ASN1BitStringBuilder(ASN1Type type, byte[] value)
     : base(type, 0)
     this.value = value;
Example #22
 // Constructor.
 public ASN1Int32Builder(ASN1Type type, int value)
     : base(type, 0)
     this.value = value;
Example #23
 protected ASN1Builder(ASN1Type type, int dummy)
     this.type = type;
     this.list = null;
Example #24
 // Get a UTC time value.
 public String GetUTCTime(ASN1Type type)
Example #25
		public static ASN1ComponentTypeInfo Make(ASN1Type tip, bool optional)
			return new ASN1ComponentTypeInfo(tip, optional);
	// Add a UTCTime value to this builder.
	public void AddUTCTime(ASN1Type type, String value)
				AddString(type, value);
Example #27
		public ASN1ComponentTypeInfo(ASN1Type tip, bool optional) 
			this.Type = tip;
			this.isOptional = optional;
		// Constructor.
		public ASN1Int32Builder(ASN1Type type, int value)
			: base(type, 0)
				this.value = value;
	public ASN1Parser GetContents(ASN1Type type)
				return GetContents(type, 0);
		// Constructor.
		public ASN1Int64Builder(ASN1Type type, long value)
			: base(type, 0)
				this.value = value;
	public String GetString(ASN1Type type)
				if(Type != type)
					// Not the expected type.
					throw new CryptographicException
				return GetStringChecked();
	public ASN1Builder(ASN1Type type)
				this.type = type;
				this.list = new ArrayList();
Example #33
 public ASN1Builder(ASN1Type type)
     this.type = type;
     this.list = new ArrayList();
	protected ASN1Builder(ASN1Type type, int dummy)
				this.type = type;
				this.list = null;
Example #35
 // Add an object identifier to this builder.
 public void AddObjectIdentifier(ASN1Type type, byte[] value)
     AddByteArray(type, value);
	// Add a container to this builder.
	public ASN1Builder AddContainer(ASN1Type type)
				ASN1Builder container = new ASN1Builder(type);
				return container;
Example #37
 // Add a 64-bit integer to this builder.
 public void AddInt64(ASN1Type type, long value)
     list.Add(new ASN1Int64Builder(type, value));
		// Constructor.
		public ASN1BitStringBuilder(ASN1Type type, byte[] value)
			: base(type, 0)
				this.value = value;
Example #39
 // Extract an octet string.
 public byte[] GetOctetString(ASN1Type type)
		// Constructor.
		public ASN1BitStringContentsBuilder(ASN1Type type) : base(type) {}
Example #41
		public static ASN1ComponentTypeInfo Make(ASN1Type tip)
			return new ASN1ComponentTypeInfo(tip);
	// Add a set to this builder.
	public ASN1Builder AddSet(ASN1Type type)
				return AddContainer(type);
Example #43
		public static ASN1ComponentTypeInfo Make(ASN1Type tip, bool optional, ASN1Object defaultValue)
			return new ASN1ComponentTypeInfo(tip, optional, defaultValue);
	// Add a byte array field to this builder.
	public void AddByteArray(ASN1Type type, byte[] value)
				list.Add(new ASN1ByteBuilder(type, value));
Example #45
		/// <summary>
		/// Basic constructor, type w/out qualifiers.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="tip">type of the component</param>
		public ASN1ComponentTypeInfo(ASN1Type tip) 
			this.Type = tip;
			this.isOptional = false;
	// Add a bit string to this builder.
	public void AddBitString(ASN1Type type, byte[] value)
				list.Add(new ASN1BitStringBuilder(type, value));
Example #47
		public ASN1ComponentTypeInfo(ASN1Type tip, ASN1Object defaultValue)
			this.Type = tip;
			this.isOptional = false;
			this.DefaultValue = defaultValue;
Example #48
 // Add a UTCTime value to this builder.
 public void AddUTCTime(ASN1Type type, String value)
     AddString(type, value);
	// Get a parser for the contents of a field.
	public ASN1Parser GetContents(ASN1Type type, int adjust)
				if(Type != type)
					// Not the expected type.
					throw new CryptographicException
				int len = Length;
				int ofs = Offset;
				if(len < adjust)
					// Contents are no long enough.
					throw new CryptographicException
				ASN1Parser parser =
					new ASN1Parser(buffer, offset + ofs + adjust, len - adjust);
				offset += len + ofs;
				count -= len + ofs;
				return parser;
	// Extract an octet string.
	public byte[] GetOctetString(ASN1Type type)
				return GetContentsAsArray(type);
	// Get a byte array that contains the contents of a field.
	public byte[] GetContentsAsArray(ASN1Type type, int adjust)
				if(Type != type)
					// Not the expected type.
					throw new CryptographicException
				int len = Length;
				int ofs = Offset;
				if(len < adjust)
					// Contents are no long enough.
					throw new CryptographicException
				byte[] result = new byte [len - adjust];
				Array.Copy(buffer, offset + ofs + adjust,
						   result, 0, len - adjust);
				offset += len + ofs;
				count -= len + ofs;
				return result;
Example #52
 // Add a 32-bit integer to this builder.
 public void AddInt32(ASN1Type type, int value)
     list.Add(new ASN1Int32Builder(type, value));
	// Extract a bit string.
	public byte[] GetBitString(ASN1Type type)
				return GetContentsAsArray(type, 1);
Example #54
 public ASN1Parser GetContents(ASN1Type type)
     return(GetContents(type, 0));
	// Extract a 64-bit integer value.
	public long GetInt64(ASN1Type type)
				if(Type != type)
					// Not the expected type.
					throw new CryptographicException
				int len = Length;
				int ofs = Offset;
				int posn = 0;
				long value;
				int byteval;
				if(len < 1)
					// Need at least 1 octet.
					throw new CryptographicException
				byteval = buffer[offset + ofs + posn];
				if((byteval & 0x80) != 0)
					value = (-1L << 8) | (long)(uint)byteval;
					value = (long)byteval;
				while(posn < len)
					byteval = buffer[offset + ofs + posn];
					value = (value << 8) | (long)(uint)byteval;
				offset += len + ofs;
				count -= len + ofs;
				return value;
Example #56
 public byte[] GetContentsAsArray(ASN1Type type)
     return(GetContentsAsArray(type, 0));
	// Extract an object identifier.
	public byte[] GetObjectIdentifier(ASN1Type type)
				return GetContentsAsArray(type);
Example #58
 // Constructor.
 public ASN1Int64Builder(ASN1Type type, long value)
     : base(type, 0)
     this.value = value;
	// Get a UTC time value.
	public String GetUTCTime(ASN1Type type)
				return GetString(type);
Example #60
 // Add a string to this builder.
 public void AddString(ASN1Type type, String value)
     list.Add(new ASN1ByteBuilder
                  (type, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(value)));