Example #1
    public static void Intro()

            //Computer guesses a number and the human tries to guess it
            //Set a random number
            Random randomNum = new Random();

            //Intro Text
            Console.WriteLine("Let's play James Silcott's - The Number Guessing Game!");
            Console.WriteLine("First we need two numbers to guess between, like 0 and 100");

            //Find the min number of the guess
            Console.WriteLine("Give a MINIMUM number for the computer to guess:");
            int min1Number = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

            //Find the max number of the guess
            Console.WriteLine("Give a MAXIMUM number for the computer to guess:");
            int max1Number = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

            //Create a variable to store a random number from the min and max values fromt he user input
            int number = randomNum.Next(min1Number, max1Number);

            //Create a starting point by declaring variable for the guessed number
            int guessedNum = 0;

            //Start the number counter to see how many guesses it takes
            int countHuman = 0;

            //Show min and max user input results
            Console.WriteLine($"The computer has guessed a number between {min1Number} and {max1Number}");

            //While the random number doesn't equal the number the user guesses than do the following code
            while (number != guessedNum)
                //increment the count number
                Console.WriteLine($"Type a number between {min1Number} and {max1Number}: ");

                //Assign the value of user input guessed number
                guessedNum = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

                //If the guess is less than the actual random number picked than dot he following code
                if (guessedNum < number)
                    Console.WriteLine("Too low, guess higher");

                //Else if the guess is higher than the actual random number than do the folowing code
                else if (guessedNum > number)
                    Console.WriteLine("Too high, guess lower");

                //Else the number is guessed
                    Console.WriteLine($"Correct, you guessed the number "
                                      + $"in {countHuman} guesses");

            //Break Point to start the computer guess game
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continu[e] . . . ");
            var readKey = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper();

            #region Easter
            if (readKey == "E")

            //Human guesses number and computer tries to guess it
            Console.WriteLine("Now let's have the computer try to guess!");

            //Find the min value
            Console.WriteLine("Give a MINIMUM number for the computer to guess between:");
            int min2Number = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

            //Find max value
            Console.WriteLine("Give a MAXIMUM number for the computer to guess between:");
            int max2Number = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

            //Get the actual number from the human
            Console.WriteLine($"What is the number for the computer to guess between {min2Number} and {max2Number}?");
            int numGiven = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

            //Intialize the counter to start the count of guess it takes for the computer
            int countComputer = 0;
            int guess         = (max2Number + min2Number) / 2;
            Console.WriteLine($"Is the number: {guess}");

            //If the computer guesses the number right away show:
            if (numGiven == guess)
                Console.WriteLine($"Nice, the computer guessed the correct number: {numGiven} in 1 guess");
                //While the computer guess doesn't equal the humasns number do:
                while (guess != numGiven)
                    //Increament the counter

                    //If human number is more than the computer guess
                    if (numGiven > guess)
                        Console.WriteLine("Too low, guess higher!");
                        min2Number = guess;
                        guess      = (max2Number + min2Number) / 2;
                    //Else the human number is less than the computer guess
                    else if (numGiven < guess)
                        Console.WriteLine("Too High, guess lower!");
                        max2Number = guess;
                        guess      = (max2Number + min2Number) / 2;
                    //Else it equals
                        Console.WriteLine($"Correct, you guessed the number {numGiven}"
                                          + $"in {countComputer} guesses");
                    //Show the guessed number
                    Console.WriteLine($"Is the number: {guess}");
                    //add 1 to the max value everytime the guess is wrong
                    max2Number = max2Number + 1;

                //Show the reults
                Console.WriteLine($"Nice, the computer guessed the correct number: {numGiven} in {countComputer} guesses");
                Console.WriteLine($"You took {countHuman} and the computer took {countComputer} to guess");

                //See if the human had less guesses
                if (countHuman < countComputer)
                    Console.WriteLine("Nice, you win! You guessed the number in less guesses than the computer");
                //See if the computer had less guesses
                else if (countHuman > countComputer)
                    Console.WriteLine("Sorry, the computer won. It guessed the number in less guesses than you");
                //See if the human and computer guesses equal
                    Console.WriteLine("TIE!  Wow, you and the computer guessed the number in the same amount of guesses");
        //If the user says no they don't want to play again, then exit the program, else play again
        while (TryAgainMessage.TryAgain() == true);
Example #2
        //Method to play game
        public static int keyResponse()
            //Used for debugging
            Console.WriteLine("the MIN number is: " + minEggNum);
            Console.WriteLine("the MAX number is: " + maxEggNum);
            Console.WriteLine("the middle number is: " + newMaxNumEgg);
            Console.WriteLine("the number to pick is: " + cpuEggNum);

            //Get the arrow key input
            var key = Console.ReadKey().Key;

            //If the guess is the first guess
            if (counter == 0)
                Console.WriteLine($"THAT'S AMAZING! You guessed it in {counter + 1} guesses!");
                //Show how many guesses it took
                Console.WriteLine($"Congrats you guessed it in {counter + 1} guesses!");
            //This will allow the user to play the Easter Egg again
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continu[e] . . . ");
            var readKey = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper();

            if (readKey == "E")
            //If statement on which arrow key is used
            //UP ARROW
            if (key == ConsoleKey.UpArrow)
                Console.WriteLine("You Selected: HIGHER");
                //If the middle range number is LESS than the actual number
                if (newMaxNumEgg < cpuEggNum)
                    Console.WriteLine("Correct, it is higher!");
                    //Reset the MIN value to the middle range
                    minEggNum = newMaxNumEgg;
                    //reset the middle range to be another middle range of dividing the range again
                    newMaxNumEgg = ((maxEggNum - newMaxNumEgg) / 2) + minEggNum;
                //If the middle range number is MORE than the actual number
                    Console.WriteLine("Wrong, it was lower");
                Console.WriteLine("Do you think it is HIGHER or LOWER than " + newMaxNumEgg);

                //return the new middle range number
            //DOWN ARROW
                Console.WriteLine("You Selected: LOWER");
                //If the middle range number is MORE than the actual number
                if (newMaxNumEgg > cpuEggNum)
                    Console.WriteLine("Correct, it is lower!");
                    //Reset the MAX value to the middle range
                    maxEggNum = newMaxNumEgg;
                    Console.WriteLine("Wrong, it was higher");
                //reset the middle range to be another middle range of dividing the range again
                newMaxNumEgg = ((maxEggNum - minEggNum) / 2) + minEggNum;

                Console.WriteLine("Do you think it is HIGHER or LOWER than " + newMaxNumEgg);

                //return the new middle range number