Example #1
        public static ARC Check(Parse parse, AUTH code, string arg1, string arg2, string arg3)
            Context ctx = parse.Ctx;

            // Don't do any authorization checks if the database is initialising or if the parser is being invoked from within sqlite3_declare_vtab.
            if (ctx.Init.Busy || E.INDECLARE_VTABLE(parse))

            if (ctx.Auth == null)
            ARC rc = ctx.Auth(ctx.AuthArg, code, arg1, arg2, arg3, parse.AuthContext);

            if (rc == ARC.DENY)
                parse.ErrorMsg("not authorized");
                parse.RC = RC.AUTH;
            else if (rc != ARC.OK && rc != ARC.IGNORE)
                rc = ARC.DENY;
Example #2
        private void ExtractFileInformation()
            int index = 0;

            using (BinaryReader r = new BinaryReader(new FileStream(ARC.FilePath, FileMode.Open)))
                foreach (var file in toExtract)
                        r.BaseStream.Position = (file.ArcOffset);
                        byte[] data = r.ReadBytes((int)file.CompSize);
                        if (file.CompSize != file.DecompSize)
                            data = ARC.Decompress(data);
                        string path = "root\\" + file.FilePath.Replace(":", "");
                        Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(path) + "\\");
                        File.WriteAllBytes(path, data);
                        Update((int)Math.Floor((index / (float)toExtract.Length) * 100), file.FilePath);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Update(0, e.ToString());
Example #3
    public int OptimizingLevel = 10;  //优化等级,数字越大优化级别越高,越容易失真

    public void Set(DXFStructure dxf, ARC item, float ScaleX = 1, float ScaleY = 1)
        var goLayer = GoView.Content.GetLayer(item.C8);

        if (goLayer != null)
            lr.material = goLayer.LayerMaterial;
            ZoomAdjust  = goLayer.ZoomAdjust;

        float R = (float)item.C40;

        Diameter = R * 2;

        float nd = 0;//绘制的角度总数

        if (item.C51 > item.C50)
            nd = (float)(item.C51 - item.C50);
            nd = (float)(item.C51 + 360 - item.C50);

        float ndB        = nd / 360;//圆弧占用圆的比例
        int   resolution = (int)(item.C40 / OptimizingLevel * ndB);

        if (resolution > (int)(MaxResolution * ndB))
            resolution = (int)(MaxResolution * ndB);
        if (resolution < (int)(MinResolution * ndB))
            resolution = (int)(MinResolution * ndB);

        lr.SetVertexCount(resolution + 1);

        for (int i = 0; i < resolution; i++)
            var ii = (float)(i * nd / (float)resolution);

            ii += (float)item.C50;
            if (ii > 360)
                ii -= 360;

            lr.SetPosition(i, new Vector3((R * Mathf.Cos(2 * Mathf.PI / 360 * ii) + (float)item.C10) * ScaleX,
                                          (R * Mathf.Sin(2 * Mathf.PI / 360 * ii) + (float)item.C20) * ScaleY, 0));

        lr.SetPosition(resolution, new Vector3((R * Mathf.Cos(2 * Mathf.PI / 360 * (float)item.C51) + (float)item.C10) * ScaleX,
                                               (R * Mathf.Sin(2 * Mathf.PI / 360 * (float)item.C51) + (float)item.C20) * ScaleY, 0));

        this.gameObject.isStatic = true;
        public ObservableList <BusinessFlowExecutionSummary> GetAllBusinessFlowsExecutionSummary(bool GetSummaryOnlyForExecutedFlow = false)
            ObservableList <BusinessFlowExecutionSummary> BFESs = new ObservableList <BusinessFlowExecutionSummary>();

            foreach (GingerRunner ARC in Runners)
                BFESs.Append(ARC.GetAllBusinessFlowsExecutionSummary(GetSummaryOnlyForExecutedFlow, ARC.Name));
Example #5
        static void CodeAttach(Parse parse, AUTH type, FuncDef func, Expr authArg, Expr filename, Expr dbName, Expr key)
            Context ctx = parse.Ctx;

            NameContext sName;

            sName       = new NameContext();
            sName.Parse = parse;

            if (ResolveAttachExpr(sName, filename) != RC.OK || ResolveAttachExpr(sName, dbName) != RC.OK || ResolveAttachExpr(sName, key) != RC.OK)
                goto attach_end;

            if (authArg != null)
                string authArgToken = (authArg.OP == TK.STRING ? authArg.u.Token : null);
                ARC    arc          = Auth.Check(parse, type, authArgToken, null, null);
                if (arc != ARC.OK)
                    goto attach_end;
            Vdbe v       = parse.GetVdbe();
            int  regArgs = Expr.GetTempRange(parse, 4);
            Expr.Code(parse, filename, regArgs);
            Expr.Code(parse, dbName, regArgs + 1);
            Expr.Code(parse, key, regArgs + 2);

            Debug.Assert(v != null || ctx.MallocFailed);
            if (v != null)
                v.AddOp3(OP.Function, 0, regArgs + 3 - func.Args, regArgs + 3);
                Debug.Assert(func.Args == -1 || (func.Args & 0xff) == func.Args);
                v.ChangeP4(-1, func, Vdbe.P4T.FUNCDEF);

                // Code an OP_Expire. For an ATTACH statement, set P1 to true (expire this statement only). For DETACH, set it to false (expire all existing statements).
                v.AddOp1(OP.Expire, (type == AUTH.ATTACH ? 1 : 0));

            Expr.Delete(ctx, ref filename);
            Expr.Delete(ctx, ref dbName);
            Expr.Delete(ctx, ref key);
 void Start()
     screenRect = new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width, Screen.height);
     camTexture = new WebCamTexture();
     camTexture.requestedHeight = Screen.height;
     camTexture.requestedWidth  = Screen.width;
     MC = GameObject.Find("Main Camera");
     MC.GetComponent <UnityARVideo>().enabled = false;
     ARC = GameObject.Find("ARCameraManager");
     ARC.GetComponent <UnityARCameraManager> ().enabled = false;
     if (camTexture != null)
Example #7
    protected void LoadCategories()
        ARC arc = ArcBAL.GetArcInfoByUserId(new Guid(Session[enumSessions.User_Id.ToString()].ToString()));

        if (arc == null)
            string script = "alertify.alert('" + ltrUser.Text + "');";
            ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "alert", script, true);

        List <CategoryDTO> categories = CategoryBAL.GetCategoriesByArcId(arc.ARCId);

        dtCategories.DataSource = categories;
Example #8
        public MainForm()

            ArcFile = new ARC();

            treeView1.BeforeExpand += folderTree_BeforeExpand;

            treeView1.NodeMouseClick += (sender, args) => treeView1.SelectedNode = args.Node;

            treeView1.HideSelection = false;

            treeView1.ImageList = new ImageList();
            treeView1.ImageList.Images.Add("folder", Properties.Resources.folder);
            treeView1.ImageList.Images.Add("file", Properties.Resources.file);

            comboBox1.SelectedIndex = SelectedRegion;

            comboBox1.SelectedIndexChanged += (sender, args) =>
                SelectedRegion = comboBox1.SelectedIndex;
                treeView1_AfterSelect(null, null);

            NodeContextMenu = new ContextMenu();

                MenuItem item = new MenuItem("Extract file(s)");
                item.Click += ExtractFile;
                MenuItem item = new MenuItem("Extract file(s) (Compressed)");
                item.Click += ExtractFileComp;
                MenuItem item = new MenuItem("Extract file(s) (With Offset)");
                item.Click += ExtractFileOffset;
                MenuItem item = new MenuItem("Extract file(s) (Compressed, With Offset)");
                item.Click += ExtractFileCompOffset;
Example #9
        public static ARC GetArcInfoByUserId(Guid userID)
            ARC arcDetails          = new ARC();
            LinqToSqlDataContext db = new LinqToSqlDataContext();

            arcDetails = (from arc in db.ARCs
                          join aup in db.ARC_User_Maps on arc.ARCId equals aup.ARCId
                              (arc.IsDeleted == false)
                              (aup.UserId == userID)
                          select arc).FirstOrDefault();
Example #10
        private void ProcessStrings()

            var files = Directory.GetFiles(s06PathBox.Text, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Where(s => s.EndsWith(".arc"));

            foreach (string selectedARC in clb_ARCs.CheckedItems)
                foreach (var ARC in files)
                    if (ARC.Contains(selectedARC))
                        using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(ARC, FileMode.Open))
                            // here is some stream 'stream' which contains any number of bytes, where we search for various strings inside of it
                            FindStrings(stream, new string[] { searchBox.Text }, Path.GetFileName(ARC));
Example #11
        public static ARC CreateARC(ARC arc)
            using (LinqToSqlDataContext db = new LinqToSqlDataContext())
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(arc.UNiqueCode))
                    ISingleResult <SP_GenerateAccountUniqueCodeResult> result = db.SP_GenerateAccountUniqueCode(arc.CompanyName, arc.ArcTypeId.HasValue ? arc.ArcTypeId : 1, arc.CreatedBy);
                    if (result == null)
                        throw new Exception("Unable to Generate a Unique Code using the SP: SP_GenerateAccountUniqueCode");
                        arc.UNiqueCode = result.FirstOrDefault().Column1.Value.ToString();

            return(arc); //returns the same object with ARCId filled in
 void OnGUI()
     if (url != "")
     // drawing the camera on screen
     GUI.DrawTexture(screenRect, camTexture, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit);
     // do the reading — you might want to attempt to read less often than you draw on the screen for performance sake
     try {
         IBarcodeReader barcodeReader = new BarcodeReader();
         // decode the current frame
         var result = barcodeReader.Decode(camTexture.GetPixels32(), camTexture.width, camTexture.height);
         if (result != null)
             Debug.Log("DECODED TEXT FROM QR: " + result.Text);
             url = result.Text;
             MC.GetComponent <UnityARVideo>().enabled           = true;
             ARC.GetComponent <UnityARCameraManager> ().enabled = true;
     } catch (System.Exception ex) { Debug.LogWarning(ex.Message); }
Example #13
        public static ARC ReadColumn(Parse parse, string table, string column, int db)
            Context ctx    = parse.Ctx;                                                                       // Database handle
            string  dbName = ctx.DBs[db].Name;                                                                // Name of attached database
            ARC     rc     = ctx.Auth(ctx.AuthArg, (int)AUTH.READ, table, column, dbName, parse.AuthContext); // Auth callback return code

            if (rc == ARC.DENY)
                if (ctx.DBs.length > 2 || db != 0)
                    parse.ErrorMsg("access to %s.%s.%s is prohibited", dbName, table, column);
                    parse.ErrorMsg("access to %s.%s is prohibited", table, column);
                parse.RC = RC.AUTH;
            else if (rc != ARC.IGNORE && rc != ARC.OK)
Example #14
        public void FKCheck(Table table, int regOld, int regNew)
            Context ctx            = Ctx; // Database handle
            bool    isIgnoreErrors = DisableTriggers;

            // Exactly one of regOld and regNew should be non-zero.
            Debug.Assert((regOld == 0) != (regNew == 0));

            // If foreign-keys are disabled, this function is a no-op.
            if ((ctx.Flags & Context.FLAG.ForeignKeys) == 0)

            int    db     = SchemaToIndex(ctx, table.Schema); // Index of database containing pTab
            string dbName = ctx.DBs[db].Name;                 // Name of database containing pTab

            // Loop through all the foreign key constraints for which pTab is the child table (the table that the foreign key definition is part of).
            FKey fkey; // Used to iterate through FKs

            for (fkey = table.FKeys; fkey != null; fkey = fkey.NextFrom)
                bool isIgnore = false;
                // Find the parent table of this foreign key. Also find a unique index on the parent key columns in the parent table. If either of these
                // schema items cannot be located, set an error in pParse and return early.
                Table to    = (DisableTriggers ? FindTable(ctx, fkey.To, dbName) : LocateTable(false, fkey.To, dbName)); // Parent table of foreign key pFKey
                Index index = null;                                                                                      // Index on key columns in pTo
                int[] frees = null;
                if (to == null || LocateFkeyIndex(to, fkey, out index, out frees) != 0)
                    Debug.Assert(!isIgnoreErrors || (regOld != 0 && regNew == 0));
                    if (!isIgnoreErrors || ctx.MallocFailed)
                    if (to == null)
                        // If isIgnoreErrors is true, then a table is being dropped. In this se SQLite runs a "DELETE FROM xxx" on the table being dropped
                        // before actually dropping it in order to check FK constraints. If the parent table of an FK constraint on the current table is
                        // missing, behave as if it is empty. i.e. decrement the FK counter for each row of the current table with non-NULL keys.
                        Vdbe v      = GetVdbe();
                        int  jumpId = v.CurrentAddr() + fkey.Cols.length + 1;
                        for (int i = 0; i < fkey.Cols.length; i++)
                            int regId = fkey.Cols[i].From + regOld + 1;
                            v.AddOp2(OP.IsNull, regId, jumpId);
                        v.AddOp2(OP.FkCounter, fkey.IsDeferred, -1);
                Debug.Assert(fkey.Cols.length == 1 || (frees != null && index != null));

                int[] cols;
                if (frees != null)
                    cols = frees;
                    int col = fkey.Cols[0].From;
                    cols    = new int[1];
                    cols[0] = col;
                for (int i = 0; i < fkey.Cols.length; i++)
                    if (cols[i] == table.PKey)
                        cols[i] = -1;
                    // Request permission to read the parent key columns. If the authorization callback returns SQLITE_IGNORE, behave as if any
                    // values read from the parent table are NULL.
                    if (ctx.Auth != null)
                        string colName = to.Cols[index != null ? index.Columns[i] : to.PKey].Name;
                        ARC    rcauth  = Auth.ReadColumn(this, to.Name, colName, db);
                        isIgnore = (rcauth == ARC.IGNORE);

                // Take a shared-cache advisory read-lock on the parent table. Allocate a cursor to use to search the unique index on the parent key columns
                // in the parent table.
                TableLock(db, to.Id, false, to.Name);

                if (regOld != 0) // A row is being removed from the child table. Search for the parent. If the parent does not exist, removing the child row resolves an outstanding foreign key constraint violation.
                    FKLookupParent(this, db, to, index, fkey, cols, regOld, -1, isIgnore);
                if (regNew != 0) // A row is being added to the child table. If a parent row cannot be found, adding the child row has violated the FK constraint.
                    FKLookupParent(this, db, to, index, fkey, cols, regNew, +1, isIgnore);

                C._tagfree(ctx, ref frees);

            // Loop through all the foreign key constraints that refer to this table
            for (fkey = FKReferences(table); fkey != null; fkey = fkey.NextTo)
                if (!fkey.IsDeferred && Toplevel == null && !IsMultiWrite)
                    Debug.Assert(regOld == 0 && regNew != 0);
                    // Inserting a single row into a parent table cannot cause an immediate foreign key violation. So do nothing in this case.

                Index index = null; // Foreign key index for pFKey
                int[] cols  = null;
                if (LocateFkeyIndex(table, fkey, out index, out cols) != 0)
                    if (isIgnoreErrors || ctx.MallocFailed)
                Debug.Assert(cols != null || fkey.Cols.length == 1);

                // Create a SrcList structure containing a single table (the table the foreign key that refers to this table is attached to). This
                // is required for the sqlite3WhereXXX() interface.
                SrcList src = SrcListAppend(ctx, null, null, null);
                if (src != null)
                    SrcList.SrcListItem item = src.Ids[0];
                    item.Table = fkey.From;
                    item.Name  = fkey.From.Name;
                    item.Cursor = Tabs++;

                    if (regNew != 0)
                        FKScanChildren(this, src, table, index, fkey, cols, regNew, -1);
                    if (regOld != 0)
                        // If there is a RESTRICT action configured for the current operation on the parent table of this FK, then throw an exception
                        // immediately if the FK constraint is violated, even if this is a deferred trigger. That's what RESTRICT means. To defer checking
                        // the constraint, the FK should specify NO ACTION (represented using OE_None). NO ACTION is the default.
                        FKScanChildren(this, src, table, index, fkey, cols, regOld, 1);
                    item.Name = null;
                    SrcListDelete(ctx, ref src);
                C._tagfree(ctx, ref cols);
Example #15
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        cName.text = character._characterName;
        race.text  = character._characterRace.ToString();
        HP.text    = "" + character.GetCurrentHealth() + " / " + character.GetMaxHealth();

        STR = character.GetAbilityScore(AbilityID.Strength);
        DEX = character.GetAbilityScore(AbilityID.Dexterity);
        CON = character.GetAbilityScore(AbilityID.Constitution);
        INT = character.GetAbilityScore(AbilityID.Intelligence);
        WIS = character.GetAbilityScore(AbilityID.Wisdom);
        CHA = character.GetAbilityScore(AbilityID.Charisma);

        ATH  = character.GetSkill(SkillID.Athletics);
        ACR  = character.GetSkill(SkillID.Acrobatics);
        STE  = character.GetSkill(SkillID.Stealth);
        THI  = character.GetSkill(SkillID.Thievery);
        END  = character.GetSkill(SkillID.Endurance);
        ARC  = character.GetSkill(SkillID.Arcana);
        HIS  = character.GetSkill(SkillID.History);
        REL  = character.GetSkill(SkillID.Religion);
        DUN  = character.GetSkill(SkillID.Dungeoneering);
        HEA  = character.GetSkill(SkillID.Heal);
        INS  = character.GetSkill(SkillID.Insight);
        NAT  = character.GetSkill(SkillID.Nature);
        PER  = character.GetSkill(SkillID.Perception);
        BLU  = character.GetSkill(SkillID.Bluff);
        DIP  = character.GetSkill(SkillID.Diplomacy);
        INTI = character.GetSkill(SkillID.Intimidate);
        STRE = character.GetSkill(SkillID.Streetwise);

        tSTR.text = STR + "  +" + character.GetModifier(AbilityID.Strength);
        tDEX.text = DEX + "  +" + character.GetModifier(AbilityID.Dexterity);
        tCON.text = CON + "  +" + character.GetModifier(AbilityID.Constitution);
        tINT.text = INT + "  +" + character.GetModifier(AbilityID.Intelligence);
        tWIS.text = WIS + "  +" + character.GetModifier(AbilityID.Wisdom);
        tCHA.text = CHA + "  +" + character.GetModifier(AbilityID.Charisma);

        tAC.text = character.GetDefence(DefenceID.ArmorClass).ToString();
        tFO.text = character.GetDefence(DefenceID.Fortitude).ToString();
        tRE.text = character.GetDefence(DefenceID.Reflex).ToString();
        tWI.text = character.GetDefence(DefenceID.Will).ToString();

        tATH.text  = ATH.ToString();
        tACR.text  = ACR.ToString();
        tSTE.text  = STE.ToString();
        tTHI.text  = THI.ToString();
        tEND.text  = END.ToString();
        tARC.text  = ARC.ToString();
        tHIS.text  = HIS.ToString();
        tREL.text  = REL.ToString();
        tDUN.text  = DUN.ToString();
        tHEA.text  = HEA.ToString();
        tINS.text  = INS.ToString();
        tNAT.text  = NAT.ToString();
        tPER.text  = PER.ToString();
        tBLU.text  = BLU.ToString();
        tDIP.text  = DIP.ToString();
        tINTI.text = INTI.ToString();
        tSTRE.text = STRE.ToString();
Example #16
        static WRC ResolveExprStep(Walker walker, Expr expr)
            NameContext nc = walker.u.NC;

            Debug.Assert(nc != null);
            Parse parse = nc.Parse;

            Debug.Assert(parse == walker.Parse);

            if (E.ExprHasAnyProperty(expr, EP.Resolved))
            E.ExprSetProperty(expr, EP.Resolved);
            if (nc.SrcList != null && nc.SrcList.Allocs > 0)
                SrcList srcList = nc.SrcList;
                for (int i = 0; i < nc.SrcList.Srcs; i++)
                    Debug.Assert(srcList.Ids[i].Cursor >= 0 && srcList.Ids[i].Cursor < parse.Tabs);
            switch (expr.OP)
            // The special operator TK_ROW means use the rowid for the first column in the FROM clause.  This is used by the LIMIT and ORDER BY
            // clause processing on UPDATE and DELETE statements.
            case TK.ROW:
                SrcList srcList = nc.SrcList;
                Debug.Assert(srcList != null && srcList.Srcs == 1);
                SrcList.SrcListItem item = srcList.Ids[0];
                expr.OP        = TK.COLUMN;
                expr.Table     = item.Table;
                expr.TableId   = item.Cursor;
                expr.ColumnIdx = -1;
                expr.Aff       = AFF.INTEGER;

            case TK.ID:      // A lone identifier is the name of a column.
                return(LookupName(parse, null, null, expr.u.Token, nc, expr));

            case TK.DOT:     // A table name and column name: ID.ID Or a database, table and column: ID.ID.ID
                string columnName;
                string tableName;
                string dbName;
                // if (srcList == nullptr) break;
                Expr right = expr.Right;
                if (right.OP == TK.ID)
                    dbName     = null;
                    tableName  = expr.Left.u.Token;
                    columnName = right.u.Token;
                    Debug.Assert(right.OP == TK.DOT);
                    dbName     = expr.Left.u.Token;
                    tableName  = right.Left.u.Token;
                    columnName = right.Right.u.Token;
                return(LookupName(parse, dbName, tableName, columnName, nc, expr));

            case TK.CONST_FUNC:
            case TK.FUNCTION:                                              // Resolve function names
                ExprList   list         = expr.x.List;                     // The argument list
                int        n            = (list != null ? list.Exprs : 0); // Number of arguments
                bool       noSuchFunc   = false;                           // True if no such function exists
                bool       wrongNumArgs = false;                           // True if wrong number of arguments
                bool       isAgg        = false;                           // True if is an aggregate function
                TEXTENCODE encode       = E.CTXENCODE(parse.Ctx);          // The database encoding

                C.ASSERTCOVERAGE(expr.OP == TK.CONST_FUNC);
                Debug.Assert(!E.ExprHasProperty(expr, EP.xIsSelect));
                string  id       = expr.u.Token;                                                     // The function name.
                int     idLength = id.Length;                                                        // Number of characters in function name
                FuncDef def      = Callback.FindFunction(parse.Ctx, id, idLength, n, encode, false); // Information about the function
                if (def == null)
                    def = Callback.FindFunction(parse.Ctx, id, idLength, -2, encode, false);
                    if (def == null)
                        noSuchFunc = true;
                        wrongNumArgs = true;
                    isAgg = (def.Func == null);
                if (def != null)
                    ARC auth = Auth.Check(parse, AUTH.FUNCTION, null, def.Name, null);         // Authorization to use the function
                    if (auth != ARC.OK)
                        if (auth == ARC.DENY)
                            parse.ErrorMsg("not authorized to use function: %s", def.Name);
                        expr.OP = TK.NULL;
                if (isAgg && (nc.NCFlags & NC.AllowAgg) == 0)
                    parse.ErrorMsg("misuse of aggregate function %.*s()", idLength, id);
                    isAgg = false;
                else if (noSuchFunc && !ctx.Init.Busy)
                    parse.ErrorMsg("no such function: %.*s", idLength, id);
                else if (wrongNumArgs)
                    parse.ErrorMsg("wrong number of arguments to function %.*s()", idLength, id);
                if (isAgg)
                    nc.NCFlags &= ~NC.AllowAgg;
                if (isAgg)
                    NameContext nc2 = nc;
                    expr.OP  = TK.AGG_FUNCTION;
                    expr.OP2 = 0;
                    while (nc2 != null && !expr.FunctionUsesThisSrc(nc2.SrcList))
                        nc2 = nc2.Next;
                    if (nc2 != null)
                        nc2.NCFlags |= NC.HasAgg;
                    nc.NCFlags |= NC.AllowAgg;
                // FIX ME:  Compute pExpr->affinity based on the expected return type of the function

            case TK.SELECT:
            case TK.EXISTS:
                C.ASSERTCOVERAGE(expr.OP == TK.EXISTS);
                goto case TK.IN;
            case TK.IN:
                C.ASSERTCOVERAGE(expr.OP == TK.IN);
                if (E.ExprHasProperty(expr, EP.xIsSelect))
                    int refs = nc.Refs;
                    if ((nc.NCFlags & NC.IsCheck) != 0)
                        parse.ErrorMsg("subqueries prohibited in CHECK constraints");
                    Debug.Assert(nc.Refs >= refs);
                    if (refs != nc.Refs)
                        E.ExprSetProperty(expr, EP.VarSelect);

            case TK.VARIABLE:
                if ((nc.NCFlags & NC.IsCheck) != 0)
                    parse.ErrorMsg("parameters prohibited in CHECK constraints");

            return(parse.Errs != 0 || parse.Ctx.MallocFailed ? WRC.Abort : WRC.Continue);
Example #17
    public void LoadUserInfo()
        if (Session[enumSessions.User_Id.ToString()] != null)
            ARC arc = ArcBAL.GetArcInfoByUserId(new Guid(Session[enumSessions.User_Id.ToString()].ToString()));

            if (arc == null)
                ltrErrorMsg.Text = "User does not belong to any ARC.";

            if (arc.IsBulkUploadAllowed)
                hyprLnkBulkUpload.Visible = true;

            Session[enumSessions.ARC_Id.ToString()]             = arc.ARCId;
            Session[enumSessions.IsARC_AllowReturns.ToString()] = arc.AllowReturns;

            lblUsername.Text = Session[enumSessions.User_Name.ToString()].ToString();

            if (arc.CompanyName.Length > 30)
                lblARCCompany.Text = arc.CompanyName.Substring(0, 30) + "...";
                lblARCCompany.Text = arc.CompanyName;

            LinqToSqlDataContext db = new LinqToSqlDataContext();
            var OrderInfo           = db.USP_CreateOrderForUser(arc.ARCId, Session[enumSessions.User_Name.ToString()].ToString(), Session[enumSessions.User_Name.ToString()].ToString(), Session[enumSessions.User_Email.ToString()].ToString(), Session[enumSessions.User_Id.ToString()].ToString()).SingleOrDefault();
            if (OrderInfo != null)
                Session[enumSessions.OrderId.ToString()] = OrderInfo.OrderId;
                lblOrderTotal.Text = OrderInfo.Amount.ToString();
                Session[enumSessions.HasUserAcceptedDuplicates.ToString()] = OrderInfo.HasUserAcceptedDuplicates;
                lblBasket.Text = OrderInfo.Quantity.ToString();
                Session[enumSessions.OrderNumber.ToString()] = OrderInfo.OrderNo.ToString();
                basketProducts = db.OrderItems.Where(num => num.OrderId == Convert.ToInt32(Session[enumSessions.OrderId.ToString()])).Count().ToString();
                if (basketProducts == "0")
                    basketProducts = string.Empty;

                if (OrderInfo.InstallerId != "0")
                    Session[enumSessions.InstallerCompanyID.ToString()] = OrderInfo.InstallerId;
                    Session[enumSessions.SelectedInstaller.ToString()]  = OrderInfo.SelectedInstaller;

            if (Session[enumSessions.User_Role.ToString()] != null && Session[enumSessions.User_Role.ToString()].ToString() == enumRoles.ARC_Admin.ToString())
                lblOrderTotal.Text = "0.00";

                // AarcadminMenu.Style.Add("visibility", "visible");
            Amyacc.Style.Add("visibility", "visible"); // Visible for all

            if (Session[enumSessions.SelectedInstaller.ToString()] != null)
                if (Session[enumSessions.SelectedInstaller.ToString()].ToString().Length > 30)
                    lblInstallerName.Text = Session[enumSessions.SelectedInstaller.ToString()].ToString().Substring(0, 30) + "...";
                    lblInstallerName.Text = Session[enumSessions.SelectedInstaller.ToString()].ToString();

            if (Session[enumSessions.InstallerCompanyID.ToString()] != null)
                HyperLink1.Enabled = true;
            btnLogOut.Visible = true;
            lblUsername.Text      = "Guest";
            lblARCCompany.Text    = "Guest";
            lblBasket.Text        = "0";
            lblOrderTotal.Text    = "0.00";
            lblInstallerName.Text = "";
Example #18
    public static void SendEmailWithPrice(string OrderNo, string mailTO, SendEmailDTO sendEmailDTO,
                                          string mailFrom, string mailCC, bool isEmailFromViewOrders, bool?hasEmizonProducts, int orderID)
            String           ProductsList    = "";
            bool             instadd_differs = false;
            string           subjectsuffix   = string.Empty;
            string           templatePath    = "Template";
            SendEmailMessage sendEmail       = new SendEmailMessage();
            EmailMessage     cslEmailMessage = new EmailMessage();
            string           emizonQueuePath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EmizonQueue"].ToString();//could have used AppSettings but no point as another one is using config

            string mailSubject = "Order Confirmation - Order Ref: " + OrderNo;
            if (isEmailFromViewOrders)
                if (mailTO.EndsWith("@csldual.com"))
                    subjectsuffix = "; Email Resent";

                mailSubject  = mailSubject + subjectsuffix;
                templatePath = "../Template";

            String        mailHtml   = ReadTemplates.ReadMailTemplate(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(templatePath), "EmailTemplate.html");
            StringBuilder objBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            objBuilder.Replace("{OrderNo}", OrderNo);
            objBuilder.Replace("{OrderDate}", string.IsNullOrEmpty(sendEmailDTO.orderDate) ? "." : sendEmailDTO.orderDate);
            objBuilder.Replace("{OrderRef}", string.IsNullOrEmpty(sendEmailDTO.ARCOrderRefNo) ? "." : sendEmailDTO.ARCOrderRefNo);

            ARC    arc    = ArcBAL.GetArcInfoByUserId(new Guid(sendEmailDTO.userID));
            string arcAdd = "";

            if (arc != null)
                arcAdd  = arc.CompanyName == null ? "" : arc.CompanyName + ",&nbsp;";
                arcAdd += arc.AddressOne + ", <br /> ";
                arcAdd += string.IsNullOrEmpty(arc.AddressTwo) ? "" : arc.AddressTwo + ",&nbsp;";
                arcAdd += string.IsNullOrEmpty(arc.Town) ? "" : arc.Town + ",<br /> ";
                arcAdd += string.IsNullOrEmpty(arc.County) ? "" : arc.County + ", ";
                arcAdd += string.IsNullOrEmpty(arc.PostCode) ? "" : arc.PostCode + " <br />";
                objBuilder.Replace("{Fax}", string.IsNullOrEmpty(arc.Fax) ? "." : arc.Fax);
                objBuilder.Replace("{Tel}", string.IsNullOrEmpty(arc.Telephone) ? "." : arc.Telephone);
                objBuilder.Replace("{ARC}", arcAdd);

            objBuilder.Replace("{Username}", sendEmailDTO.userName);
            objBuilder.Replace("{UserEmail}", sendEmailDTO.userEmail);

            // OrderDetails
            LinqToSqlDataContext db = new LinqToSqlDataContext();
            var products            = db.USP_GetBasketProducts(Convert.ToInt32(sendEmailDTO.orderID)).ToList();

            if (products != null && products.Count > 0)
                string chipNos     = "";
                int    countOption = 1;

                foreach (var prod in products)
                    int rowCount = db.USP_GetBasketProductsOnCheckOut(Convert.ToInt32(sendEmailDTO.orderID)).Where(i => i.ProductCode == prod.ProductCode.Trim()).Count();
                    ProductsList += "<tr><td style=\"background: #FFF7F7\">" + prod.ProductCode + "</td><td>" + prod.ProductName + "</td> <td style=\"background: #FFF7F7\">" + prod.ProductQty + "</td><td>£" + prod.Price;

                    if (prod.ProductType == "Product")
                        chipNos = "";
                        var ChipNumbers = db.USP_GetBasketGPRSChipNumbersByProductId(Convert.ToInt32(sendEmailDTO.orderID), prod.ProductId, prod.CategoryId).ToList();

                        if (ChipNumbers != null)
                            foreach (var chipno in ChipNumbers)
                                chipNos += string.IsNullOrEmpty(chipno.GPRSNo) ? "" : chipno.GPRSNo + "-";
                                chipNos += string.IsNullOrEmpty(chipno.PSTNNo) ? "" : chipno.PSTNNo + "-";
                                chipNos += string.IsNullOrEmpty(chipno.GSMNo) ? "" : chipno.GSMNo + "-";  //added GSM NO(PanelID) in email
                                chipNos += string.IsNullOrEmpty(chipno.OptionName) ? "" : chipno.OptionName;
                                chipNos += ",";

                                if (chipno.PSTNNo == "" &&
                                    chipno.OptionName == "" &&
                                    chipno.GSMNo == "" &&
                                    chipNos.Length > 0
                                    )//added GSM NO(PanelID) in email
                                    chipNos = chipNos.Remove(chipNos.Length - 1, 1);

                            if (chipNos != "")
                                chipNos       = chipNos.Substring(0, chipNos.Length - 1);
                                ProductsList += "</td> <td style=\"background: #FFF7F7\">" + chipNos + "</td> </td></tr>";
                                ProductsList += "</td> <td style=\"background: #FFF7F7\">Chip Numbers : Not Provided</td></tr>";

                        if (rowCount == 1)
                            var dependentproducts = db.USP_GetBasketDependentProductsByProductId(Convert.ToInt32(sendEmailDTO.orderID), prod.ProductId, prod.CategoryId).ToList();
                            if (dependentproducts != null && dependentproducts.Count > 0)
                                foreach (var dp in dependentproducts)
                                    ProductsList += "<tr><td>" + dp.ProductCode + "</td><td>" + dp.ProductName + "</td><td>" + dp.ProductQty + "</td><td>£" + dp.Price + "</tr>";
                            countOption = 0;
                        else if (rowCount == countOption)
                            var dependentproducts = db.USP_GetBasketDependentProductsByProductId(Convert.ToInt32(sendEmailDTO.orderID), prod.ProductId, prod.CategoryId).ToList();
                            if (dependentproducts != null && dependentproducts.Count > 0)
                                foreach (var dp in dependentproducts)
                                    ProductsList += "<tr><td>" + dp.ProductCode + "</td><td>" + dp.ProductName + "</td><td>" + dp.ProductQty + "</td><td>£" + dp.Price + "</tr>";

            OrderDTO objorder = CSLOrderingARCBAL.BAL.OrdersBAL.GetOrderDetail(Convert.ToInt32(sendEmailDTO.orderID));
            //objBuilder.Replace("{OrderTotal}", Convert.ToDecimal(lblDtlsOrderTotal.Text).ToString("c"));
            objBuilder.Replace("{OrderTotal}", "£" + Convert.ToDecimal(objorder.OrderTotal));
            //objBuilder.Replace("{DeliveryTotal}", Convert.ToDecimal(lblDtlsDeliveryTotal.Text).ToString("c"));
            objBuilder.Replace("{DeliveryTotal}", "£" + Convert.ToDecimal(objorder.DeliveryCost));
            //objBuilder.Replace("{VAT}", Convert.ToDecimal(lblDtlsVAT.Text).ToString("c"));
            objBuilder.Replace("{VAT}", "£" + Convert.ToDecimal(objorder.VATAmount));
            //objBuilder.Replace("{TotalToPay}", Convert.ToDecimal(lblDtlsTotalToPay.Text).ToString("c"));
            objBuilder.Replace("{TotalToPay}", "£" + Convert.ToDecimal(objorder.TotalAmountToPay));
            objBuilder.Replace("{DeliveryTypeName}", string.IsNullOrEmpty(sendEmailDTO.DdeliveryType) ? "" : sendEmailDTO.DdeliveryType);
            objBuilder.Replace("{DeliveryTypePrice}", "£" + sendEmailDTO.deliveryCost);
            objBuilder.Replace("{Installer}", InstallerBAL.GetAddressHTML2LineForEmail(new Guid(sendEmailDTO.installerID)));

            if (objorder.InstallationAddressId > 0)
                instadd_differs = true;
                instadd_differs = false;
            if (instadd_differs)// || sendEmailDTO.InstallationAddId != 0)
                //string InsAdd = InstallerBAL.GetAddressHTML2LineForEmail(Convert.ToInt32(Session[enumSessions.PreviousOrderId.ToString()].ToString()));
                string InsAdd = objorder.InstallationAddressId.HasValue ? InstallerBAL.GetAddressHTML2LineForEmail(objorder.InstallationAddressId.Value) : "Not Available";
                objBuilder.Replace("{InstallerAddress}", "<td><div style=\"width: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0;\"><table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\"><tr><td style=\"text-align: left\"> <font color=\"#888\" size=\"2\" face=\"Arial\">" + InsAdd + " </font></td></tr></table></div></td>");
                objBuilder.Replace("{HeadingInstallerAdd}", "<td><h3 style=\"font-size:11px; text-align: center; margin: 0; padding: 5px auto;\">Installation Address</h3></td>");
                objBuilder.Replace("{InstallerAddress}", "");
                objBuilder.Replace("{HeadingInstallerAdd}", "");
            objBuilder.Replace("{DeliveredTo}", OrdersBAL.GetDeliveryAddressHTML2Line(Convert.ToInt32(sendEmailDTO.orderID)));
            objBuilder.Replace("{SpecialInstructions}", sendEmailDTO.specialInstructions);
            if (isEmailFromViewOrders)
                objBuilder.Append("Email Resent");
            var distinctProduct = products.Select(i => i.ProductCode).Distinct();

            foreach (var pro in distinctProduct)
                products = db.USP_GetBasketProducts(Convert.ToInt32(sendEmailDTO.orderID)).Where(p => p.ProductCode == pro).Take(1).ToList();

                foreach (var prod in products)
                    if (prod.IsCSDUser == true)
                        ProductsList += "<tr><td>" + prod.ProductCode + "</td><td>" + prod.Message + "</td></tr>";
            objBuilder.Replace("{ProductList}", ProductsList);
            if (mailTO != "" && mailTO.Trim() != "")
                string[] mailFromList = mailFrom.Split(',');
                string[] mailCCList   = mailCC.Split(',');
                string   emailCC      = string.Empty;

                foreach (string email in mailCCList)
                    emailCC += email + ",";
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(emailCC))
                    emailCC = emailCC.TrimEnd(',');

                //PUSH TO EMIZON QUEUE
                if (hasEmizonProducts.HasValue && hasEmizonProducts.Value)
                    EmizonOrderController.AddAPIRequestToQueue(emizonQueuePath, new Emizon.APIModels.MSMQTypes.QueueOrderMessage()
                        From          = mailFrom,
                        To            = mailTO,
                        CC            = mailCC,
                        BCC           = mailCC,
                        Subject       = mailSubject,
                        OrderHTMLBody = objBuilder.ToString(),
                        orderID       = orderID
                    //Add below code to send the email message via msmq not smtp -Priya 15/06/2017
                    //Remove Emizon placeholder
                    objBuilder.Replace("{EmizonData}", "");

                    cslEmailMessage.From    = mailFrom;
                    cslEmailMessage.To      = mailTO;
                    cslEmailMessage.CC      = emailCC;
                    cslEmailMessage.BCC     = emailCC;
                    cslEmailMessage.Subject = mailSubject;
                    cslEmailMessage.Message = objBuilder.ToString();

                    sendEmail.SendEmailMessageToQueue(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["QueueName"].ToString(), cslEmailMessage);
                //End Code sending email  to msmq.
            ApplicationDTO appSettings     = new AppSettings().GetAppValues();
            List <string>  lstProductCodes = new List <string>();
            lstProductCodes = appSettings.ConnectionOnlyCodes.Split(',').ToList();

            bool connectionProductCodeExist = false;
            foreach (var x in distinctProduct)
                if (lstProductCodes.Exists(e => e.EndsWith(x)))
                    connectionProductCodeExist = true;
            StringBuilder strURL = new StringBuilder();

            if (connectionProductCodeExist)
                #region buildURLs

                List <DCCCompany> lstDCCCompany = db.DCCCompanies.ToList();

                foreach (DCCCompany company in lstDCCCompany)
                    var tableCodes = company.Productcode.Split(',').ToList();

                    foreach (string s in tableCodes)
                        if (distinctProduct.Contains(s)) //only create a link if the product exist in the basket items.
                            strURL.Append(" please <a href='" + company.InstructionsUrl + "'>Click here for " + company.company_name + "</a> or ");
                            break; // once we add


                string mailSubjectConnectionOnly = "ARC Connection Only - Order Confirmation - Order Ref: " + OrderNo;
                if (isEmailFromViewOrders)
                    if (mailTO.EndsWith("@csldual.com"))
                        subjectsuffix = "; Email Resent";

                    mailSubjectConnectionOnly = mailSubjectConnectionOnly + subjectsuffix;

                String mailHtmlConnectionOnly = ReadTemplates.ReadMailTemplate(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(templatePath), "EmailTemplate_ConnectionOrders.html");
                //  String mailHtmlConnectionOnly = ReadTemplates.ReadMailTemplate(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(templatePath), "EmailTemplate_v2_ConnectionOrders.html");
                StringBuilder objBuilderConnectionOnly = new StringBuilder();

                objBuilderConnectionOnly.Replace("{InstallationURL}", strURL.ToString().TrimEnd(' ', 'o', 'r') + '.');
                objBuilderConnectionOnly.Replace("{OrderNo}", OrderNo);
                objBuilderConnectionOnly.Replace("{OrderDate}", sendEmailDTO.orderDate);
                objBuilderConnectionOnly.Replace("{OrderRef}", string.IsNullOrEmpty(sendEmailDTO.ARCOrderRefNo) ? "." : sendEmailDTO.ARCOrderRefNo);
                objBuilderConnectionOnly.Replace("{OrderTotal}", "£" + objorder.OrderTotal);
                objBuilderConnectionOnly.Replace("{DeliveryTotal}", "£" + objorder.DeliveryCost);
                objBuilderConnectionOnly.Replace("{VAT}", "£" + objorder.VATAmount);
                objBuilderConnectionOnly.Replace("{TotalToPay}", "£" + objorder.TotalAmountToPay);
                objBuilderConnectionOnly.Replace("{DeliveryTypeName}", sendEmailDTO.DdeliveryType.ToString().TrimEnd(' '));
                // objBuilderConnectionOnly.Replace("{DeliveryTypePrice}", "£" + sendEmailDTO.deliveryCost);
                objBuilderConnectionOnly.Replace("{Installer}", InstallerBAL.GetAddressHTML2LineForEmail(new Guid(sendEmailDTO.installerID)));

                if (arc != null)
                    objBuilderConnectionOnly.Replace("{Fax}", string.IsNullOrEmpty(arc.Fax) ? "." : arc.Fax);
                    objBuilderConnectionOnly.Replace("{Tel}", string.IsNullOrEmpty(arc.Telephone) ? "." : arc.Telephone);
                    objBuilderConnectionOnly.Replace("{ARC}", arcAdd);

                objBuilderConnectionOnly.Replace("{Username}", sendEmailDTO.userName);
                objBuilderConnectionOnly.Replace("{UserEmail}", sendEmailDTO.userEmail);

                //comment below line if new RAc connection only template is approved
                if (instadd_differs)
                    string InsAddConnection = objorder.InstallationAddressId.HasValue ? InstallerBAL.GetAddressHTML2LineForEmail(objorder.InstallationAddressId.Value) : "Not Available";
                    //string InsAddConnection= InstallerBAL.GetInstallationAddressHTML2LineForEmail(Convert.ToInt32(Session[enumSessions.OrderId.ToString()].ToString()));
                    objBuilderConnectionOnly.Replace("{InstallerAddress}", "<td><div style=\"width: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0;\"><table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\"><tr><td style=\"text-align: left\"> <font color=\"#888\" size=\"2\" face=\"Arial\">" + InsAddConnection + " </font></td></tr></table></div></td>");
                    objBuilderConnectionOnly.Replace("{HeadingInstallerAdd}", "<td><h3 style=\"font-size:11px; text-align: center; margin: 0; padding: 5px auto;\">Installation Address</h3></td>");
                    //objBuilderConnectionOnly.Replace("{InstallerAddress}", "");
                    // objBuilderConnectionOnly.Replace("{HeadingInstallerAdd}", "");
                    objBuilderConnectionOnly.Replace("{InstallerAddress}", "");
                    objBuilderConnectionOnly.Replace("{HeadingInstallerAdd}", "");


                objBuilderConnectionOnly.Replace("{DeliveredTo}", OrdersBAL.GetDeliveryAddressHTML2Line(Convert.ToInt32(sendEmailDTO.orderID)));
                objBuilderConnectionOnly.Replace("{SpecialInstructions}", string.IsNullOrEmpty(sendEmailDTO.specialInstructions.Trim()) ? "." : sendEmailDTO.specialInstructions.Trim());

                ProductsList = Regex.Replace(ProductsList, @"(?i)<(table|tr|td)(?:\s+(?:""[^""]*""|'[^']*'|[^""'>])*)?>", "<$1>");
                objBuilderConnectionOnly.Replace("{ProductList}", ProductsList);

                LinqToSqlDataContext dbe = new LinqToSqlDataContext();
                var connInstallerEmail   = (from o in dbe.Orders
                                            join i in dbe.Installers on o.InstallerUnqCode equals i.UniqueCode.ToString()
                                            join ia in dbe.InstallerAddresses on i.AddressID equals ia.AddressID
                                            where o.OrderNo == OrderNo
                                            select ia.Email).Single();

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(connInstallerEmail))
                    connInstallerEmail = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TeleSalesEmail"].ToString();
                cslEmailMessage.From    = mailFrom;
                cslEmailMessage.To      = connInstallerEmail;
                cslEmailMessage.CC      = mailCC;
                cslEmailMessage.BCC     = mailCC;
                cslEmailMessage.Subject = mailSubjectConnectionOnly;
                cslEmailMessage.Message = Convert.ToString(objBuilderConnectionOnly.ToString());

                sendEmail.SendEmailMessageToQueue(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["QueueName"].ToString(), cslEmailMessage);

        catch (Exception objException)
            CSLOrderingARCBAL.LinqToSqlDataContext db;
            db = new CSLOrderingARCBAL.LinqToSqlDataContext();
            db.USP_SaveErrorDetails(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.ToString(), "SendEmailWithPrice",
                                    Convert.ToString(objException.Message), Convert.ToString(objException.InnerException),
                                    Convert.ToString(objException.StackTrace), "", HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress, false,
Example #19
        static void Main(string[] args)
            bool   Extract         = false;
            string ArcOffset       = "data.arc";
            string FolderToExtract = "";

            //args = new string[] { "-x", "data.arc" };//, "stage/BossStage_Dracula/normal/model/bs_dc_floor_shadow_set" };

            if (args.Length == 0)
                    "Notes" +
                    "\nA lot of files/folders will not have proper filenames" +
                    "\nCommands:" +
                    "\nExtract entire arc (Untested! EXPERIMENTAL!!!)" +
                    "\n-x (data.arc)" +
                    "\nExtract folder from arc" +
                    "\n-x (data.arc) (folderinarc)" +
                    "\nEx: -x data.arc fighter/mario/c00");

            //process args
            for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
                if (args[i].Equals("-x"))
                    Extract = true;
                    if (args.Length >= 2)
                        ArcOffset = args[i];
                        if (args.Length >= 3)
                            FolderToExtract = args[i];

            /*var list1 = new List<string>();
             * list1.AddRange(File.ReadAllLines("moosestrings.txt"));
             * list1.Union(File.ReadAllLines("Hashes.txt"));
             * list1.Sort();
             * using (StreamWriter w = new StreamWriter(new FileStream("out.txt", FileMode.Create)))
             * {
             *  foreach(string s in list1)
             *  w.WriteLine(s);
             * }*/


            //ARC.CompareHashes("ARCV1_1Hashes.bin", "ARCV2_0Hashes.bin");
            if (!Extract)

                var timer = new Stopwatch();
                Debug.WriteLine("Initiating Hash Dict: " + timer.ElapsedMilliseconds);
                Debug.WriteLine("Initiating Arc: " + timer.ElapsedMilliseconds);
                Application.Run(new Form1());

            //Console.WriteLine("Press enter to close");
Example #20
        public static void DeleteFrom(Parse parse, SrcList tabList, Expr where_)
            AuthContext sContext = new AuthContext(); // Authorization context
            Context ctx = parse.Ctx; // Main database structure
            if (parse.Errs != 0 || ctx.MallocFailed)
                goto delete_from_cleanup;
            Debug.Assert(tabList.Srcs == 1);

            // Locate the table which we want to delete.  This table has to be put in an SrcList structure because some of the subroutines we
            // will be calling are designed to work with multiple tables and expect an SrcList* parameter instead of just a Table* parameter.
            Table table = SrcList.Lookup(parse, tabList); // The table from which records will be deleted
            if (table == null) goto delete_from_cleanup;

            // Figure out if we have any triggers and if the table being deleted from is a view
            int dummy;
            Trigger trigger = Triggers.Exist(parse, table, TK.DELETE, null, out dummy); // List of table triggers, if required
            const bool isView = false;
            bool isView = (table.Select != null); // True if attempting to delete from a view
            const Trigger trigger = null;
            bool isView = false;

            // If pTab is really a view, make sure it has been initialized.
            if (sqlite3ViewGetColumnNames(parse, table) != null || IsReadOnly(parse, table, (trigger != null)))
                goto delete_from_cleanup;
            int db = sqlite3SchemaToIndex(ctx, table.Schema); // Database number
            Debug.Assert(db < ctx.DBs.length);
            string dbName = ctx.DBs[db].Name; // Name of database holding pTab
            ARC rcauth = Auth.Check(parse, AUTH.DELETE, table.Name, 0, dbName); // Value returned by authorization callback
            Debug.Assert(rcauth == ARC.OK || rcauth == ARC.DENY || rcauth == ARC.IGNORE);
            if (rcauth == ARC.DENY)
                goto delete_from_cleanup;
            Debug.Assert(!isView || trigger != null);

            // Assign cursor number to the table and all its indices.
            Debug.Assert(tabList.Srcs == 1);
            int curId = tabList.Ids[0].Cursor = parse.Tabs++; // VDBE VdbeCursor number for pTab
            Index idx; // For looping over indices of the table
            for (idx = table.Index; idx != null; idx = idx.Next)

            // Start the view context
            if (isView)
                Auth.ContextPush(parse, sContext, table.Name);

            // Begin generating code.
            Vdbe v = parse.GetVdbe(); // The virtual database engine 
            if (v == null)
                goto delete_from_cleanup;
            if (parse.Nested == 0) v.CountChanges();
            parse.BeginWriteOperation(1, db);

            // If we are trying to delete from a view, realize that view into a ephemeral table.
            if (isView)
                MaterializeView(parse, table, where_, curId);
            // Resolve the column names in the WHERE clause.
            NameContext sNC = new NameContext(); // Name context to resolve expressions in
            sNC.Parse = parse;
            sNC.SrcList = tabList;
            if (sqlite3ResolveExprNames(sNC, ref where_) != 0)
                goto delete_from_cleanup;

            // Initialize the counter of the number of rows deleted, if we are counting rows.
            int memCnt = -1; // Memory cell used for change counting
            if ((ctx.Flags & Context.FLAG.CountRows) != 0)
                memCnt = ++parse.Mems;
                v.AddOp2(OP.Integer, 0, memCnt);

            // Special case: A DELETE without a WHERE clause deletes everything. It is easier just to erase the whole table. Prior to version 3.6.5,
            // this optimization caused the row change count (the value returned by API function sqlite3_count_changes) to be set incorrectly.
            if (rcauth == ARC.OK && where_ == null && trigger == null && !IsVirtual(table) && !FKey.FkRequired(parse, table, null, 0))
                v.AddOp4(OP.Clear, table.Id, db, memCnt, table.Name, Vdbe.P4T.STATIC);
                for (idx = table.Index; idx != null; idx = idx.Next)
                    Debug.Assert(idx.Schema == table.Schema);
                    v.AddOp2(OP.Clear, idx.Id, db);
            // The usual case: There is a WHERE clause so we have to scan through the table and pick which records to delete.
                int rowSet = ++parse.Mems; // Register for rowset of rows to delete
                int rowid = ++parse.Mems; // Used for storing rowid values.

                // Collect rowids of every row to be deleted.
                v.AddOp2(OP.Null, 0, rowSet);
                ExprList dummy = null;
                WhereInfo winfo = Where.Begin(parse, tabList, where_, ref dummy, WHERE_DUPLICATES_OK, 0); // Information about the WHERE clause
                if (winfo == null) goto delete_from_cleanup;
                int regRowid = Expr.CodeGetColumn(parse, table, -1, curId, rowid); // Actual register containing rowids
                v.AddOp2(OP.RowSetAdd, rowSet, regRowid);
                if ((ctx.Flags & Context.FLAG.CountRows) != 0)
                    v.AddOp2(OP.AddImm, memCnt, 1);

                // Delete every item whose key was written to the list during the database scan.  We have to delete items after the scan is complete
                // because deleting an item can change the scan order.
                int end = v.MakeLabel();

                // Unless this is a view, open cursors for the table we are deleting from and all its indices. If this is a view, then the
                // only effect this statement has is to fire the INSTEAD OF triggers.
                if (!isView)
                    sqlite3OpenTableAndIndices(parse, table, curId, OP.OpenWrite);
                int addr = v.AddOp3(OP.RowSetRead, rowSet, end, rowid);

                // Delete the row
                if (IsVirtual(table))
                    VTable vtable = VTable.GetVTable(ctx, table);
                    VTable.MakeWritable(parse, table);
                    v.AddOp4(OP.VUpdate, 0, 1, rowid, vtable, Vdbe.P4T.VTAB);
                    int count = (parse.Nested == 0; // True to count changes
                    GenerateRowDelete(parse, table, curId, rowid, count, trigger, OE.Default);

                // End of the delete loop
                v.AddOp2(OP.Goto, 0, addr);

                // Close the cursors open on the table and its indexes.
                if (!isView && !IsVirtual(table))
                    for (int i = 1, idx = table.Index; idx != null; i++, idx = idx.Next)
                        v.AddOp2(OP.Close, curId + i, idx.Id);
                    v.AddOp1(OP.Close, curId);

            // Update the sqlite_sequence table by storing the content of the maximum rowid counter values recorded while inserting into
		    // autoincrement tables.
            if (parse.Nested == 0 && parse.TriggerTab == null)

            // Return the number of rows that were deleted. If this routine is generating code because of a call to sqlite3NestedParse(), do not
		    // invoke the callback function.
            if ((ctx.Flags & Context.FLAG.CountRows) != 0 && parse.Nested == 0 && parse.TriggerTab == null)
                v.AddOp2(OP.ResultRow, memCnt, 1);
                v.SetColName(0, COLNAME_NAME, "rows deleted", SQLITE_STATIC);

            SrcList.Delete(ctx, ref tabList);
            Expr.Delete(ctx, ref where_);
Example #21
 public Material ChangeColor(Illuminance Illuminance)
     return(new Material(ARC.Mul(Illuminance), DRC.Mul(Illuminance), SRC.Mul(Illuminance), Shininess));
Example #22
    private void AutoLoginUser()
            string username = Request.QueryString["User"];
            string CatId    = Request.QueryString["CatId"];

            string userEmail = "";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(username))
                if (Roles.IsUserInRole(username, enumRoles.ARCWebSite_Admin.ToString()))
                    Session[enumSessions.User_Role.ToString()] = enumRoles.ARCWebSite_Admin.ToString();
                    if (Roles.IsUserInRole(username, enumRoles.ARCWebSite_SuperAdmin.ToString()))
                        Session[enumSessions.IsUserSuperAdmin.ToString()] = enumRoles.ARCWebSite_SuperAdmin.ToString();
                    if (Roles.IsUserInRole(username, enumRoles.ARC_Manager.ToString()))
                        Session[enumSessions.User_Role.ToString()] = enumRoles.ARC_Manager.ToString();
                    else if (Roles.IsUserInRole(username, enumRoles.ARC_Admin.ToString()))
                        Session[enumSessions.User_Role.ToString()] = enumRoles.ARC_Admin.ToString();
                        lblMsg.Text = "Login unsuccessful. Please check your username and password";

                MembershipUser userInfo = Membership.GetUser(username);
                Guid           UserID   = new Guid(userInfo.ProviderUserKey.ToString());
                userEmail = userInfo.Email;
                Session[enumSessions.User_Id.ToString()]    = UserID;
                Session[enumSessions.User_Name.ToString()]  = username;
                Session[enumSessions.User_Email.ToString()] = userEmail;

                // if (Session[enumSessions.User_Role.ToString()] == enumRoles.ARCWebSite_Admin.ToString())
                // Response.Redirect("ADMIN/AdminDefault.aspx");

                ARC arc = ArcBAL.GetArcInfoByUserId(new Guid(Session[enumSessions.User_Id.ToString()].ToString()));
                if (arc == null)
                    lblMsg.Text = "Login denied! Your account is not related to any ARC. Please contact CSL DualCom.";
                Session[enumSessions.ARC_Id.ToString()]             = arc.ARCId;
                Session[enumSessions.IsARC_AllowReturns.ToString()] = arc.AllowReturns;

                LinqToSqlDataContext db = new LinqToSqlDataContext();
                var OrderInfo           = db.USP_CreateOrderForUser(arc.ARCId, Session[enumSessions.User_Name.ToString()].ToString(), Session[enumSessions.User_Name.ToString()].ToString(), Session[enumSessions.User_Email.ToString()].ToString(), Session[enumSessions.User_Id.ToString()].ToString()).SingleOrDefault();
                if (OrderInfo != null)
                    Session[enumSessions.OrderId.ToString()]     = OrderInfo.OrderId;
                    Session[enumSessions.OrderNumber.ToString()] = OrderInfo.OrderNo.ToString();
                    Session[enumSessions.HasUserAcceptedDuplicates.ToString()] = OrderInfo.HasUserAcceptedDuplicates;

                    if (OrderInfo.InstallerId != "0")
                        Session[enumSessions.InstallerCompanyID.ToString()] = OrderInfo.InstallerId;
                        Session[enumSessions.SelectedInstaller.ToString()]  = OrderInfo.SelectedInstaller;

                FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(username, false);

                //if (Session[enumSessions.IsARC_AllowReturns.ToString()] != null && Convert.ToBoolean(Session[enumSessions.IsARC_AllowReturns.ToString()]))
                //    Response.Redirect("UploadOrder.aspx");
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CatId) || CatId.Trim() == "")
                    Response.Redirect("ProductList.aspx?CategoryId=" + CatId);
        catch (System.Threading.ThreadAbortException ex)
        catch (Exception objException)
            CSLOrderingARCBAL.LinqToSqlDataContext db;
            db = new CSLOrderingARCBAL.LinqToSqlDataContext();
            db.USP_SaveErrorDetails(Request.Url.ToString(), "AutoLoginUser", Convert.ToString(objException.Message), Convert.ToString(objException.InnerException), Convert.ToString(objException.StackTrace), "", HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress, false, Convert.ToString(HttpContext.Current.Session[enumSessions.User_Id.ToString()]));
Example #23
    protected void MyLogin_Authenticate(object sender, AuthenticateEventArgs e)
            lblMsg.Text = "";
            string username  = cslLogin.UserName;
            string userEmail = "";

            if (AuthenticateUser(username, cslLogin.Password))
                if (Roles.IsUserInRole(username, enumRoles.ARCWebSite_Admin.ToString()))
                    Session[enumSessions.User_Role.ToString()] = enumRoles.ARCWebSite_Admin.ToString();
                    if (Roles.IsUserInRole(username, enumRoles.ARCWebSite_SuperAdmin.ToString()))
                        Session[enumSessions.IsUserSuperAdmin.ToString()] = enumRoles.ARCWebSite_SuperAdmin.ToString();
                    if (Roles.IsUserInRole(username, enumRoles.ARC_Manager.ToString()))
                        Session[enumSessions.User_Role.ToString()] = enumRoles.ARC_Manager.ToString();
                    else if (Roles.IsUserInRole(username, enumRoles.ARC_Admin.ToString()))
                        Session[enumSessions.User_Role.ToString()] = enumRoles.ARC_Admin.ToString();
                        e.Authenticated = false;
                        lblMsg.Text     = "Login unsuccessful. Please check your username and password";
                        // e.Cancel = true;

                MembershipUser userInfo = Membership.GetUser(username);
                Guid           UserID   = new Guid(userInfo.ProviderUserKey.ToString());
                userEmail = userInfo.Email;
                Session[enumSessions.User_Id.ToString()]    = UserID;
                Session[enumSessions.User_Name.ToString()]  = username;
                Session[enumSessions.User_Email.ToString()] = userEmail;

                ARC arc = ArcBAL.GetArcInfoByUserId(new Guid(Session[enumSessions.User_Id.ToString()].ToString()));
                if (arc == null)
                    e.Authenticated = false;
                    lblMsg.Text     = "Login denied! Your account is not related to any ARC. Please contact CSL DualCom.";
                    //  e.Cancel = true;
                    Session[enumSessions.User_Id.ToString()] = null;
                Session[enumSessions.ARC_Id.ToString()]             = arc.ARCId;
                Session[enumSessions.IsARC_AllowReturns.ToString()] = arc.AllowReturns;

                LinqToSqlDataContext db = new LinqToSqlDataContext();
                var OrderInfo           = db.USP_CreateOrderForUser(arc.ARCId, Session[enumSessions.User_Name.ToString()].ToString(), Session[enumSessions.User_Name.ToString()].ToString(), Session[enumSessions.User_Email.ToString()].ToString(), Session[enumSessions.User_Id.ToString()].ToString()).SingleOrDefault();
                if (OrderInfo != null)
                    Session[enumSessions.OrderId.ToString()]     = OrderInfo.OrderId;
                    Session[enumSessions.OrderNumber.ToString()] = OrderInfo.OrderNo.ToString();
                    Session[enumSessions.HasUserAcceptedDuplicates.ToString()] = OrderInfo.HasUserAcceptedDuplicates;

                    if (OrderInfo.InstallerId != "0")
                        Session[enumSessions.InstallerCompanyID.ToString()] = OrderInfo.InstallerId;
                        Session[enumSessions.SelectedInstaller.ToString()]  = OrderInfo.SelectedInstaller;

                e.Authenticated = true;

                e.Authenticated = false;
                lblMsg.Text     = "Login unsuccessful ! unable to find your details";
                //    e.Cancel = true;
        catch (System.Threading.ThreadAbortException ex)
        catch (Exception objException)
            CSLOrderingARCBAL.LinqToSqlDataContext db;
            db = new CSLOrderingARCBAL.LinqToSqlDataContext();
            db.USP_SaveErrorDetails(Request.Url.ToString(), "cslLogin_LoggingIn", Convert.ToString(objException.Message), Convert.ToString(objException.InnerException), Convert.ToString(objException.StackTrace), "", HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress, false, Convert.ToString(HttpContext.Current.Session[enumSessions.User_Id.ToString()]));
Example #24
        public Form1()

            fileTree.BeforeExpand += folderTree_BeforeExpand;

            fileTree.NodeMouseClick += (sender, args) => fileTree.SelectedNode = args.Node;

            fileTree.HideSelection = false;

            fileTree.ImageList = new ImageList();
            fileTree.ImageList.Images.Add("folder", Properties.Resources.folder);
            fileTree.ImageList.Images.Add("file", Properties.Resources.file);

            regionCB.SelectedIndex = 0;

            //initialize arc

            // BGM

            /*foreach(_sBGMOffset off in ARC.BGMOffsets)
             * {
             *  BGM.Nodes.Add(new FileNode(off.Offset.ToString("X"))
             *  {
             *      ArcOffset = off.Offset,
             *      DecompSize = (uint)off.Size,
             *      CompSize = (uint)off.Size
             *  });
             * }*/

            // Files
            long TotalSize = 0;
            var  timer     = new Stopwatch();

            if (ARC.FileInformation != null || ARC.FileInformationV2 != null)
                foreach (FileOffsetGroup g in ARC.GetFiles())
                    FolderNode Folder = (FolderNode)GetFolderFromPath(g.Path, Root);
                    if (g.CompSize == null)

                    FileNode fNode = new FileNode(g.FileName)
                        ArcOffset    = g.ArcOffset[0],
                        CompSize     = (uint)g.CompSize[0],
                        DecompSize   = (uint)g.DecompSize[0],
                        Flags        = g.Flags[0],//(uint)g.SubFileInformationOffset
                        FullFilePath = g.Path + g.FileName

                    if ((g.ArcOffset.Length > 1))
                        fNode.IsRegional   = true;
                        fNode._rArcOffset  = g.ArcOffset;
                        fNode._rCompSize   = g.CompSize;
                        fNode._rDecompSize = g.DecompSize;
                        fNode._rFlags      = g.Flags;
                        fNode.FullFilePath = g.Path + g.FileName;

                    TotalSize += fNode.DecompSize;

            foreach (var g in ARC.GetStreamFiles())
                string     FPath  = g.FileName.Replace("stream:/", "");
                FolderNode Folder = (FolderNode)GetFolderFromPath(Path.GetDirectoryName(FPath).Replace("\\", "/"), Stream);

                FileNode fNode = new FileNode(Path.GetFileName(FPath))
                    ArcOffset    = g.ArcOffset[0],
                    CompSize     = (uint)g.CompSize[0],
                    DecompSize   = (uint)g.DecompSize[0],
                    Flags        = g.Flags[0],
                    FullFilePath = FPath

                if ((g.ArcOffset.Length > 1))
                    fNode.IsRegional   = true;
                    fNode._rArcOffset  = g.ArcOffset;
                    fNode._rCompSize   = g.CompSize;
                    fNode._rDecompSize = g.DecompSize;
                    fNode._rFlags      = g.Flags;
                    fNode.FullFilePath = FPath;


            Debug.WriteLine("To load files into tree: " + timer.ElapsedMilliseconds);
            Debug.WriteLine("Total File Size: " + FormatBytes(TotalSize));

            /*string[] folders = ARC.GetPaths();
             * foreach(string s in folders)
             * {
             *  //fileTree.Nodes.Add(new TreeNode(s));
             *  MKDir(s);
             * }*/


            /*foreach (_sDirectoryList h in ARC.DirectoryLists)
             * {
             *  _sFileInformation[] fi = ARC.GetFileInformationFromFolder(h);
             *  string path = ARC.GetPathString(ARC.FolderHashDict, h);
             *  foreach (_sFileInformation i in fi)
             *  {
             *      //MKDir(path + "/" + ARC.GetName(i.Unk4));
             *      TreeNode Folder = GetFolderFromPath(path + "/" + ARC.GetName(i.Parent));
             *      //_SubFileInfo sub = ARC.SubFileInformation_1[i.SubFile1_Index];
             *      ARC.FileOffsetGroup group = ARC.GetOffsetFromSubFile(i);
             *      Folder.Nodes.Add(new FileNode(ARC.GetName(i.Hash2))
             *      {
             *          ArcOffset = group.ArcOffset,
             *          CompSize = (uint)group.CompSize,
             *          DecompSize = (uint)group.DecompSize,
             *          Flags = group.Flags
             *      });
             *  }
             * }*/


Example #25
        public static void sqlite3Update(Parse parse, SrcList tabList, ExprList changes, Expr where_, OE onError)
            int i, j;                                 // Loop counters

            AuthContext sContext = new AuthContext(); // The authorization context
            Context     ctx      = parse.Ctx;         // The database structure

            if (parse.Errs != 0 || ctx.MallocFailed)
                goto update_cleanup;
            Debug.Assert(tabList.Srcs == 1);

            // Locate the table which we want to update.
            Table table = sqlite3SrcListLookup(parse, tabList); // The table to be updated

            if (table == null)
                goto update_cleanup;
            int db = sqlite3SchemaToIndex(ctx, table.Schema); // Database containing the table being updated

            // Figure out if we have any triggers and if the table being updated is a view.
            int     tmask   = 0;                                                                 // Mask of TRIGGER_BEFORE|TRIGGER_AFTER
            Trigger trigger = sqlite3TriggersExist(parse, table, TK.UPDATE, changes, out tmask); // List of triggers on pTab, if required
            const bool isView = false;
            bool isView = (table.Select != null); // True when updating a view (INSTEAD OF trigger)
            Debug.Assert(trigger != null || tmask == 0);
            const Trigger trigger = null;
            const int     tmask   = 0;
            const bool    isView  = false;

            if (sqlite3ViewGetColumnNames(parse, table) != 0 || sqlite3IsReadOnly(parse, table, tmask))
                goto update_cleanup;

            int[] xrefs = new int[table.Cols.length]; // xrefs[i] is the index in pChanges->a[] of the an expression for the i-th column of the table. xrefs[i]==-1 if the i-th column is not changed.
            if (xrefs == null)
                goto update_cleanup;
            for (i = 0; i < table.Cols.length; i++)
                xrefs[i] = -1;

            // Allocate a cursors for the main database table and for all indices. The index cursors might not be used, but if they are used they
            // need to occur right after the database cursor.  So go ahead and allocate enough space, just in case.
            int curId; // VDBE Cursor number of pTab
            tabList.Ids[0].Cursor = curId = parse.Tabs++;
            Index idx; // For looping over indices
            for (idx = table.Index; idx != null; idx = idx.Next)

            // Initialize the name-context
            NameContext sNC = new NameContext(); // The name-context to resolve expressions in
            sNC.Parse   = parse;
            sNC.SrcList = tabList;

            // Resolve the column names in all the expressions of the of the UPDATE statement.  Also find the column index
            // for each column to be updated in the pChanges array.  For each column to be updated, make sure we have authorization to change that column.
            bool chngRowid = false; // True if the record number is being changed
            Expr rowidExpr = null;  // Expression defining the new record number
            for (i = 0; i < changes.Exprs; i++)
                if (sqlite3ResolveExprNames(sNC, ref changes.Ids[i].Expr) != 0)
                    goto update_cleanup;
                for (j = 0; j < table.Cols.length; j++)
                    if (string.Equals(table.Cols[j].Name, changes.Ids[i].Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        if (j == table.PKey)
                            chngRowid = true;
                            rowidExpr = changes.Ids[i].Expr;
                        xrefs[j] = i;
                if (j >= table.Cols.length)
                    if (Expr::IsRowid(changes.Ids[i].Name))
                        chngRowid = true;
                        rowidExpr = changes.Ids[i].Expr;
                        parse.ErrorMsg("no such column: %s", changes.Ids[i].Name);
                        parse.CheckSchema = 1;
                        goto update_cleanup;
                    ARC rc = Auth.Check(parse, AUTH.UPDATE, table.Name, table.Cols[j].Name, ctx.DBs[db].Name);
                    if (rc == ARC.DENY)
                        goto update_cleanup;
                    else if (rc == ARC.IGNORE)
                        xrefs[j] = -1;

            bool hasFK = sqlite3FkRequired(parse, table, xrefs, chngRowid ? 1 : 0); // True if foreign key processing is required

            // Allocate memory for the array aRegIdx[].  There is one entry in the array for each index associated with table being updated.  Fill in
            // the value with a register number for indices that are to be used and with zero for unused indices.
            int idxLength;                   // Number of indices that need updating
            for (idxLength = 0, idx = table.Index; idx != null; idx = idx.Next, idxLength++)
            int[] regIdxs = null; // One register assigned to each index to be updated
            if (idxLength > 0)
                regIdxs = new int[idxLength];
                if (regIdxs == null)
                    goto update_cleanup;
            for (j = 0, idx = table.Index; idx != null; idx = idx.Next, j++)
                int regId;
                if (hasFK || chngRowid)
                    regId = ++parse.Mems;
                    regId = 0;
                    for (i = 0; i < idx.Columns.length; i++)
                        if (xrefs[idx.Columns[i]] >= 0)
                            regId = ++parse.Mems;
                regIdxs[j] = regId;

            // Begin generating code.
            Vdbe v = parse.GetVdbe(); // The virtual database engine
            if (v == null)
                goto update_cleanup;
            if (parse.Nested == 0)
            parse.BeginWriteOperation(1, db);

            // Virtual tables must be handled separately
            if (IsVirtual(table))
                UpdateVirtualTable(parse, tabList, table, changes, rowidExpr, xrefs, where_, onError);
                where_  = null;
                tabList = null;
                goto update_cleanup;

            // Register Allocations
            int regRowCount = 0;         // A count of rows changed
            int regOldRowid;             // The old rowid
            int regNewRowid;             // The new rowid
            int regNew;
            int regOld    = 0;
            int regRowSet = 0;           // Rowset of rows to be updated

            // Allocate required registers.
            regOldRowid = regNewRowid = ++parse.Mems;
            if (trigger != null || hasFK)
                regOld      = parse.Mems + 1;
                parse.Mems += table.Cols.length;
            if (chngRowid || trigger != null || hasFK)
                regNewRowid = ++parse.Mems;
            regNew      = parse.Mems + 1;
            parse.Mems += table.Cols.length;

            // Start the view context.
            if (isView)
                Auth.ContextPush(parse, sContext, table.Name);

            // If we are trying to update a view, realize that view into a ephemeral table.
            if (isView)
                sqlite3MaterializeView(parse, table, where_, curId);

            // Resolve the column names in all the expressions in the WHERE clause.
            if (sqlite3ResolveExprNames(sNC, ref where_) != 0)
                goto update_cleanup;

            // Begin the database scan
            v.AddOp2(OP.Null, 0, regOldRowid);
            ExprList  dummy = null;
            WhereInfo winfo = Where.Begin(parse, tabList, where_, ref dummy, WHERE.ONEPASS_DESIRED); // Information about the WHERE clause
            if (winfo == null)
                goto update_cleanup;
            bool okOnePass = winfo.OkOnePass; // True for one-pass algorithm without the FIFO

            // Remember the rowid of every item to be updated.
            v.AddOp2(OP.Rowid, curId, regOldRowid);
            if (!okOnePass)
                v.AddOp2(OP.RowSetAdd, regRowSet, regOldRowid);

            // End the database scan loop.

            // Initialize the count of updated rows
            if ((ctx.Flags & Context.FLAG.CountRows) != 0 && parse.TriggerTab == null)
                regRowCount = ++parse.Mems;
                v.AddOp2(OP.Integer, 0, regRowCount);

            bool openAll = false; // True if all indices need to be opened
            if (!isView)
                // Open every index that needs updating.  Note that if any index could potentially invoke a REPLACE conflict resolution
                // action, then we need to open all indices because we might need to be deleting some records.
                if (!okOnePass)
                    sqlite3OpenTable(parse, curId, db, table, OP.OpenWrite);
                if (onError == OE.Replace)
                    openAll = true;
                    openAll = false;
                    for (idx = table.Index; idx != null; idx = idx.Next)
                        if (idx.OnError == OE.Replace)
                            openAll = true;
                for (i = 0, idx = table.Index; idx != null; idx = idx.Next, i++)
                    if (openAll || regIdxs[i] > 0)
                        KeyInfo key = sqlite3IndexKeyinfo(parse, idx);
                        v.AddOp4(OP.OpenWrite, curId + i + 1, idx.Id, db, key, Vdbe.P4T.KEYINFO_HANDOFF);
                        Debug.Assert(parse.Tabs > curId + i + 1);

            // Top of the update loop
            int addr = 0; // VDBE instruction address of the start of the loop
            if (okOnePass)
                int a1 = v.AddOp1(OP.NotNull, regOldRowid);
                addr = v.AddOp0(OP.Goto);
                addr = v.AddOp3(OP.RowSetRead, regRowSet, 0, regOldRowid);

            // Make cursor iCur point to the record that is being updated. If this record does not exist for some reason (deleted by a trigger,
            // for example, then jump to the next iteration of the RowSet loop.
            v.AddOp3(OP.NotExists, curId, addr, regOldRowid);

            // If the record number will change, set register regNewRowid to contain the new value. If the record number is not being modified,
            // then regNewRowid is the same register as regOldRowid, which is already populated.
            Debug.Assert(chngRowid || trigger != null || hasFK || regOldRowid == regNewRowid);
            if (chngRowid)
                Expr.Code(parse, rowidExpr, regNewRowid);
                v.AddOp1(OP.MustBeInt, regNewRowid);

            // If there are triggers on this table, populate an array of registers with the required old.* column data.
            if (hasFK || trigger != null)
                uint oldmask = (hasFK ? sqlite3FkOldmask(parse, table) : 0);
                oldmask |= sqlite3TriggerColmask(parse, trigger, changes, 0, TRIGGER_BEFORE | TRIGGER_AFTER, table, onError);
                for (i = 0; i < table.Cols.length; i++)
                    if (xrefs[i] < 0 || oldmask == 0xffffffff || (i < 32 && 0 != (oldmask & (1 << i))))
                        Expr.CodeGetColumnOfTable(v, table, curId, i, regOld + i);
                        v.AddOp2(OP.Null, 0, regOld + i);
                if (!chngRowid)
                    v.AddOp2(OP.Copy, regOldRowid, regNewRowid);

            // Populate the array of registers beginning at regNew with the new row data. This array is used to check constaints, create the new
            // table and index records, and as the values for any new.* references made by triggers.
            // If there are one or more BEFORE triggers, then do not populate the registers associated with columns that are (a) not modified by
            // this UPDATE statement and (b) not accessed by new.* references. The values for registers not modified by the UPDATE must be reloaded from
            // the database after the BEFORE triggers are fired anyway (as the trigger may have modified them). So not loading those that are not going to
            // be used eliminates some redundant opcodes.
            int newmask = (int)sqlite3TriggerColmask(parse, trigger, changes, 1, TRIGGER_BEFORE, table, onError); // Mask of NEW.* columns accessed by BEFORE triggers
            for (i = 0; i < table.Cols.length; i++)
                if (i == table.PKey)
                    //v.AddOp2(OP.Null, 0, regNew + i);
                    j = xrefs[i];
                    if (j >= 0)
                        Expr.Code(parse, changes.Ids[j].Expr, regNew + i);
                    else if ((tmask & TRIGGER_BEFORE) == 0 || i > 31 || (newmask & (1 << i)) != 0)
                        // This branch loads the value of a column that will not be changed into a register. This is done if there are no BEFORE triggers, or
                        // if there are one or more BEFORE triggers that use this value via a new.* reference in a trigger program.
                        C.ASSERTCOVERAGE(i == 31);
                        C.ASSERTCOVERAGE(i == 32);
                        v.AddOp3(OP.Column, curId, i, regNew + i);
                        v.ColumnDefault(table, i, regNew + i);

            // Fire any BEFORE UPDATE triggers. This happens before constraints are verified. One could argue that this is wrong.
            if ((tmask & TRIGGER_BEFORE) != 0)
                v.AddOp2(OP.Affinity, regNew, table.Cols.length);
                sqlite3TableAffinityStr(v, table);
                sqlite3CodeRowTrigger(parse, trigger, TK.UPDATE, changes, TRIGGER_BEFORE, table, regOldRowid, onError, addr);

                // The row-trigger may have deleted the row being updated. In this case, jump to the next row. No updates or AFTER triggers are
                // required. This behavior - what happens when the row being updated is deleted or renamed by a BEFORE trigger - is left undefined in the documentation.
                v.AddOp3(OP.NotExists, curId, addr, regOldRowid);

                // If it did not delete it, the row-trigger may still have modified some of the columns of the row being updated. Load the values for
                // all columns not modified by the update statement into their registers in case this has happened.
                for (i = 0; i < table.Cols.length; i++)
                    if (xrefs[i] < 0 && i != table.PKey)
                        v.AddOp3(OP.Column, curId, i, regNew + i);
                        v.ColumnDefault(table, i, regNew + i);

            if (!isView)
                // Do constraint checks.
                int dummy2;
                sqlite3GenerateConstraintChecks(parse, table, curId, regNewRowid, regIdxs, (chngRowid ? regOldRowid : 0), true, onError, addr, out dummy2);

                // Do FK constraint checks.
                if (hasFK)
                    sqlite3FkCheck(parse, table, regOldRowid, 0);

                // Delete the index entries associated with the current record.
                int j1 = v.AddOp3(OP.NotExists, curId, 0, regOldRowid); // Address of jump instruction
                sqlite3GenerateRowIndexDelete(parse, table, curId, regIdxs);

                // If changing the record number, delete the old record.
                if (hasFK || chngRowid)
                    v.AddOp2(OP.Delete, curId, 0);

                if (hasFK)
                    sqlite3FkCheck(parse, table, 0, regNewRowid);

                // Insert the new index entries and the new record.
                sqlite3CompleteInsertion(parse, table, curId, regNewRowid, regIdxs, true, false, false);

                // Do any ON CASCADE, SET NULL or SET DEFAULT operations required to handle rows (possibly in other tables) that refer via a foreign key
                // to the row just updated.
                if (hasFK)
                    sqlite3FkActions(parse, table, changes, regOldRowid);

            // Increment the row counter
            if ((ctx.Flags & Context.FLAG.CountRows) != 0 && parse.TriggerTab == null)
                v.AddOp2(OP.AddImm, regRowCount, 1);

            sqlite3CodeRowTrigger(parse, trigger, TK.UPDATE, changes, TRIGGER_AFTER, table, regOldRowid, onError, addr);

            // Repeat the above with the next record to be updated, until all record selected by the WHERE clause have been updated.
            v.AddOp2(OP.Goto, 0, addr);

            // Close all tables
            Debug.Assert(regIdxs != null);
            for (i = 0, idx = table.Index; idx != null; idx = idx.Next, i++)
                if (openAll || regIdxs[i] > 0)
                    v.AddOp2(OP.Close, curId + i + 1, 0);
            v.AddOp2(OP.Close, curId, 0);

            // Update the sqlite_sequence table by storing the content of the maximum rowid counter values recorded while inserting into
            // autoincrement tables.
            if (parse.Nested == 0 && parse.TriggerTab == null)

            // Return the number of rows that were changed. If this routine is generating code because of a call to sqlite3NestedParse(), do not
            // invoke the callback function.
            if ((ctx.Flags & Context.FLAG.CountRows) != 0 && parse.TriggerTab == null && parse.Nested == 0)
                v.AddOp2(OP.ResultRow, regRowCount, 1);
                v.SetColName(0, COLNAME_NAME, "rows updated", SQLITE_STATIC);

            C._tagfree(ctx, ref regIdxs);
            C._tagfree(ctx, ref xrefs);
            SrcList.Delete(ctx, ref tabList);
            ExprList.Delete(ctx, ref changes);
            Expr.Delete(ctx, ref where_);