Example #1
        public static void CreateAdjustment(ARInvoiceEntry graph, ARInvoice invoice, RUTROT rutrot)
            ARPayment creditMemo = PXSelect <ARPayment, Where <ARPayment.docType, Equal <Required <RUTROT.docType> >,
                                                               And <ARPayment.refNbr, Equal <Required <RUTROT.refNbr> > > > > .Select(graph, rutrot.BalancingCreditMemoDocType, rutrot.BalancingCreditMemoRefNbr);

            ARAdjust2 applicationToCreditMemo = new ARAdjust2
                AdjdDocType        = invoice.DocType,
                AdjdRefNbr         = invoice.RefNbr,
                AdjgDocType        = creditMemo.DocType,
                AdjgRefNbr         = creditMemo.RefNbr,
                AdjNbr             = creditMemo.AdjCntr,
                CustomerID         = creditMemo.CustomerID,
                AdjdCustomerID     = invoice.CustomerID,
                AdjdBranchID       = invoice.BranchID,
                AdjgBranchID       = creditMemo.BranchID,
                AdjgCuryInfoID     = creditMemo.CuryInfoID,
                AdjdOrigCuryInfoID = invoice.CuryInfoID,
                AdjdCuryInfoID     = invoice.CuryInfoID,
                CuryAdjdAmt        = creditMemo.CuryDocBal

        private void ValidateAdjustment(ARAdjust2 adjustment)
            var documentHasExpiredCompliance =
                service.ValidateRelatedField <ARAdjust2, ComplianceDocument.arPaymentID, ARAdjust2.adjgRefNbr>(adjustment,
                                                                                                               ComplianceDocumentReferenceRetriever.GetComplianceDocumentReferenceId(Base, adjustment));

            service.ValidateRelatedRow <ARAdjust2, ArAdjust2Ext.hasExpiredComplianceDocuments>(adjustment,
        public virtual void ApplyTax(ARInvoice invoice, GetTaxResult result)
            TaxZone taxZone = null;

            AP.Vendor vendor = null;
            if (result.TaxSummary.Length > 0)
                taxZone = (TaxZone)Base.taxzone.View.SelectSingleBound(new object[] { invoice });
                vendor  = PXSelect <AP.Vendor, Where <AP.Vendor.bAccountID, Equal <Required <AP.Vendor.bAccountID> > > > .Select(Base, taxZone.TaxVendorID);

                if (vendor == null)
                    throw new PXException(TX.Messages.ExternalTaxVendorNotFound);

                if (vendor.SalesTaxAcctID == null)
                    throw new PXException(TX.Messages.TaxPayableAccountNotSpecified, vendor.AcctCD);

                if (vendor.SalesTaxSubID == null)
                    throw new PXException(TX.Messages.TaxPayableSubNotSpecified, vendor.AcctCD);
            Sign sign = invoice.DocType == ARDocType.CreditMemo ? Sign.Minus : Sign.Plus;

            //Clear all existing Tax transactions:
            foreach (PXResult <ARTaxTran, Tax> res in Base.Taxes.View.SelectMultiBound(new object[] { invoice }))
                ARTaxTran taxTran = res;


            for (int i = 0; i < result.TaxSummary.Length; i++)
                string taxID = result.TaxSummary[i].TaxName;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(taxID))
                    taxID = result.TaxSummary[i].JurisCode;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(taxID))

                //Insert Tax if not exists - just for the selectors sake
                Tax tx = PXSelect <Tax, Where <Tax.taxID, Equal <Required <Tax.taxID> > > > .Select(Base, taxID);

                if (tx == null)
                    tx = new Tax
                        TaxID             = taxID,
                        Descr             = PXMessages.LocalizeFormatNoPrefixNLA(TX.Messages.ExternalTaxProviderTaxId, taxID),
                        TaxType           = CSTaxType.Sales,
                        TaxCalcType       = CSTaxCalcType.Doc,
                        TaxCalcLevel      = result.TaxSummary[i].TaxCalculationLevel.ToCSTaxCalcLevel(),
                        TaxApplyTermsDisc = CSTaxTermsDiscount.ToTaxableAmount,
                        SalesTaxAcctID    = vendor.SalesTaxAcctID,
                        SalesTaxSubID     = vendor.SalesTaxSubID,
                        ExpenseAccountID  = vendor.TaxExpenseAcctID,
                        ExpenseSubID      = vendor.TaxExpenseSubID,
                        TaxVendorID       = taxZone.TaxVendorID,
                        IsExternal        = true


                var tax = new ARTaxTran
                    Module         = BatchModule.AR,
                    TranType       = invoice.DocType,
                    RefNbr         = invoice.RefNbr,
                    TaxID          = taxID,
                    CuryTaxAmt     = sign * result.TaxSummary[i].TaxAmount,
                    CuryTaxableAmt = sign * result.TaxSummary[i].TaxableAmount,
                    TaxRate        = Convert.ToDecimal(result.TaxSummary[i].Rate) * 100,
                    JurisType      = result.TaxSummary[i].JurisType,
                    JurisName      = result.TaxSummary[i].JurisName,
                    TaxType        = CSTaxType.Sales,
                    TaxBucketID    = 0,
                    AccountID      = vendor.SalesTaxAcctID,
                    SubID          = vendor.SalesTaxSubID


            bool requireControlTotal = Base.ARSetup.Current.RequireControlTotal == true;

            if (invoice.Hold != true)
                Base.ARSetup.Current.RequireControlTotal = false;

                invoice.CuryTaxTotal = sign * result.TotalTaxAmount;
                Base.Document.Cache.SetValueExt <ARInvoice.isTaxSaved>(invoice, true);
                Base.ARSetup.Current.RequireControlTotal = requireControlTotal;

            if (invoice.ApplyPaymentWhenTaxAvailable == true)
                PXSelectBase <ARAdjust2> select = new PXSelectJoin <ARAdjust2,
                                                                    InnerJoin <ARPayment, On <ARAdjust2.adjgDocType, Equal <ARPayment.docType>,
                                                                                              And <ARAdjust2.adjgRefNbr, Equal <ARPayment.refNbr> > > >,
                                                                    Where <ARAdjust2.adjdDocType, Equal <Required <ARInvoice.docType> >,
                                                                           And <ARAdjust2.adjdRefNbr, Equal <Required <ARInvoice.refNbr> > > > >(Base);

                decimal amountApplied = 0m;
                foreach (PXResult <ARAdjust2, ARPayment> res in select.Select(invoice.DocType, invoice.RefNbr))
                    ARAdjust2 row     = (ARAdjust2)res;
                    ARPayment payment = (ARPayment)res;

                    ARAdjust2 copy = PXCache <ARAdjust2> .CreateCopy(row);

                    amountApplied += (copy.CuryAdjdAmt ?? 0m);

                    if (amountApplied > (invoice.CuryDocBal ?? 0m))
                        decimal newAdjdAmt = (copy.CuryAdjdAmt ?? 0m) - (amountApplied - (invoice.CuryDocBal ?? 0m));
                        copy.CuryAdjdAmt = newAdjdAmt > 0m ? newAdjdAmt : 0m;