public async Task FreeTextSearchWithQuestionMarkOperatorTest() { var prefix = Unique.String; var suffix = Unique.String; // Create one object with only the mandatory token. var obj1 = new APObject("object"); obj1.Set <string>("stringfield", prefix + "X" + suffix); // Create one object with the mandatory token and optional token. var obj2 = new APObject("object"); obj2.Set <string>("stringfield", prefix + "Y" + suffix); #if NET40 await TaskEx.WhenAll(obj1.SaveAsync(), obj2.SaveAsync()); #else await Task.WhenAll(obj1.SaveAsync(), obj2.SaveAsync()); #endif // Delay for index propagation on test bench. await Utilities.Delay(1500); var results = await APObjects.FreeTextSearchAsync("object", prefix + "?" + suffix); Assert.IsTrue(results != null); Assert.IsTrue(results.Count == 2); Assert.IsTrue(results[0].Id == obj1.Id || results[0].Id == obj2.Id); Assert.IsTrue(results[1].Id == obj1.Id || results[1].Id == obj2.Id); }
public async Task FreeTextSearchWithProximityOperatorTest() { var prefix = Unique.String; var suffix = Unique.String; // Create one object with only the mandatory token. var obj1 = new APObject("object"); obj1.Set <string>("stringfield", prefix + " word1" + " word2" + " word3 " + suffix); // Create one object with the mandatory token and optional token. var obj2 = new APObject("object"); obj2.Set <string>("stringfield", prefix + " word1" + " word2" + " word3" + " word4" + " word5 " + suffix); #if NET40 await TaskEx.WhenAll(obj1.SaveAsync(), obj2.SaveAsync()); #else await Task.WhenAll(obj1.SaveAsync(), obj2.SaveAsync()); #endif var results = await APObjects.FreeTextSearchAsync("object", "\"" + prefix + " " + suffix + "\"~4"); Assert.IsTrue(results != null); Assert.IsTrue(results.Count == 1); Assert.IsTrue(results[0].Id == obj1.Id); }
public async Task FreeTextSearchWithMinusOperatorTest() { var mandatoryToken = Unique.String; var optionalToken = Unique.String; // Create one object with only the mandatory token. var obj1 = new APObject("object"); obj1.Set <string>("stringfield", mandatoryToken); // Create one object with the mandatory token and optional token. var obj2 = new APObject("object"); obj2.Set <string>("stringfield", mandatoryToken + " " + optionalToken); // Create one object with only optional token var obj3 = new APObject("object"); obj3.Set <string>("stringfield", optionalToken); #if NET40 await TaskEx.WhenAll(obj1.SaveAsync(), obj2.SaveAsync(), obj3.SaveAsync()); #else await Task.WhenAll(obj1.SaveAsync(), obj2.SaveAsync(), obj3.SaveAsync()); #endif var results = await APObjects.FreeTextSearchAsync("object", mandatoryToken + " -" + optionalToken); Assert.IsTrue(results != null); Assert.IsTrue(results.Count == 1); Assert.IsTrue(results[0].Id == obj1.Id); }
public async Task FindAndDisplayAllObjectsTest() { var waitHandle = new ManualResetEvent(false); // Create the object dynamic obj = new APObject("object"); obj.stringfield = Unique.String; await obj.SaveAsync(); var saved = obj as APObject; Console.WriteLine("Created apObj with id {0}", saved.Id); var index = 1; // Search var objects = await APObjects.FindAllAsync("object", Query.None, null, 1, 100); do { objects.ForEach(a => Console.WriteLine("{0}) {1}", index++, a.Id)); Console.WriteLine("page:{0} pageSize:{1} total: {2}", objects.PageNumber, objects.PageSize, objects.TotalRecords); if (objects.IsLastPage == false) { objects = await objects.NextPageAsync(); } else { break; } } while (true); Console.WriteLine("Finished."); }
public async Task QueryWithTagsMatchOneOrMoreTest() { var tag1 = Unique.String; var tag2 = Unique.String; // Create the test object 1. APObject obj1 = new APObject("object"); obj1.Set <string>("stringfield", Unique.String); obj1.AddTag(tag1); await obj1.SaveAsync(); APObject obj2 = new APObject("object"); obj2.Set <string>("stringfield", Unique.String); obj2.AddTag(tag2); await obj2.SaveAsync(); // Search for the object with tags. var matches = await APObjects.FindAllAsync("object", Query.Tags.MatchOneOrMore(tag1, tag2)); Assert.IsTrue(matches != null); Assert.IsTrue(matches.Count == 2); Assert.IsTrue(matches[0] != null && matches[1] != null); Assert.IsTrue(matches[0].Id == obj1.Id || matches[1].Id == obj1.Id); Assert.IsTrue(matches[0].Id == obj2.Id || matches[1].Id == obj2.Id); }
public async Task AtomicCountersWithoutPreInitializationTest() { var obj = new APObject("object"); await obj.SaveAsync(); await obj.IncrementAsync("intfield", 10); await obj.DecrementAsync("intfield", 5); Assert.AreEqual(5, obj.Get <int>("intfield")); }
public async Task AddItemsToMultiValuedFieldAsyncTest() { var obj = new APObject("object"); await obj.SaveAsync(); await obj.AddItemsAsync("multifield", "1", "2", "3"); var list = obj.GetList <string>("multifield"); Assert.IsTrue(list.Except(new[] { "1", "2", "3" }).Count() == 0); }
public async Task SaveMultivaluedAsyncTest() { var array = new[] { 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 }; var obj = new APObject("object"); obj.SetList<int>("multifield", array); await obj.SaveAsync(); var saved = await APObjects.GetAsync("object", obj.Id); var array2 = saved.GetList<int>("multifield"); Assert.IsTrue(array.Intersect(array2).Count() == array.Length); }
public async Task PropertyNotInIntegerTest() { var value = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks; var obj = new APObject("object"); obj.Set("intfield", value); await obj.SaveAsync(); var objects = await APObjects.FindAllAsync("object", Query.Property("intfield").IsNotIn(new[] { 100L }), orderBy: "__id", sortOrder: SortOrder.Descending, pageSize: 1); Assert.AreEqual(obj.Id, objects.Single().Id); objects = await APObjects.FindAllAsync("object", Query.Property("intfield").IsNotIn(new[] { value }), orderBy: "__id", sortOrder: SortOrder.Descending, pageSize: 1); Assert.AreNotEqual(obj.Id, objects.Single().Id); }
public async Task PropertyNotInStringTest() { var value = Unique.String; var obj = new APObject("object"); obj.Set("stringfield", value); await obj.SaveAsync(); var objects = await APObjects.FindAllAsync("object", Query.Property("stringfield").IsNotIn(new[] { Unique.String }), orderBy: "__id", sortOrder: SortOrder.Descending, pageSize: 1); Assert.AreEqual(obj.Id, objects.Single().Id); objects = await APObjects.FindAllAsync("object", Query.Property("stringfield").IsNotIn(new [] { value }), orderBy: "__id", sortOrder: SortOrder.Descending, pageSize: 1); Assert.AreNotEqual(obj.Id, objects.Single().Id); }
public async Task EntityCreateAndUpdatedDateTimeTest() { var obj = new APObject("object"); obj.Set<string>("stringfield", Unique.String); await obj.SaveAsync(); var createDuration = obj.CreatedAt.Subtract(DateTime.Now).Duration(); Assert.IsTrue(createDuration.Minutes < 2); var updateDuration = obj.LastUpdatedAt.Subtract(DateTime.Now).Duration(); Assert.IsTrue(updateDuration.Minutes < 2); }
public async Task QueryObjectWithSingleQuotedValueTest() { dynamic obj = new APObject("object"); var stringValue = "Pan's Labyrinth" + Unique.String; obj.stringfield = stringValue; await obj.SaveAsync(); PagedList <APObject> result = await APObjects.FindAllAsync("object", Query.Property("stringfield").IsEqualTo(stringValue)); Assert.IsTrue(result.TotalRecords == 1, "Expected single record but multiple records were returned."); Assert.IsTrue(result.Single().Id == obj.Id); }
public async Task MultiValueObjectTest() { var obj = new APObject("object"); obj.SetList <string>("multifield", new[] { "1", "2", "3", "4" }); await obj.SaveAsync(); var read = await APObjects.GetAsync("object", obj.Id); var value = read.GetList <string>("multifield"); var strList = read.GetList <string>("multifield"); var intList = read.GetList <int>("multifield"); }
public async Task RemoveItemsFromMultiValuedFieldAsyncTest() { var obj = new APObject("object"); obj.SetList("multifield", new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }); await obj.SaveAsync(); await obj.RemoveItemsAsync("multifield", "1", "2"); var list = obj.GetList <string>("multifield"); Assert.IsTrue(list.Count() == 1); Assert.IsTrue(list.Except(new[] { "3" }).Count() == 0); }
public async Task AddUniqueItemsToMultiValuedFieldAsyncTest() { var obj = new APObject("object"); obj.SetList("multifield", new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }); await obj.SaveAsync(); await obj.AddItemsAsync("multifield", true, "1", "2", "3", "4", "5"); var list = obj.GetList <string>("multifield"); Assert.IsTrue(list.Count() == 5); Assert.IsTrue(list.Except(new[] { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5" }).Count() == 0); }
public async Task SaveMultivaluedAsyncTest() { var array = new[] { 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 }; var obj = new APObject("object"); obj.SetList <int>("multifield", array); await obj.SaveAsync(); var saved = await APObjects.GetAsync("object", obj.Id); var array2 = saved.GetList <int>("multifield"); Assert.IsTrue(array.Intersect(array2).Count() == array.Length); }
public async Task EntityCreateAndUpdatedDateTimeTest() { var obj = new APObject("object"); obj.Set <string>("stringfield", Unique.String); await obj.SaveAsync(); var createDuration = obj.CreatedAt.Subtract(DateTime.Now).Duration(); Assert.IsTrue(createDuration.Minutes < 2); var updateDuration = obj.LastUpdatedAt.Subtract(DateTime.Now).Duration(); Assert.IsTrue(updateDuration.Minutes < 2); }
public async Task ForceUpdateEmptyShouldUpdateNothingTest() { var obj = await ObjectHelper.CreateNewAsync(); var copy = new APObject("object", obj.Id); await copy.SaveAsync(forceUpdate: true); var existingProperties = obj.Properties.ToList(); var updateProperties = copy.Properties.ToList(); var existing = existingProperties .Select(x => new KeyValuePair<string, string>(x.Key, x.Value.ToString())) .ToList(); var updated = updateProperties.Select(x => new KeyValuePair<string, string>(x.Key, x.Value.ToString())).ToList(); Assert.IsTrue(updated.Count == existing.Count); }
public async Task StartsWithAndEndsWithFiltersTest() { var prefix = Unique.String; var suffix = Unique.String; var obj = new APObject("object"); obj.Set<string>("stringfield", prefix + suffix); await obj.SaveAsync(); var found = (await APObjects.FindAllAsync("object", Query.Property("stringfield").StartsWith(prefix))).SingleOrDefault(); Assert.IsTrue(found != null); Assert.IsTrue(found.Id == obj.Id); found = (await APObjects.FindAllAsync("object", Query.Property("stringfield").EndsWith(suffix))).SingleOrDefault(); Assert.IsTrue(found != null); Assert.IsTrue(found.Id == obj.Id); }
public async Task EntityDateTimePropertyTest() { var dateTime = DateTime.Now; var obj1 = new APObject("object"); obj1.Set<DateTime>("datetimefield", dateTime); await obj1.SaveAsync(); var obj2 = new APObject("object"); obj2.Set<DateTime>("datetimefield", dateTime.ToUniversalTime()); await obj2.SaveAsync(); var obj1Copy = await APObjects.GetAsync("object", obj1.Id); var obj2Copy = await APObjects.GetAsync("object", obj2.Id); Assert.IsTrue(obj1Copy.Get<DateTime>("datetimefield") == dateTime); Assert.IsTrue(obj2Copy.Get<DateTime>("datetimefield") == dateTime); }
public async Task FreeTextSearchTest() { var value = Unique.String + " " + Unique.String; var obj = new APObject("object"); obj.Set <string>("stringfield", value); await obj.SaveAsync(); // Delay for index propagation on test bench. await Utilities.Delay(1500); var results = await APObjects.FreeTextSearchAsync("object", value); Assert.IsTrue(results != null); Assert.IsTrue(results.Count == 1); Assert.IsTrue(results[0].Id == obj.Id); }
public async Task ForceUpdateEmptyShouldUpdateNothingTest() { var obj = await ObjectHelper.CreateNewAsync(); var copy = new APObject("object", obj.Id); await copy.SaveAsync(forceUpdate : true); var existingProperties = obj.Properties.ToList(); var updateProperties = copy.Properties.ToList(); var existing = existingProperties .Select(x => new KeyValuePair <string, string>(x.Key, x.Value.ToString())) .ToList(); var updated = updateProperties.Select(x => new KeyValuePair <string, string>(x.Key, x.Value.ToString())).ToList(); Assert.IsTrue(updated.Count == existing.Count); }
public async Task CreateObjectAsyncTest() { dynamic obj = new APObject("object"); obj.intfield = 1; obj.decimalfield = 22m / 7m; await obj.SaveAsync(); var saved = obj as APObject; Assert.IsNotNull(saved); Assert.IsTrue(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(saved.Id) == false); Assert.IsTrue(saved.Type == "object"); Assert.IsTrue(saved.Revision == 1); Assert.IsTrue(saved.CreatedAt.Subtract(DateTime.Now).Duration().Seconds < 15); Assert.IsTrue(saved.LastUpdatedAt.Subtract(DateTime.Now).Duration().Seconds < 15); Console.WriteLine("Created apObject with id {0}.", saved.Id); }
public async Task StartsWithAndEndsWithFiltersTest() { var prefix = Unique.String; var suffix = Unique.String; var obj = new APObject("object"); obj.Set <string>("stringfield", prefix + suffix); await obj.SaveAsync(); var found = (await APObjects.FindAllAsync("object", Query.Property("stringfield").StartsWith(prefix))).SingleOrDefault(); Assert.IsTrue(found != null); Assert.IsTrue(found.Id == obj.Id); found = (await APObjects.FindAllAsync("object", Query.Property("stringfield").EndsWith(suffix))).SingleOrDefault(); Assert.IsTrue(found != null); Assert.IsTrue(found.Id == obj.Id); }
public async Task RawQueryTest() { var propertyValue = Unique.String; var obj = new APObject("object"); obj.Set <string>("stringfield", propertyValue); await obj.SaveAsync(); var rawQuery = string.Format("*stringfield == '{0}'", propertyValue); // Delay for index propagation on test bench. await Utilities.Delay(1500); var results = await APObjects.FindAllAsync("object", Query.FromRawQuery(rawQuery)); Assert.IsNotNull(results); Assert.IsTrue(results.Count == 1); Assert.IsTrue(results.Single().Id == obj.Id); }
public async Task EntityDateTimePropertyTest() { var dateTime = DateTime.Now; var obj1 = new APObject("object"); obj1.Set <DateTime>("datetimefield", dateTime); await obj1.SaveAsync(); var obj2 = new APObject("object"); obj2.Set <DateTime>("datetimefield", dateTime.ToUniversalTime()); await obj2.SaveAsync(); var obj1Copy = await APObjects.GetAsync("object", obj1.Id); var obj2Copy = await APObjects.GetAsync("object", obj2.Id); Assert.IsTrue(obj1Copy.Get <DateTime>("datetimefield") == dateTime); Assert.IsTrue(obj2Copy.Get <DateTime>("datetimefield") == dateTime); }
public async Task QueryWithTagsMatchAllTest() { // Create the test object. APObject obj = new APObject("object"); var tags = new string[] { Unique.String, Unique.String }; obj.Set <string>("stringfield", Unique.String); obj.AddTags(tags); await obj.SaveAsync(); // Delay for index propagation on test bench. await Utilities.Delay(1500); // Search for the object with tags. var matches = await APObjects.FindAllAsync("object", Query.Tags.MatchAll(tags)); Assert.IsTrue(matches != null); Assert.IsTrue(matches.Count == 1); Assert.IsTrue(matches[0] != null); Assert.IsTrue(matches[0].Id == obj.Id); }
public async Task MatchQueryTest() { var propertyValue = Unique.String; var attrValue = Unique.String; var obj = new APObject("object"); obj.Set <string>("stringfield", propertyValue); obj.SetAttribute("test_attribute", attrValue); await obj.SaveAsync(); var propertyQuery = Query.Property("stringfield").FreeTextMatches(propertyValue); var attrQuery = Query.Attribute("test_attribute").FreeTextMatches(attrValue); var result1 = await APObjects.FindAllAsync("object", propertyQuery); var result2 = await APObjects.FindAllAsync("object", attrQuery); Assert.IsNotNull(result1); Assert.IsTrue(result1.Count == 1); Assert.IsNotNull(result2); Assert.IsTrue(result2.Count == 1); Assert.IsTrue(result1.Single().Id == obj.Id); Assert.IsTrue(result2.Single().Id == obj.Id); }
public async Task FreeTextSearchWithProximityOperatorTest() { var prefix = Unique.String; var suffix = Unique.String; // Create one object with only the mandatory token. var obj1 = new APObject("object"); obj1.Set<string>("stringfield", prefix + " word1" + " word2" + " word3 " + suffix); // Create one object with the mandatory token and optional token. var obj2 = new APObject("object"); obj2.Set<string>("stringfield", prefix + " word1" + " word2" + " word3" + " word4" + " word5 " + suffix); #if NET40 await TaskEx.WhenAll(obj1.SaveAsync(), obj2.SaveAsync()); #else await Task.WhenAll(obj1.SaveAsync(), obj2.SaveAsync()); #endif var results = await APObjects.FreeTextSearchAsync("object", "\"" + prefix + " " + suffix + "\"~4"); Assert.IsTrue(results != null); Assert.IsTrue(results.Count == 1); Assert.IsTrue(results[0].Id == obj1.Id); }
public async Task FreeTextSearchWithQuestionMarkOperatorTest() { var prefix = Unique.String; var suffix = Unique.String; // Create one object with only the mandatory token. var obj1 = new APObject("object"); obj1.Set<string>("stringfield", prefix + "X" + suffix); // Create one object with the mandatory token and optional token. var obj2 = new APObject("object"); obj2.Set<string>("stringfield", prefix + "Y" + suffix); #if NET40 await TaskEx.WhenAll(obj1.SaveAsync(), obj2.SaveAsync()); #else await Task.WhenAll(obj1.SaveAsync(), obj2.SaveAsync()); #endif // Delay for index propagation on test bench. await Utilities.Delay(1500); var results = await APObjects.FreeTextSearchAsync("object", prefix + "?" + suffix); Assert.IsTrue(results != null); Assert.IsTrue(results.Count == 2); Assert.IsTrue(results[0].Id == obj1.Id || results[0].Id == obj2.Id); Assert.IsTrue(results[1].Id == obj1.Id || results[1].Id == obj2.Id); }
public async Task FreeTextSearchWithMinusOperatorTest() { var mandatoryToken = Unique.String; var optionalToken = Unique.String; // Create one object with only the mandatory token. var obj1 = new APObject("object"); obj1.Set<string>("stringfield", mandatoryToken); // Create one object with the mandatory token and optional token. var obj2 = new APObject("object"); obj2.Set<string>("stringfield", mandatoryToken + " " + optionalToken); // Create one object with only optional token var obj3 = new APObject("object"); obj3.Set<string>("stringfield", optionalToken); #if NET40 await TaskEx.WhenAll(obj1.SaveAsync(), obj2.SaveAsync(), obj3.SaveAsync()); #else await Task.WhenAll(obj1.SaveAsync(), obj2.SaveAsync(), obj3.SaveAsync()); #endif var results = await APObjects.FreeTextSearchAsync("object", mandatoryToken + " -" + optionalToken); Assert.IsTrue(results != null); Assert.IsTrue(results.Count == 1); Assert.IsTrue(results[0].Id == obj1.Id ); }
public async Task FreeTextSearchTest() { var value = Unique.String + " " + Unique.String; var obj = new APObject("object"); obj.Set<string>("stringfield", value); await obj.SaveAsync(); // Delay for index propagation on test bench. await Utilities.Delay(1500); var results = await APObjects.FreeTextSearchAsync("object", value); Assert.IsTrue(results != null); Assert.IsTrue(results.Count == 1); Assert.IsTrue(results[0].Id == obj.Id); }
public async Task QueryWithTagsMatchOneOrMoreTest() { var tag1 = Unique.String; var tag2 = Unique.String; // Create the test object 1. APObject obj1 = new APObject("object"); obj1.Set<string>("stringfield", Unique.String); obj1.AddTag(tag1); await obj1.SaveAsync(); APObject obj2 = new APObject("object"); obj2.Set<string>("stringfield", Unique.String); obj2.AddTag(tag2); await obj2.SaveAsync(); // Search for the object with tags. var matches = await APObjects.FindAllAsync("object", Query.Tags.MatchOneOrMore(tag1, tag2)); Assert.IsTrue(matches != null); Assert.IsTrue(matches.Count == 2); Assert.IsTrue(matches[0] != null && matches[1] != null ); Assert.IsTrue(matches[0].Id == obj1.Id || matches[1].Id == obj1.Id); Assert.IsTrue(matches[0].Id == obj2.Id || matches[1].Id == obj2.Id); }
public async Task RemoveItemsFromMultiValuedFieldAsyncTest() { var obj = new APObject("object"); obj.SetList("multifield", new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }); await obj.SaveAsync(); await obj.RemoveItemsAsync("multifield", "1", "2"); var list = obj.GetList<string>("multifield"); Assert.IsTrue(list.Count() == 1); Assert.IsTrue(list.Except(new[] { "3" }).Count() == 0); }
public async Task FindAndDisplayAllObjectsTest() { var waitHandle = new ManualResetEvent(false); // Create the object dynamic obj = new APObject("object"); obj.stringfield = Unique.String; await obj.SaveAsync(); var saved = obj as APObject; Console.WriteLine("Created apObj with id {0}", saved.Id); var index = 1; // Search var objects = await APObjects.FindAllAsync("object", Query.None, null, 1, 100); do { objects.ForEach(a => Console.WriteLine("{0}) {1}", index++, a.Id)); Console.WriteLine("page:{0} pageSize:{1} total: {2}", objects.PageNumber, objects.PageSize, objects.TotalRecords); if (objects.IsLastPage == false) objects = await objects.NextPageAsync(); else break; } while (true); Console.WriteLine("Finished."); }
public async Task FreetextAndQueryWithTagsMatchOneOrMoreTest() { var tag1 = Unique.String; var tag2 = Unique.String; var field1 = Unique.String; var field2 = Unique.String; // Create the test object 1. APObject obj1 = new APObject("object"); obj1.Set<string>("stringfield", field1); obj1.AddTag(tag1); await obj1.SaveAsync(); APObject obj2 = new APObject("object"); obj2.Set<string>("stringfield", field2); obj2.AddTag(tag2); await obj2.SaveAsync(); // Search for the object with tags and freetext as field1. var matches = await APObjects.FindAllAsync("object", field1, Query.Tags.MatchOneOrMore(tag1, tag2)); Assert.IsTrue(matches != null); Assert.IsTrue(matches.Count == 1); Assert.IsTrue(matches[0] != null); Assert.IsTrue(matches[0].Id == obj1.Id); // Search for the object with tag1 and freetext as field2. matches = await APObjects.FindAllAsync("object", field2, Query.Tags.MatchOneOrMore(tag1)); Assert.IsTrue(matches == null || matches.Count == 0); // Search for the object with tag2 and freetext as field2. matches = await APObjects.FindAllAsync("object", field2, Query.Tags.MatchOneOrMore(tag2)); Assert.IsTrue(matches != null); Assert.IsTrue(matches.Count == 1); Assert.IsTrue(matches[0] != null); Assert.IsTrue(matches[0].Id == obj2.Id); }
public async Task MultiValueObjectTest() { var obj = new APObject("object"); obj.SetList<string>("multifield", new[] { "1", "2", "3", "4" }); await obj.SaveAsync(); var read = await APObjects.GetAsync("object", obj.Id); var value = read.GetList<string>("multifield"); var strList = read.GetList<string>("multifield"); var intList = read.GetList<int>("multifield"); }
public async Task AtomicCountersWithoutPreInitializationTest() { var obj = new APObject("object"); await obj.SaveAsync(); await obj.IncrementAsync("intfield", 10); await obj.DecrementAsync("intfield", 5); Assert.AreEqual(5, obj.Get<int>("intfield")); }
public async Task AddItemsToMultiValuedFieldAsyncTest() { var obj = new APObject("object"); await obj.SaveAsync(); await obj.AddItemsAsync("multifield", "1", "2", "3"); var list = obj.GetList<string>("multifield"); Assert.IsTrue(list.Except(new[] { "1", "2", "3" }).Count() == 0); }
public async Task MatchQueryTest() { var propertyValue = Unique.String; var attrValue = Unique.String; var obj = new APObject("object"); obj.Set<string>("stringfield", propertyValue); obj.SetAttribute("test_attribute", attrValue); await obj.SaveAsync(); var propertyQuery = Query.Property("stringfield").FreeTextMatches(propertyValue); var attrQuery = Query.Attribute("test_attribute").FreeTextMatches(attrValue); var result1 = await APObjects.FindAllAsync("object", propertyQuery); var result2 = await APObjects.FindAllAsync("object", attrQuery); Assert.IsNotNull(result1); Assert.IsTrue(result1.Count == 1); Assert.IsNotNull(result2); Assert.IsTrue(result2.Count == 1); Assert.IsTrue(result1.Single().Id == obj.Id); Assert.IsTrue(result2.Single().Id == obj.Id); }
public async Task QueryObjectWithSingleQuotedValueTest() { dynamic obj = new APObject("object"); var stringValue = "Pan's Labyrinth" + Unique.String; obj.stringfield = stringValue; await obj.SaveAsync(); PagedList<APObject> result = await APObjects.FindAllAsync("object", Query.Property("stringfield").IsEqualTo(stringValue)); Assert.IsTrue(result.TotalRecords == 1, "Expected single record but multiple records were returned."); Assert.IsTrue(result.Single().Id == obj.Id); }
public async Task RawQueryTest() { var propertyValue = Unique.String; var obj = new APObject("object"); obj.Set<string>("stringfield", propertyValue); await obj.SaveAsync(); var rawQuery = string.Format("*stringfield == '{0}'", propertyValue); // Delay for index propagation on test bench. await Utilities.Delay(1500); var results = await APObjects.FindAllAsync("object", Query.FromRawQuery(rawQuery)); Assert.IsNotNull(results); Assert.IsTrue(results.Count == 1); Assert.IsTrue(results.Single().Id == obj.Id); }
public async Task QueryWithTagsMatchAllTest() { // Create the test object. APObject obj = new APObject("object"); var tags = new string[] { Unique.String, Unique.String }; obj.Set<string>("stringfield", Unique.String); obj.AddTags(tags); await obj.SaveAsync(); // Delay for index propagation on test bench. await Utilities.Delay(1500); // Search for the object with tags. var matches = await APObjects.FindAllAsync("object", Query.Tags.MatchAll(tags)); Assert.IsTrue(matches != null); Assert.IsTrue(matches.Count == 1); Assert.IsTrue(matches[0] != null); Assert.IsTrue(matches[0].Id == obj.Id); }
public async Task AddUniqueItemsToMultiValuedFieldAsyncTest() { var obj = new APObject("object"); obj.SetList("multifield", new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }); await obj.SaveAsync(); await obj.AddItemsAsync("multifield", true, "1", "2", "3", "4", "5"); var list = obj.GetList<string>("multifield"); Assert.IsTrue(list.Count() == 5); Assert.IsTrue(list.Except(new[] { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5" }).Count() == 0); }