public JsonResult GetListAnswer(string questioncode, string questiongroupcode, string questiontypecodeview) { //mặc định cho phần trang //Khai báo lấy dữ liệu ANSWER_BUS bus = new ANSWER_BUS(); List <fieldpara> lipa = new List <fieldpara>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(questioncode)) { lipa.Add(new fieldpara("QUESTIONCODE", questioncode, 0)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(questiongroupcode)) { lipa.Add(new fieldpara("QUESTIONGROUPCODE", questiongroupcode, 0)); } //order by theorder, with pagesize and the page var data = bus.getAllBy2("CODEVIEW", lipa.ToArray()); //trường hợp multichoice // tất cả các bản ghi List <ANSWER_OBJ> totalData = bus.getAllBy2("CODEVIEW", lipa.ToArray()); int totalItem = totalData.Count; bus.CloseConnection(); //Trả về client var a = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data); string answer = null; int quantiti = 0; if (data.Count != 0) { foreach (var item in data) { if (item.TRUEANSWER == 1) { answer = item.CODE; quantiti += 1; } } } else { answer = ""; } var jsonResult = Json(new { quantiti, answer, data, //Danh sách data2 = a, totalItem, //số lượng bản ghi ret = 0 //ok }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); jsonResult.MaxJsonLength = int.MaxValue; return(jsonResult); }
/// <summary> /// lấy chi tiết câu hỏi, câu trả lời theo nhóm câu hỏi /// </summary> /// <param name="questiongroupcode">mã nhóm câu hỏi</param> /// <returns></returns> public JsonResult GetById(string questiongroupcode) { var ret = 0; var numberQuestion = 0; List <QUESTION_OBJ> liQuestion = new List <QUESTION_OBJ>(); List <ANSWER_OBJ> liAnswer = new List <ANSWER_OBJ>(); QUESTIONGROUP_BUS bus = new QUESTIONGROUP_BUS(); var obj = bus.GetByID(new QUESTIONGROUP_OBJ.BusinessObjectID(questiongroupcode)); if (obj != null) { // lấy danh sách câu hỏi tương ứng QUESTION_BUS questionBus = new QUESTION_BUS(); liQuestion = questionBus.getAllBy2("CODE", new fieldpara("QUESTIONGROUPCODE", questiongroupcode, 0)); if (liQuestion != null) { // lấy danh sách câu trả lời ANSWER_BUS answerBus = new ANSWER_BUS(); liAnswer = answerBus.getAllBy2("CODE", new fieldpara("QUESTIONGROUPCODE", questiongroupcode, 0)); if (liAnswer == null) { ret = -3; } answerBus.CloseConnection(); } else { ret = -2; } if (liQuestion != null) { numberQuestion = liQuestion.Count; } questionBus.CloseConnection(); } else { ret = -1; } bus.CloseConnection(); var jsonResult = Json(new { numberQuestion, //so luong cau hoi ObjexamHallstudent = obj, //examhallstudent code liQuestiongroup = obj, //danh sach nhom cau hoi li_question = liQuestion, //danh sach cac cau hoi li_answer = liAnswer, //danh sach tat ca cac cau tra loi ret //ok }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); jsonResult.MaxJsonLength = int.MaxValue; return(jsonResult); }
public JsonResult GetAnswerQuestionFf(string questioncode) { List <fieldpara> li = new List <fieldpara>(); List <ANSWER_OBJ> listAnswerObjs = new List <ANSWER_OBJ>(); ANSWER_BUS bus = new ANSWER_BUS(); listAnswerObjs = bus.getAllBy2("CODE", new fieldpara("QUESTIONCODE", questioncode, 0)); var jsonResult = Json(new { listAnswerObjs }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); jsonResult.MaxJsonLength = int.MaxValue; return(jsonResult); }
public JsonResult GetAnswerQuestionCo(string questionCode) { int ret; ANSWER_BUS busAnswer = new ANSWER_BUS(); var listAnswerObjs = busAnswer.getAllBy2("THEORDER", new fieldpara("QUESTIONCODE", questionCode, 0)); if (listAnswerObjs.Count > 0) { ret = 1; } else { ret = -1; } var jsonResult = Json(new { ret, //ok listAnswerObjs //danh sách check }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); jsonResult.MaxJsonLength = int.MaxValue; return(jsonResult); }
public JsonResult UpdateQuestion(QUESTION_OBJ obj, string typeQuestion) { int ret = 0; int add = 0; QUESTION_OBJ objTemp; string codeAnswer = ""; QUESTION_BUS bus = new QUESTION_BUS(); ANSWER_BUS ansbus = new ANSWER_BUS(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.CODE)) //edit { objTemp = bus.GetByID(new QUESTION_OBJ.BusinessObjectID(obj.CODE)); if (typeQuestion == "CO") { List <ANSWER_OBJ> libegin = ansbus.getAllBy2(" CODE ", new fieldpara("QUESTIONCODE", obj.CODE, 0) , new fieldpara("QUESTIONGROUPCODE", obj.QUESTIONGROUPCODE, 0)); if (obj.ANSWERCODE != null) { foreach (ANSWER_OBJ item in libegin) { if (item.CODEVIEW.Split('_')[1] == obj.ANSWERCODE) { codeAnswer = item.CODE; item.TRUEANSWER = 1; item._ID.CODE = item.CODE; ret = ansbus.update(item); } else { item.TRUEANSWER = 0; item._ID.CODE = item.CODE; ret = ansbus.update(item); } } } } } else //add { objTemp = new QUESTION_OBJ(); } if (ret < 0) { //đóng kết nối trước khi trả về bus.CloseConnection(); //ban ghi sửa đã bị xóa return(Json(new { ret }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } //hết kiểm tra tồn tại bản ghi objTemp.CODEVIEW = obj.CODEVIEW; objTemp.NAME = obj.NAME; objTemp.CONTENTIMG = obj.CONTENTIMG; objTemp.MARK = obj.MARK; objTemp.ORD = obj.ORD; objTemp.LOCK = obj.LOCK; objTemp.CONTENT = obj.CONTENT; objTemp.QUESTIONGROUPCODE = obj.QUESTIONGROUPCODE; //trong trường hợp là câu hỏi dạng CO thì cập nhật lại answercode bằng codeanswer không thì sẽ làm như bình thường objTemp.Answercode= obj.Answercode objTemp.ANSWERCODE = typeQuestion == "CO" ? codeAnswer : obj.ANSWERCODE; //Kiểm tra tình trạng sửa hay là thêm mới if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.CODE)) { //Thêm mới add = 1; //Sinh mã objTemp.CODE = bus.genNextCode(obj); if (typeQuestion == "CO") { ANSWER_OBJ objAnser = new ANSWER_OBJ(); ANSWER_BUS busAnswer = new ANSWER_BUS(); string answerCode = busAnswer.genNextCode(objAnser); List <ANSWER_OBJ> listAnswer = new List <ANSWER_OBJ>(); List <string> listContentAnswer = new List <string> { "TRUE", "FALSE", "NOT GIVEN" }; //Tự động sinh ra câu hỏi và là 3 đáp án true, false, //Tự động sinh ra câu tra lời for (int i = 0; i < listContentAnswer.Count; i++) { ANSWER_OBJ answer = new ANSWER_OBJ { CODE = answerCode }; answerCode = busAnswer.GenNextCode(answer, answerCode); answer.QUESTIONCODE = objTemp.CODE; answer.QUESTIONGROUPCODE = obj.QUESTIONGROUPCODE; answer.CODEVIEW = "CO_" + i; answer.THEORDER = i + 1; answer.NAME = "CO" + (i + 1); answer.CONTENT = listContentAnswer[i]; if (int.Parse(obj.ANSWERCODE) == i) { objTemp.ANSWERCODE = answerCode; answer.TRUEANSWER = 1; } else { answer.TRUEANSWER = 0; } listAnswer.Add(answer); } busAnswer.BeginTransaction(); ret = busAnswer.InsertMultiItems(listAnswer); if (ret < 0) { busAnswer.RollbackTransaction(); } else { busAnswer.CommitTransaction(); } busAnswer.CloseConnection(); } } if (add == 1 && ret >= 0) { ret = bus.insert(objTemp); } else { //gán _ID để xác định bản ghi sẽ được cập nhật objTemp._ID.CODE = obj.CODE; ret = bus.update(objTemp); } bus.CloseConnection(); ansbus.CloseConnection(); return(Json(new { ret }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
/// <summary> /// lấy chi tiết 1 đề thi /// </summary> /// <param name="examformcode">mã đề thi</param> /// <returns></returns> public JsonResult Preview(string examformcode) { int ret = 0; int numberQuestion = 0; EXAMFORM_BUS busExamform = new EXAMFORM_BUS(); EXAMFORM_OBJ objExamform = busExamform.GetByID((new EXAMFORM_OBJ.BusinessObjectID(examformcode))); busExamform.CloseConnection(); if (objExamform == null) { ret = -2; } //Danh sachs cau truc EXAMFORMDETAIL_BUS busExamformdetail = new EXAMFORMDETAIL_BUS(); List <EXAMFORMDETAIL_OBJ> liExamformdetail = new List <EXAMFORMDETAIL_OBJ>(); if (ret >= 0) { if (objExamform != null) { liExamformdetail = busExamformdetail.getAllBy2("THEORDER", new fieldpara("EXAMFORMCODE", objExamform.CODE)); } busExamformdetail.CloseConnection(); if (liExamformdetail == null) { ret = -3; } } List <fieldpara> lipa = new List <fieldpara>(); List <jointable> lijoin = new List <jointable>(); //Lay danh sach cac nhom cau hoi QUESTIONGROUP_BUS busQuestiongroup = new QUESTIONGROUP_BUS(); List <QUESTIONGROUP_OBJ> liQuestiongroup = new List <QUESTIONGROUP_OBJ>(); if (ret >= 0) { if (objExamform != null) { lijoin.Add(new jointable(typeof(EXAMFORMDETAIL_OBJ), "CODE", "QUESTIONGROUPCODE", new fieldpara("EXAMFORMCODE", objExamform.CODE))); } liQuestiongroup = busQuestiongroup.getAllBy2("CODE", lipa, lijoin); if (liQuestiongroup == null) { ret = -4; } busQuestiongroup.CloseConnection(); } //Lay danh sach cau hoi QUESTION_BUS busQuestion = new QUESTION_BUS(); List <QUESTION_OBJ> listQuestionreturn = new List <QUESTION_OBJ>(); if (ret >= 0) { lijoin.Clear(); if (objExamform != null) { lijoin.Add(new jointable(typeof(EXAMFORMDETAIL_OBJ), "QUESTIONGROUPCODE", "QUESTIONGROUPCODE", new fieldpara("examformcode", objExamform.CODE))); } var liQuestion = busQuestion.getAllBy2("CODE", lipa, lijoin); if (liQuestion == null) { ret = -5; } else { foreach (var objQuestion in liQuestion) { QUESTION_OBJ objTemp = new QUESTION_OBJ(); objTemp.CODE = objQuestion.CODE; objTemp.ANSWERCODE = null; objTemp.CONTENT = objQuestion.CONTENT; objTemp.QUESTIONGROUPCODE = objQuestion.QUESTIONGROUPCODE; objTemp._QUESTIONGROUPCODE = objQuestion._QUESTIONGROUPCODE; objTemp._ID = objQuestion._ID; listQuestionreturn.Add(objTemp); } numberQuestion = liQuestion.Count; } busQuestion.CloseConnection(); } //Lay danh danh cac dap an ANSWER_BUS busAnswer = new ANSWER_BUS(); List <ANSWER_OBJ> liAnswer = new List <ANSWER_OBJ>(); if (ret >= 0) { lijoin.Clear(); if (objExamform != null) { lijoin.Add((new jointable(typeof(EXAMFORMDETAIL_OBJ), "QUESTIONGROUPCODE", "QUESTIONGROUPCODE", new fieldpara("examformcode", objExamform.CODE)))); } liAnswer = busAnswer.getAllBy2("CODE", lipa, lijoin); if (liAnswer == null) { ret = -6; } busAnswer.CloseConnection(); } var jsonResult = Json(new { numberQuestion, //so luong cau hoi ObjexamForm = objExamform, //examform liExamformDetail = liExamformdetail, //Danh sách examdetail liQuestiongroup, //danh sach nhom cau hoi li_question = listQuestionreturn, //danh sach cac cau hoi li_answer = liAnswer, //danh sach tat ca cac cau tra loi ret //ok }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); jsonResult.MaxJsonLength = int.MaxValue; return(jsonResult); }
/// <summary> /// Lấy ra chi tiết của một bài thi dựa vào mã sinh viên trong bảng điểm lớp môn học và mã học kì /// </summary> /// <param name="markcode">mã sinh viên trong lớp môn học</param> /// <param name="examtimecode">mã học kì </param> /// <returns></returns> public JsonResult GetDetailExam(string markcode, string examtimecode) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(markcode)) { markcode = "1708310001"; } int ret = 0; int numberQuestion = 0; MARK_BUS markbus = new MARK_BUS(); MARK_OBJ objmark = markbus.GetByID(new MARK_OBJ.BusinessObjectID(markcode));//markbus.GetByKey(new fieldpar("STUDENTCODE", _ses.loginCode, 0),new fieldpara("COURSECODE", courseCode, 0)); markbus.CloseConnection(); if (objmark == null) { ret = -7; } EXAMHALLSTUDENT_OBJ obj = new EXAMHALLSTUDENT_OBJ(); if (ret >= 0) { EXAMHALLSTUDENT_BUS bus = new EXAMHALLSTUDENT_BUS(); if (objmark != null) { obj = bus.GetByKey(new fieldpara("MARKCODE", objmark.CODE, 0), new fieldpara("examtimecode", examtimecode)); } bus.CloseConnection(); } //Lấy được một lần thi if (obj == null) { ret = -1; } EXAMFORM_BUS busExamform = new EXAMFORM_BUS(); EXAMFORM_OBJ objExamform = null; //Lấy đề thi if (ret >= 0) { if (obj != null) { objExamform = busExamform.GetByID((new EXAMFORM_OBJ.BusinessObjectID(obj.EXAMFORMCODE))); } busExamform.CloseConnection(); if (objExamform == null) { ret = -2; } } //Danh sachs cau truc EXAMFORMDETAIL_BUS busExamformdetail = new EXAMFORMDETAIL_BUS(); List <EXAMFORMDETAIL_OBJ> liExamformdetail = new List <EXAMFORMDETAIL_OBJ>(); if (ret >= 0) { if (objExamform != null) { liExamformdetail = busExamformdetail.getAllBy2("THEORDER", new fieldpara("EXAMFORMCODE", objExamform.CODE)); } busExamformdetail.CloseConnection(); if (liExamformdetail == null) { ret = -3; } } List <fieldpara> lipa = new List <fieldpara>(); List <jointable> lijoin = new List <jointable>(); //Lay danh sach cac nhom cau hoi QUESTIONGROUP_BUS busQuestiongroup = new QUESTIONGROUP_BUS(); List <QUESTIONGROUP_OBJ> liQuestiongroup = new List <QUESTIONGROUP_OBJ>(); if (ret >= 0) { if (objExamform != null) { lijoin.Add(new jointable(typeof(EXAMFORMDETAIL_OBJ), "CODE", "QUESTIONGROUPCODE", new fieldpara("EXAMFORMCODE", objExamform.CODE))); } liQuestiongroup = busQuestiongroup.getAllBy2("CODE", lipa, lijoin); if (liQuestiongroup == null) { ret = -4; } busQuestiongroup.CloseConnection(); } //Lay danh sach cau hoi QUESTION_BUS busQuestion = new QUESTION_BUS(); List <QUESTION_OBJ> listQuestionreturn = new List <QUESTION_OBJ>(); if (ret >= 0) { lijoin.Clear(); if (objExamform != null) { lijoin.Add(new jointable(typeof(EXAMFORMDETAIL_OBJ), "QUESTIONGROUPCODE", "QUESTIONGROUPCODE", new fieldpara("examformcode", objExamform.CODE))); } var liQuestion = busQuestion.getAllBy2("CODE", lipa, lijoin); if (liQuestion == null) { ret = -5; } else { foreach (var objQuestion in liQuestion) { QUESTION_OBJ objTemp = new QUESTION_OBJ(); objTemp.CODE = objQuestion.CODE; objTemp.ANSWERCODE = null; objTemp.CONTENT = objQuestion.CONTENT; objTemp.QUESTIONGROUPCODE = objQuestion.QUESTIONGROUPCODE; objTemp._QUESTIONGROUPCODE = objQuestion._QUESTIONGROUPCODE; objTemp._ID = objQuestion._ID; listQuestionreturn.Add(objTemp); } numberQuestion = liQuestion.Count; } busQuestion.CloseConnection(); } //Lay danh danh cac dap an ANSWER_BUS busAnswer = new ANSWER_BUS(); List <ANSWER_OBJ> liAnswer = new List <ANSWER_OBJ>(); if (ret >= 0) { lijoin.Clear(); if (objExamform != null) { lijoin.Add((new jointable(typeof(EXAMFORMDETAIL_OBJ), "QUESTIONGROUPCODE", "QUESTIONGROUPCODE", new fieldpara("examformcode", objExamform.CODE)))); } liAnswer = busAnswer.getAllBy2("CODE", lipa, lijoin); if (liAnswer == null) { ret = -6; } busAnswer.CloseConnection(); } //get list exam result in case student lost the internet EXAMRESULT_BUS busExamresult = new EXAMRESULT_BUS(); List <EXAMRESULT_OBJ> liExamresult = new List <EXAMRESULT_OBJ>(); if (ret >= 0) { if (obj != null) { liExamresult = busExamresult.getAllBy2(new fieldpara("examhallstudentcode", obj.CODE)); } busExamresult.CloseConnection(); } var jsonResult = Json(new { numberQuestion, //so luong cau hoi ObjexamHallstudent = obj, //examhallstudent code ObjexamForm = objExamform, //examform liExamformDetail = liExamformdetail, //Danh sách examdetail liQuestiongroup, //danh sach nhom cau hoi li_question = listQuestionreturn, //danh sach cac cau hoi li_answer = liAnswer, //danh sach tat ca cac cau tra loi liExamresult, //danh sach tat ca cac dap an da tra loi cu sinh vien ret //ok }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); jsonResult.MaxJsonLength = int.MaxValue; return(jsonResult); }
/// <summary> /// logic: truyền vào coursecode và examtimecode /// từ coursecode và examtimecode -> tìm được examhallstudent tương ứng -> lấy ra được examformcode chính là đề thi mà sinh viên đó làm /// lấy ra danh sách các nhóm câu hỏi của đề thi đấy (dữ liệu trong bảng examformdetail) /// lấy danh sách các câu hỏi /// </summary> /// <param name="coursecode">mã lớp môn học</param> /// <param name="examtimecode"></param> /// <returns></returns> public JsonResult ShowExamResult(string coursecode, string examtimecode) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(coursecode)) { coursecode = "1708310001"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(examtimecode)) { examtimecode = "1712250004"; } var ret = 0; string studentcode = ""; List <QUESTION_OBJ> liQuestion = null; List <ANSWER_OBJ> liAnswer = null; List <EXAMRESULT_OBJ> liExamresult = null; EXAMFORM_OBJ objExamform = null; List <EXAMFORMDETAIL_OBJ> liExamformdetail = null; List <QUESTIONGROUP_OBJ> liQuestiongroup = null; int numberQuestion = 0; // số câu hỏi EXAMHALLSTUDENT_OBJ examhallstudentObj = new EXAMHALLSTUDENT_OBJ(); if (_ses.loginType.Equals("STUDENT")) { studentcode = _ses.loginCode; } else { ret = -1; } if (ret >= 0) { List <fieldpara> lipa = new List <fieldpara>(); // get mark MARK_BUS markBus = new MARK_BUS(); lipa.Add(new fieldpara("STUDENTCODE", studentcode, 0)); lipa.Add(new fieldpara("COURSECODE", coursecode, 0)); lipa.Add(new fieldpara("UNIVERSITYCODE", _ses.gUNIVERSITYCODE, 0)); var mark = markBus.GetByKey(lipa.ToArray()); markBus.CloseConnection(); if (mark != null) { EXAMHALLSTUDENT_BUS bus = new EXAMHALLSTUDENT_BUS(); examhallstudentObj = bus.GetByKey(new fieldpara("MARKCODE", mark.CODE, 0), new fieldpara("EXAMTIMECODE", examtimecode)); bus.CloseConnection(); if (examhallstudentObj != null) { // lấy đề thi EXAMFORM_BUS busExamform = new EXAMFORM_BUS(); objExamform = busExamform.GetByID((new EXAMFORM_OBJ.BusinessObjectID(examhallstudentObj.EXAMFORMCODE))); busExamform.CloseConnection(); if (objExamform != null) { // lấy danh sách chi tiết đề thi EXAMFORMDETAIL_BUS busExamformdetail = new EXAMFORMDETAIL_BUS(); liExamformdetail = busExamformdetail.getAllBy2("THEORDER", new fieldpara("EXAMFORMCODE", objExamform.CODE)); busExamformdetail.CloseConnection(); if (liExamformdetail != null) { lipa = new List <fieldpara>(); List <jointable> lijoin = new List <jointable>(); //Lay danh sach cac nhom cau hoi QUESTIONGROUP_BUS busQuestiongroup = new QUESTIONGROUP_BUS(); lijoin.Add(new jointable(typeof(EXAMFORMDETAIL_OBJ), "CODE", "QUESTIONGROUPCODE", new fieldpara("EXAMFORMCODE", objExamform.CODE))); liQuestiongroup = busQuestiongroup.getAllBy2("CODE", lipa, lijoin); busQuestiongroup.CloseConnection(); if (liQuestiongroup != null) { //Lay danh sach cau hoi QUESTION_BUS busQuestion = new QUESTION_BUS(); lijoin.Clear(); lijoin.Add(new jointable(typeof(EXAMFORMDETAIL_OBJ), "QUESTIONGROUPCODE", "QUESTIONGROUPCODE", new fieldpara("examformcode", objExamform.CODE))); liQuestion = busQuestion.getAllBy2("CODE", lipa, lijoin); numberQuestion = liQuestion.Count; busQuestion.CloseConnection(); // lấy danh sách các câu trả lời lijoin.Clear(); ANSWER_BUS busAnswer = new ANSWER_BUS(); lijoin.Add(new jointable(typeof(EXAMFORMDETAIL_OBJ), "QUESTIONGROUPCODE", "QUESTIONGROUPCODE", new fieldpara("examformcode", objExamform.CODE))); liAnswer = busAnswer.getAllBy2("CODE", lipa, lijoin); busAnswer.CloseConnection(); // lấy danh sách kết quả thi của sinh vên đó EXAMRESULT_BUS busExamresult = new EXAMRESULT_BUS(); liExamresult = busExamresult.getAllBy2(new fieldpara("examhallstudentcode", examhallstudentObj.CODE)); busExamresult.CloseConnection(); if (liAnswer == null || liExamresult == null) { ret = -7; } } else { ret = -6; } } else { ret = -5; } } else { ret = -4; } } else { ret = -3; } } else { ret = -2; } } else { ret = -1; } var jsonResult = Json(new { numberQuestion, //so luong cau hoi ObjexamHallstudent = examhallstudentObj, //examhallstudent code ObjexamForm = objExamform, //examform liExamformDetail = liExamformdetail, //Danh sách examdetail liQuestiongroup, li_question = liQuestion, li_answer = liAnswer, li_examresult = liExamresult,//danh sách đáp án ret }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); jsonResult.MaxJsonLength = int.MaxValue; return(jsonResult); }
/// <summary> /// lấy kết quả bài thi dựa trên mark code /// </summary> /// <param name="markcode"></param> /// <returns></returns> /// show questiongroup /// show question /// show answer /// put data//hide other answer public JsonResult ShowData(string markcode) { var ret = -1; int numberQuestion = 0; //dựa vào mã sinh viên thuộc lớp môn học nào sẽ xác định mã sinh bài thi của phòng nào đó cho môn học đó EXAMHALLSTUDENT_BUS bus = new EXAMHALLSTUDENT_BUS(); EXAMHALLSTUDENT_OBJ obj = bus.GetByKey(new fieldpara("MARKCODE", markcode, 0)); bus.CloseConnection(); //bài kiểm tra EXAMFORM_BUS busExamform = new EXAMFORM_BUS(); EXAMFORM_OBJ objExamform = null; if (ret >= 0) { objExamform = busExamform.GetByID((new EXAMFORM_OBJ.BusinessObjectID(obj.EXAMFORMCODE))); busExamform.CloseConnection(); if (objExamform == null) { ret = -2; } } //Danh sachs cau truc EXAMFORMDETAIL_BUS busExamformdetail = new EXAMFORMDETAIL_BUS(); List <EXAMFORMDETAIL_OBJ> liExamformdetail = new List <EXAMFORMDETAIL_OBJ>(); if (ret >= 0) { if (objExamform != null) { liExamformdetail = busExamformdetail.getAllBy2("THEORDER", new fieldpara("EXAMFORMCODE", objExamform.CODE)); } busExamformdetail.CloseConnection(); if (liExamformdetail == null) { ret = -3; } } List <fieldpara> lipa = new List <fieldpara>(); List <jointable> lijoin = new List <jointable>(); //Lay danh sach cac nhom cau hoi QUESTIONGROUP_BUS busQuestiongroup = new QUESTIONGROUP_BUS(); List <QUESTIONGROUP_OBJ> liQuestiongroup = new List <QUESTIONGROUP_OBJ>(); if (ret >= 0) { if (objExamform != null) { lijoin.Add(new jointable(typeof(EXAMFORMDETAIL_OBJ), "CODE", "QUESTIONGROUPCODE", new fieldpara("EXAMFORMCODE", objExamform.CODE))); } liQuestiongroup = busQuestiongroup.getAllBy2("CODE", lipa, lijoin); if (liQuestiongroup == null) { ret = -4; } busQuestiongroup.CloseConnection(); } //Lay danh sach cau hoi QUESTION_BUS busQuestion = new QUESTION_BUS(); List <QUESTION_OBJ> liQuestion = new List <QUESTION_OBJ>(); if (ret >= 0) { lijoin.Clear(); if (objExamform != null) { lijoin.Add(new jointable(typeof(EXAMFORMDETAIL_OBJ), "QUESTIONGROUPCODE", "QUESTIONGROUPCODE", new fieldpara("examformcode", objExamform.CODE))); } liQuestion = busQuestion.getAllBy2("CODE", lipa, lijoin); if (liQuestion == null) { ret = -5; } else { numberQuestion = liQuestion.Count; } busQuestion.CloseConnection(); } //Lay danh danh cac dap an ANSWER_BUS busAnswer = new ANSWER_BUS(); List <ANSWER_OBJ> liAnswer = new List <ANSWER_OBJ>(); if (ret >= 0) { lijoin.Clear(); if (objExamform != null) { lijoin.Add((new jointable(typeof(EXAMFORMDETAIL_OBJ), "QUESTIONGROUPCODE", "QUESTIONGROUPCODE", new fieldpara("examformcode", objExamform.CODE)))); } liAnswer = busAnswer.getAllBy2("CODE", lipa, lijoin); if (liAnswer == null) { ret = -6; } busAnswer.CloseConnection(); } var jsonResult = Json(new { numberQuestion, //so luong cau hoi ObjexamHallstudent = obj, //examhallstudent code ObjexamForm = objExamform, //examform liExamformDetail = liExamformdetail, //Danh sách examdetail liQuestiongroup, li_question = liQuestion, li_answer = liAnswer, ret//ok }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); jsonResult.MaxJsonLength = int.MaxValue; return(jsonResult); }