public void StartCaptions(ConversationAction action, int dialogueIndex)
        if (dialogueIndex >= action.Conversations.Count)
            for (int i = 0; i < action.InvolvedActors.Count; i++)
                Actor actor = GameManager.Instance.Actors[action.InvolvedActors[i]].GetComponent <Actor>();
                if (actor.CurAction is ConversationAction)
                    actor.ExecuteAction(actor.ActionIndex + 1);

        AIDialogue dialogue = action.Conversations[dialogueIndex];

        StartCoroutine(DelayedFunction(HideIndicator, dialogue.Delay - 0.1f));
        int actorID = action.Conversations[dialogueIndex].SpeakerGOIndex;

        currentSpeaker    = actorID;
        conversationIndex = dialogueIndex;
        currentAction     = action;
        GameManager.Instance.Actors[actorID].GetComponent <Actor>().CaptionIndicator.SetActive(true);

        captionsText.text = dialogue.SpeakerText + ": " + dialogue.Dialogue;
        captionsText.maxVisibleCharacters = 0;

        LeanTween.value(captionsText.gameObject, (float x) => captionsText.maxVisibleCharacters = (int)x, 0, captionsText.text.Length, 1);
        StartCoroutine(DelayedFunction(RunNextCaption, dialogue.Delay));

        GetComponentInChildren <CaptionsText>().Target = GameManager.Instance.Actors[actorID].transform;

        currentAction = action;
    public void SetOptions(List <Answer> answers, AIDialogue aiDialogue)
        if (answers.Count > 2)                           // if has 3 answers
            optionScriptBtn1.gameObject.SetActive(true); // show first button
            optionScriptBtn2.gameObject.SetActive(true); // show second button
            optionScriptBtn3.gameObject.SetActive(true); // show third button

            option1.text = answers[0].option;            // FIRST button with FIRST answer
            optionScriptBtn1.reference  = answers[0].reference;
            optionScriptBtn1.AIDialogue = aiDialogue;

            option2.text = answers[1].option; // FIRST answer with SECOND button
            optionScriptBtn2.reference  = answers[1].reference;
            optionScriptBtn2.AIDialogue = aiDialogue;

            option3.text = answers[2].option; // THIRD answer with THIRD button
            optionScriptBtn3.reference  = answers[2].reference;
            optionScriptBtn3.AIDialogue = aiDialogue;
        if (answers.Count > 0)                            // if has 1 answer
            optionScriptBtn1.gameObject.SetActive(false); // hide first button
            optionScriptBtn3.gameObject.SetActive(true);  // show second button
            optionScriptBtn3.gameObject.SetActive(false); // hide third button

            option2.text = answers[0].option;             // SECOND button with FIRST answer
            optionScriptBtn2.reference  = answers[0].reference;
            optionScriptBtn2.AIDialogue = aiDialogue;
        else // if has no answers
            CloseOptions(); // close the options
Example #3
    public void StartDialogue(List <Dialogue> dialogue, string name, int reference, AIDialogue aiDialogue) // Starts the Dialogue (Recieves the list of dialogues, name of character, reference (default 1), NPC AIDialogue Script)
        playerDialogueManager.enabled = true;
        animator.SetBool("isOpen", true);            // Opening Text in Game
        nameText.text = name;                        // Setting the NPC name
        sentences.Clear();                           // Clearing all the setences
        continueText.text = "Next...";               // Setting the Button for Next (Default) Can be modified by editor if needed
        _dialogue         = dialogue;                // Setting the global dialogue
        _aiDialogue       = aiDialogue;
        for (int i = 0; i < _dialogue.Count; i++)    // Looping all the Dialogues
            if (_dialogue[i].reference == reference) // Checking reference
                _reference = i;                      // Setting reference

        foreach (string sentence in _dialogue[_reference].sentences) // Looping every sentence related to the reference
            sentences.Enqueue(sentence);                             // Enqueuing the sentences

        DisplayNextSentence(); // Displaying the next sentence