partial void CreateAppLinking(UIKit.UIButton sender)
            appLinkingComponent = new AGCAppLinkingComponents
                // Set URL Prefix
                UriPrefix = "<your_AppLinking_URL_Prefix>",
                // Set Deep Link
                DeepLink = "",

                //Set the link preview type. If this method is not called, the preview page with app information is displayed by default.
                PreviewType = AGCLinkingPreviewType.AppInfo

            // Set Android app parameters. (Optional)
            appLinkingComponent.AndroidDeepLink    = ("androidlink://");
            appLinkingComponent.AndroidPackageName = "<your_Android_packageName>";
            appLinkingComponent.AndroidOpenType    = AGCLinkingAndroidOpenType.AppGallery;

            // Set iOS app parameters. (Optional)
            appLinkingComponent.IosBundleId = "<your_iOS_BundleID>";
            appLinkingComponent.IosDeepLink = "ioslink://";

            // Create AppLinking
        private void CreateAppLink()
            appLinkingComponent = new AGCAppLinkingComponents
                // Set URL Prefix
                UriPrefix = "URI_PREFIX",
                // Set Deep Link
                DeepLink = "",

                //Set the link preview type. If this method is not called, the preview page with app information is displayed by default.
                PreviewType = AGCLinkingPreviewType.AppInfo
 public ResultViewController(AGCAppLinkingComponents appLinkingComponent) : base("ResultViewController", null)
     this.appLinkingComponent = appLinkingComponent;