Example #1
        public ActionResult CreateUserTemplate(CreateUserTemplateVM id)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                using (var db = new ADWebDB())
                    id.UserTemplate.Enabled = true;

                    // We now have to iterate thru the list of groups that
                    // this user template has been configured to have so that
                    // we can add this information to the database. But we have
                    // to also be careful to make sure that only valid groups are
                    // added to the database because we are allowing users to enter
                    // the name of the group(s) they are looking for, there is a
                    // possibility that a group may not exist in the domain.
                    ADDomain domain = new ADDomain();
                    ADGroup  group;

                    // There is a possibility that the users will not add any groups
                    // when they first create the user template. We have to check for
                    // this now so that we can avoid a nasty error message!
                    if (id.Groups.Count > 0)
                        foreach (var grp in id.Groups)
                            group = domain.GetGroupBasicInfo(grp);

                            // We have to check if this group is in the domain, if it
                            // is then we would have retrieved a name for the group.
                            // If it's not a valid name, then the group name will be
                            // blank and thus this is a group that doesn't exit in
                            // the domain.
                            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(group.GroupName))
                                db.UserTemplateGroup.Add(new UserTemplateGroup()
                                    Enabled           = true,
                                    Name              = group.GroupName,
                                    DistinguishedName = group.DN,
                                    UserTemplateID    = id.UserTemplate.UserTemplateID

                    TempData["user_template_created"] = "The user template '" + id.UserTemplate.Name + "' has been created successfully!";

Example #2
 public void RemoveGroupFromUserTemplate(string groupID)
     using (var db = new ADWebDB())
         UserTemplateGroup group = db.UserTemplateGroup.Find(Int32.Parse(groupID));
         group.Enabled = false;
Example #3
        public ActionResult CreateUser(CreateUserVM user)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                using (var db = new ADWebDB())
                    ADWeb.Core.Models.User newUser = Mapper.Map <User>(user);
                    ADDomain domain = new ADDomain();

                    // Get User Template Settings so that we can use it to create
                    // the user.
                    UserTemplate userTemplate = db.UserTemplate

                    UserTemplateSettings userTemplateSettings = new UserTemplateSettings();
                    userTemplateSettings.ChangePasswordAtNextLogon = userTemplate.ChangePasswordAtNextLogon;
                    userTemplateSettings.UserCannotChangePassword  = userTemplate.UserCannotChangePassword;
                    userTemplateSettings.PasswordNeverExpires      = userTemplate.PasswordNeverExpires;
                    userTemplateSettings.AccountExpires            = userTemplate.AccountExpires;
                    userTemplateSettings.ExpirationRange           = userTemplate.ExpirationRange;
                    userTemplateSettings.ExpirationValue           = userTemplate.ExpirationValue;
                    userTemplateSettings.DomainOU = userTemplate.DomainOU.DistinguishedName;

                    // When getting the groups associated with a user template, we
                    // are only interested in getting those groups that are active (i.e.
                    // they have not been removed by the admins of the application). If this is
                    // not done, then there will be an error if a group happens to have been
                    // added, removed and then added again by one of the administrators. This should
                    // be a rare occurrance, but we have to check just to make sure no errors occur
                    // when creating user accounts.
                    foreach (var group in userTemplate.Groups.Where(u => u.Enabled == true).ToList())

                    domain.CreateUserWithTemplate(newUser, userTemplateSettings);
                    ADUser currentUser = domain.GetUserByID(User.Identity.Name);

                    // Insert the account to the Database. Note: we are only
                    // interested in basic information
                    DomainUser newDomainUser = new DomainUser();
                    newDomainUser.DateCreated = DateTime.Now;
                    newDomainUser.CreatedBy   = currentUser.GivenName + " " + currentUser.Surname;
                    newDomainUser.Username    = newUser.Username;


                    TempData["user_created_successfully"] = newUser.FirstName + " " + newUser.LastName + " has been created successfully!";
                    return(RedirectToAction("ViewUser", new { user = user.Username }));

Example #4
        public ActionResult UpdateOU(DomainOU id)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                using (var db = new ADWebDB())
                    db.Entry(id).State = EntityState.Modified;

                    TempData["ou_updated"] = "The OU " + id.Name + " has been successfully updated!";
                ModelState.AddModelError("", "Unable to update the Organizational Unit.");

Example #5
        public ActionResult CreateOU(DomainOU newOU)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                using (var db = new ADWebDB())
                    newOU.Enabled = true;


                    TempData["ou_created"] = "The Organizationl Unit " + newOU.Name + " has been created successfully!";
                ModelState.AddModelError("", "Unable to create Organizational Unit.");

Example #6
        public ActionResult UpdateUserTemplate(ViewUserTemplateVM id)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                using (var db = new ADWebDB())
                    db.Entry(id.UserTemplate).Property(ut => ut.Name).IsModified                      = true;
                    db.Entry(id.UserTemplate).Property(ut => ut.Enabled).IsModified                   = true;
                    db.Entry(id.UserTemplate).Property(ut => ut.DomainOUID).IsModified                = true;
                    db.Entry(id.UserTemplate).Property(ut => ut.PasswordNeverExpires).IsModified      = true;
                    db.Entry(id.UserTemplate).Property(ut => ut.ChangePasswordAtNextLogon).IsModified = true;
                    db.Entry(id.UserTemplate).Property(ut => ut.UserCannotChangePassword).IsModified  = true;
                    db.Entry(id.UserTemplate).Property(ut => ut.AccountExpires).IsModified            = true;
                    db.Entry(id.UserTemplate).Property(ut => ut.ExpirationRange).IsModified           = true;
                    db.Entry(id.UserTemplate).Property(ut => ut.ExpirationValue).IsModified           = true;
                    db.Entry(id.UserTemplate).Property(ut => ut.Notes).IsModified                     = true;


                    // We need to check to see if a new group (or groups) have been
                    // added to this user template. If so then we'll add the group!
                    if (id.Groups.Count > 0)
                        ADDomain domain = new ADDomain();
                        ADGroup  group;

                        // We also have to check that the group(s) being added to this
                        // user template don't alreay exist. If it does, then it will
                        // not be added. For us to do this check, we have to get the list
                        // of groups first. Also, please note that we have to check that we
                        // only get active groups!
                        var existingGroups = db.UserTemplateGroup
                                             .Where(u => u.UserTemplateID == id.UserTemplate.UserTemplateID && u.Enabled == true)
                                             .Select(u => u.Name).ToList();

                        foreach (var grp in id.Groups)
                            // This is where we check if this user template already has
                            // the group that is being added. If it does, then we simply
                            // continue out of this iteration of the foreach loop and go on
                            // to the next group being added.
                            if (existingGroups.Contains(grp))

                            group = domain.GetGroupBasicInfo(grp);

                            // We have to check if this group is in the domain, if it
                            // is then we would have retrieved a name for the group.
                            // If it's not a valid name, then the group name will be
                            // blank and thus this is a group that doesn't exit in
                            // the domain.
                            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(group.GroupName))
                                db.UserTemplateGroup.Add(new UserTemplateGroup()
                                    Enabled           = true,
                                    Name              = group.GroupName,
                                    DistinguishedName = group.DN,
                                    UserTemplateID    = id.UserTemplate.UserTemplateID

                    TempData["user_template_updated"] = "The user template '" + id.UserTemplate.Name + "' has been successfully updated!";
                TempData["error_updating_user_template"] = "Error updating Template";
                return(RedirectToAction("ViewUserTemplate", new { id = id.UserTemplate.UserTemplateID }));
Example #7
        public ActionResult UpdateUser(UserViewModel user)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                ADDomain      domain         = new ADDomain();
                StringBuilder msg            = new StringBuilder();
                bool          userInfoUpdate = false;

                msg.Append("<ul class=\"update-details\">");

                // We first need to record what was changed on the user
                // account by comparing what the user currently has on
                // Active Directory to what is being passed to this method
                ADUser currentUser = domain.GetUserByID(user.SamAccountName);

                // Now we compare the values that are currently stored in the domain
                // with what's being passed to this method. If there are any changes,
                // then these are recorded and will be stored in the database.
                if (!currentUser.GivenName.Equals(user.GivenName))
                    userInfoUpdate = true;
                    msg.Append("<li>First Name Changed from '" + currentUser.GivenName + "' to '" + user.GivenName + "'</li>");

                if (!currentUser.Surname.Equals(user.Surname))
                    userInfoUpdate = true;
                    msg.Append("<li>Last Name Changed from '" + currentUser.Surname + "' to '" + user.Surname + "'</li>");

                if (!currentUser.MiddleName.Equals(user.MiddleName))
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(user.MiddleName))
                        userInfoUpdate = true;
                        msg.Append("<li>Middle Name Changed from '" + currentUser.MiddleName + "' to '" + user.MiddleName + "'</li>");

                if (!currentUser.DisplayName.Equals(user.DisplayName))
                    userInfoUpdate = true;
                    msg.Append("<li>Display Name Changed from '" + currentUser.DisplayName + "' to '" + user.DisplayName + "'</li>");

                if (!currentUser.EmailAddress.Equals(user.EmailAddress))
                    userInfoUpdate = true;
                    msg.Append("<li>Email Address Changed from '" + currentUser.EmailAddress + "' to '" + user.EmailAddress + "'</li>");

                if (!currentUser.PhoneNumber.Equals(user.PhoneNumber))
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(user.PhoneNumber))
                        userInfoUpdate = true;
                        msg.Append("<li>Phone Number Changed from '" + currentUser.PhoneNumber + "' to '" + user.PhoneNumber + "'</li>");

                if (!currentUser.Title.Equals(user.Title))
                    userInfoUpdate = true;
                    msg.Append("<li>Title Changed from '" + currentUser.Title + "' to '" + user.Title + "'</li>");

                if (!currentUser.Company.Equals(user.Company))
                    userInfoUpdate = true;
                    msg.Append("<li>Company Changed from '" + currentUser.Company + "' to '" + user.Company + "'</li>");

                if (!currentUser.Department.Equals(user.Department))
                    userInfoUpdate = true;
                    msg.Append("<li>Department Changed from '" + currentUser.Department + "' to '" + user.Department + "'</li>");

                if (!currentUser.Notes.Equals(user.Notes))
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(user.Notes))
                        userInfoUpdate = true;
                        msg.Append("<li>Notes Changed from '" + currentUser.Notes + "' to '" + user.Notes + "'</li>");


                ADWeb.Core.Models.User userModel = Mapper.Map <User>(user);


                // There is a possiblity that a user may accidentally hit the update
                // button but nothing has changed in the user's information. If this
                // happens, we don't want anything to be written to the database. The
                // following condition checks for this scenario.
                if (userInfoUpdate)
                    using (var db = new ADWebDB())
                        ADUser loggedInUser = domain.GetUserByID(User.Identity.Name);

                        // Before adding a new update history for this user, we first have
                        // to check to see if this account has an entry in the DomainUsers
                        // table. If it doesn't then we'll go ahead and create one. If it does,
                        // then we'll just insert the update history to the table.
                        var userDbInfo = db.DomainUsers.Find(user.SamAccountName);

                        if (userDbInfo == null)
                            // If we have reached this part of the code then it means that
                            // we have come accross a user that was not created thru the
                            // application and thus has no entry in the DomainUsers table.
                            // We are going to be creating an entry into the DomainUser table,
                            // but we are not going to use the currently logged in user who is
                            // viewing this account as the person that created the account.
                            // The reason I don't want to store the username is because the
                            // entry was not created by the user, instead it was created
                            // outside the application. I am going to be making this a unique
                            // value just in case we need to use this later on for reports.
                            string createdBy = "Outside of Application";

                            DomainUser newUser = new DomainUser();
                            newUser.CreatedBy   = createdBy;
                            newUser.Username    = currentUser.SamAccountName;
                            newUser.DateCreated = currentUser.WhenCreated;

                            // Entry that identifies this as a user who we just inserted
                            // an entry to the DomainUsers table for.
                            UserUpdateHistory newUserHistory = new UserUpdateHistory();
                            newUserHistory.UpdatedBy   = createdBy;
                            newUserHistory.Username    = user.SamAccountName;
                            newUserHistory.UpdateType  = UserUpdateType.CreatedDBEntry;
                            newUserHistory.DateUpdated = DateTime.Now;
                            newUserHistory.Notes       = "<ul class=\"update-details\"><li>New User Added to table by the system.</li></ul>";

                            // This is the actual changes that were made for this user
                            // when the update user button was clicked on and submitted for
                            // this request.
                            UserUpdateHistory userChange = new UserUpdateHistory();
                            userChange.UpdatedBy  = loggedInUser.GivenName + " " + loggedInUser.Surname;
                            userChange.Username   = user.SamAccountName;
                            userChange.UpdateType = UserUpdateType.UserInfo;

                            // I am adding 10 milli seconds to this value so that when we
                            // retrieve it from the database this will show up later on
                            // as we order the results from this table based on the
                            // date updated field!
                            userChange.DateUpdated = DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(10);
                            userChange.Notes       = msg.ToString();

                            UserUpdateHistory userChange = new UserUpdateHistory();
                            userChange.UpdatedBy   = loggedInUser.GivenName + " " + loggedInUser.Surname;
                            userChange.Username    = user.SamAccountName;
                            userChange.UpdateType  = UserUpdateType.UserInfo;
                            userChange.DateUpdated = DateTime.Now;
                            userChange.Notes       = msg.ToString();



                    TempData["user_updated_successfully"] = user.GivenName + " " + user.Surname + "'s account has been successfully updated!";
                    TempData["user_updated_successfully"] = "No updates were done for " + user.GivenName + " " + user.Surname + "'s account.";

                return(RedirectToAction("ViewUser", new { user = user.SamAccountName }));

Example #8
        public ActionResult AddUserToGroups(string SamAccountName, List <string> Groups)
            ADDomain domain = new ADDomain();

            // The current implementation of this feature will allow users to type in
            // a few characters of a group name and if any matches are found then those
            // matches are displayed to the user. There is a chance that the user may just
            // type in the name of the group he/she wants to add and not use any of the
            // returned results. For this reason, I am doing an extra check on the domain
            // to make sure that whatever has been entered are valid groups. If a group
            // name has been entered that is not valid (i.e. it doesn't exist) then that
            // group will not be added to the following list. After generating this list,
            // we are doing an extra check to see if it's empty (which can theoretically
            // happen) and if so then we just re-direct the user back to the ViewUser page
            // and send a long a message of the issue why no group(s) were added to the user.
            List <string> validatedGroups = domain.ValidateGroups(Groups);

            if (validatedGroups.Count == 0)
                TempData["invalid_groups"] = @"Invalid Group Names. The group(s) you tried to add are not valid group name. 
                                               Please check the name of the group and try again.";
                return(RedirectToAction("ViewUser", new { user = SamAccountName }));

            // There is the posibility that a group that the user already belongs
            // to is part of the groups list being passed to this method. I have to
            // get a list of the current groups that this user belongs to and before
            // adding any of the groups that have been passed to this method, I must
            // make sure that it doesn't already exist. If it does, then the group
            // trying to be added will just be discarded.
            List <string> currentGroups = domain.GetCurrentUserGroups(SamAccountName);

            // This will hold the list of groups that will be added to the
            // user account.
            List <string> newGroupsToAdd = new List <string>();

            foreach (var group in validatedGroups)
                if (!currentGroups.Contains(group))

            // If we are adding a group (or list of groups) that the user already
            // belongs to then none of these group should be added.
            if (newGroupsToAdd.Count == 0)
                TempData["no_groups_added"] = "No Groups have been added to this user as the user already is part of the groups submitted.";
                return(RedirectToAction("ViewUser", new { user = SamAccountName }));

            // At this time we have filtered out the groups so that only
            // new groups are added to this user
            domain.AddUserToGroups(SamAccountName, newGroupsToAdd);

            // Now we have to log this action so that it shows up on the
            // change history for this user
            using (var db = new ADWebDB())
                ADUser loggedInUser = domain.GetUserByID(User.Identity.Name);

                // The following code generates the update details for this action
                StringBuilder updateNotes = new StringBuilder();
                updateNotes.Append("<p>The following groups have been added to this user:</p>");
                updateNotes.Append("<ul class=\"update-details\">");

                foreach (var group in newGroupsToAdd)
                    updateNotes.Append("<li>" + group + "</li>");


                UserUpdateHistory newGroupHistory = new UserUpdateHistory();
                newGroupHistory.UpdatedBy   = loggedInUser.GivenName + " " + loggedInUser.Surname;
                newGroupHistory.DateUpdated = DateTime.Now;
                newGroupHistory.UpdateType  = UserUpdateType.AddedToGroup;
                newGroupHistory.Notes       = updateNotes.ToString();
                newGroupHistory.Username    = SamAccountName;

                // Before adding this update history entry into the database
                // we have to check for the possibility of the user having no
                // entry in the DomainUsers table.
                DomainUser user = db.DomainUsers.Find(SamAccountName);

                if (user != null)
                    // The user has an existing entry in the DomainUser
                    // table
                    DomainUser newDomainUser = new DomainUser();
                    newDomainUser.DateCreated = DateTime.Now;
                    newDomainUser.CreatedBy   = loggedInUser.GivenName + " " + loggedInUser.Surname;
                    newDomainUser.Username    = SamAccountName;


                    // Entry that identifies this as a user who we just inserted
                    // an entry to the DomainUsers table for.
                    UserUpdateHistory newUserHistory = new UserUpdateHistory();
                    newUserHistory.UpdatedBy   = "System Generated";
                    newUserHistory.Username    = SamAccountName;
                    newUserHistory.UpdateType  = UserUpdateType.CreatedDBEntry;
                    newUserHistory.DateUpdated = DateTime.Now;
                    newUserHistory.Notes       = "<ul class=\"update-details\"><li>New User Added to table by the system.</li></ul>";


                TempData["groups_added_successfully"] = "Groups have been added successfully to this user!";
                return(RedirectToAction("ViewUser", new { user = SamAccountName }));