public Main(string[] arguments, int ti = -1, Action <int, string> u = null) { ArgumentObject args = new ArgumentObject(arguments); Restart :; if ( == "nvl") { NovelDownload(args.arguments, ti, u); } else if ( == "ani") { AnimeDownload(args.arguments, ti, u); } else { if (!searchMN(ref args)) { u?.Invoke(ti, "Error: could not parse command (Failure to parse website to ani/nvl flag.. you can retry with ani/nvl flag)"); ADLUpdates.CallError(new Exception("Error: Could not parse command (mn selector)")); return; } else { goto Restart; } } }
public void InitializeZipper(string loc, bool dc = false) { try { bookStream = new FileStream(loc, dc ? FileMode.Open : FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.ReadWrite); zapive = new ZipArchive(bookStream, ZipArchiveMode.Update, true); } catch { ADLUpdates.CallError(new Exception("Failed to initialize stream.")); } }