private void btnSaveCustomerToAC_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ACDB.AmeriCommerceDatabaseIO oWS = new AmeriCommerceApiExamples.ACDB.AmeriCommerceDatabaseIO(); ACDB.AmeriCommerceHeaderInfo oHeader = new AmeriCommerceApiExamples.ACDB.AmeriCommerceHeaderInfo(); oHeader.UserName = Properties.Settings.Default.ApiUsername; oHeader.Password = Properties.Settings.Default.ApiPassword; oHeader.SecurityToken = Properties.Settings.Default.ApiSecurityToken; oWS.AmeriCommerceHeaderInfoValue = oHeader; oWS.Url = Properties.Settings.Default.AmeriCommerceApiExamples_ACDB_AmeriCommerceDatabaseIO; this.txtResults.Text = ""; ACDB.CustomerTrans oCustomer = new ACDB.CustomerTrans(); oCustomer.IsNew = true; = "*****@*****.**"; oCustomer.firstName = "TestFirst"; oCustomer.lastName = "TestLast"; var oStoreID = new ACDB.DataInt32(); oStoreID.Value = 1; oCustomer.storeID = oStoreID; oCustomer.Company = "Test Company"; var dtLastVisitDate = new ACDB.DataDateTime(); dtLastVisitDate.Value = DateTime.Now; oCustomer.lastVisitDate = dtLastVisitDate; var dtRegisteredDate = new ACDB.DataDateTime(); dtRegisteredDate.Value = DateTime.Now; oCustomer.registeredDate = dtRegisteredDate; oCustomer = oWS.Customer_SaveAndGet(oCustomer); this.txtResults.Text = "Customer Returned and Saved: ID: " + oCustomer.customerID.Value; }
public static void Examples() { string sResults = ""; ACDB.AmeriCommerceDatabaseIO oWS = new AmeriCommerceApiExamples.ACDB.AmeriCommerceDatabaseIO(); ACDB.AmeriCommerceHeaderInfo oHeader = new AmeriCommerceApiExamples.ACDB.AmeriCommerceHeaderInfo(); oHeader.UserName = Properties.Settings.Default.ApiUsername; oHeader.Password = Properties.Settings.Default.ApiPassword; oHeader.SecurityToken = Properties.Settings.Default.ApiSecurityToken; oWS.AmeriCommerceHeaderInfoValue = oHeader; oWS.Url = Properties.Settings.Default.AmeriCommerceApiExamples_ACDB_AmeriCommerceDatabaseIO; #region Getting a product by item number sResults = ""; ACDB.ProductTrans oProduct = oWS.Product_GetByItemNumber("TS2PS"); sResults = oProduct.itemName + " exists with ID of " + oProduct.itemID; #endregion #region Getting the variant inventory information for a product sResults = ""; ACDB.ProductTrans oProduct2 = oWS.Product_GetByKey(2); //2 is the itemId of a known product in this example oProduct2 = oWS.Product_FillProductVariantCollection(oProduct2); ArrayList aryVariants = new ArrayList(oProduct2.ProductVariantColTrans); oProduct2 = oWS.Product_FillVariantInventoryCollection(oProduct2); ArrayList aryVariantInventory = new ArrayList(oProduct2.VariantInventoryColTrans); sResults = oProduct2.itemName + " has " + aryVariants.Count + " variants."; sResults += "\r\n\r\nAnd has " + aryVariantInventory.Count + " variant inventory records."; #endregion #region Get orders for a particular date range and make a change to one of them sResults = ""; ACDB.OrderTrans[] colOrders = oWS.Order_GetByDateRange(DateTime.Parse("9/10/2010"), DateTime.Parse("1/1/2011")); ArrayList aryOrders = new ArrayList(colOrders); ACDB.OrderTrans oOrder = (ACDB.OrderTrans)aryOrders[0]; sResults = "Order Count is : " + aryOrders.Count; sResults += "\r\n\r\nOrder ID: " + oOrder.orderID.Value; sResults += "\r\n\r\nOrder Comments: " + oOrder.comments; oOrder.comments = "Test: " + DateTime.Now.Ticks; oWS.Order_SaveAndGet(oOrder); sResults += "\r\n\r\nAFTERSAVE: Order Comments: " + oOrder.comments; #endregion #region Get the status for a particular product sResults = ""; ACDB.ProductTrans oProduct3 = new AmeriCommerceApiExamples.ACDB.ProductTrans(); oProduct3 = oWS.Product_GetByKey(516); //516 is the itemId of a known product in this sample ACDB.ProductStatusTrans oStatus = oWS.ProductStatus_GetByKey(oProduct3.productStatusID.Value); sResults = "Product Status is : " + oStatus.productStatus; #endregion #region Add a new customer sResults = ""; ACDB.CustomerTrans oCustomer = new ACDB.CustomerTrans(); oCustomer.IsNew = true; = "*****@*****.**"; oCustomer.firstName = "TestFirst"; oCustomer.lastName = "TestLast"; var oStoreID = new ACDB.DataInt32(); oStoreID.Value = 1; oCustomer.storeID = oStoreID; oCustomer.Company = "Test Company"; var dtLastVisitDate = new ACDB.DataDateTime(); dtLastVisitDate.Value = DateTime.Now; oCustomer.lastVisitDate = dtLastVisitDate; var dtRegisteredDate = new ACDB.DataDateTime(); dtRegisteredDate.Value = DateTime.Now; oCustomer.registeredDate = dtRegisteredDate; oCustomer = oWS.Customer_SaveAndGet(oCustomer); sResults = "Customer Returned and Saved: ID: " + oCustomer.customerID.Value; #endregion #region Get all orders for a particular date range pre-filled with all child information sResults = ""; sResults += "Get Orders With All Information Filled\r\n"; //this will populate child information on the order, such as items var oOrders = new System.Collections.ArrayList(oWS.Order_GetByDateRangePreFilled(DateTime.Parse("1/1/2008"), DateTime.Parse("1/1/2010"))); sResults += "Orders Returned: " + oOrders.Count + "\r\n"; foreach (ACDB.OrderTrans oOrderTemp in oOrders) { var aryOrderItems = new System.Collections.ArrayList(oOrderTemp.OrderItemColTrans); sResults += "ID: " + oOrder.orderID.Value + ": Total: " + + " ItemCount: " + aryOrderItems.Count + "\r\n"; foreach (ACDB.OrderItemTrans oItem in aryOrderItems) { sResults += " Qty:" + oItem.quantity.Value + " of " + oItem.itemNr + "[" + oItem.itemID.Value + "]" + " " + oItem.itemName + " at $" + oItem.price.Value + "\r\n"; } var aryPayments = new System.Collections.ArrayList(oOrderTemp.OrderPaymentColTrans); sResults += " Payment: "; foreach (ACDB.OrderPaymentTrans oPayment in aryPayments) { sResults += oPayment.Amount.Value + ", "; } sResults += "\r\n"; if (oOrderTemp.OrderBillingAddressTrans != null) { sResults += " BillingAddress: " + oOrderTemp.OrderBillingAddressTrans.City + ", " + oOrderTemp.OrderBillingAddressTrans.StateTrans.stateCode + "[" + oOrderTemp.OrderBillingAddressTrans.StateID.Value + "] " + oOrderTemp.OrderBillingAddressTrans.ZipCode + "\r\n"; } if (oOrder.OrderShippingAddressTrans != null) { sResults += " ShippingAddress: " + oOrderTemp.OrderShippingAddressTrans.City + ", " + oOrderTemp.OrderShippingAddressTrans.StateTrans.stateCode + "[" + oOrderTemp.OrderShippingAddressTrans.StateID.Value + "[ " + oOrderTemp.OrderShippingAddressTrans.ZipCode + "\r\n"; } } #endregion #region Customer Single Signon Key //you will need to know the customer’s plaintext password to pass to GetCustomerSingleSignonKey //You will also need to know the customer's email address, and the store for which they are associated. string sCustomerPassword = ""; string sCustomerEmail = ""; int iStoreID = 0; //string sKey = oWS.GetCustomerSingleSignonKey(sCustomerEmail, sCustomerPassword, iStoreID); string sKey = ""; string sUrl = "" + sKey; #endregion }
public static void Examples() { string sResults = ""; ACDB.AmeriCommerceDatabaseIO oWS = new AmeriCommerceApiExamples.ACDB.AmeriCommerceDatabaseIO(); ACDB.AmeriCommerceHeaderInfo oHeader = new AmeriCommerceApiExamples.ACDB.AmeriCommerceHeaderInfo(); oHeader.UserName = Properties.Settings.Default.ApiUsername; oHeader.Password = Properties.Settings.Default.ApiPassword; oHeader.SecurityToken = Properties.Settings.Default.ApiSecurityToken; oWS.AmeriCommerceHeaderInfoValue = oHeader; oWS.Url = Properties.Settings.Default.AmeriCommerceApiExamples_ACDB_AmeriCommerceDatabaseIO; #region Getting a product by item number sResults = ""; ACDB.ProductTrans oProduct = oWS.Product_GetByItemNumber("TS2PS"); sResults = oProduct.itemName + " exists with ID of " + oProduct.itemID; #endregion #region Getting the variant inventory information for a product sResults = ""; ACDB.ProductTrans oProduct2 = oWS.Product_GetByKey(2); //2 is the itemId of a known product in this example oProduct2 = oWS.Product_FillProductVariantCollection(oProduct2); ArrayList aryVariants = new ArrayList(oProduct2.ProductVariantColTrans); oProduct2 = oWS.Product_FillVariantInventoryCollection(oProduct2); ArrayList aryVariantInventory = new ArrayList(oProduct2.VariantInventoryColTrans); sResults = oProduct2.itemName + " has " + aryVariants.Count + " variants."; sResults += "\r\n\r\nAnd has " + aryVariantInventory.Count + " variant inventory records."; #endregion #region Get orders for a particular date range and make a change to one of them sResults = ""; ACDB.OrderTrans[] colOrders = oWS.Order_GetByDateRange(DateTime.Parse("9/10/2010"), DateTime.Parse("1/1/2011")); ArrayList aryOrders = new ArrayList(colOrders); ACDB.OrderTrans oOrder = (ACDB.OrderTrans)aryOrders[0]; sResults = "Order Count is : " + aryOrders.Count; sResults += "\r\n\r\nOrder ID: " + oOrder.orderID.Value; sResults += "\r\n\r\nOrder Comments: " + oOrder.comments; oOrder.comments = "Test: " + DateTime.Now.Ticks; oWS.Order_SaveAndGet(oOrder); sResults += "\r\n\r\nAFTERSAVE: Order Comments: " + oOrder.comments; #endregion #region Get the status for a particular product sResults = ""; ACDB.ProductTrans oProduct3 = new AmeriCommerceApiExamples.ACDB.ProductTrans(); oProduct3 = oWS.Product_GetByKey(516); //516 is the itemId of a known product in this sample ACDB.ProductStatusTrans oStatus = oWS.ProductStatus_GetByKey(oProduct3.productStatusID.Value); sResults = "Product Status is : " + oStatus.productStatus; #endregion #region Add a new customer sResults = ""; ACDB.CustomerTrans oCustomer = new ACDB.CustomerTrans(); oCustomer.IsNew = true; = "*****@*****.**"; oCustomer.firstName = "TestFirst"; oCustomer.lastName = "TestLast"; var oStoreID = new ACDB.DataInt32(); oStoreID.Value = 1; oCustomer.storeID = oStoreID; oCustomer.Company = "Test Company"; var dtLastVisitDate = new ACDB.DataDateTime(); dtLastVisitDate.Value = DateTime.Now; oCustomer.lastVisitDate = dtLastVisitDate; var dtRegisteredDate = new ACDB.DataDateTime(); dtRegisteredDate.Value = DateTime.Now; oCustomer.registeredDate = dtRegisteredDate; oCustomer = oWS.Customer_SaveAndGet(oCustomer); sResults = "Customer Returned and Saved: ID: " + oCustomer.customerID.Value; #endregion #region Get all orders for a particular date range pre-filled with all child information sResults = ""; sResults += "Get Orders With All Information Filled\r\n"; //this will populate child information on the order, such as items var oOrders = new System.Collections.ArrayList(oWS.Order_GetByDateRangePreFilled(DateTime.Parse("1/1/2008"), DateTime.Parse("1/1/2010"))); sResults += "Orders Returned: " + oOrders.Count + "\r\n"; foreach (ACDB.OrderTrans oOrderTemp in oOrders) { var aryOrderItems = new System.Collections.ArrayList(oOrderTemp.OrderItemColTrans); sResults += "ID: " + oOrder.orderID.Value + ": Total: " + + " ItemCount: " + aryOrderItems.Count + "\r\n"; foreach (ACDB.OrderItemTrans oItem in aryOrderItems) { sResults += " Qty:" + oItem.quantity.Value + " of " + oItem.itemNr + "[" + oItem.itemID.Value + "]" + " " + oItem.itemName + " at $" + oItem.price.Value + "\r\n"; } var aryPayments = new System.Collections.ArrayList(oOrderTemp.OrderPaymentColTrans); sResults += " Payment: "; foreach (ACDB.OrderPaymentTrans oPayment in aryPayments) { sResults += oPayment.Amount.Value + ", "; } sResults += "\r\n"; if (oOrderTemp.OrderBillingAddressTrans != null) sResults += " BillingAddress: " + oOrderTemp.OrderBillingAddressTrans.City + ", " + oOrderTemp.OrderBillingAddressTrans.StateTrans.stateCode + "[" + oOrderTemp.OrderBillingAddressTrans.StateID.Value + "] " + oOrderTemp.OrderBillingAddressTrans.ZipCode + "\r\n"; if (oOrder.OrderShippingAddressTrans != null) sResults += " ShippingAddress: " + oOrderTemp.OrderShippingAddressTrans.City + ", " + oOrderTemp.OrderShippingAddressTrans.StateTrans.stateCode + "[" + oOrderTemp.OrderShippingAddressTrans.StateID.Value + "[ " + oOrderTemp.OrderShippingAddressTrans.ZipCode + "\r\n"; } #endregion #region Customer Single Signon Key //you will need to know the customer’s plaintext password to pass to GetCustomerSingleSignonKey //You will also need to know the customer's email address, and the store for which they are associated. string sCustomerPassword = ""; string sCustomerEmail = ""; int iStoreID = 0; //string sKey = oWS.GetCustomerSingleSignonKey(sCustomerEmail, sCustomerPassword, iStoreID); string sKey = ""; string sUrl = "" + sKey; #endregion }