Example #1
        internal static void LogACCESSORY(ACCESSORY accessory, string logHeader)
            if (!DoLogging)

            string accHeader = logHeader + "ACCESSORY ";

            //LogEQUIPMENT( (EQUIPMENT)accessory, accHeader );

            Log.Trace(accHeader + "equipmentCode=" + accessory.equipmentCode);
            Log.Trace(accHeader + "lastDSSN=" + accessory.lastDSSN);

            LogPROPERTIES(accessory.property, logHeader);
Example #2
 public bool addAccessories(ACCESSORY a, PRODUCT p)
     return(db.addAccessories(a, p));
Example #3
 public bool updateAccessories(ACCESSORY a, PRODUCT p)
     return(db.updateAccessories(a, p));
Example #4
        protected void btnAddProduct_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            bool result = false;

                //create a product object
                PRODUCT newProduct = new PRODUCT();
                newProduct.Name = txtName.Text;
                newProduct.ProductDescription = txtPrice.Text;
                if (drpProductType.SelectedIndex == 0)
                    PRODUCT   p = new PRODUCT();
                    ACCESSORY a = new ACCESSORY();
                    if (btnAddProduct.Text != "Save")
                        string ID = function.GenerateRandomProductID();
                        newProduct.ProductID = ID;
                        a.TreatmentID        = ID;
                        a.Qty = 0;
                    else if (btnAddProduct.Text == "Save")
                        a.TreatmentID = productID;
                    a.Colour             = txtcolour.Text;
                    a.BrandID            = drpBrandList.SelectedValue.ToString();
                    p.Name               = txtName.Text;
                    p.ProductDescription = txtProductDescription.Text;
                    p.Price              = Convert.ToDecimal(txtPrice.Text);
                    p.ProductType        = drpProductType.SelectedValue.ToString();
                    a.supplierID         = drpListSupplier.SelectedValue.ToString();

                    if (btnAddProduct.Text != "Save")
                        result    = handler.addAccessories(a, p);
                        productID = newProduct.ProductID;
                    else if (btnAddProduct.Text == "Save")
                        //run updated product BLL method for accessory
                        result = handler.updateAccessories(a, p);
                else if (drpProductType.SelectedIndex == 1)
                    PRODUCT   p = new PRODUCT();
                    TREATMENT t = new TREATMENT();
                    if (btnAddProduct.Text != "Save")
                        string prodID = function.GenerateRandomProductID();
                        newProduct.ProductID = ID;
                        t.TreatmentID        = prodID;
                        t.Qty = 0;
                    else if (btnAddProduct.Text == "Save")
                        t.TreatmentID = productID;
                    t.BrandID            = drpBrandList.SelectedValue.ToString();
                    p.Name               = txtName.Text;
                    p.ProductDescription = txtProductDescription.Text;
                    p.Price              = Convert.ToDecimal(txtPrice.Text);
                    p.ProductType        = drpProductType.SelectedValue.ToString();
                    t.supplierID         = drpListSupplier.SelectedValue.ToString();
                    t.TreatmentType      = txtcolour.Text;

                    if (btnAddProduct.Text != "Save")
                        result    = handler.addTreatments(t, p);
                        productID = newProduct.ProductID;
                    else if (btnAddProduct.Text == "Save")
                        //run updated product BLL method fot treatment
                        result = handler.updateTreatments(t, p);

                Boolean fileOK = false;
                string  path   = Server.MapPath("~/Theam/img/");
                if (flUploadServiceimg.HasFile)
                    String fileExtension =
                    String[] allowedExtensions =
                    { ".gif", ".png", ".jpeg", ".jpg" };
                    for (int i = 0; i < allowedExtensions.Length; i++)
                        if (fileExtension == allowedExtensions[i])
                            fileOK = true;

                if (File.Exists(path + productID + ".jpg"))
                    File.Delete(path + productID + ".jpg");

                if (fileOK)
                    flUploadServiceimg.PostedFile.SaveAs(path + productID + ".jpg");
            catch (Exception Err)
                Response.Redirect("http://sict-iis.nmmu.ac.za/beauxdebut/error.aspx?Error=An Error Occured Communicating With The Data Base, Try Again Later");

            if (result == true)
                Response.Redirect("../cheveux/Products.aspx?ProductID=" + productID);
                Response.Redirect("http://sict-iis.nmmu.ac.za/beauxdebut/error.aspx?Error=An Error Occured Communicating With The Data Base, Try Again Later");