Example #1
        public void ShowContact(NavigationPage page)
            var key = DateTime.Now.ToString();
            var newPersonController = new ABNewPersonViewController();
            var person = new ABPerson();

            person.FirstName          = "John " + key;
            person.LastName           = "Doe" + key;
            newPersonController.Title = "This is a test";

            newPersonController.DisplayedPerson = person;

            UINavigationController nav = null;

            foreach (var vc in UIApplication.SharedApplication.Windows[0].RootViewController.ChildViewControllers)
                if (vc is UINavigationController)
                    nav = (UINavigationController)vc;

            newPersonController.NewPersonComplete += (object sender, ABNewPersonCompleteEventArgs e) =>

            nav.PresentModalViewController(new UINavigationController(newPersonController), true);
Example #2
        void ShowNewPersonViewController()
            var npvc = new ABNewPersonViewController();

            npvc.NewPersonComplete += HandleNewPersonComplete;

            var navigation = new UINavigationController(npvc);

            PresentViewController(navigation, true, null);
        public override void ViewDidLoad()

            Title = "How to Create a Contact";

            View.BackgroundColor = UIColor.White;

            _createContact                  = UIButton.FromType(UIButtonType.RoundedRect);
            _createContact.Frame            = new CGRect(10, 60, 300, 50);
            _createContact.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleWidth;
            _createContact.SetTitle("Create a Contact", UIControlState.Normal);
            _contactName = new UILabel {
                Frame = new CGRect(10, 120, 300, 50)
            _contactName.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleWidth;

            View.AddSubviews(_createContact, _contactName);

            _newPersonController = new ABNewPersonViewController();

            _createContact.TouchUpInside += (sender, e) => {
                var person = new ABPerson();
                person.FirstName = "John";
                person.LastName  = "Doe";

                _newPersonController.DisplayedPerson = person;

                NavigationController.PushViewController(_newPersonController, true);

            _newPersonController.NewPersonComplete += (object sender, ABNewPersonCompleteEventArgs e) => {
                if (e.Completed)
                    _contactName.Text = String.Format("new contact: {0} {1}", e.Person.FirstName, e.Person.LastName);
                    _contactName.Text = "cancelled";

        public override void ViewDidLoad()
            base.ViewDidLoad ();

            Title = "How to Create a Contact";

            View.BackgroundColor = UIColor.White;

            _createContact = UIButton.FromType (UIButtonType.RoundedRect);
            _createContact.Frame = new CGRect (10, 60, 300, 50);
            _createContact.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleWidth;
            _createContact.SetTitle ("Create a Contact", UIControlState.Normal);
            _contactName = new UILabel{Frame = new CGRect (10, 120, 300, 50)};
            _contactName.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleWidth;

            View.AddSubviews (_createContact, _contactName);

            _newPersonController = new ABNewPersonViewController ();

            _createContact.TouchUpInside += (sender, e) => {

                var person = new ABPerson ();
                person.FirstName = "John";
                person.LastName = "Doe";

                _newPersonController.DisplayedPerson = person;

                NavigationController.PushViewController (_newPersonController, true);

            _newPersonController.NewPersonComplete += (object sender, ABNewPersonCompleteEventArgs e) => {

                if (e.Completed) {
                    _contactName.Text = String.Format ("new contact: {0} {1}", e.Person.FirstName, e.Person.LastName);
                } else {
                    _contactName.Text = "cancelled";

                NavigationController.PopViewController (true);
        public override void ViewDidLoad()

            Title = "New and Unknown Contacts";

            // shows the create new contact screen when the button is clicked
            btnCreateNewContact.TouchUpInside += (s, e) => {
                // instantiate a new ABNewPersonViewController
                addressBookNewPerson = new ABNewPersonViewController();

                // create a person from the fields on the screen so we can prepopulate the
                // controller with data
                ABPerson person = new ABPerson();
                person.FirstName = txtFirstName.Text;
                person.LastName  = txtLastName.Text;

                // prepopulate the controller with the person
                addressBookNewPerson.DisplayedPerson = person;

                // push the controller onto the nav stack
                NavigationController.PushViewController(addressBookNewPerson, true);

                // wire up the new person complete handler to pop the controller off the stack
                addressBookNewPerson.NewPersonComplete += (object sender, ABNewPersonCompleteEventArgs args) => {
                    // if the "done" button was clicked, rather than cancel
                    if (args.Completed)
                        // show an alert view with the new contact ID
                        new UIAlertView("Alert", "New contact created, ID: " + args.Person.Id.ToString(), null, "OK", null).Show();

                    // pop the controller off the stack
                    // HACK: NavigationController.PopViewControllerAnimated to NavigationController.PopViewController

            btnPromptForUnknown.TouchUpInside += (s, e) => {
                // instantiate a new unknown person controller
                addressBookUnknownPerson = new ABUnknownPersonViewController();

                // create a person from the fields on the screen so we can prepopulate the
                // controller with data
                ABPerson person = new ABPerson();
                person.FirstName = txtFirstName.Text;
                person.LastName  = txtLastName.Text;

                // prepopulate the controller with the person
                addressBookUnknownPerson.DisplayedPerson = person;

                // allow adding to address book
                addressBookUnknownPerson.AllowsAddingToAddressBook = true;

                // allow them to share the contact, make calls, click on urls, etc in the controller
                addressBookUnknownPerson.AllowsActions = true;

                // push the controller onto the nav stack
                NavigationController.PushViewController(addressBookUnknownPerson, true);

                // handle the person created event
                addressBookUnknownPerson.PersonCreated += (object sender, ABUnknownPersonCreatedEventArgs args) => {
                    Console.WriteLine("PersonCreated event raised");

                    // this dialog can be cancelled out of as well, but there is no Completed property, so we
                    // just have to do a null check
                    if (args.Person != null)
                        // show an alert view with the new contact ID
                        new UIAlertView("Alert", "New contact created, ID: " + args.Person.Id.ToString(), null, "OK", null).Show();

                // you can also handle the perform default action event to determine whether or not the action should be allowed
                // to be perfomed.
                //addressBookUnknownPerson.PerformDefaultAction += (object sender, ABPersonViewPerformDefaultActionEventArgs args) => {
                //	if(args.Property == ABPersonProperty.Url)
                //	{
                //		args.ShouldPerformDefaultAction = false;
                //	}
        public void ShowAddContactController(UINavigationController navigationController, User user)
            ABNewPersonViewController abController = new ABNewPersonViewController ();

            ABPerson person = new ABPerson ();

            KeyValuePair <string, string> namePair = GetFirstAndLastName (user);

            person.FirstName = namePair.Key;
            person.LastName = namePair.Value;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (user.Company))
                person.Organization = user.Company;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (user.Phone))
                ABMutableMultiValue<string> phones = new ABMutableStringMultiValue();
                phones.Add(user.Phone, ABPersonPhoneLabel.Main);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (user.Email))
                ABMutableMultiValue<string> emails = new ABMutableStringMultiValue();
                emails.Add(user.Email, null);

            // Get any image from cache
            byte [] data = Engine.Instance.ImageCache.FindAny (user);

            if (data != null && data.Length > 0)
                person.Image = NSData.FromArray(data);

            abController.DisplayedPerson  = person;

            abController.NewPersonComplete += delegate {
                navigationController.PopViewControllerAnimated (true);

            navigationController.PushViewController (abController, true);

            if (OnAddContactCompleted != null)
                OnAddContactCompleted ();
		void ShowNewPersonViewController ()
			var npvc = new ABNewPersonViewController ();
			npvc.NewPersonComplete += HandleNewPersonComplete;

			var navigation = new UINavigationController (npvc);
			PresentViewController (navigation, true, null);
		public override void ViewDidLoad ()
			base.ViewDidLoad ();

			Title = "New and Unknown Contacts";

			// shows the create new contact screen when the button is clicked
			btnCreateNewContact.TouchUpInside += (s, e) => {
				// instantiate a new ABNewPersonViewController
				addressBookNewPerson = new ABNewPersonViewController ();

				// create a person from the fields on the screen so we can prepopulate the
				// controller with data
				ABPerson person = new ABPerson ();
				person.FirstName = txtFirstName.Text;
				person.LastName = txtLastName.Text;

				// prepopulate the controller with the person
				addressBookNewPerson.DisplayedPerson = person;

				// push the controller onto the nav stack
				NavigationController.PushViewController (addressBookNewPerson, true);

				// wire up the new person complete handler to pop the controller off the stack
				addressBookNewPerson.NewPersonComplete += (object sender, ABNewPersonCompleteEventArgs args) => {

					// if the "done" button was clicked, rather than cancel
					if(args.Completed) {
						// show an alert view with the new contact ID
						new UIAlertView ("Alert", "New contact created, ID: " + args.Person.Id.ToString(), null, "OK", null).Show();

					// pop the controller off the stack
					// HACK: NavigationController.PopViewControllerAnimated to NavigationController.PopViewController

			btnPromptForUnknown.TouchUpInside += (s, e) => {
				// instantiate a new unknown person controller
				addressBookUnknownPerson = new ABUnknownPersonViewController ();

				// create a person from the fields on the screen so we can prepopulate the
				// controller with data
				ABPerson person = new ABPerson ();
				person.FirstName = txtFirstName.Text;
				person.LastName = txtLastName.Text;

				// prepopulate the controller with the person
				addressBookUnknownPerson.DisplayedPerson = person;

				// allow adding to address book
				addressBookUnknownPerson.AllowsAddingToAddressBook = true;

				// allow them to share the contact, make calls, click on urls, etc in the controller
				addressBookUnknownPerson.AllowsActions = true;

				// push the controller onto the nav stack
				NavigationController.PushViewController (addressBookUnknownPerson, true);

				// handle the person created event
				addressBookUnknownPerson.PersonCreated += (object sender, ABUnknownPersonCreatedEventArgs args) => {
					Console.WriteLine ("PersonCreated event raised");

					// this dialog can be cancelled out of as well, but there is no Completed property, so we
					// just have to do a null check
					if(args.Person != null) {
						// show an alert view with the new contact ID
						new UIAlertView ("Alert", "New contact created, ID: " + args.Person.Id.ToString (), null, "OK", null).Show ();

				// you can also handle the perform default action event to determine whether or not the action should be allowed
				// to be perfomed.
				//addressBookUnknownPerson.PerformDefaultAction += (object sender, ABPersonViewPerformDefaultActionEventArgs args) => {
				//	if(args.Property == ABPersonProperty.Url)
				//	{
				//		args.ShouldPerformDefaultAction = false;
				//	}