Ejemplo n.º 1
        /* constructors                                   */
        public MapController()
            c_hscroll = new HScrollBar();
            c_hscroll.ValueChanged += new EventHandler(c_hscroll_ValueChanged);

            c_vscroll = new VScrollBar();
            c_vscroll.ValueChanged += new EventHandler(c_vscroll_ValueChanged);

            c_viewer = new mapView();
            c_viewer.Size = Size;
            c_viewer.Location = new Point(0,0);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /* constructors                                   */
        public MapController()
            c_hscroll = new HScrollBar();
            c_hscroll.ValueChanged += new EventHandler(c_hscroll_ValueChanged);

            c_vscroll = new VScrollBar();
            c_vscroll.ValueChanged += new EventHandler(c_vscroll_ValueChanged);

            c_viewer = new mapView();
            c_viewer.SetScrollBars(c_vscroll, c_hscroll);
            c_viewer.Size     = Size;
            c_viewer.Location = new Point(0, 0);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void MoveToCursor(MouseEventArgs e)
            if (Global.ActiveMap != null && lDown == true && Controller != null)
                // get map
                Map map = Global.ActiveMap;
                // get base layer
                MapLayer BaseLayer = (MapLayer)Global.ActiveMap.Layers[0];
                // get the vsp
                Vsp24 mapVsp = Global.ActiveVsp;
                // get the mapview
                mapView mv = Global.MainMapController.MapView;

                int vw = 200, vh = 200;
                if (BaseLayer.Width > BaseLayer.Height)
                    vh = (int)(vh * ((float)BaseLayer.Height / (float)BaseLayer.Width));
                    vw = (int)(vw * ((float)BaseLayer.Width / (float)BaseLayer.Height));

                float ratio_x = (float)BaseLayer.Width / vw;
                float ratio_y = (float)BaseLayer.Height / vh;

                int x = (200 - vw) / 2;
                int y = (200 - vh) / 2;

                int nx = (int)(ratio_x * (e.X - x) * 16);
                int ny = (int)(ratio_y * (e.Y - y) * 16);

                nx -= (mv.Width / Controller.ZoomLevel / 2);
                ny -= (mv.Height / Controller.ZoomLevel / 2);

                nx += x;
                ny += y;

                if (nx < 0)
                    nx = 0;
                if (ny < 0)
                    ny = 0;
                if (nx > Controller.hScrollBar.Maximum - mv.Width / Controller.ZoomLevel)
                    nx = Controller.hScrollBar.Maximum - mv.Width / Controller.ZoomLevel;
                if (ny > Controller.vScrollBar.Maximum - mv.Height / Controller.ZoomLevel)
                    ny = Controller.vScrollBar.Maximum - mv.Height / Controller.ZoomLevel;

                if (nx >= Controller.hScrollBar.Minimum)
                    Controller.hScrollBar.Value = nx;
                //Controller.hScrollBar.Value = nx;
                if (ny >= Controller.vScrollBar.Minimum)
                    Controller.vScrollBar.Value = ny;
                //Controller.vScrollBar.Value = ny;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private unsafe void paint(Graphics g)
            g.PixelOffsetMode    = PixelOffsetMode.HighSpeed;
            g.InterpolationMode  = InterpolationMode.NearestNeighbor;
            g.CompositingMode    = CompositingMode.SourceCopy;
            g.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighSpeed;

            Rectangle r = new Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100);

            if (Global.ActiveMap != null && Controller != null)
                // get map
                Map map = Global.ActiveMap;
                // get base layer
                MapLayer BaseLayer = (MapLayer)Global.ActiveMap.Layers[0];
                // get the vsp
                Vsp24 mapVsp = Global.ActiveVsp;

                int vw = 200, vh = 200;
                if (BaseLayer.Width > BaseLayer.Height)
                    vh = (int)(vh * ((float)BaseLayer.Height / (float)BaseLayer.Width));
                    vw = (int)(vw * ((float)BaseLayer.Width / (float)BaseLayer.Height));

                float ratio_x = (float)BaseLayer.Width / vw;
                float ratio_y = (float)BaseLayer.Height / vh;

                float ratio_xn = (float)vw / (BaseLayer.Width * 16);
                float ratio_yn = (float)vh / (BaseLayer.Height * 16);

                mapView mv = Controller.MapView;

                int pw = BaseLayer.Width * 16;
                int ph = BaseLayer.Height * 16;

                //zero 1/18/03 - note the zoom alterations here
                int nw = mv.Width * vw / Controller.ZoomLevel / pw;
                int nh = mv.Height * vh / Controller.ZoomLevel / ph;

                r.Width  = nw;
                r.Height = nh;

                int ox = (int)(Controller.hScrollBar.Value * ratio_xn);
                int oy = (int)(Controller.vScrollBar.Value * ratio_yn);

                r.X = ox;
                r.Y = oy;

                if (bNeedsRedraw)
                    BitmapData bmpd   = bmp.LockBits(rect, ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppPArgb);
                    int *      imgptr = (int *)bmpd.Scan0.ToPointer();
                    if (mapVsp != null && mapVsp.tileCount > 0)
                        for (int l = 0; l < map.Layers.Count; l++)
                            MapLayer layer = (MapLayer)map.Layers[l];
                            if (layer.type != LayerType.Tile)

                            for (int i = 0; i < vh; i++)
                                for (int j = 0; j < vw; j++)
                                    int tx = (int)(ratio_x * j);
                                    int ty = (int)(ratio_y * i);
                                    if (tx >= layer.Width || tx < 0 || ty >= layer.Height || ty < 0)
                                    int tidx = layer.Data[ty * layer.Width + tx];
                                    if ((l == 0 || tidx != 0) && 0 < tidx && tidx < mapVsp.Tiles.Count)
                                        imgptr[i * 200 + j] = ((Vsp24Tile)mapVsp.Tiles[tidx]).ColorAverage;
                    bNeedsRedraw = false;
                int xx = (200 - vw) / 2;
                int yy = (200 - vh) / 2;
                r.X += xx + 1;
                r.Y += yy + 1;

                // flicker reduce hack
                g.Clip = new Region(new Rectangle(xx, yy, vw + 1, vh + 1));
                g.DrawImageUnscaled(bmp, xx, yy, vw, vh);
                g.Clip = new Region(new Rectangle(0, 0, 200, 200));

                g.DrawRectangle(rectPen, r);
                g.DrawRectangle(rectPenW, xx - 2, yy - 2, vw + 4, vh + 4);
                g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, 0, 0, Width, Height);