Ejemplo n.º 1
        void OpenToolStripMenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            customQuery newQuery = new customQuery();
            string      newRoot  = "";

            //open the dialog box so user can choose path
            string path = openFileDialog1.FileName;

            //get root and branches from file
            string textIn = File.ReadAllText(path);

            string [] textArray      = textIn.Split(new string [] { "###" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            string [] contentsArray  = textArray[3].Split(new string [] { "<EOL>" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            string [] newRootArray   = new string[2];
            string [] newBranchArray = new String[2];

            //check that an actual connectMap file has been selected
            if (textArray[0].Contains("connectMap"))
                //grab teh root file
                newRootArray = contentsArray[0].Split(new string [] { ">" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                newRoot      = newRootArray[1];

                //get the branches and set up the localQuery object
                for (int i = 1; i < contentsArray.Length; i++)
                    newBranchArray = contentsArray[i].Split(new string [] { ">" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            //create new display and pass it the root and query objects
            displayForm analyzeDisplay = new displayForm(newQuery, newRoot);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        void Button1Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //TODO:  creat afunction; need a new structure to get results into and pass to display sindow
            string      sqlSimpleQuery = "";
            string      sqlJoinQuery   = "";
            string      whereClause    = "";
            string      totalWheres    = "";
            bool        needAnd        = false;
            customQuery analyze        = new customQuery();
            dbResult    test           = new dbResult();

            //access connection has already been made
            //look over checkboxes and use combobox selections to create SQL statement
            if (checkBox1.Checked)
                string[] comboArray = comboBox4.Text.ToString().Split(new string[] { "\t" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                whereClause    = "(Universities='" + comboArray[0] + "')";
                totalWheres    = totalWheres + whereClause + "\n";
                sqlSimpleQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT PersonID FROM tblOtherInfo WHERE " + whereClause;
                needAnd        = true;
                sqlJoinQuery   = "SELECT PersonID, Universities FROM tblOtherInfo WHERE " + whereClause;
            if (checkBox2.Checked)
                string[] comboArray = comboBox4.Text.ToString().Split(new string[] { "\t" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                whereClause    = "(Degrees='" + comboArray[1] + "')";
                totalWheres    = totalWheres + whereClause + "\n";
                sqlSimpleQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT PersonID FROM tblOtherInfo WHERE " + whereClause;
                if (needAnd == false)
                    needAnd      = true;
                    sqlJoinQuery = "SELECT PersonID, Degrees FROM tblOtherInfo WHERE " + whereClause;
                    sqlJoinQuery = "SELECT DegreesJoinPrev.PersonID FROM (" + sqlJoinQuery + ")DegreesJoinPrev INNER JOIN (" + sqlSimpleQuery + ")DegreesJoin ON DegreesJoinPrev.PersonID=DegreesJoin.PersonID";
            if (checkBox3.Checked)
                string[] comboArray = comboBox4.Text.ToString().Split(new string[] { "\t" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                whereClause    = "(FieldOfStudies='" + comboArray[2] + "')";
                totalWheres    = totalWheres + whereClause + "\n";
                sqlSimpleQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT PersonID FROM tblOtherInfo WHERE " + whereClause;
                if (needAnd == false)
                    needAnd      = true;
                    sqlJoinQuery = "SELECT PersonID, FieldOfStudies FROM tblOtherInfo WHERE " + whereClause;
                    sqlJoinQuery = "SELECT FOSJoinPrev.PersonID FROM (" + sqlJoinQuery + ")FOSJoinPrev INNER JOIN (" + sqlSimpleQuery + ")FOSJoin ON FOSJoinPrev.PersonID=FOSJoin.PersonID";
            if (checkBox4.Checked)
                string[] comboArray = comboBox5.Text.ToString().Split(new string[] { "\t" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                whereClause    = "(PlaceOfBiz='" + comboArray[0] + "')";
                totalWheres    = totalWheres + whereClause + "\n";
                sqlSimpleQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT PersonID FROM tblOtherInfo WHERE " + whereClause;
                if (needAnd == false)
                    needAnd      = true;
                    sqlJoinQuery = "SELECT PersonID, PlaceOfBiz FROM tblOtherInfo WHERE " + whereClause;
                    sqlJoinQuery = "SELECT POBJoinPrev.PersonID FROM (" + sqlJoinQuery + ")POBJoinPrev INNER JOIN (" + sqlSimpleQuery + ")POBJoin ON POBJoinPrev.PersonID=POBJoin.PersonID";
            if (checkBox5.Checked)
                string[] comboArray = comboBox5.Text.ToString().Split(new string[] { "\t" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                whereClause    = "(RoleInBiz='" + comboArray[1] + "')";
                totalWheres    = totalWheres + whereClause + "\n";
                sqlSimpleQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT PersonID FROM tblOtherInfo WHERE " + whereClause;
                if (needAnd == false)
                    needAnd      = true;
                    sqlJoinQuery = "SELECT PersonID, RoleInBiz FROM tblOtherInfo WHERE " + whereClause;
                    sqlJoinQuery = "SELECT RIBJoinPrev.PersonID FROM (" + sqlJoinQuery + ")RIBJoinPrev INNER JOIN (" + sqlSimpleQuery + ")RIBJoin ON RIBJoinPrev.PersonID=RIBJoin.PersonID";
            if (checkBox6.Checked)
                whereClause    = "(Technologies='" + comboBox6.Text.ToString() + "')";
                totalWheres    = totalWheres + whereClause + "\n";
                sqlSimpleQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT PersonID FROM tblOtherInfo WHERE " + whereClause;
                if (needAnd == false)
                    needAnd      = true;
                    sqlJoinQuery = "SELECT PersonID, Technologies FROM tblOtherInfo WHERE " + whereClause;
                    sqlJoinQuery = "SELECT TechJoinPrev.PersonID FROM (" + sqlJoinQuery + ")TechJoinPrev INNER JOIN (" + sqlSimpleQuery + ")TechJoin ON TechJoinPrev.PersonID=TechJoin.PersonID";
            if (checkBox7.Checked)
                whereClause    = "(Associates='" + comboBox7.Text.ToString() + "')";
                totalWheres    = totalWheres + whereClause + "\n";
                sqlSimpleQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT PersonID FROM tblOtherInfo WHERE " + whereClause;
                if (needAnd == false)
                    needAnd      = true;
                    sqlJoinQuery = "SELECT PersonID, Associates FROM tblOtherInfo WHERE " + whereClause;
                    sqlJoinQuery = "SELECT AssJoinPrev.PersonID FROM (" + sqlJoinQuery + ")AssJoinPrev INNER JOIN (" + sqlSimpleQuery + ")AssJoin ON AssJoinPrev.PersonID=AssJoin.PersonID";
            //end query

            //send statement to database and get results
            analyze.queryDatabase(sqlJoinQuery, analyze, conn2);

            //set up the form and show with results
            displayForm analyzeDisplay = new displayForm(analyze, totalWheres);
