public static async Task <HttpResponseMessage> Run([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "get", "post", "options", Route = null)] HttpRequestMessage req, TraceWriter log)
            // CosmosDB Parameters, retrieved via environment variables
            string databaseName            = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("cosmosdbDatabaseName");
            string collectionName          = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("cosmosdbCollectionName");
            string mongodbConnectionString = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("cosmosdbMongodbConnectionString");

            // Set BSON AutoMap

            // This endpoint is valid for all MongoDB
            var client     = new MongoClient(mongodbConnectionString);
            var database   = client.GetDatabase(databaseName);
            var collection = database.GetCollection <BsonDocument>(collectionName);

            // Get Parameters
            dynamic contentdata = await req.Content.ReadAsAsync <object>();

            // Cores (Min) #
            decimal cores = Convert.ToDecimal(GetParameter("cores", "0", req));

            cores = SetMinimum(cores, 0);
            log.Info("Cores : " + cores.ToString());
            // Physical Cores (Min) #
            decimal pcores = Convert.ToDecimal(GetParameter("pcores", "0", req));

            pcores = SetMinimum(pcores, -127);
            log.Info("PCores : " + pcores.ToString());
            // Azure Compute Unit (Min) #
            decimal acu = Convert.ToDecimal(GetParameter("acu", "-127", req));

            acu = SetMinimum(acu, -127);
            log.Info("ACU : " + acu.ToString());
            // DataBricks DBU (Min) #
            decimal dbu = Convert.ToDecimal(GetParameter("dbu", "-127", req));

            dbu = SetMinimum(dbu, -127);
            log.Info("DBU : " + dbu.ToString());
            // Memory (Min) #
            decimal memory = Convert.ToDecimal(GetParameter("memory", "0", req));

            memory = SetMinimum(memory, 0);
            log.Info("Memory : " + memory.ToString());
            // NICS (Min) #
            decimal nics = Convert.ToDecimal(GetParameter("nics", "-127", req));

            nics = SetMinimum(nics, -127);
            log.Info("NICs : " + nics.ToString());
            // IOPS (Min) #
            decimal iops = Convert.ToDecimal(GetParameter("iops", "-127", req));

            iops = SetMinimum(iops, -127);
            log.Info("IOPS : " + iops.ToString());
            // Throughput (Min) #
            decimal throughput = Convert.ToDecimal(GetParameter("throughput", "-127", req));

            throughput = SetMinimum(throughput, -127);
            log.Info("Throughput : " + throughput.ToString());
            // Data (Disk Capacity) (Min) #
            decimal data = Convert.ToDecimal(GetParameter("data", "-127", req));

            data = SetMinimum(data, -127);
            log.Info("Data : " + data.ToString());
            // Temp (Disk Capacity) (Min) #
            decimal temp = Convert.ToDecimal(GetParameter("temp", "-127", req));

            temp = SetMinimum(temp, -127);
            log.Info("Temp : " + temp.ToString());
            // Hyperthreading
            string ht = GetParameter("ht", "all", req).ToLower();

            string[] htfilter = new string[2];
            htfilter = YesNoAll(ht);
            log.Info("HyperTreading : " + ht.ToString());
            log.Info("HyperTreading[0] : " + htfilter[0]);
            log.Info("HyperTreading[1] : " + htfilter[1]);
            // Tier
            string tier = GetParameter("tier", "standard", req).ToLower();

            log.Info("Tier : " + tier.ToString());
            // SAP HANA
            string saphana = GetParameter("saphana", "all", req).ToLower();

            string[] saphanafilter = new string[2];
            saphanafilter = YesNoAll(saphana);
            log.Info("SAPHANA : " + saphana.ToString());
            log.Info("SAPHANA[0] : " + saphanafilter[0]);
            log.Info("SAPHANA[1] : " + saphanafilter[1]);
            // SAPS 2T #
            decimal saps2t = Convert.ToDecimal(GetParameter("saps2t", "-127", req));

            if (saps2t <= 0)
                saps2t = -127;
            saps2t = SetMinimum(saps2t, -127);
            log.Info("SAPS2T : " + saps2t.ToString());
            // SAPS 3T #
            decimal saps3t = Convert.ToDecimal(GetParameter("saps3t", "-127", req));

            if (saps3t <= 0)
                saps3t = -127;
            saps3t = SetMinimum(saps3t, -127);
            log.Info("SAPS3T : " + saps3t.ToString());
            // Ssd
            string ssd = GetParameter("ssd", "all", req).ToLower();

            string[] ssdfilter = new string[2];
            ssdfilter = YesNoAll(ssd);
            log.Info("SSD : " + ssd.ToString());
            log.Info("SSD[0] : " + ssdfilter[0]);
            log.Info("SSD[1] : " + ssdfilter[1]);
            // Burstable
            string burstable = GetParameter("burstable", "all", req).ToLower();

            string[] burstablefilter = new string[2];
            burstablefilter = YesNoAll(burstable);
            log.Info("Burstable : " + burstable.ToString());
            log.Info("Burstable[0] : " + burstablefilter[0]);
            log.Info("Burstable[1] : " + burstablefilter[1]);
            // Isolated
            string isolated = GetParameter("isolated", "all", req).ToLower();

            string[] isolatedfilter = new string[2];
            isolatedfilter = YesNoAll(isolated);
            log.Info("Isolated : " + isolated.ToString());
            log.Info("Isolated[0] : " + isolatedfilter[0]);
            log.Info("Isolated[1] : " + isolatedfilter[1]);
            // Constrained
            string constrained = GetParameter("constrained", "all", req).ToLower();

            string[] constrainedfilter = new string[2];
            constrainedfilter = YesNoAll(constrained);
            log.Info("Constrained : " + constrained.ToString());
            log.Info("Constrained[0] : " + constrainedfilter[0]);
            log.Info("Constrained[1] : " + constrainedfilter[1]);
            // Infiniband
            string infiniband = GetParameter("infiniband", "all", req).ToLower();

            string[] infinibandfilter = new string[2];
            infinibandfilter = YesNoAll(infiniband);
            log.Info("Infiniband : " + infiniband.ToString());
            log.Info("Infiniband[0] : " + infinibandfilter[0]);
            log.Info("Infiniband[1] : " + infinibandfilter[1]);
            // GPU
            string gpu = GetParameter("gpu", "all", req).ToLower();

            string[] gpufilter = new string[2];
            gpufilter = YesNoAll(gpu);
            log.Info("GPU : " + gpu.ToString());
            log.Info("GPU[0] : " + gpufilter[0]);
            log.Info("GPU[1] : " + gpufilter[1]);
            // SGX
            string sgx = GetParameter("sgx", "all", req).ToLower();

            string[] sgxfilter = new string[2];
            sgxfilter = YesNoAll(sgx);
            log.Info("SGX : " + sgx.ToString());
            log.Info("SGX[0] : " + sgxfilter[0]);
            log.Info("SGX[1] : " + sgxfilter[1]);
            // Region
            string region = GetParameter("region", "europe-west", req).ToLower();

            log.Info("Region : " + region.ToString());
            // Currency
            string currency = GetParameter("currency", "EUR", req).ToUpper();

            log.Info("Currency : " + currency.ToString());
            // Contract
            string contract = GetParameter("contract", "payg", req).ToLower();

            log.Info("Contract : " + contract.ToString());
            // Results (Max) #
            decimal results = Convert.ToDecimal(GetParameter("maxresults", "5", req));

            results = SetMinimum(results, 1);
            results = SetMaximum(results, 100);
            log.Info("Results : " + results.ToString());
            // Right Sizing CPU 95pct (Peak Util) %
            decimal avgcpupeak = Convert.ToDecimal(GetParameter("avgcpupeak", "100", req));

            avgcpupeak = SetMinimum(avgcpupeak, 0);
            avgcpupeak = SetMaximum(avgcpupeak, 100);
            log.Info("AvgCpuPeak : " + avgcpupeak.ToString());
            // Right Sizing Memory 95pct (Peak GB) %
            decimal avgmempeak = Convert.ToDecimal(GetParameter("avgmempeak", "100", req));

            avgmempeak = SetMinimum(avgmempeak, 0);
            avgmempeak = SetMaximum(avgmempeak, 100);
            log.Info("AvgMemPeak : " + avgmempeak.ToString());

            // Right Sizing CPU
            cores  = cores * avgcpupeak / 100;
            pcores = pcores * avgcpupeak / 100;
            log.Info("Cores* : " + cores.ToString());
            log.Info("PCores* : " + pcores.ToString());

            // Right Sizing Memory
            memory = memory * avgmempeak / 100;
            log.Info("Memory* : " + memory.ToString());

            // os
            string os = GetParameter("os", "linux", req).ToLower();

            log.Info("OS : " + os.ToString());

            var filterBuilder = Builders <BsonDocument> .Filter;
            var filter        = filterBuilder.Eq("type", "vm")
                                & filterBuilder.Gte("cores", Convert.ToInt16(cores))
                                & filterBuilder.Gte("mem", Convert.ToInt16(memory))
                                & filterBuilder.Gte("pcores", Convert.ToInt16(pcores))
                                & filterBuilder.Gte("ACU", Convert.ToInt16(acu))
                                & filterBuilder.Gte("dbu", Convert.ToInt16(dbu))
                                & filterBuilder.Gte("MaxNics", Convert.ToInt16(nics))
                                & filterBuilder.Gte("MaxVmIops", Convert.ToInt16(iops))
                                & filterBuilder.Gte("MaxVmThroughputMBs", Convert.ToInt16(throughput))
                                & filterBuilder.Gte("MaxDataDiskSizeGB", Convert.ToInt16(data))
                                & filterBuilder.Gte("TempDiskSizeInGB", Convert.ToInt16(temp))
                                & filterBuilder.Eq("region", region)
                                & filterBuilder.Eq("tier", tier)
                                & filterBuilder.In("Hyperthreaded", htfilter)
                                & filterBuilder.In("isolated", isolatedfilter)
                                & filterBuilder.In("constrained", constrainedfilter)
                                & filterBuilder.In("burstable", burstablefilter)
                                & filterBuilder.In("infiniband", infinibandfilter)
                                & filterBuilder.In("gpu", gpufilter)
                                & filterBuilder.In("sgx", sgxfilter)
                                & filterBuilder.In("SSD", ssdfilter)
                                & filterBuilder.Eq("contract", contract)
                                & filterBuilder.Eq("os", os)
                                & filterBuilder.In("SAPHANA", saphanafilter)
                                & filterBuilder.Gte("SAPS2T", Convert.ToInt16(saps2t))
                                & filterBuilder.Gte("SAPS3T", Convert.ToInt16(saps3t))
            var sort = Builders <BsonDocument> .Sort.Ascending("price");

            var cursor = collection.Find <BsonDocument>(filter).Sort(sort).Limit(Convert.ToInt16(results)).ToCursor();

            // Load Application Insights
            string          ApplicationInsightsKey = TelemetryConfiguration.Active.InstrumentationKey = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process);
            TelemetryClient telemetry = new TelemetryClient()
                InstrumentationKey = ApplicationInsightsKey

            // Get results and put them into a list of objects
            List <VmSize> documents = new List <VmSize>();

            foreach (var document in cursor.ToEnumerable())
                // Get RequestCharge
                var LastRequestStatistics = database.RunCommand <BsonDocument>(new BsonDocument {
                    { "getLastRequestStatistics", 1 }
                double RequestCharge = (double)LastRequestStatistics["RequestCharge"];
                telemetry.TrackMetric("RequestCharge", RequestCharge);

                // Get Document
                VmSize myVmSize = BsonSerializer.Deserialize <VmSize>(document);

            // Convert to JSON & return it
            var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(documents, Formatting.Indented);

            return(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK)
                Content = new StringContent(json, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static async Task <HttpResponseMessage> Run([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "get", "post", "options", Route = null)] HttpRequestMessage req, TraceWriter log)
            // CosmosDB Parameters, retrieved via environment variables
            string databaseName            = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("cosmosdbDatabaseName");
            string collectionName          = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("cosmosdbCollectionName");
            string mongodbConnectionString = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("cosmosdbMongodbConnectionString");

            // Set BSON AutoMap

            // This endpoint is valid for all MongoDB
            var client     = new MongoClient(mongodbConnectionString);
            var database   = client.GetDatabase(databaseName);
            var collection = database.GetCollection <BsonDocument>(collectionName);

            // Get Parameters
            dynamic contentdata = await req.Content.ReadAsAsync <object>();

            // Tier #
            string tier = GetParameter("tier", "standard", req).ToLower();

            log.Info("Tier : " + tier.ToString());
            // Region #
            string region = GetParameter("region", "europe-west", req).ToLower();

            log.Info("Region : " + region.ToString());
            // Currency #
            string currency = GetParameter("currency", "EUR", req).ToUpper();

            log.Info("Currency : " + currency.ToString());

            // Name
            string vmsize = GetParameter("vmsize", "a0", req).ToLower();

            log.Info("Name : " + vmsize.ToString());

            // Get price for Linux
            var filterBuilder = Builders <BsonDocument> .Filter;
            var filter        = filterBuilder.Eq("type", "vm")
                                & filterBuilder.Eq("region", region)
                                & filterBuilder.Eq("tier", tier)
                                & filterBuilder.Eq("name", vmsize)

            var cursor = collection.Find <BsonDocument>(filter).ToCursor();

            // Get results and put them into a list of objects
            var results = new VmSizeOptimizer();

            results.Currency = currency;
            results.Name     = vmsize;
            results.Region   = region;
            results.Tier     = tier;

            // Load Application Insights
            string          ApplicationInsightsKey = TelemetryConfiguration.Active.InstrumentationKey = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process);
            TelemetryClient telemetry = new TelemetryClient()
                InstrumentationKey = ApplicationInsightsKey

            foreach (var document in cursor.ToEnumerable())
                // Get RequestCharge
                var LastRequestStatistics = database.RunCommand <BsonDocument>(new BsonDocument {
                    { "getLastRequestStatistics", 1 }
                double RequestCharge = (double)LastRequestStatistics["RequestCharge"];
                telemetry.TrackMetric("RequestCharge", RequestCharge);

                // Get Document
                VmSize myVmSize = BsonSerializer.Deserialize <VmSize>(document);
                log.Info("Price :" + myVmSize.Price + " - Contract : " + myVmSize.Contract + " - OS : " + myVmSize.OperatingSystem);
                results.SetPrice(myVmSize.Price, myVmSize.Contract, myVmSize.OperatingSystem);

            // Convert to JSON & return it
            var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(results, Formatting.Indented);

            return(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK)
                Content = new StringContent(json, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static async Task <HttpResponseMessage> Run([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", "post", "options", Route = null)] HttpRequest req, ILogger log)
            // CosmosDB Parameters, retrieved via environment variables
            string databaseName            = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("cosmosdbDatabaseName");
            string collectionName          = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("cosmosdbCollectionName");
            string mongodbConnectionString = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("cosmosdbMongodbConnectionString");

            // Set BSON AutoMap

            // This endpoint is valid for all MongoDB
            var client     = new MongoClient(mongodbConnectionString);
            var database   = client.GetDatabase(databaseName);
            var collection = database.GetCollection <BsonDocument>(collectionName);

            // Tier #
            string tier = GetParameter("tier", "standard", req).ToLower();

            log.LogInformation("Tier : " + tier.ToString());
            // Region #
            string region = GetParameter("region", "europe-west", req).ToLower();

            log.LogInformation("Region : " + region.ToString());
            // Currency #
            string currency = GetParameter("currency", "EUR", req).ToUpper();

            log.LogInformation("Currency : " + currency.ToString());

            // Name
            string vmsize = GetParameter("vmsize", "a0", req).ToLower();

            log.LogInformation("Name : " + vmsize.ToString());

            // Get price for Linux
            var filterBuilder = Builders <BsonDocument> .Filter;
            var filter        = filterBuilder.Eq("type", "vm")
                                & filterBuilder.Eq("region", region)
                                & filterBuilder.Eq("tier", tier)
                                & filterBuilder.Eq("name", vmsize)

            var cursor = collection.Find <BsonDocument>(filter).ToCursor();

            // Get results and put them into a list of objects
            List <VmSize> documents = new List <VmSize>();

            foreach (var document in cursor.ToEnumerable())
                VmSize myVmSize = BsonSerializer.Deserialize <VmSize>(document);

            // Convert to JSON & return it
            var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(documents, Formatting.Indented);

            return(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK)
                Content = new StringContent(json, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")