Ejemplo n.º 1
        int curCol; //Column about which the user will be prompted

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        //The class constructor takes as arguments the two only relevant variables for this popup: list of all the columns and index of the current columns
        public popUp(AllInputs allInputs_temp, int curCol_temp)

            allInputs = allInputs_temp;
            curCol = curCol_temp;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        //Method called from mainForm.inputsToUpdate (in charge of determining whether some columns of values should be changed) to perform accessory actions.
        //It returns a list of the non-numerical columns (if any); that is: columns which have to be modified (e.g., categorical columns) or ones which have to be
        //ignored (e.g., blank/constant ones)
        public List<Input> inputsToUpdate2(AllInputs inputCols)
            string blankMessage = "";
            string constantMessage = "";
            List<Input> nonNumList = new List<Input>();

            //Loop iterating through all the columns ("Input") to determine whether there is any suitable one (i.e, non-numerical)
            for (int i = inputCols.inputs.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                if (inputCols.inputs[i].type.mainType == MainTypes.Blank)
                    blankMessage = inputCols.inputs[i].displayedName + ", " + blankMessage;
                else if (inputCols.inputs[i].type.mainType == MainTypes.Constant)
                    constantMessage = inputCols.inputs[i].displayedName + ", " + constantMessage;
                else if (inputCols.inputs[i].type.mainType == MainTypes.Categorical || inputCols.inputs[i].type.mainType == MainTypes.DateTime)

            //Showing a message in case of having ignored columns (e.g., blank or constant)
            showNonNumericalMessage(blankMessage, constantMessage);

            return nonNumList;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        //Function called after the column updating process has finished to perform some actions in the definitive column
        public AllInputs finalColumnActions(AllInputs allInputs)
            for (int i = 0; i < allInputs.inputs.Count; i++ )
                if (allInputs.inputs[i].type.mainType != MainTypes.Blank)
                    allInputs.inputs[i] = preAnalyseColumn(allInputs.inputs[i]);
                    allInputs.inputs[i].min = allInputs.inputs[i].vals.Min();
                    allInputs.inputs[i].max = allInputs.inputs[i].vals.Max();
                    allInputs.inputs[i].totDiffVals = allInputs.inputs[i].vals.Distinct().Count();

            return allInputs;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        //Method called after the popup has been closed, taking as argument the new type input by the user
        public void updateNonNumerical(AllInputs allInputs, int curCol, InputType newType)
            if (allInputs.inputs[curCol].vals2.Count >= allInputs.inputs[curCol].vals.Count)
                if (newType.mainType == MainTypes.Blank)
                    allInputs.inputs[curCol].vals = new List<double>();
                    allInputs.inputs[curCol].vals2 = new List<string>();
                    allInputs.inputs[curCol].type.mainType = MainTypes.Blank;
                    if (newType.mainType == MainTypes.DateTime)
                        //The current column has to be converted to DateTime (if possible)
                        allInputs.inputs[curCol] = updateTime(allInputs.inputs[curCol], newType.secType);
                    else if (newType.mainType == MainTypes.Categorical)
                        //The current column has to be converted to categorical (i.e., made-up scale starting from 0 assigning unique IDs to every values)
                        allInputs.inputs[curCol] = updateCategorical(allInputs.inputs[curCol]);

                    allInputs = lastActionsNewNonNumerical(allInputs, curCol, newType);

            if (curCol < allInputs.inputs.Count)
                //There are still some non-numerical columns requiring an input from the user
                checkNextColumn(allInputs, curCol);
                allInputs0 = allInputs;
                allInputs0.updateCompleted = true;
                completed = true; //All the columns have been updated by the user and thus the inputs can be shown in the corresponding controls; this flag tells the BGW to stop waiting
Ejemplo n.º 5
        //Method in charge or reading the CSV file with the input values
        public AllInputs readInputs()
            AllInputs allInputs = new AllInputs();
            bool errorPresent = false;
                using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\inputs.csv"))
                    string curLine = null;
                    int totCols = 0;
                    while ((curLine = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                        curLine = curLine.Trim();

                        if (curLine.Length == 0 && totCols > 0) break;

                        string[] temp = colsInRow(curLine);
                        if ((totCols == 0 && temp.Length >= 2) || (totCols > 0 && temp.Length == totCols))
                            if (totCols == 0)
                                allInputs = readHeading(temp, allInputs);
                                totCols = temp.Length;
                                //Input values line
                                allInputs = readLine(temp, allInputs);

                                if (allInputs.inputs.Count >= 0.75 * Int32.MaxValue)
                                    allInputs.maxRowConsidered = allInputs.inputs.Count; //Too many rows. Some of them will be ignored
                            errorPresent = true;
                errorPresent = true;

            if (errorPresent)
                //Just one unaccounted error is enough to not perform the calculations at all
                allInputs = new AllInputs();
                MessageBox.Show("There was an error while reading \"inputs.csv\".");

            return allInputs;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 //Method called from mainForm to start the process of updating the current non-numerical columns
 public void updateColumns(AllInputs allInputs, int curCol)
     completed = false;
     checkNextColumn(allInputs, -1);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        Form mainForm; //To store the current instance of mainForm

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        //Class constructor performing initial actions
        public Modifications(Form mainForm_temp)
            allInputs0 = new AllInputs();
            curPopUp = null;
            mainForm = mainForm_temp;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 //Displaying the popup allowing the user to input the type for the given non-numerical column
 private void showPopupNonNumerical(AllInputs allInputs, int curCol)
     curPopUp = new popUp(allInputs, curCol);
     curPopUp.Tag = this;
     int newX = mainForm.Location.X + mainForm.Width / 2 - curPopUp.Width / 2;
     int newY = mainForm.Location.Y + mainForm.Height / 2 - curPopUp.Height / 2;
     curPopUp.Location = new Point(newX, newY);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        //Method called once the input-file reading is over to update the required variables/GUI-controls accordingly
        private void bgwCompleteUpdate(AllInputs curInputs)
            if (curInputs.inputs.Count > 0)
                bool updateNonNum = true;
                if (curInputs.updateCompleted || curInputs.inputs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.type.mainType == MainTypes.NonNumerical) == null)
                    updateNonNum = false;

                Modifications curModif = new Modifications(this);
                if (updateNonNum)
                    //Non-numerical columns are present and thus some additional actions have to be carried out
                    curModif.updateColumns(curInputs, curInputs.inputs.Count);
                    bgwMain.RunWorkerAsync(curModif); //To wait while the user performs the corresponding actions
                    //There is no non-numerical columns or the ones present have already been corrected
                    curInputs.updateCompleted = true;
                    curInputs = curModif.finalColumnActions(curInputs); //To analyse all the valid columns
                    updateControlsWithInputs(curInputs); //To populate the corresponding controls and to eventually display some warnings
                //No valid inputs
                enableControls(false, false);
                btnUpdate.Enabled = true;
                this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        //Method called to start/continue the non-numerical column update. This process consists in: displaying a set of popups (one per non-numerical column) and storing the corresponding answers
        private void checkNextColumn(AllInputs allInputs, int curCol)
            bool found = false;
            int col = curCol;
            while (col < allInputs.inputs.Count - 1 && !found)
                col = col + 1;
                if (allInputs.inputs[col].type.mainType != MainTypes.Blank && allInputs.inputs[col].type.mainType != MainTypes.Numerical)
                    showPopupNonNumerical(allInputs, col);
                    found = true; //The new type for this column has to be determined by the user

            if (!found)
                allInputs0 = allInputs;
                allInputs0.updateCompleted = true;
                completed = true; //All the columns have been updated by the user and thus the inputs can be shown in the corresponding controls
Ejemplo n.º 11
 //Method called to populate the cmbBxIndependent (where the user selects the independent variable to be considered) with all the input columns
 private void populateVarsCombo(AllInputs allInputs)
     if (cmbBxIndependent.Items.Count > 0) cmbBxIndependent.Items.Clear();
     foreach (Input col in allInputs.inputs)
         cmbBxIndependent.Items.Add(Common.getDisplayedName(col.displayedIndex, col.name, false, true));
     cmbBxIndependent.SelectedIndex = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        //Method populating the main DGV with all the (eventually-corrected) inputs
        private void populateInputDGV(AllInputs allInputs)
            dgvInputs.Tag = allInputs.inputs;

            //Adding to the DGV as many columns as input variables
            foreach (Input col in allInputs.inputs)
                DataGridViewColumn curDGVCol = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
                curDGVCol.HeaderText = col.displayedIndex.ToString() + ". " + col.name;
                curDGVCol.DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
                curDGVCol.HeaderCell.Style.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;


            //Adding all the values
            for (int row = 0; row < allInputs.inputs[0].vals.Count; row++)
                for (int col = 0; col < allInputs.inputs.Count; col++)
                    dgvInputs[col, row].Value = allInputs.inputs[col].vals[row];
Ejemplo n.º 13
        //Method called in case that some (valid) non-numerical columns are present. It populates the controls in charge of displaying the performed conversions
        private void inputsToUpdate(AllInputs inputCols)
            cmbBxNonNumerical.Tag = new List<Input>();

            List<Input> nonNumList = curGUI.inputsToUpdate2(inputCols);
            bool visible = false;
            if (nonNumList.Count > 0)
                for (int i = nonNumList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                visible = true;
                cmbBxNonNumerical.SelectedIndex = 0;

            cmbBxNonNumerical.Visible = visible;
            lstVwNonNumerical.Visible = visible;
            lblNonNumerical1.Visible = visible;
            lblNonNumerical2.Visible = visible;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        //Method extracting the values for all the columns in the first row (heading). The resulting number of columns will define all the subsequent rows. In case of finding a single row not having
        //this number of columns, the input file would be considered faulty and no calculations would be performed
        private AllInputs readHeading(string[] line, AllInputs colsSoFar)
            for (int i = 0; i < line.Length; i++)
                colsSoFar.inputs.Add(new Input { displayedIndex = i + 1, name = line[i].Trim(), displayedName = Common.getDisplayedName(i + 1, line[i].Trim(), false, false), displayedShortName = Common.getDisplayedName(i + 1, line[i].Trim(), true, false), vals = new List<double>(), type = new InputType() { mainType = MainTypes.Numerical} });

            return colsSoFar;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        //Method called after the corresponding conversion (to categorical/DateTime) has been completed to perform some final actions
        private AllInputs lastActionsNewNonNumerical(AllInputs allInputs, int curCol, InputType newType)
            if (allInputs.inputs[curCol].wrongRowsCount > 0)
                allInputs.inputs[curCol].vals = new List<double>();
                allInputs.inputs[curCol].vals2 = new List<string>();
                allInputs.inputs[curCol].type.mainType = MainTypes.Blank;

                string nameToShow = "\"" + allInputs.inputs[curCol].displayedName + "\"";
                string typeToShow = newType.mainType.ToString();
                if (newType.mainType == MainTypes.DateTime)
                    if (newType.secType == DateTimeTypes.Time)
                        typeToShow = typeToShow + " (expected format: hh:mm:ss or equivalent)";
                        typeToShow = typeToShow + " (expected format: dd-mm-yyyy or equivalent)";
                MessageBox.Show("Some values in " + nameToShow + " cannot be converted into " + typeToShow + "." + Environment.NewLine + "This column will not be considered during the calculations.");
                allInputs.inputs[curCol].type = newType;

            return allInputs;
Ejemplo n.º 16
        //Method extracting the values for all the columns in any row after the first one (i.e., rows including input values)
        private AllInputs readLine(string[] line, AllInputs colsSoFar)
                for (int i = 0; i < line.Length; i++)

                    if (colsSoFar.inputs[i].type.mainType == MainTypes.Numerical)
                        double curVal;
                        if (double.TryParse(line[i], out curVal))
                            if (line[i] == null || line[i].Trim().Length == 0)
                                colsSoFar.inputs[i].type.mainType = MainTypes.Blank;
                                colsSoFar.inputs[i].type.mainType = MainTypes.NonNumerical;

                colsSoFar = null;

            return colsSoFar;
Ejemplo n.º 17
        //Updating the controls with the information from the inputs
        public void updateControlsWithInputs(AllInputs curInputs)
            bool calculate = true;

            if (curInputs.maxRowConsidered > 0) MessageBox.Show("Only the first " + curInputs.maxRowConsidered.ToString() + " rows will be considered during the calculations.");

            inputsToUpdate(curInputs); //Managing valid non-numerical columns
            if (curInputs.inputs.Count <= 1)
                MessageBox.Show("No valid inputs were found.");
                populateInputDGV(curInputs); //DGV population
                populateVarsCombo(curInputs); //Independent variable comboBox population
                calculate = false;

            enableControls(true, calculate);