//Processing the order placed in the buffer
        public void processOrderQueue()
            string orderString = null;
            int    hotelId;

            while (true)
                //retrieving the order from the buffer
                orderString = Program.orderBuffer.deQueueOrder();

                //Split to seperate encoded value from the date.
                string[] orderStringSplit = Regex.Split(orderString, "\t");

                //Decode order from multi-buffer
                orderString = EncodeDecode.decodeOrder(orderStringSplit[0], "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP");

                orderString = orderString + "::" + orderStringSplit[1]; // Create new string with decoded value and date.

                Console.WriteLine("Order Dispatcher: Processing Order: " + orderString);

                //Code to figure out which hotel's order.... and dispatch event

                hotelId = getHotelIdFromOrderString(orderString);

                if (orderReceivedEvent != null)
                    orderReceivedEvent(hotelId, orderString);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        //placing the order for rooms
        private void placeOrder(int hotelId)
            // new order object
            Order order = new Order(this.agencyId, hotelId, this.agencyCardNo, this.noOfRooms);

            string orderString = order.toString();

            string encodedOrderString = EncodeDecode.encodeOrder(orderString, "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP"); //Encoding order

            string encodedOrderStringWithDate = attachTimeStamp(encodedOrderString); //Attach timestamp when order placed.

            Program.orderBuffer.enQueueOrder(encodedOrderStringWithDate);            //Adding order to the buffer

            Console.WriteLine("OrderFormat-> AgencyId:HotelId:creditcardNo:RoomsOrdered");

            Console.WriteLine("Agency[" + agencyId.ToString() + "]: " + "Placed Order " + orderString + " for Hotel[" + hotelId.ToString() + "]");