Ejemplo n.º 1
        void receive()
                byte[] bByte   = new byte[Marshal.SizeOf(__user)];
                byte[] bInt    = new byte[4];
                byte[] bUshort = new byte[2];
                byte[] bmsg    = new byte[4];

                while (connect_flag)
                    string receive_data = "";
                    int    arr_idx      = 0;

                    if (0 < ns.Read(bByte, 0, Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(_User))))
                        ushort us_header   = 0;
                        ushort us_s_header = 0;
                        int    id;
                        string rcv_str;
                        int    target_player_hp;

                        Array.Copy(bByte, arr_idx, bUshort, 0, 2);
                        arr_idx  += 2;
                        us_header = byte2UShort(bUshort);

                        switch (us_header)
                        case (ushort)e_Packet_header.P_MOVE_POS:
                            Array.Copy(bByte, arr_idx, bUshort, 0, 2);
                            arr_idx    += 2;
                            us_s_header = byte2UShort(bUshort);
                            Array.Copy(bByte, arr_idx, bInt, 0, 4);
                            arr_idx += 4;
                            __user.x = byte2Int(bInt);
                            Array.Copy(bByte, arr_idx, bInt, 0, 4);
                            arr_idx += 4;
                            __user.y = byte2Int(bInt);
                            Array.Copy(bByte, arr_idx, bInt, 0, 4);
                            arr_idx    += 4;
                            __user.zone = byte2Int(bInt);

                            if (us_s_header == (ushort)e_Packet_move_pos.P_S_MOVE_RAND_TELEPORT)
                                for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
                                    __monster_list[i].on_off      = false;
                                    __other_player_list[i].on_off = false;

                            receive_data = "move position user!! " + "X: " + __user.x.ToString() + ", Y: " + __user.y.ToString();

                        case (ushort)e_Packet_header.P_SEND_MSG:
                            Array.Copy(bByte, arr_idx, bmsg, 0, 4);
                            rcv_str      = Encoding.Default.GetString(bmsg);  // byte -> string
                            receive_data = "sent message to other user !!";

                        case (ushort)e_Packet_header.P_BROAD_CAST_MSG:
                            Array.Copy(bByte, arr_idx, bInt, 0, 4);
                            arr_idx += 4;
                            id       = byte2Int(bInt);
                            Array.Copy(bByte, arr_idx, bmsg, 0, 4);
                            rcv_str      = Encoding.Default.GetString(bmsg);  // byte -> string
                            receive_data = "Notify[" + id.ToString() + "]" + ": " + rcv_str;

                        case (ushort)e_Packet_header.P_SCAN_MONSTER_ON_SAME_ZONE:
                            Array.Copy(bByte, arr_idx, bInt, 0, 4);
                            arr_idx += 4;
                            id       = byte2Int(bInt);
                            __monster_list[id].id = byte2Int(bInt);
                            Array.Copy(bByte, arr_idx, bInt, 0, 4);
                            arr_idx += 4;
                            __monster_list[id].zone = byte2Int(bInt);
                            Array.Copy(bByte, arr_idx, bInt, 0, 4);
                            arr_idx += 4;
                            __monster_list[id].x = byte2Int(bInt);
                            Array.Copy(bByte, arr_idx, bInt, 0, 4);
                            arr_idx += 4;
                            __monster_list[id].y = byte2Int(bInt);
                            Array.Copy(bByte, arr_idx, bInt, 0, 4);
                            arr_idx += 4;
                            __monster_list[id].state.hp = byte2Int(bInt);

                            if (__monster_list[id].state.hp > 0)
                                __monster_list[id].on_off = true;
                                __monster_list[id].on_off = false;

                            receive_data = "Incoming monster[" + id.ToString() + "]" + " zone: " + __monster_list[id].zone.ToString() + " X: " + __monster_list[id].x.ToString() + ", Y: " + __monster_list[id].y.ToString() + " HP: " + __monster_list[id].state.hp.ToString();

                        case (ushort)e_Packet_header.P_SCAN_OTHER_PLAYER_ON_SAME_ZONE:
                            Array.Copy(bByte, arr_idx, bInt, 0, 4);
                            arr_idx += 4;
                            id       = byte2Int(bInt);
                            __other_player_list[id].id = byte2Int(bInt);
                            Array.Copy(bByte, arr_idx, bInt, 0, 4);
                            arr_idx += 4;
                            __other_player_list[id].zone = byte2Int(bInt);
                            Array.Copy(bByte, arr_idx, bInt, 0, 4);
                            arr_idx += 4;
                            __other_player_list[id].x = byte2Int(bInt);
                            Array.Copy(bByte, arr_idx, bInt, 0, 4);
                            arr_idx += 4;
                            __other_player_list[id].y = byte2Int(bInt);
                            Array.Copy(bByte, arr_idx, bInt, 0, 4);
                            arr_idx += 4;
                            __other_player_list[id].state.hp = byte2Int(bInt);

                            if (__other_player_list[id].state.hp > 0)
                                __other_player_list[id].on_off = true;
                                __other_player_list[id].on_off = false;

                            receive_data = "find other player in same zone[" + id.ToString() + "]";


                        case (ushort)e_Packet_header.P_USER_ACTIVITY:
                            Array.Copy(bByte, arr_idx, bUshort, 0, 2);
                            arr_idx    += 2;
                            us_s_header = byte2UShort(bUshort);
                            if (us_s_header == (ushort)e_Packet_user_activity_pos.P_S_ACTIVITY_ATTACK_TO_MONSTER)
                                Array.Copy(bByte, arr_idx, bInt, 0, 4);
                                arr_idx += 4;
                                id       = byte2Int(bInt);
                                Array.Copy(bByte, arr_idx, bInt, 0, 4);
                                arr_idx += 4;
                                __monster_list[id].state.hp = byte2Int(bInt);
                                Array.Copy(bByte, arr_idx, bInt, 0, 4);
                                arr_idx        += 4;
                                __user.state.hp = byte2Int(bInt);
                                Array.Copy(bByte, arr_idx, bUshort, 0, 2);
                                arr_idx           += 2;
                                __user.state.level = byte2UShort(bUshort);
                                Array.Copy(bByte, arr_idx, bInt, 0, 4);
                                arr_idx += 4;
                                __user.state.experience = byte2Int(bInt);

                                if (__monster_list[id].state.hp > 0)
                                    __monster_list[id].on_off = true;
                                    __monster_list[id].on_off = false;

                                /* displayer received data */
                                receive_data  = "Attacked! Monster ID [" + id.ToString() + "] \r\n";
                                receive_data += "Monster HP [" + __monster_list[id].state.hp.ToString() + "] \r\n";
                                receive_data += "Your HP    [" + __user.state.hp.ToString() + "]\r\n";
                                receive_data += "Your LV    [" + __user.state.level.ToString() + "]\r\n";
                                receive_data += "Your ExP   [" + __user.state.experience.ToString() + "]";
                            else if (us_s_header == (ushort)e_Packet_user_activity_pos.P_S_ACTIVITY_ATTACK_TO_PLAYER)
                                Array.Copy(bByte, arr_idx, bInt, 0, 4);
                                arr_idx += 4;
                                id       = byte2Int(bInt);
                                Array.Copy(bByte, arr_idx, bInt, 0, 4);
                                arr_idx         += 4;
                                target_player_hp = byte2Int(bInt);
                                Array.Copy(bByte, arr_idx, bInt, 0, 4);
                                arr_idx        += 4;
                                __user.state.hp = byte2Int(bInt);
                                Array.Copy(bByte, arr_idx, bUshort, 0, 2);
                                arr_idx           += 2;
                                __user.state.level = byte2UShort(bUshort);
                                Array.Copy(bByte, arr_idx, bInt, 0, 4);
                                arr_idx += 4;
                                __user.state.experience = byte2Int(bInt);
                                /* displayer received data */
                                receive_data  = "Attacked! Player ID [" + id.ToString() + "] \r\n";
                                receive_data += "Target Player HP [" + target_player_hp.ToString() + "] \r\n";
                                receive_data += "Your HP    [" + __user.state.hp.ToString() + "]\r\n";
                                receive_data += "Your LV    [" + __user.state.level.ToString() + "]\r\n";
                                receive_data += "Your ExP   [" + __user.state.experience.ToString() + "]";
                            else if (us_s_header == (ushort)e_Packet_user_activity_pos.P_S_ACTIVITY_SKILL)
                                Array.Copy(bByte, arr_idx, bInt, 0, 4);
                                arr_idx        += 4;
                                __user.state.mp = byte2Int(bInt);
                                Array.Copy(bByte, arr_idx, bUshort, 0, 2);
                                arr_idx           += 2;
                                __user.state.level = byte2UShort(bUshort);
                                Array.Copy(bByte, arr_idx, bInt, 0, 4);
                                arr_idx += 4;
                                __user.state.experience = byte2Int(bInt);
                                /* displayer received data */
                                receive_data = "Invoke Skill!";

                            receive_data = "";

#if false
                        //string receive_data = streader.ReadLine();

                        string receive_data;

                        ns.Read(bByte, 0, Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(_User)));

                        GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc(bByte, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                        __user = (_User)Marshal.PtrToStructure(handle.AddrOfPinnedObject(), typeof(_User));

                        switch ((e_Packet_header)__user.p_h)
                        case e_Packet_header.P_SEND_MSG:

                        case e_Packet_header.P_MOVE_POS:

                        case e_Packet_header.P_BROAD_CAST_MSG:

                        case e_Packet_header.P_MAX:
                        receive_data = "[M]" + __user.id.ToString() + ": " + __user.zone.ToString() + " X:" + __user.x.ToString() + " Y:" + __user.y.ToString() + "[" + __user.msg + "]";

                        if (receive_data != null)
                            tb_recevie_text(receive_data, 7777);
                            //stringData = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data, 0, recv);
            catch (IOException)
                if (connect_flag)
                    _thread_receive = new Thread(receive);
                    connect_flag = false;
            catch (Exception ex)
                connect_flag = false;
                textBox1.AppendText(ex.ToString() + "\r\n"); /* or Environment.NewLine */
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public tcp_client()
            byte[] data = new byte[1024];
                Assembly assem = this.GetType().Assembly;
                bm_hero = new Bitmap(tcp_client_new.Properties.Resources.hero);
                bm_gong = new Bitmap(tcp_client_new.Properties.Resources.gong);

                for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
                    __monster_list[i].on_off      = false;
                    __other_player_list[i].on_off = false;

                if (!connect_flag)
                    this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, true);
                    this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);
                    this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true);
                    this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, true);
                    this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer | ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint | ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, true);

#if true
                    ipep   = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 4000);
                    server = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
                    ns = new NetworkStream(server);
                    server = new TcpClient("", 4000);
                    ns     = server.GetStream();

                    streader = new StreamReader(ns);
                    stwriter = new StreamWriter(ns);
                    //server.ReceiveTimeout = 1000; // Time Out = 1s

                    string receive_data;
                    byte[] bByte = new byte[Marshal.SizeOf(__user)];

                    ns.Read(bByte, 0, Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(_User)));

                    GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc(bByte, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                    __user = (_User)Marshal.PtrToStructure(handle.AddrOfPinnedObject(), typeof(_User));

                    receive_data = "[Joined]" + __user.id.ToString() + ": " + __user.zone.ToString() + " X:" + __user.x.ToString() + " Y:" + __user.y.ToString() + "[" + __user.msg + "]";

                    _thread_receive = new Thread(receive);
                    connect_flag   = true;
                    textBox1.Font  = new Font("Tahoma", 8, FontStyle.Bold);
                    textBox1.Text += ("connected server" + Environment.NewLine);
                    textBox1.Text += (receive_data + Environment.NewLine);

                    richTextBox1.Text  = "";
                    richTextBox1.Font  = new Font("Tahoma", 8, FontStyle.Bold);
                    richTextBox1.Text += (receive_data + Environment.NewLine);
            catch (SocketException)
                connect_flag   = false;
                textBox1.Text += ("Unable to connect to server" + Environment.NewLine);