Ejemplo n.º 1
 private void Form2_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     Suppliers = SupplierDB.GetAllsuppliers();                                   //get all of products from PRODUCTS TABLE
     //allPS = ProSu;//copy ProSu to allPS
     dgvProductSupplier.SelectionMode = DataGridViewSelectionMode.FullRowSelect; //dgc select full roll
     dgvProductSupplier.DataSource    = Suppliers;                               //display all of products and corresponding suppliers  get from PRODUCTS_SUPPLIERS TABLE
     txtPName.Visible  = false;
     lblSave.Visible   = false;
     lblPName.Visible  = false;
     btnSave.Visible   = false;
     btnCancel.Visible = false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (OperationSign == "Add")
                if (txtPName.Text != "")
                    Supplier supplierIstance = new Supplier();
                    supplierIstance.SupName = txtPName.Text;
                    int supplierid = SupplierDB.GetSupplierId();
                    SupplierDB.AddSupplier(supplierid, txtPName.Text);
                    Suppliers = SupplierDB.GetAllsuppliers();
                    dgvProductSupplier.DataSource = Suppliers;

                    txtPName.Text     = "";
                    txtPName.Visible  = false;
                    lblSave.Visible   = false;
                    lblPName.Visible  = false;
                    btnSave.Visible   = false;
                    btnCancel.Visible = false;
                    MessageBox.Show("Supplier Name can not be empty!");
            else if (OperationSign == "Update")// when confim button click, and OperationSign = update, update the data
                // Product updateProduct = (Product)dgvProductSupplier.Rows[dgvProductSupplier.CurrentRow.Index].DataBoundItem;
                Supplier oldSupplier = (Supplier)dgvProductSupplier.Rows[dgvProductSupplier.CurrentRow.Index].DataBoundItem;

                //   updateProduct.ProdName = txtPName.Text;
                Supplier updateSupplier = new Supplier();
                updateSupplier.SupName = txtPName.Text;
                //SupplierDB.UpdateProduct(oldSupplier, updateSupplier);
                SupplierDB.UpdateSupplier(oldSupplier, updateSupplier);
                Suppliers = SupplierDB.GetAllsuppliers();
                dgvProductSupplier.DataSource = Suppliers;

                txtPName.Text     = "";
                txtPName.Visible  = false;
                lblSave.Visible   = false;
                lblPName.Visible  = false;
                btnSave.Visible   = false;
                btnCancel.Visible = false;
            else if (OperationSign == "Delete") // when confim button click, and OperationSign = delete, delete the data
                string   errorReference = "";
                Supplier deleteSupplier = (Supplier)dgvProductSupplier.Rows[dgvProductSupplier.CurrentRow.Index].DataBoundItem;
                if (SupplierDB.referenceCheck(deleteSupplier.SupplierId, "SupplierContacts"))//there is a refrenect
                    errorReference = "SupplierContacts Table";
                if (SupplierDB.referenceCheck(deleteSupplier.SupplierId, "Products_suppliers"))
                    errorReference += " and Products_suppliers Table";
                if (errorReference == "")
                        Suppliers = SupplierDB.GetAllsuppliers();

                        dgvProductSupplier.DataSource = Suppliers;
                        MessageBox.Show("The product you select has been correlated with one or more record. Please contact the database associate to countinue");
                        txtPName.Text     = "";
                        txtPName.Visible  = false;
                        lblSave.Visible   = false;
                        lblPName.Visible  = false;
                        btnSave.Visible   = false;
                        btnCancel.Visible = false;
                    MessageBox.Show("Selecected supplier is referenced in " + errorReference + " , delete failed please contact with DBA!");