/// <summary>
		/// The general idea is to create a regex based of the "Format: "-line in .ass file. Which
		/// then can be used to easily filter the required information (namely timestamps, text and
		/// actor).
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="settings">Settings.</param>
		/// <param name="rawLines">Raw lines.</param>
		public List<LineInfo> parse(Settings settings, LinkedList<String> rawLines) {
			List<LineInfo> lines = new List<LineInfo> ();

			string formatRegex = GetFormatRegex (rawLines);
			if (formatRegex == null)
				return null;

			// parse every line with format regex and save lines in LineInfo
			foreach(string rawLine in rawLines) {
				Match lineMatch = Regex.Match(rawLine, formatRegex, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);

				if (!lineMatch.Success)

				string startTimeString = lineMatch.Groups ["StartTime"].ToString ().Trim ();
				string endTimeString = lineMatch.Groups ["EndTime"].ToString ().Trim ();
				string nameString = lineMatch.Groups ["Name"].ToString ().Trim ();
				string textString = lineMatch.Groups ["Text"].ToString ().Trim ();

				if (settings.IgnoreStyledSubLines &&
						textString.StartsWith ("{") // NOTE: this is a really big hint for styled subtitles but might create false-negatives -- research common patterns in subtitle files
						&& !textString.StartsWith ("{\\b1}") // bold
						&& !textString.StartsWith ("{\\u1}") // underline
						&& !textString.StartsWith ("{\\i1}") // italics
						&& !textString.StartsWith ("{\\an8}") // text align: up
						) {

				// remove styling in subtitles
				textString = Regex.Replace(textString, "{.*?}", "");

				if (textString == "")
					continue; // ignore lines without text

				// generate line info
				LineInfo li = new LineInfo(parseTime(startTimeString), parseTime(endTimeString), textString, new List<String>(new String[]{ nameString }));


			return lines;
Ejemplo n.º 2
		public static void ExtractSnaphots(Settings settings, String path, List<Tuple<CardInfo, String>> allEntries, InfoProgress progress) {
			foreach(var entry in allEntries) {
				if(progress.Cancelled) break;

				var cardInfoNameTuple = entry;
				var cardInfo = cardInfoNameTuple.Item1;
				if(!cardInfo.HasImage()) continue;

				// create file at given path
				String outputSnapshotFilename = cardInfoNameTuple.Item2;
				String outputSnapshotFilepath = path + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + outputSnapshotFilename;

				// get file with snapshot information -> video
				UtilsInputFiles.FileDesc videoFileDesc = cardInfo.episodeInfo.VideoFileDesc;

				// extract image
				double scaling = UtilsVideo.GetMaxScalingByStreamInfo(cardInfo.episodeInfo.VideoStreamInfo, settings.RescaleWidth, settings.RescaleHeight, settings.RescaleMode);
				double timeStamp = UtilsCommon.GetMiddleTime (cardInfo);
				UtilsImage.GetImage (videoFileDesc.filename, timeStamp, outputSnapshotFilepath, scaling);

Ejemplo n.º 3
		public static void ExtractAudio(Settings settings, String path, List<Tuple<CardInfo, String>> allEntries, InfoProgress progress) {
			foreach(var entry in allEntries) {
				if(progress.Cancelled) return;

				CardInfo cardInfo = entry.Item1;
				if(!cardInfo.HasAudio()) continue;

				String outputAudioFilename = entry.Item2;
				String outputAudioFilepath = path + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + outputAudioFilename;

				UtilsInputFiles.FileDesc audioFileDesc = cardInfo.episodeInfo.AudioFileDesc;
				var audioStreamInfo = cardInfo.episodeInfo.AudioStreamInfo;

				String arguments = String.Format ("-v quiet -y -i \"{0}\" -map 0:{1} -ss \"{2}\" -to \"{3}\" -vn -c:a libvorbis \"{4}\"",
					audioFileDesc.filename, // input file
					audioStreamInfo.StreamIndex, // audio stream index
					UtilsCommon.ToTimeArg(cardInfo.audioStartTimestamp), // start time
					UtilsCommon.ToTimeArg(cardInfo.audioEndTimestamp), // end time
					outputAudioFilepath // output file
				UtilsCommon.StartProcessAndGetOutput(InstanceSettings.systemSettings.formatConvertCommand, arguments);
		public List<LineInfo> parse (Settings settings, Stream stream, Encoding encoding)
			List<LineInfo> lineInfos = new List<LineInfo> (2000);
			StreamReader subFile = new StreamReader (stream, encoding);
			string rawLine;
			ParseStep parseStep = ParseStep.LineNum;
			Match match;
			string rawStartTime = "";
			string rawEndTime = "";
			string lineText = "";

			// Fill in lineInfos
			while ((rawLine = subFile.ReadLine ()) != null) {
				switch (parseStep) {
				case ParseStep.LineNum:
					// Skip past line number and anything before it
					match = Regex.Match (rawLine, @"^\d+$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);

					if (match.Success) {
						parseStep = ParseStep.Time;


				case ParseStep.Time:
					// Match time
					match = Regex.Match (rawLine, @"^(?<StartTime>.*?)\s-->\s(?<EndTime>.*)$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);

					if (!match.Success) {
						// Something went wrong - there's something between line number and time info

					rawStartTime = match.Groups ["StartTime"].ToString ().Trim ();
					rawEndTime = match.Groups ["EndTime"].ToString ().Trim ();

					parseStep = ParseStep.Text;


				case ParseStep.Text:
					// Match text
					match = Regex.Match (rawLine, @"^(?<Text>.*)$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);

					string text = match.Groups ["Text"].ToString ().Trim ();

					// Keep parsing subs until a blank line is encountered
					if (text == "") {
						parseStep = ParseStep.LineNum;
						lineInfos.Add (this.createLineInfo (lineText, rawStartTime, rawEndTime));
						lineText = "";
					} else {
						// Add space between each line of a multiline subtitle
						lineText += text + " ";


					// Should never get here

			// Handle the last line in the file
			if (lineText.Trim ().Length > 0) {
				lineInfos.Add (this.createLineInfo (lineText, rawStartTime, rawEndTime));

			lineInfos.Sort ();

			return lineInfos;
        public void ExportData(Settings settings, InfoProgress progressInfo)
          var activeCardList = GetActiveCards();

          progressInfo.AddSection("Exporting text file", 1);
          progressInfo.AddSection("Exporting snapshots", activeCardList.Count);
          progressInfo.AddSection("Exporting audio files", activeCardList.Count);
          if(settings.NormalizeAudio) progressInfo.AddSection("Normalize audio files", activeCardList.Count);

          ExportTextFile(activeCardList, settings, progressInfo);


          var cardSnapshotNameTupleList = new List<Tuple<CardInfo, String>>(activeCardList.Count);
          var cardAudioNameTupleList = new List<Tuple<CardInfo, String>>(activeCardList.Count);
          foreach(var cardInfo in activeCardList) {
            cardSnapshotNameTupleList.Add(new Tuple<CardInfo, String>(cardInfo, GetSnapshotFileName(settings, cardInfo)));
            cardAudioNameTupleList.Add(new Tuple<CardInfo, String>(cardInfo, GetAudioFileName(settings, cardInfo)));

          if(progressInfo.Cancelled) return;

          // extract images
          String snapshotsPath = settings.OutputDirectoryPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + settings.DeckName + "_snapshots" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;
          WorkerSnapshot.ExtractSnaphots(settings, snapshotsPath, cardSnapshotNameTupleList, progressInfo);

          if(progressInfo.Cancelled) return;

          // extract audio
          String audioPath = settings.OutputDirectoryPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + settings.DeckName + "_audio" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;
          WorkerAudio.ExtractAudio(settings, audioPath, cardAudioNameTupleList, progressInfo);

          if(progressInfo.Cancelled) return;

          if(settings.NormalizeAudio) {
            // normalize all audio files
            foreach(var entry in cardAudioNameTupleList) {
              if(progressInfo.Cancelled) return;

              var cardInfo = entry.Item1;
              if(!cardInfo.HasAudio()) continue;

              var filepath = audioPath + entry.Item2;
              var audioStreamInfos = StreamInfo.ReadAllStreams(filepath);
              audioStreamInfos.RemoveAll(streamInfo => streamInfo.StreamTypeValue != StreamInfo.StreamType.ST_AUDIO);
              if(audioStreamInfos.Count != 1) {
                Console.WriteLine("Skipped normalizing file \"{0}\" because it contains {1} audio streams", filepath, audioStreamInfos.Count);
              try {
                UtilsAudio.NormalizeAudio(filepath, audioStreamInfos[0]);
              } catch(Exception e) {
        /** Generates a .tsv file */
        public void ExportTextFile(List<CardInfo> cardInfoList, Settings settings, InfoProgress progressInfo) {
            String tsvFilename = settings.OutputDirectoryPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + settings.DeckName + ".tsv";

            // value that will be imported into Anki/SRS-Programs-Field => [sound:???.ogg] and <img src="???.jpg"/>
            var snapshotFields = new List<String>(cardInfoList.Count);
            var audioFields = new List<String>(cardInfoList.Count);

            foreach(var cardInfo in cardInfoList) {
              if(cardInfo.HasImage()) {
                var outputSnapshotFilename = GetSnapshotFileName(settings, cardInfo);
                snapshotFields.Add("<img src=\"" + outputSnapshotFilename + "\"/>"); // TODO: make this flexible
              } else snapshotFields.Add("");

              if(cardInfo.HasAudio()) {
                var outputAudioFilename = GetAudioFileName(settings, cardInfo);
                audioFields.Add("[sound:" + outputAudioFilename + "]"); // TODO: make this flexible
              } else audioFields.Add("");

            using (var outputStream = new StreamWriter(tsvFilename))
                for (int i = 0; i < cardInfoList.Count; i++)
                    CardInfo cardInfo = cardInfoList[i];

                    // XXX: performance analasys then --- generate a episode-filtered list for context card search (because it has O(n^2) steps)
                    var contextCardsTuple = UtilsSubtitle.GetContextCards(cardInfo.episodeInfo.Index, cardInfo, m_cardInfos);
                    var previousCards = contextCardsTuple.Item1;
                    var nextCards = contextCardsTuple.Item2;

                    var previousCardsNativeLanguage = UtilsSubtitle.CardListToMultilineString(previousCards, UtilsCommon.LanguageType.NATIVE);
                    var previousCardsTargetLanguage = UtilsSubtitle.CardListToMultilineString(previousCards, UtilsCommon.LanguageType.TARGET);

                    var nextCardsNativeLanguage = UtilsSubtitle.CardListToMultilineString(nextCards, UtilsCommon.LanguageType.NATIVE);
                    var nextCardsTargetLanguage = UtilsSubtitle.CardListToMultilineString(nextCards, UtilsCommon.LanguageType.TARGET);

                    String keyField = cardInfo.GetKey();
                    String audioField = audioFields[i];
                    String imageField = snapshotFields[i];
                    String tags = String.Format("SubtitleMemorize {0} ep{1:000} {2}", settings.DeckNameModified, cardInfo.episodeInfo.Number, InfoLanguages.languages[settings.TargetLanguageIndex].tag);
                    outputStream.WriteLine(UtilsCommon.HTMLify(keyField) + "\t" +
                                           UtilsCommon.HTMLify(imageField) + "\t"+
                                           UtilsCommon.HTMLify(audioField) + "\t" +
                                           UtilsCommon.HTMLify(cardInfo.ToSingleLine(UtilsCommon.LanguageType.TARGET)) + "\t" +
                                           UtilsCommon.HTMLify(cardInfo.ToSingleLine(UtilsCommon.LanguageType.NATIVE)) + "\t" +
                                           UtilsCommon.HTMLify(previousCardsTargetLanguage) + "\t" +
                                           UtilsCommon.HTMLify(previousCardsNativeLanguage) + "\t" +
                                           UtilsCommon.HTMLify(nextCardsTargetLanguage) + "\t" +
                                           UtilsCommon.HTMLify(nextCardsNativeLanguage) + "\t" +
 public String GetAudioFileName(Settings settings, CardInfo cardInfo) {
     return settings.DeckNameModified + "__" + cardInfo.GetKey() + ".ogg";
 public String GetSnapshotFileName(Settings settings, CardInfo cardInfo) {
     return settings.DeckNameModified + "__" + cardInfo.GetKey() + ".jpg";
Ejemplo n.º 9
		/// <summary>
		/// Sets the settings in instance to default values.
		/// </summary>
		public Settings DeepCopy(Settings original) {
			using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
				var formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
				formatter.Serialize(ms, original);
				ms.Position = 0;

				return (Settings) formatter.Deserialize(ms);
		/// <summary>
		/// Parse ASS files.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="settings">Settings.</param>
		/// <param name="stream">Stream.</param>
		public List<LineInfo> parse(Settings settings, Stream stream, Encoding encoding) {
			LinkedList<String> rawLines = new LinkedList<String> ();
			using(StreamReader reader = new StreamReader (stream, encoding)) {
				String line;
				while((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) {

			return parse (settings, rawLines);