Ejemplo n.º 1
 // check for snake collisions
 bool CheckSnakeCollisions(ContinuousSnake testSnake)
     foreach (ContinuousSnake snake in snakes)
         // run self collision code on the snake if the snakes are the same
         if (snake == testSnake)
             if (snake.SelfCollision())
                 return(true); // if snake collided with itself,  the snake definetly collided
             foreach (BodySegment segment in snake.bodySegments) // check for collision with all body segments of other snakes
                 if ((testSnake.Collided(segment.picBox) & ContinuousSnake.HEAD_COLLISION) != 0)
                     return(true); // snake head collided with another snake so return true
     // if the function reached this point, not collision occured
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public override void gameConstruction()
            LevelBanner = Properties.Resources.Level_3; // set right start banner for this level


            // add blocked apple spawns

            fixedSpawns = new AppleSpawnPad[]
                new AppleSpawnPad(applespawnpad1, prob, engine),
                new AppleSpawnPad(applespawnpad2, prob, engine),
                new AppleSpawnPad(applespawnpad3, prob, engine)

            // get coordinates for snake spawn location
            int x = spawnPoint.Location.X; int y = spawnPoint.Location.Y;

            snake = new ContinuousSnake(x, y, this, new Vector(2, 90), 3);
            engine.AddSnake(snake);                                               // register it with the engine

            InitialMysterySpawn();                                                // spawn mysteryboxes in fixed areas

            engine.AddStationary(new EnemyStationary(guardian, threshold, this)); // register the guardian
            engine.gate_collider = gate_collider;                                 // register gate collider
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public void ShouldRun(VoidFunction f, ContinuousSnake snake) // true if game is running and is used to make descisions whether or not to run something related to game play
     if (snake != null && (snake.Alive && runTimer.Enabled))  // run only if gameplay is should happen
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public override void gameConstruction()
            // set the Level Banner to right one
            LevelBanner = Properties.Resources.Level_1;

            base.gameConstruction(); // run base class game construction

            engine.AddStationary(new EnemyStationary(guardian, threshold, this)); // register guardian (the integer is -
            // the size needed to kill the enemy guardian by ramming it

            // make snake at the "spawn point"(which is really a picturebox i made to be the spawn point)
            int spawnX = spawnPoint.Location.X; int spawnY = spawnPoint.Location.Y;

            snake = new ContinuousSnake(spawnX, spawnY, this, new Vector(1, 90), 3);
            engine.AddSnake(snake);// let the engine know about the snake (so it can run/handle it)
            // register gate collider wth engine
            engine.gate_collider = gate_collider;

            engine.SetMaxFoodItems(maxFoods);          // maximum number of food items on screen

            spawnPoint.Visible = false;                // make the spawn point invisible

            txtSizeNeeded.Text = threshold.ToString(); // show the threshold needed
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public _2Player()

            // set the banner
            LevelBanner = Properties.Resources.two_player;


            // add the obstacles
            engine.obstacles.Add(Obstacle.FromPicture(obstacle1, Color.Brown));
            engine.obstacles.Add(Obstacle.FromPicture(obstacle2, Color.Brown));
            engine.obstacles.Add(Obstacle.FromPicture(obstacle3, Color.Brown));
            engine.obstacles.Add(Obstacle.FromPicture(obstacle4, Color.Brown));
            engine.obstacles.Add(Obstacle.FromPicture(obstacle5, Color.Brown));
            engine.obstacles.Add(Obstacle.FromPicture(obstacle6, Color.Brown));
            engine.obstacles.Add(Obstacle.FromPicture(obstacle7, Color.Brown));
            engine.obstacles.Add(Obstacle.FromPicture(obstacle8, Color.Brown));
            engine.obstacles.Add(Obstacle.FromPicture(obstacle9, Color.Brown));
            engine.obstacles.Add(Obstacle.FromPicture(obstacle10, Color.Brown));
            engine.obstacles.Add(Obstacle.FromPicture(obstacle11, Color.Brown));
            engine.obstacles.Add(Obstacle.FromPicture(obstacle12, Color.Brown));
            engine.obstacles.Add(Obstacle.FromPicture(obstacle13, Color.Brown));
            engine.obstacles.Add(Obstacle.FromPicture(obstacle14, Color.Brown));
            engine.obstacles.Add(Obstacle.FromPicture(obstacle15, Color.Brown));
            engine.obstacles.Add(Obstacle.FromPicture(obstacle16, Color.Brown));
            engine.obstacles.Add(Obstacle.FromPicture(obstacle17, Color.Brown));
            engine.obstacles.Add(Obstacle.FromPicture(obstacle18, Color.Brown));
            engine.obstacles.Add(Obstacle.FromPicture(obstacle19, Color.Brown));
            engine.obstacles.Add(Obstacle.FromPicture(obstacle20, Color.Brown));
            engine.obstacles.Add(Obstacle.FromPicture(obstacle21, Color.Brown));
            // add the snakes
            snake = new ContinuousSnake(spawnPoint.Location.X, spawnPoint.Location.Y, this, new Vector(3, 90), 3, false);
            // add the red snake
            snakeRed = new ContinuousSnake(spawnPointRed.Location.X, spawnPointRed.Location.Y, this, new Vector(3, 90), 3, true);

            // make the spawnpoints invisible
            spawnPoint.Visible    = false;
            spawnPointRed.Visible = false;

            // add the food spawners to a single spawn group
            FoodSpawnGroup spawnGroup = new FoodSpawnGroup(engine, 0.9);

            spawnGroup.Add(new AppleSpawnPad(applespawn1, 1, engine));
            spawnGroup.Add(new AppleSpawnPad(applespawn2, 1, engine));
            spawnGroup.Add(new AppleSpawnPad(applespawn3, 1, engine));
            spawnGroup.Add(new AppleSpawnPad(applespawn4, 1, engine));
            spawnGroup.Add(new AppleSpawnPad(applespawn5, 1, engine));
            spawnGroup.Add(new AppleSpawnPad(applespawn6, 1, engine));
            spawnGroup.Add(new AppleSpawnPad(applespawn7, 1, engine));
            spawnGroup.Add(new AppleSpawnPad(applespawn8, 1, engine));
            spawnGroup.Add(new AppleSpawnPad(applespawn9, 1, engine));
            // add it to the engine
Ejemplo n.º 6
        void sizeChange(ContinuousSnake snake) // random amount of size change to snake
            // get random amount to add or remove
            int delta = mainForm.engine.GetRandom(-BodyPart.SIZE * 4, BodyPart.SIZE * 4);

            Finalized = true; // set flag up for deletion by game engine
Ejemplo n.º 7
 void CheckFollowerCollision(ContinuousSnake snake) // kill snake whos head collides with enemy
     foreach (EnemyFollower enemy in followers)
         if ((snake.Collided(enemy.picBox) & ContinuousSnake.HEAD_COLLISION) != 0) // kill the snake if head collision
Ejemplo n.º 8
 // for when the snake dies
 public void Death(ContinuousSnake snake)
     // make all the segments invisible
     foreach (BodySegment segment in snake.bodySegments)
         segment.picBox.Visible = false;
     snake.glorifiedDestroy(); // destroy the whole snake - 0 means the index which is the head
                               // run the lose method on the main form
Ejemplo n.º 9
 // for when the snake attempts to eat the enemy (returns true if eat was successful)
 public bool AttemptEat(ContinuousSnake snake)
     if (CanEat(snake)) // make sure the snake can kill the enemy
         // run death animations/functions blahblahblah
         // run attack animations/functions
Ejemplo n.º 10
 // check for projectile collision with snake
 void CheckProjectileCollision(ContinuousSnake snake)
     foreach (Projectile projectile in projectiles)
         if (projectile.finalized)
             continue; // don't check the projectile if its finalized
         // only kill the snake if it collides with the snake head
         if ((snake.Collided(projectile.picBox) & ContinuousSnake.HEAD_COLLISION) != 0)
Ejemplo n.º 11
        void sizeScale(ContinuousSnake snake) // randomly scale snake size
            // list of possible scales
            double[] validScales = new double[] { 0.8, 1.5, 2, 2.5 };  // 6 possible scales
            // get random scale factor
            int random = mainForm.engine.GetRandom(0, 5); double scale = validScales[random];
            // get current length of snake and get size change
            int length    = snake.Length;
            int newLength = (int)(length * scale + 0.5); // get new length (add 0.5 to round)
            int delta     = newLength - length;

            Finalized = true;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 void foodCollision(ContinuousSnake snake)
     // check for collision with food
     for (int i = 0; i < foodItems.Count; i++)
         // retrieve current food item
         Food food = foodItems[i];
         if ((snake.Collided(food.picBox) & ContinuousSnake.HEAD_COLLISION) != 0) // check for head collision
             snake.ChangeSize(food.Change);                                       // change snake size depending on food
             // delete the food item
             // subtract one from i to stop from skipping food items
Ejemplo n.º 13
        // create objects in the form (coins, obstacles)
        void gameConstruction()
            // make the paused banner
            pausedBanner = new PictureBox
                Image = Properties.Resources.paused,
                // resize box to fit image
                SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.AutoSize
            pausedBanner.Location = new Point((Width - pausedBanner.Width) / 2, (Height - pausedBanner.Height) / 2); // center the image
            // create the game engine
            engine = new GameEngine(this);
            // add existent coins
            engine.AddFood(new Apple(coin1, this));
            engine.AddFood(new Apple(coin2, this));
            engine.AddFood(new Apple(coin3, this));
            engine.AddFood(new Apple(coin4, this));
            engine.AddFood(new Apple(coin5, this));
            engine.AddFood(new Apple(coin6, this));
            engine.AddFood(new Apple(coin7, this));

            // add obstacles existent on the map
            engine.AddObstacle(Obstacle.FromPicture(obstacle1, Color.Brown));
            engine.AddObstacle(Obstacle.FromPicture(obstacle2, Color.Brown));
            engine.AddObstacle(Obstacle.FromPicture(obstacle3, Color.Brown));
            engine.AddObstacle(Obstacle.FromPicture(obstacle4, Color.Red));
            // create and add food spawner group
            FoodSpawnGroup group = new FoodSpawnGroup(engine);

            group.Add(new AppleSpawnPad(spawnPadPic2, 0.00001, engine));
            group.Add(new AppleSpawnPad(spawnPadPic, 0.00001, engine)); // add the second spawner

            // Add enemies
            engine.AddStationary(new EnemyStationary(enemy1, 16, this));

            // make a new snake
            snake = new ContinuousSnake(Size.Width / 2, Size.Height / 2, this, new Vector(2, 90), 300);
            // add it to the engine
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public void Run(List <ContinuousSnake> snakes, List <Obstacle> obstacles)
            ContinuousSnake targetSnake    = null; // target snake
            int             targetDistance = 0;

            foreach (ContinuousSnake snake in snakes)
                if (targetSnake == null)
                    targetSnake = snake;
                    // replace target with shortest distance to it's head
                    int thisX  = picBox.Location.X + picBox.Width / 2;
                    int thisY  = picBox.Location.Y + picBox.Height / 2;
                    int snakeX = snake.snakeHead.picBox.Location.X + snake.snakeHead.picBox.Width / 2;
                    int snakeY = snake.snakeHead.picBox.Location.Y + snake.snakeHead.picBox.Height / 2;
                    // get the distance
                    int deltaX   = snakeX - thisX;
                    int deltaY   = snakeY - thisY;
                    int distance = (int)(0.5 + Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(deltaX, 2) + Math.Pow(deltaY, 2)));
                    targetDistance = distance;
                    /*// replace target with shortest distance to it's head
                     * int thisX = picBox.Location.X + picBox.Width / 2;
                     * int thisY = picBox.Location.Y + picBox.Height / 2;
                     * int snakeX = snake.snakeHead.picBox.Location.X + snake.snakeHead.picBox.Width / 2;
                     * int snakeY = snake.snakeHead.picBox.Location.Y + snake.snakeHead.picBox.Height / 2;
                     * // get the distance
                     * int deltaX = snakeX - thisX;
                     * int deltaY = snakeY - thisY;
                     * int distance = (int) (0.5 + Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(deltaX, 2) + Math.Pow(deltaY, 2)));
                     * // if the distance is less, replace the snake and the distance
                     * if (distance < targetDistance)
                     * {
                     *  targetSnake = snake;
                     *  targetDistance = distance;
                     * }*/
            ContinuedRun(targetSnake.snakeHead, snakes, obstacles);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public void Invoke(ContinuousSnake snake) // run the mystery box on a snake
            // get random number to choose an action
            int random = mainForm.engine.GetRandom(1, 100);

            if (random > 0 && (random <= 50)) // do speed change
                Console.Write("Speed change!");
            } /*else if (random > 33 && (random <= 67)) // snake size scaling
               * {
               * Console.Write("Size scaled!");
               * sizeScale(snake);
               * }*/
            else     // add/subtract from snake
                Console.Write("Size change!");
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public override void gameConstruction()
            // set the banner for this level
            LevelBanner = Properties.Resources.Level_4;



            snake = new ContinuousSnake(spawnPoint.Location.X, spawnPoint.Location.Y, this, new Vector(3, 90), 3);
            engine.AddSnake(snake);                                               // register the snake

            engine.AddStationary(new EnemyStationary(guardian, threshold, this)); // create the guardian
            engine.gate_collider = gate_collider;                                 // register the gate collider

            spawnPoint.Visible = false;                                           // make the spawn point invisible

            // add followers
            follower = new EnemyFollower(follower1, 2, this);
            engine.followers.Add(new EnemyFollower(follower2, 2, this));
            engine.followers.Add(new EnemyFollower(follower3, 2, this));
            engine.followers.Add(new EnemyFollower(follower4, 2, this));

            // show threshold needed to beat the game
            txtSizeNeeded.Text = threshold.ToString();

            // add apple spawn pads to a single spawn group
            FoodSpawnGroup spawnGroup = new FoodSpawnGroup(engine, 0.6);

            spawnGroup.Add(new AppleSpawnPad(spawnpad1, 0.6, engine));
            spawnGroup.Add(new AppleSpawnPad(spawnpad2, 0.6, engine));
            spawnGroup.Add(new AppleSpawnPad(spawnpad3, 0.6, engine));
            spawnGroup.Add(new AppleSpawnPad(spawnpad4, 0.6, engine));
            spawnGroup.Add(new AppleSpawnPad(spawnpad5, 0.6, engine));
            spawnGroup.Add(new AppleSpawnPad(spawnpad6, 0.6, engine));
            spawnGroup.Add(new AppleSpawnPad(spawnpad7, 0.6, engine));
            spawnGroup.Add(new AppleSpawnPad(spawnpad8, 0.6, engine));
            spawnGroup.Add(new AppleSpawnPad(spawnpad9, 0.6, engine));
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public override void gameConstruction()
            // set the level banner
            LevelBanner = Properties.Resources.Level_Boss;

            // rotate gate image and add it
            Image gateImg = Properties.Resources.Gate;

            Gate.Image    = gateImg;
            Gate.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage;

            // add obstacles
            engine.AddObstacle(Obstacle.FromPicture(obstacle1, Color.Brown));
            engine.AddObstacle(Obstacle.FromPicture(obstacle2, Color.Brown));
            engine.AddObstacle(Obstacle.FromPicture(obstacle3, Color.Brown));
            engine.AddObstacle(Obstacle.FromPicture(obstacle4, Color.Brown));
            engine.AddObstacle(Obstacle.FromPicture(obstacle5, Color.Brown));
            engine.AddObstacle(Obstacle.FromPicture(obstacle6, Color.Brown));
            engine.AddObstacle(Obstacle.FromPicture(obstacle7, Color.Brown));
            engine.AddObstacle(Obstacle.FromPicture(obstacle8, Color.Brown));
            engine.AddObstacle(Obstacle.FromPicture(obstacle9, Color.Brown));
            engine.AddObstacle(Obstacle.FromPicture(obstacle10, Color.Brown));

            boss = new Boss(bossPic, 100, 8000, this); // create the boss
            // add the snake
            snake = new ContinuousSnake(spawnPoint.Location.X, spawnPoint.Location.Y, this, new Vector(3, 90), 3);
            engine.AddSnake(snake);               // register the snake with the engine

            engine.gate_collider = gate_collider; // add the gate collider

            // add the apple spawn pads
            engine.AddFoodSpawner(new AppleSpawnPad(applespawnpad1, 0.5, engine));
            engine.AddFoodSpawner(new AppleSpawnPad(applespawnpad2, 0.5, engine));
            engine.AddFoodSpawner(new AppleSpawnPad(applespawnpad3, 0.5, engine));

            // make the spawn point invisible
            spawnPoint.Visible = false;
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public override void gameConstruction()
            // set correct level banner to be displayed at the beginning
            LevelBanner = Properties.Resources.Level_2;



            // get coord for spawn location
            int spawnX = spawnPoint.Location.X; int spawnY = spawnPoint.Location.Y;

            snake = new ContinuousSnake(spawnX, spawnY, this, new Vector(2, 90), 4);
            engine.AddSnake(snake); // register the snake with the engine

            // add the standalone spawnpad
            DespawnAppleSpawnPad standalone = new DespawnAppleSpawnPad(standalonespawnpad, 0.3, 6000, 6000, this);


            engine.SetMaxFoodItems(maxFoods);// set max number of foods onsreen

            // register the guardian and gate collider
            engine.AddStationary(new EnemyStationary(guardian, threshold, this));
            engine.gate_collider = gate_collider;

            // add the giant food spawn group
            txtSizeNeeded.Text = threshold.ToString(); // tell the user of the size needed
            spawnPoint.Visible = false;                // make the spawn point invisible

            // create mystery spawn pad
            engine.mysterySpawnPads.Add(new MysteryBoxSpawnPad(mysteryspawn, 0.4, this));

            // test mystery spawn pad

            /*MysteryBoxSpawnPad spawnTest = new MysteryBoxSpawnPad(testmysteryspawn, 1, this);
             * engine.mysterySpawnPads.Add(spawnTest);*/
Ejemplo n.º 19
 // run all enemies (movement, collision checking)
 void RunEnemies(ContinuousSnake snake)
     foreach (EnemyStationary enemy in stationaryEnemies) // run all stationary enemies
         // check if the snake head is in position to eat the enemy
         if (enemy.HeadCollision(snake))
             if (enemy.Alive) // dont attempt to eat if the enemy is dead!
                 // try eating the enemy
                 if (enemy.AttemptEat(snake))
                     Death(snake); // kill the snake if the eating failed
Ejemplo n.º 20
        // run mysterbox handler
        void RunMysteryBoxes(ContinuousSnake snake)
            List <MysteryBox> removeQueue = new List <MysteryBox>();

            foreach (MysteryBox box in mysteryBoxes) // check all boxes for collision
                if (snake.Collided(box.picBox) != 0)
                    box.Invoke(snake); // run the box's function if collided
                if (box.Finalized)
            foreach (MysteryBox box in removeQueue)

Ejemplo n.º 21
        void speedChange(ContinuousSnake snake)
            this.snake = snake;
            // store previous speed for reset
            prevSpeed = snake.Velocity.Magnitude;
            // get random speed
            int speed = mainForm.engine.GetRandom(1, 4);

            snake.Velocity.Magnitude = speed;

            // timer stuff here
            speedTimer = new System.Timers.Timer();
            // get random interval to make the speed for (between 1 and 5 seconds)
            int speedDuration = mainForm.engine.GetRandom(1000, 5000);

            speedTimer.Interval = speedDuration;
            // run event at timer's first and only tick to reset snake speed and setup for deletion
            speedTimer.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(speedTimerTick);
            // start the timer
            Finalized = true;
Ejemplo n.º 22
 // check for head collisions with snake
 public bool HeadCollision(ContinuousSnake snake)
     return((snake.Collided(Bounds) & ContinuousSnake.HEAD_COLLISION) > 0); // true if head collision occurred
Ejemplo n.º 23
 // check for body collision with snake
 public bool BodyCollision(ContinuousSnake snake)
     return((snake.Collided(Bounds) & ContinuousSnake.BODY_COLLISION) > 0); // true if body collision occurred
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public void AddSnake(ContinuousSnake snake)
Ejemplo n.º 25
        // true if snake can eat the enemy
        public bool CanEat(ContinuousSnake snake)
            double unitsLength = (double)snake.Length / BodyPart.SIZE;// get the snake length in body part size units

            return(unitsLength >= threshold);