Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// calculate the position of the robots head and cameras for this pose
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rob">robot object</param>
        /// <param name="head_location">location of the centre of the head</param>
        /// <param name="camera_centre_location">location of the centre of each stereo camera</param>
        /// <param name="left_camera_location">location of the left camera within each stereo camera</param>
        /// <param name="right_camera_location">location of the right camera within each stereo camera</param>
        protected void calculateCameraPositions(
            robot rob,
            ref pos3D head_location,
            ref pos3D[] camera_centre_location,
            ref pos3D[] left_camera_location,
            ref pos3D[] right_camera_location)
            // calculate the position of the centre of the head relative to
            // the centre of rotation of the robots body
            pos3D head_centroid = new pos3D(-(rob.BodyWidth_mm / 2) + rob.head.x,
                                            -(rob.BodyLength_mm / 2) + rob.head.y,

            // location of the centre of the head on the grid map
            // adjusted for the robot pose and the head pan and tilt angle.
            // Note that the positions and orientations of individual cameras
            // on the head have already been accounted for within stereoModel.createObservation
            pos3D head_locn = head_centroid.rotate(rob.head.pan + pan, rob.head.tilt, 0);

            head_locn = head_locn.translate(x, y, 0);

            for (int cam = 0; cam < rob.head.no_of_stereo_cameras; cam++)
                // calculate the position of the centre of the stereo camera
                // (baseline centre point)
                pos3D camera_centre_locn = new pos3D(rob.head.calibration[cam].positionOrientation.x, rob.head.calibration[cam].positionOrientation.y, rob.head.calibration[cam].positionOrientation.y);
                camera_centre_locn          = camera_centre_locn.rotate(rob.head.calibration[cam].positionOrientation.pan + rob.head.pan + pan, rob.head.calibration[cam].positionOrientation.tilt, rob.head.calibration[cam].positionOrientation.roll);
                camera_centre_location[cam] = camera_centre_locn.translate(head_location.x, head_location.y, head_location.z);

                // where are the left and right cameras?
                // we need to know this for the origins of the vacancy models
                float half_baseline_length = rob.head.calibration[cam].baseline / 2;
                pos3D left_camera_locn     = new pos3D(-half_baseline_length, 0, 0);
                left_camera_locn = left_camera_locn.rotate(rob.head.calibration[cam].positionOrientation.pan + rob.head.pan + pan, rob.head.calibration[cam].positionOrientation.tilt, rob.head.calibration[cam].positionOrientation.roll);
                pos3D right_camera_locn = new pos3D(-left_camera_locn.x, -left_camera_locn.y, -left_camera_locn.z);
                left_camera_location[cam]      = left_camera_locn.translate(camera_centre_location[cam].x, camera_centre_location[cam].y, camera_centre_location[cam].z);
                right_camera_location[cam]     = right_camera_locn.translate(camera_centre_location[cam].x, camera_centre_location[cam].y, camera_centre_location[cam].z);
                right_camera_location[cam].pan = left_camera_location[cam].pan;
Ejemplo n.º 2
		public void InsertRays()
			int no_of_stereo_features = 2000;
		    int image_width = 640;
		    int image_height = 480;
			int no_of_stereo_cameras = 1;
		    int localisationRadius_mm = 16000;
		    int maxMappingRange_mm = 16000;
		    int cellSize_mm = 32;
		    int dimension_cells = 16000 / cellSize_mm;
		    int dimension_cells_vertical = dimension_cells/2;
		    float vacancyWeighting = 0.5f;
			float FOV_horizontal = 78 * (float)Math.PI / 180.0f;
			// create a grid
			Console.WriteLine("Creating grid");
		    occupancygridSimple grid = 
		        new occupancygridSimple(
		    Assert.AreNotEqual(grid, null, "object occupancygridSimple was not created");
			Console.WriteLine("Creating sensor models");			
			stereoModel inverseSensorModel = new stereoModel();
			inverseSensorModel.FOV_horizontal = FOV_horizontal;
			inverseSensorModel.FOV_vertical = FOV_horizontal * image_height / image_width;			
			inverseSensorModel.createLookupTable(cellSize_mm, image_width, image_height);

            //Assert.AreNotEqual(0, inverseSensorModel.ray_model.probability[1][5], "Ray model probabilities not updated");
			// observer parameters
            int pan_angle_degrees = 0;
		    pos3D observer = new pos3D(0,0,0);
            observer.pan = pan_angle_degrees * (float)Math.PI / 180.0f;
		    float stereo_camera_baseline_mm = 100;
			pos3D left_camera_location = new pos3D(stereo_camera_baseline_mm*0.5f,0,0);
			pos3D right_camera_location = new pos3D(-stereo_camera_baseline_mm*0.5f,0,0);
            left_camera_location = left_camera_location.rotate(observer.pan, observer.tilt, observer.roll);
            right_camera_location = right_camera_location.rotate(observer.pan, observer.tilt, observer.roll);
            left_camera_location = left_camera_location.translate(observer.x, observer.y, observer.z);
            right_camera_location = right_camera_location.translate(observer.x, observer.y, observer.z);
		    float FOV_degrees = 78;
		    float[] stereo_features = new float[no_of_stereo_features * 3];
		    byte[,] stereo_features_colour = new byte[no_of_stereo_features, 3];
		    float[] stereo_features_uncertainties = new float[no_of_stereo_features];
			// create some stereo disparities within the field of view
			Console.WriteLine("Adding disparities");
			//MersenneTwister rnd = new MersenneTwister(0);
            Random rnd = new Random(0);
			for (int correspondence = 0; correspondence < no_of_stereo_features; correspondence++)
				float x = rnd.Next(image_width-1);
				float y = rnd.Next(image_height/50) + (image_height/2);
				float disparity = 7;
				if ((x < image_width/5) || (x > image_width * 4/5))
					disparity = 7; //15;
				byte colour_red = (byte)rnd.Next(255);
				byte colour_green = (byte)rnd.Next(255);
				byte colour_blue = (byte)rnd.Next(255);
				stereo_features[correspondence*3] = x;
				stereo_features[(correspondence*3)+1] = y;
				stereo_features[(correspondence*3)+2] = disparity;
				stereo_features_colour[correspondence, 0] = colour_red;
				stereo_features_colour[correspondence, 1] = colour_green;
				stereo_features_colour[correspondence, 2] = colour_blue;
				stereo_features_uncertainties[correspondence] = 0;
            // create an observation as a set of rays from the stereo correspondence results
            List<evidenceRay>[] stereo_rays = new List<evidenceRay>[no_of_stereo_cameras];
            for (int cam = 0; cam < no_of_stereo_cameras; cam++)
				Console.WriteLine("Creating rays");
                stereo_rays[cam] = 

				// insert rays into the grid
				Console.WriteLine("Throwing rays");
				for (int ray = 0; ray < stereo_rays[cam].Count; ray++)
					grid.Insert(stereo_rays[cam][ray], inverseSensorModel.ray_model, left_camera_location, right_camera_location, false);
			// save the result as an image
			Console.WriteLine("Saving grid");
			int debug_img_width = 640;
			int debug_img_height = 480;
		    byte[] debug_img = new byte[debug_img_width * debug_img_height * 3];
			Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(debug_img_width, debug_img_height, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);

			grid.Show(debug_img, debug_img_width, debug_img_height, false, false);
			BitmapArrayConversions.updatebitmap_unsafe(debug_img, bmp);
			bmp.Save("tests_occupancygrid_simple_InsertRays_overhead.jpg", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);

			grid.ShowFront(debug_img, debug_img_width, debug_img_height, true);
			BitmapArrayConversions.updatebitmap_unsafe(debug_img, bmp);
			bmp.Save("tests_occupancygrid_simple_InsertRays_front.jpg", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);

            // side view of the probabilities
            float max_prob = -1;
            float min_prob = 1;
            float[] probs = new float[dimension_cells/2];
            float[] mean_colour = new float[3];
            for (int y = dimension_cells / 2; y < dimension_cells; y++)
                float p = grid.GetProbability(dimension_cells / 2, y, mean_colour);                
                probs[y - (dimension_cells / 2)] = p;
                if (p != occupancygridSimple.NO_OCCUPANCY_EVIDENCE)
                    if (p < min_prob) min_prob = p;
                    if (p > max_prob) max_prob = p;
            for (int i = 0; i < debug_img.Length; i++) debug_img[i] = 255;
            int prev_x = -1;
            int prev_y = debug_img_height / 2;
            for (int i = 0; i < probs.Length; i++)
                if (probs[i] != occupancygridSimple.NO_OCCUPANCY_EVIDENCE)
                    int x = i * (debug_img_width - 1) / probs.Length;
                    int y = debug_img_height - 1 - (int)((probs[i] - min_prob) / (max_prob - min_prob) * (debug_img_height - 1));
                    int n = ((y * debug_img_width) + x) * 3;
                    if (prev_x > -1)
                        int r = 255;
                        int g = 0;
                        int b = 0;
                        if (probs[i] > 0.5f)
                            r = 0;
                            g = 255;
                            b = 0;
                        drawing.drawLine(debug_img, debug_img_width, debug_img_height, prev_x, prev_y, x, y, r, g, b, 0, false);
                    prev_x = x;
                    prev_y = y;
            int y_zero = debug_img_height - 1 - (int)((0.5f-min_prob) / (max_prob - min_prob) * (debug_img_height - 1));
            drawing.drawLine(debug_img, debug_img_width, debug_img_height, 0, y_zero, debug_img_width - 1, y_zero, 0, 0, 0, 0, false);

            BitmapArrayConversions.updatebitmap_unsafe(debug_img, bmp);
            bmp.Save("tests_occupancygrid_simple_InsertRays_probs.jpg", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate the position of the robots head and cameras for this pose
        /// the positions returned are relative to the robots centre of rotation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="body_width_mm">width of the robot body in millimetres</param>
        /// <param name="body_length_mm">length of the robot body in millimetres</param>
        /// <param name="body_centre_of_rotation_x">x centre of rotation of the robot, relative to the top left corner</param>
        /// <param name="body_centre_of_rotation_y">y centre of rotation of the robot, relative to the top left corner</param>
        /// <param name="body_centre_of_rotation_z">z centre of rotation of the robot, relative to the top left corner</param>
        /// <param name="head_centroid_x">head centroid x position in millimetres relative to the top left corner of the body</param>
        /// <param name="head_centroid_y">head centroid y position in millimetres relative to the top left corner of the body</param>
        /// <param name="head_centroid_z">head centroid z position in millimetres relative to the top left corner of the body</param>
        /// <param name="head_pan">head pan angle in radians</param>
        /// <param name="head_tilt">head tilt angle in radians</param>
        /// <param name="head_roll">head roll angle in radians</param>
        /// <param name="baseline_mm">stereo camera baseline in millimetres</param>
        /// <param name="stereo_camera_position_x">stereo camera x position in millimetres relative to the head centroid</param>
        /// <param name="stereo_camera_position_y">stereo camera y position in millimetres relative to the head centroid</param>
        /// <param name="stereo_camera_position_z">stereo camera z position in millimetres relative to the head centroid</param>
        /// <param name="stereo_camera_pan">stereo camera pan in radians relative to the head</param>
        /// <param name="stereo_camera_tilt">stereo camera tilt in radians relative to the head</param>
        /// <param name="stereo_camera_roll">stereo camera roll in radians relative to the head</param>
        /// <param name="head_location">returned location/orientation of the robot head</param>
        /// <param name="camera_centre_location">returned stereo camera centre position/orientation</param>
        /// <param name="left_camera_location">returned left camera position/orientation</param>
        /// <param name="right_camera_location">returned right camera position/orientation</param>
        public static void calculateCameraPositions(
		    float body_width_mm,
		    float body_length_mm,
		    float body_centre_of_rotation_x,
		    float body_centre_of_rotation_y,
		    float body_centre_of_rotation_z,
		    float head_centroid_x,
		    float head_centroid_y,
		    float head_centroid_z,
		    float head_pan,
		    float head_tilt,
		    float head_roll,
		    float baseline_mm,
		    float stereo_camera_position_x,
		    float stereo_camera_position_y,
		    float stereo_camera_position_z,
		    float stereo_camera_pan,
		    float stereo_camera_tilt,
		    float stereo_camera_roll,
            ref pos3D head_location,
            ref pos3D camera_centre_location,
            ref pos3D left_camera_location,
            ref pos3D right_camera_location)
            // calculate the position of the centre of the head relative to 
            // the centre of rotation of the robots body
            pos3D head_centroid = 
				new pos3D(
				    -(body_width_mm * 0.5f) + (body_centre_of_rotation_x - (body_width_mm * 0.5f)) + head_centroid_x,
                    -(body_length_mm * 0.5f) + (body_centre_of_rotation_y - (body_length_mm * 0.5f)) + head_centroid_y,

            // location of the centre of the head
            // adjusted for the robot pose and the head pan and tilt angle.
            // Note that the positions and orientations of individual cameras
            // on the head have already been accounted for within stereoModel.createObservation
            pos3D head_locn = 
				    head_pan, head_tilt, 0);

            // calculate the position of the centre of the stereo camera
            // (baseline centre point)
            pos3D camera_centre_locn = 
				new pos3D(
			// rotate the stereo camera	    	    
            camera_centre_locn = 
                    stereo_camera_pan + head_pan, 
                    stereo_camera_tilt + head_tilt, 
                    stereo_camera_roll + head_roll);
            // move the stereo camera relative to the head position
            camera_centre_location = 

            // where are the left and right cameras?
            // we need to know this for the origins of the vacancy models
            float half_baseline_length = baseline_mm * 0.5f;
            pos3D left_camera_locn = new pos3D(-half_baseline_length, 0, 0);
            left_camera_locn = left_camera_locn.rotate(stereo_camera_pan + head_pan, stereo_camera_tilt + head_tilt, stereo_camera_roll + head_roll);            
            pos3D right_camera_locn = new pos3D(-left_camera_locn.x, -left_camera_locn.y, -left_camera_locn.z);
            left_camera_location = left_camera_locn.translate(camera_centre_location.x, camera_centre_location.y, camera_centre_location.z);
            right_camera_location = right_camera_locn.translate(camera_centre_location.x, camera_centre_location.y, camera_centre_location.z);
            right_camera_location.pan = left_camera_location.pan;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// calculate the position of the robots head and cameras for this pose
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rob">robot object</param>
        /// <param name="head_location">location of the centre of the head</param>
        /// <param name="camera_centre_location">location of the centre of each stereo camera</param>
        /// <param name="left_camera_location">location of the left camera within each stereo camera</param>
        /// <param name="right_camera_location">location of the right camera within each stereo camera</param>
        protected void calculateCameraPositions(
            robot rob,
            ref pos3D head_location,
            ref pos3D[] camera_centre_location,
            ref pos3D[] left_camera_location,
            ref pos3D[] right_camera_location)
            // calculate the position of the centre of the head relative to 
            // the centre of rotation of the robots body
            pos3D head_centroid = new pos3D(-(rob.BodyWidth_mm / 2) + rob.head.x,
                                            -(rob.BodyLength_mm / 2) + rob.head.y,

            // location of the centre of the head on the grid map
            // adjusted for the robot pose and the head pan and tilt angle.
            // Note that the positions and orientations of individual cameras
            // on the head have already been accounted for within stereoModel.createObservation
            pos3D head_locn = head_centroid.rotate(rob.head.pan + pan, rob.head.tilt, 0);
            head_locn = head_locn.translate(x, y, 0);

            for (int cam = 0; cam < rob.head.no_of_stereo_cameras; cam++)
                // calculate the position of the centre of the stereo camera
                // (baseline centre point)
                pos3D camera_centre_locn = new pos3D(rob.head.calibration[cam].positionOrientation.x, rob.head.calibration[cam].positionOrientation.y, rob.head.calibration[cam].positionOrientation.y);
                camera_centre_locn = camera_centre_locn.rotate(rob.head.calibration[cam].positionOrientation.pan + rob.head.pan + pan, rob.head.calibration[cam].positionOrientation.tilt, rob.head.calibration[cam].positionOrientation.roll);
                camera_centre_location[cam] = camera_centre_locn.translate(head_location.x, head_location.y, head_location.z);

                // where are the left and right cameras?
                // we need to know this for the origins of the vacancy models
                float half_baseline_length = rob.head.calibration[cam].baseline / 2;
                pos3D left_camera_locn = new pos3D(-half_baseline_length, 0, 0);
                left_camera_locn = left_camera_locn.rotate(rob.head.calibration[cam].positionOrientation.pan + rob.head.pan + pan, rob.head.calibration[cam].positionOrientation.tilt, rob.head.calibration[cam].positionOrientation.roll);
                pos3D right_camera_locn = new pos3D(-left_camera_locn.x, -left_camera_locn.y, -left_camera_locn.z);
                left_camera_location[cam] = left_camera_locn.translate(camera_centre_location[cam].x, camera_centre_location[cam].y, camera_centre_location[cam].z);
                right_camera_location[cam] = right_camera_locn.translate(camera_centre_location[cam].x, camera_centre_location[cam].y, camera_centre_location[cam].z);
                right_camera_location[cam].pan = left_camera_location[cam].pan;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate the position of the robots head and cameras for this pose
        /// the positions returned are relative to the robots centre of rotation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="body_width_mm">width of the robot body in millimetres</param>
        /// <param name="body_length_mm">length of the robot body in millimetres</param>
        /// <param name="body_centre_of_rotation_x">x centre of rotation of the robot, relative to the top left corner</param>
        /// <param name="body_centre_of_rotation_y">y centre of rotation of the robot, relative to the top left corner</param>
        /// <param name="body_centre_of_rotation_z">z centre of rotation of the robot, relative to the top left corner</param>
        /// <param name="head_centroid_x">head centroid x position in millimetres relative to the top left corner of the body</param>
        /// <param name="head_centroid_y">head centroid y position in millimetres relative to the top left corner of the body</param>
        /// <param name="head_centroid_z">head centroid z position in millimetres relative to the top left corner of the body</param>
        /// <param name="head_pan">head pan angle in radians</param>
        /// <param name="head_tilt">head tilt angle in radians</param>
        /// <param name="head_roll">head roll angle in radians</param>
        /// <param name="baseline_mm">stereo camera baseline in millimetres</param>
        /// <param name="stereo_camera_position_x">stereo camera x position in millimetres relative to the head centroid</param>
        /// <param name="stereo_camera_position_y">stereo camera y position in millimetres relative to the head centroid</param>
        /// <param name="stereo_camera_position_z">stereo camera z position in millimetres relative to the head centroid</param>
        /// <param name="stereo_camera_pan">stereo camera pan in radians relative to the head</param>
        /// <param name="stereo_camera_tilt">stereo camera tilt in radians relative to the head</param>
        /// <param name="stereo_camera_roll">stereo camera roll in radians relative to the head</param>
        /// <param name="head_location">returned location/orientation of the robot head</param>
        /// <param name="camera_centre_location">returned stereo camera centre position/orientation</param>
        /// <param name="left_camera_location">returned left camera position/orientation</param>
        /// <param name="right_camera_location">returned right camera position/orientation</param>
        public static void calculateCameraPositions(
            float body_width_mm,
            float body_length_mm,
            float body_centre_of_rotation_x,
            float body_centre_of_rotation_y,
            float body_centre_of_rotation_z,
            float head_centroid_x,
            float head_centroid_y,
            float head_centroid_z,
            float head_pan,
            float head_tilt,
            float head_roll,
            float baseline_mm,
            float stereo_camera_position_x,
            float stereo_camera_position_y,
            float stereo_camera_position_z,
            float stereo_camera_pan,
            float stereo_camera_tilt,
            float stereo_camera_roll,
            ref pos3D head_location,
            ref pos3D camera_centre_location,
            ref pos3D left_camera_location,
            ref pos3D right_camera_location)
            // calculate the position of the centre of the head relative to
            // the centre of rotation of the robots body
            pos3D head_centroid =
                new pos3D(
                    -(body_width_mm * 0.5f) + (body_centre_of_rotation_x - (body_width_mm * 0.5f)) + head_centroid_x,
                    -(body_length_mm * 0.5f) + (body_centre_of_rotation_y - (body_length_mm * 0.5f)) + head_centroid_y,

            // location of the centre of the head
            // adjusted for the robot pose and the head pan and tilt angle.
            // Note that the positions and orientations of individual cameras
            // on the head have already been accounted for within stereoModel.createObservation
            pos3D head_locn =
                    head_pan, head_tilt, 0);


            // calculate the position of the centre of the stereo camera
            // (baseline centre point)
            pos3D camera_centre_locn =
                new pos3D(

            // rotate the stereo camera
            camera_centre_locn =
                    stereo_camera_pan + head_pan,
                    stereo_camera_tilt + head_tilt,
                    stereo_camera_roll + head_roll);

            // move the stereo camera relative to the head position
            camera_centre_location =

            // where are the left and right cameras?
            // we need to know this for the origins of the vacancy models
            float half_baseline_length = baseline_mm * 0.5f;
            pos3D left_camera_locn     = new pos3D(-half_baseline_length, 0, 0);

            left_camera_locn = left_camera_locn.rotate(stereo_camera_pan + head_pan, stereo_camera_tilt + head_tilt, stereo_camera_roll + head_roll);
            pos3D right_camera_locn = new pos3D(-left_camera_locn.x, -left_camera_locn.y, -left_camera_locn.z);

            left_camera_location      = left_camera_locn.translate(camera_centre_location.x, camera_centre_location.y, camera_centre_location.z);
            right_camera_location     = right_camera_locn.translate(camera_centre_location.x, camera_centre_location.y, camera_centre_location.z);
            right_camera_location.pan = left_camera_location.pan;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Mapping
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="body_width_mm">width of the robot body in millimetres</param>
        /// <param name="body_length_mm">length of the robot body in millimetres</param>
        /// <param name="body_centre_of_rotation_x">x centre of rotation of the robot, relative to the top left corner</param>
        /// <param name="body_centre_of_rotation_y">y centre of rotation of the robot, relative to the top left corner</param>
        /// <param name="body_centre_of_rotation_z">z centre of rotation of the robot, relative to the top left corner</param>
        /// <param name="head_centroid_x">head centroid x position in millimetres relative to the top left corner of the body</param>
        /// <param name="head_centroid_y">head centroid y position in millimetres relative to the top left corner of the body</param>
        /// <param name="head_centroid_z">head centroid z position in millimetres relative to the top left corner of the body</param>
        /// <param name="head_pan">head pan angle in radians</param>
        /// <param name="head_tilt">head tilt angle in radians</param>
        /// <param name="head_roll">head roll angle in radians</param>
        /// <param name="baseline_mm">stereo camera baseline in millimetres</param>
        /// <param name="stereo_camera_position_x">stereo camera x position in millimetres relative to the head centroid</param>
        /// <param name="stereo_camera_position_y">stereo camera y position in millimetres relative to the head centroid</param>
        /// <param name="stereo_camera_position_z">stereo camera z position in millimetres relative to the head centroid</param>
        /// <param name="stereo_camera_pan">stereo camera pan in radians relative to the head</param>
        /// <param name="stereo_camera_tilt">stereo camera tilt in radians relative to the head</param>
        /// <param name="stereo_camera_roll">stereo camera roll in radians relative to the head</param>
        /// <param name="image_width">image width for each stereo camera</param>
        /// <param name="image_height">image height for each stereo camera</param>
        /// <param name="FOV_degrees">field of view for each stereo camera in degrees</param>
        /// <param name="stereo_features">stereo features (disparities) for each stereo camera</param>
        /// <param name="stereo_features_colour">stereo feature colours for each stereo camera</param>
        /// <param name="stereo_features_uncertainties">stereo feature uncertainties (priors) for each stereo camera</param>
        /// <param name="sensormodel">sensor model for each grid level</param>
        /// <param name="left_camera_location">returned position and orientation of the left camera on each stereo camera</param>
        /// <param name="right_camera_location">returned position and orientation of the right camera on each stereo camera</param>
        /// <param name="robot_pose">current estimated position and orientation of the robots centre of rotation</param>
        public void Map(
            float body_width_mm,
            float body_length_mm,
            float body_centre_of_rotation_x,
            float body_centre_of_rotation_y,
            float body_centre_of_rotation_z,
            float head_centroid_x,
            float head_centroid_y,
            float head_centroid_z,
            float head_pan,
            float head_tilt,
            float head_roll,
            int stereo_camera_index,
            float baseline_mm,
            float stereo_camera_position_x,
            float stereo_camera_position_y,
            float stereo_camera_position_z,
            float stereo_camera_pan,
            float stereo_camera_tilt,
            float stereo_camera_roll,
            int image_width,
            int image_height,
            float FOV_degrees,
            float[] stereo_features,
            byte[,] stereo_features_colour,
            float[] stereo_features_uncertainties,
            stereoModel[][] sensormodel,
            ref pos3D left_camera_location,
            ref pos3D right_camera_location,
            pos3D robot_pose)
            // positions of the left and right camera relative to the robots centre of rotation
            pos3D head_location          = new pos3D(0, 0, 0);
            pos3D camera_centre_location = null;
            pos3D relative_left_cam      = null;
            pos3D relative_right_cam     = null;

                ref head_location,
                ref camera_centre_location,
                ref relative_left_cam,
                ref relative_right_cam);

            left_camera_location  = relative_left_cam.translate(robot_pose.x, robot_pose.y, robot_pose.z);
            right_camera_location = relative_right_cam.translate(robot_pose.x, robot_pose.y, robot_pose.z);

            pos3D stereo_camera_centre = new pos3D(0, 0, 0);

            // update the grid

            // centre position between the left and right cameras
            stereo_camera_centre.x    = left_camera_location.x + ((right_camera_location.x - left_camera_location.x) * 0.5f);
            stereo_camera_centre.y    = left_camera_location.y + ((right_camera_location.y - left_camera_location.y) * 0.5f);
            stereo_camera_centre.z    = left_camera_location.z + ((right_camera_location.z - left_camera_location.z) * 0.5f);
            stereo_camera_centre.pan  = robot_pose.pan + head_pan + stereo_camera_pan;
            stereo_camera_centre.tilt = robot_pose.tilt + head_tilt + stereo_camera_tilt;
            stereo_camera_centre.roll = robot_pose.roll + head_roll + stereo_camera_roll;

            // create a set of stereo rays as observed from this pose
            List <evidenceRay> rays = sensormodel[stereo_camera_index][0].createObservation(

            // insert rays into the occupancy grid
            for (int r = 0; r < rays.Count; r++)
                Insert(rays[r], sensormodel[stereo_camera_index], left_camera_location, right_camera_location, false);