Ejemplo n.º 1
        public ReverseProxyModule()
            Get("/healthcheck", async(req, res) => await res.WriteAsync("healthy"));
            Get("/robots.txt", async(req, res) => await res.WriteAsync("User-agent: *\nDisallow: / "));
            Get("/idlespan", async(req, res) => await res.WriteAsync($"{ComputeChildren.IdleSpan()}"));
            Get("/", async(req, res) => await res.WriteAsync("compute.rhino3d"));

            // routes that are proxied to compute.geometry
            Get("/{*uri}", ReverseProxyGet);
            Post("/grasshopper", ReverseProxyGrasshopper);
            Post("/{*uri}", ReverseProxyPost);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public ReverseProxyModule()
            Get("/healthcheck", async(req, res) => await res.WriteAsync("healthy"));
            Get("/robots.txt", async(req, res) => await res.WriteAsync("User-agent: *\nDisallow: / "));
            Get("/idlespan", async(req, res) => await res.WriteAsync($"{ComputeChildren.IdleSpan()}"));
            Get("/", async(req, res) => await res.WriteAsync("compute.rhino3d"));

            // I would like to catch all other GET endpoints and just pass them on. Currently,
            // to lazy to figure out the nice way to do this
            Get("/{a}", ReverseProxyGet);
            Get("/{a}/{b}", ReverseProxyGet);
            Get("/{a}/{b}/{c}", ReverseProxyGet);
            Get("/{a}/{b}/{c}/{d}", ReverseProxyGet);
            Get("/{a}/{b}/{c}/{d}/{e}", ReverseProxyGet);

            Post("/grasshopper", ReverseProxyGrasshopper);
            Post("/{uri}", ReverseProxyPost);
