Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void DoTestOlderProteomeDb(TestContext testContext,  bool doActualWebAccess)
            using (var testFilesDir = new TestFilesDir(testContext, ZIP_FILE))
                string fastaPath = testFilesDir.GetTestPath("tiny.fasta");
                string protDbPath = testFilesDir.GetTestPath("celegans_mini.protdb"); // a version 0 protdb file
                string blibPath = testFilesDir.GetTestPath("random.blib"); // a bibliospec file

                // What happens when you try to open a random file as a protdb file?
                AssertEx.ThrowsException<DbException>(() => ProteomeDb.OpenProteomeDb(fastaPath));

                // What happens when you try to open a non-protdb database file as a protdb file?
                AssertEx.ThrowsException<FileLoadException>(() => ProteomeDb.OpenProteomeDb(blibPath));

                using (ProteomeDb proteomeDb = ProteomeDb.OpenProteomeDb(protDbPath))
                    Assert.IsTrue(proteomeDb.GetSchemaVersionMajor() == 0); // the initial db from our zipfile should be ancient
                    Assert.IsTrue(proteomeDb.GetSchemaVersionMinor() == 0); // the initial db from our zipfile should be ancient
                    Assert.AreEqual(9, proteomeDb.GetProteinCount());

                    var protein = proteomeDb.GetProteinByName("Y18D10A.20");
                    Assert.IsTrue(String.IsNullOrEmpty(protein.Accession)); // old db won't have this populated

                    WebEnabledFastaImporter searcher = new WebEnabledFastaImporter(doActualWebAccess ? null :new WebEnabledFastaImporter.FakeWebSearchProvider());
                    Assert.IsTrue(proteomeDb.LookupProteinMetadata(Progress, searcher)); // add any missing protein metadata

                    protein = proteomeDb.GetProteinByName("Y18D10A.20");
                    if (doActualWebAccess) // We can actually go to the web for metadata
                        Assert.AreEqual( "Q9XW16", protein.Accession);

                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(fastaPath))
                        proteomeDb.AddFastaFile(reader, (msg, progress) => true);
                    // the act of writing should update to the current version
                    Assert.AreEqual(ProteomeDb.SCHEMA_VERSION_MAJOR_CURRENT, proteomeDb.GetSchemaVersionMajor());
                    Assert.AreEqual(ProteomeDb.SCHEMA_VERSION_MINOR_CURRENT, proteomeDb.GetSchemaVersionMinor());
                    Assert.AreEqual(19, proteomeDb.GetProteinCount());

                    // check for propery processed protein metadata
                    protein = proteomeDb.GetProteinByName("IPI00000044");
                    Assert.AreEqual("P01127", protein.Accession); // We get this offline with our ipi->uniprot mapper
                    if (doActualWebAccess)
                        Assert.AreEqual("PDGFB_HUMAN", protein.PreferredName); // But this we get only with web access

                    // TODO: bspratt fix this - GetDigestion has no notion of a Db that has been added to, doesn't digest the new proteins and returns immediately (issue #304)
                    // Enzyme trypsin = EnzymeList.GetDefault();
                    //proteomeDb.Digest(new ProteaseImpl(trypsin), (msg, progress) => true);
                    //Digestion digestion = proteomeDb.GetDigestion(trypsin.Name);
                    //var digestedProteins0 = digestion.GetProteinsWithSequencePrefix("EDGWVK", 100);
                    //Assert.IsTrue(digestedProteins0.Count >= 1);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void AddFastaFile(StreamReader reader, ProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
            Dictionary<string, ProtIdNames> proteinIds = new Dictionary<string, ProtIdNames>();
            using (ISession session = OpenWriteSession())
                foreach (DbProtein protein in session.CreateCriteria(typeof(DbProtein)).List())
                    if (protein.Id.HasValue)
                        proteinIds.Add(protein.Sequence, new ProtIdNames(protein.Id.Value, protein.Names));
                int proteinCount = 0;
                using (var transaction = session.BeginTransaction())
                using (IDbCommand insertProtein = session.Connection.CreateCommand())
                using (IDbCommand insertName = session.Connection.CreateCommand())
                    WebEnabledFastaImporter fastaImporter = new WebEnabledFastaImporter(new WebEnabledFastaImporter.DelayedWebSearchProvider()); // just parse, no search for now
                    insertProtein.CommandText =
                        "INSERT INTO ProteomeDbProtein (Version, Sequence) Values (1,?);select last_insert_rowid();"; // Not L10N
                    insertProtein.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter());
                    insertName.CommandText =
                        "INSERT INTO ProteomeDbProteinName (Version, Protein, IsPrimary, Name, Description, PreferredName, Accession, Gene, Species, WebSearchStatus) Values(1,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; // Not L10N
                    insertName.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter()); // Id
                    insertName.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter()); // IsPrimary
                    insertName.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter()); // Name
                    insertName.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter()); // Description
                    insertName.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter()); // PreferredName
                    insertName.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter()); // Accession
                    insertName.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter()); // Gene
                    insertName.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter()); // Species
                    insertName.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter()); // WebSearchInfo

                    foreach (DbProtein protein in fastaImporter.Import(reader))
                        int iProgress = (int)(reader.BaseStream.Position * 100 / (reader.BaseStream.Length + 1));
                        if (!progressMonitor.Invoke(string.Format(Resources.ProteomeDb_AddFastaFile_Added__0__proteins,proteinCount), iProgress))
                        bool existingProtein = false;
                        ProtIdNames proteinIdNames;
                        if (proteinIds.TryGetValue(protein.Sequence, out proteinIdNames))
                            existingProtein = true;
                            ((SQLiteParameter)insertProtein.Parameters[0]).Value = protein.Sequence;
                            proteinIdNames = new ProtIdNames(Convert.ToInt64(insertProtein.ExecuteScalar()), new DbProteinName[0]);
                            proteinIds.Add(protein.Sequence, proteinIdNames);
                        foreach (var proteinName in protein.Names)
                            // Skip any names that already exist
                            if (proteinIdNames.Names.Any(dbProteinName => Equals(dbProteinName.Name, proteinName.Name)))

                                ((SQLiteParameter)insertName.Parameters[0]).Value = proteinIdNames.Id;
                                ((SQLiteParameter)insertName.Parameters[1]).Value = proteinName.IsPrimary && !existingProtein;
                                ((SQLiteParameter)insertName.Parameters[2]).Value = proteinName.Name;
                                ((SQLiteParameter)insertName.Parameters[3]).Value = proteinName.Description;
                                ((SQLiteParameter)insertName.Parameters[4]).Value = proteinName.PreferredName;
                                ((SQLiteParameter)insertName.Parameters[5]).Value = proteinName.Accession;
                                ((SQLiteParameter)insertName.Parameters[6]).Value = proteinName.Gene;
                                ((SQLiteParameter)insertName.Parameters[7]).Value = proteinName.Species;
                                ((SQLiteParameter)insertName.Parameters[8]).Value = proteinName.WebSearchStatus; // represent as a string for ease of serialization
                            catch (Exception exception)
                    if (!progressMonitor.Invoke(Resources.ProteomeDb_AddFastaFile_Saving_changes, 99))
                    string.Format(Resources.ProteomeDb_AddFastaFile_Finished_importing__0__proteins, proteinCount), 100);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Access the web to resolve protein metadata not directly found in fasta file.
        /// The fasta text importer will have left search hints in ProteinMetadata.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="progressMonitor"></param>
        /// <param name="fastaImporter">object that accesses the web, or pretends to if in a test</param>
        /// <param name="polite">if true, don't try to resolve everything in one go, assume we can come back later</param>
        /// <returns>true on success</returns>
        public bool LookupProteinMetadata(ProgressMonitor progressMonitor, WebEnabledFastaImporter fastaImporter, bool polite = false)
            var unsearchedProteins = new List<ProteinSearchInfo>();
            List<DbProteinName> untaggedProteins;
            using (ISession session = OpenSession())
                if (!progressMonitor.Invoke(Resources.ProteomeDb_LookupProteinMetadata_looking_for_unresolved_protein_details, 0))
                    return false;

                // get a list of proteins with unresolved metadata websearches
                var proteinNames = session.CreateCriteria(typeof (DbProteinName)).List<DbProteinName>();
                var proteinsToSearch =
                    proteinNames.Where(proteinName => (proteinName.GetProteinMetadata().GetPendingSearchTerm().Length > 0))
                // and a list of proteins which have never been considered for metadata search
                untaggedProteins =
                    proteinNames.Where(proteinName => proteinName.WebSearchInfo.IsEmpty()).ToList();

                foreach (var untaggedProtein in untaggedProteins)
                    untaggedProtein.SetWebSearchCompleted(); // by default take this out of consideration for next time
                    var metadata = untaggedProtein.GetProteinMetadata();
                    if (metadata.HasMissingMetadata())
                        var search = fastaImporter.ParseProteinMetaData(metadata);
                        if (search!=null)
                            metadata = untaggedProtein.ChangeProteinMetadata(metadata.Merge(search)); // don't stomp name by accident
                            metadata = untaggedProtein.ChangeProteinMetadata(metadata.ChangeWebSearchInfo(search.WebSearchInfo));
                    if (metadata.NeedsSearch())
                        proteinsToSearch.Add(untaggedProtein); // add to the list of things to commit back to the db
                // Get the lengths of the sequences without getting the sequences themselves, for best speed
                var proteinIds = proteinsToSearch.Select(name => name.Protein.Id.Value).Distinct().ToArray();
                var proteinLengths = new Dictionary<long, int>();
                using (var cmd = session.Connection.CreateCommand())
                    string sql = "SELECT Id, LENGTH(Sequence) AS SequenceLength FROM ProteomeDbProtein P"; // Not L10N
                    if (proteinIds.Length < 1000)
                        sql += " WHERE P.Id IN (" + // Not L10N
                        string.Join(",", proteinIds) + ")"; // Not L10N
                    cmd.CommandText = sql;
                    using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                        while (reader.Read())
                            var id = reader.GetValue(0);
                            var len = reader.GetValue(1);
                            proteinLengths.Add(Convert.ToInt64(id), Convert.ToInt32(len));
                foreach (var p in proteinsToSearch)
                    int length;
                    proteinLengths.TryGetValue(p.Protein.Id.GetValueOrDefault(), out length);
                    unsearchedProteins.Add(new ProteinSearchInfo(p, length));

            if (untaggedProteins.Any(untagged => !untagged.GetProteinMetadata().NeedsSearch())) // did any get set as unsearchable?
                // Write back the ones that were formerly without search terms, but which now indicate no search is possible
                using (ISession session = OpenWriteSession())
                    using (var transaction = session.BeginTransaction())
                        foreach (var untagged in untaggedProteins.Where(untagged => !untagged.GetProteinMetadata().NeedsSearch()))
                            session.SaveOrUpdate(untagged); // update the metadata

            if (unsearchedProteins.Any())
                int resultsCount = 0;
                int unsearchedCount = unsearchedProteins.Count;
                for (bool success = true; success;)
                    success = false; // Until we see at least one succeed this round
                    var results = new List<DbProteinName>();

                    // The "true" arg means "do just one batch then return"
                    foreach (var result in fastaImporter.DoWebserviceLookup(unsearchedProteins, null, true))
                        if (result != null)
                            if (
                                    unsearchedProteins.Count), 100 * resultsCount++ / unsearchedCount))
                                return false;
                            success = true;
                    if (results.Any()) // save this batch
                        using (var session = OpenWriteSession())
                            using (var transaction = session.BeginTransaction())
                                foreach (var result in results)
                    // Edit this list rather than rederive with database access
                    var hits = unsearchedProteins.Where(p => !p.GetProteinMetadata().NeedsSearch()).ToList();
                    foreach (var hit in hits)
            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void DoWork()
                // just do the basic name+description parsing, no regex or web access - we don't use extended metadata here
                var fastaImporter = new WebEnabledFastaImporter(new WebEnabledFastaImporter.FakeWebSearchProvider());
                var proteins = new Dictionary<string, ProteinData>();
                foreach (var path in FastaFilePaths)
                    var statusText = "Reading FASTA file " + Path.GetFileName(path);
                    var fileInfo = new FileInfo(path);
                    var reader = File.OpenText(path);
                    foreach (var protein in fastaImporter.Import(File.OpenText(path)))
                        if (!UpdateProgress(statusText, (int) (reader.BaseStream.Position * 100 / fileInfo.Length)))
                        ProteinData proteinData;
                        if (!proteins.TryGetValue(protein.Sequence, out proteinData))
                            proteinData = new ProteinData(protein.Sequence);
                            proteins.Add(protein.Sequence, proteinData);
                        foreach (var name in protein.Names)
                            proteinData.AddName(name.Name, name.Description);

                if (!IsDisposed)
                    BeginInvoke(new Action(Close));
                    _running = false;