public void LoadDataFromBitmapFile(string path)
         using (var bmpTemp = new Bitmap(path))
             LockBitmap lockBitmap = new LockBitmap(new Bitmap(bmpTemp), false);
             int        width = lockBitmap.Width, height = lockBitmap.Height;
             Data = new RenderData(width, height);
             for (int i = 0; i < width * height; i++)
                 Data.TextureMap[i] = lockBitmap.Data[i * 4 + 0];
                 Data.HeightMap[i]  = lockBitmap.Data[i * 4 + 1];
         Console.WriteLine("LoadData: " + path);
     catch (Exception e)
         Console.WriteLine("LoadData: " + path + " Failed " + e.Message);
        //Rendering the part of image from heightmap (elevate and apply textures & shadows)
        private void elevate(RenderData input, LockBitmap resultLB, float start, float end)
            byte[] resultRGB = resultLB.Data;
            int    widthSrc = input.Width, heightSrc = input.Height, widthDst = resultLB.Width, heightDst = resultLB.Height;

            for (int ix = (int)(widthSrc * start); ix < (int)(widthSrc * end); ix++) //Upwards
                for (int iy = (heightSrc - 1); iy >= 0; iy -= 1)                     //Downwards
                    //get positions
                    int offSrc = (ix + iy * widthSrc);
                    int offDst = (ix + iy / 2 * widthDst) * 4;

                    //height > 0
                    if (input.HeightMap[offSrc] > 0)
                        //get colorList & find color pos
                        byte[] refColor     = TexturePack.Textures[input.TextureMap[offSrc]].Data;
                        int    colorSize    = refColor[0] - refColor[1];
                        int    colorStart   = 0;
                        int    colorListPos = -1;
                        int    colorPos     = 0;
                        while (colorStart < input.HeightMap[offSrc])
                            if (colorListPos >= colorSize)
                                colorListPos = 0;
                            colorStart += refColor[2 + colorListPos * 5];
                        colorPos = refColor[2 + colorListPos * 5] - (colorStart - input.HeightMap[offSrc]);

                        int iz = input.HeightMap[offSrc];
                        while (iz > 0) //Downwards
                            //Repeat until color is changed | ground reached
                            while (iz > 0 && colorPos > 0)
                                if ((iy + heightExcess) - iz >= 0)
                                    //get position on z axe
                                    int offDstZ = offDst - (widthDst * iz * 4) + widthDst * heightExcess * 4; //pos + curent height
                                                                                                              //pixel not yet drawn
                                    if (resultRGB[offDstZ + 3] == 0)
                                        //draw pixel
                                        float shadow = 1f;
                                        if (iz < input.ShadowMap[offSrc] + 1)
                                            shadow = 0.75f;
                                        //resultRGB[offDstZ + 0] = (byte)(255 * shadow);//b
                                        //resultRGB[offDstZ + 1] = (byte)(255 * (iz % 5) * shadow);//g
                                        //resultRGB[offDstZ + 2] = (byte)(0 * shadow);//r
                                        //resultRGB[offDstZ + 3] = (byte)(255);//a
                                        resultRGB[offDstZ + 0] = (byte)(refColor[5 + colorListPos * 5] * shadow); //b
                                        resultRGB[offDstZ + 1] = (byte)(refColor[4 + colorListPos * 5] * shadow); //g
                                        resultRGB[offDstZ + 2] = (byte)(refColor[3 + colorListPos * 5] * shadow); //r
                                        resultRGB[offDstZ + 3] = (byte)(refColor[6 + colorListPos * 5]);          //a
                                        iz = 0;
                                //get next z & color pos
                            //get next color
                            if (colorListPos < 0)
                                colorListPos = colorSize - 1;
                            colorPos = refColor[2 + colorListPos * 5];