public static void countApplesAndOranges()
            string[] st = Console.ReadLine().Split(' ');

            int s = Convert.ToInt32(st[0]);

            int t = Convert.ToInt32(st[1]);

            string[] ab = Console.ReadLine().Split(' ');

            int a = Convert.ToInt32(ab[0]);

            int b = Convert.ToInt32(ab[1]);

            string[] mn = Console.ReadLine().Split(' ');

            int m = Convert.ToInt32(mn[0]);

            int n = Convert.ToInt32(mn[1]);

            int[] apples = Array.ConvertAll(Console.ReadLine().Split(' '), applesTemp => Convert.ToInt32(applesTemp));

            int[] oranges = Array.ConvertAll(Console.ReadLine().Split(' '), orangesTemp => Convert.ToInt32(orangesTemp));
            ImplementationSolutions.countApplesAndOranges(s, t, a, b, apples, oranges);
        public static void breakingRecords()
            int n = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

            int[] scores = Array.ConvertAll(Console.ReadLine().Split(' '), scoresTemp => Convert.ToInt32(scoresTemp));
            int[] result = ImplementationSolutions.breakingRecords(scores);
            System.Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", result));
        public static void dayOfProgrammer()
            int year = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine().Trim());

            string result = ImplementationSolutions.dayOfProgrammer(year);

        public static void sockMerchant()
            int n = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

            int[] ar     = Array.ConvertAll(Console.ReadLine().Split(' '), arTemp => Convert.ToInt32(arTemp));
            int   result = ImplementationSolutions.sockMerchant(n, ar);

        public static void migratoryBirds()
            int        arrCount = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine().Trim());
            List <int> arr      = Console.ReadLine().TrimEnd().Split(' ').ToList().Select(arrTemp => Convert.ToInt32(arrTemp)).ToList();

            int result = ImplementationSolutions.migratoryBirds(arr);

        public static void pageCount()
            int n = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

            int p = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

            int result = ImplementationSolutions.pageCount(n, p);

        public static void divisibleSumPairs()
            string[] nk = Console.ReadLine().Split(' ');
            int      n  = Convert.ToInt32(nk[0]);
            int      k  = Convert.ToInt32(nk[1]);

            int[] ar     = Array.ConvertAll(Console.ReadLine().Split(' '), arTemp => Convert.ToInt32(arTemp));
            int   result = ImplementationSolutions.divisibleSumPairs(n, k, ar);

        public static void birthday()
            int        n = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine().Trim());
            List <int> s = Console.ReadLine().TrimEnd().Split(' ').ToList().Select(sTemp => Convert.ToInt32(sTemp)).ToList();

            string[] dm     = Console.ReadLine().TrimEnd().Split(' ');
            int      d      = Convert.ToInt32(dm[0]);
            int      m      = Convert.ToInt32(dm[1]);
            int      result = ImplementationSolutions.birthday(s, d, m);

        public static void bonAppetit()
            string[] nk = Console.ReadLine().TrimEnd().Split(' ');

            int n = Convert.ToInt32(nk[0]);

            int k = Convert.ToInt32(nk[1]);

            List <int> bill = Console.ReadLine().TrimEnd().Split(' ').ToList().Select(billTemp => Convert.ToInt32(billTemp)).ToList();

            int b = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine().Trim());

            ImplementationSolutions.bonAppetit(bill, k, b);
        public static void betweenTwoSets()
            string[] firstMultipleInput = Console.ReadLine().TrimEnd().Split(' ');

            int n = Convert.ToInt32(firstMultipleInput[0]);

            int m = Convert.ToInt32(firstMultipleInput[1]);

            List <int> arr = Console.ReadLine().TrimEnd().Split(' ').ToList().Select(arrTemp => Convert.ToInt32(arrTemp)).ToList();

            List <int> brr = Console.ReadLine().TrimEnd().Split(' ').ToList().Select(brrTemp => Convert.ToInt32(brrTemp)).ToList();

            int total = ImplementationSolutions.betweenTwoSets(arr, brr);

        public static void kangaroo()
            string[] x1V1X2V2 = Console.ReadLine().Split(' ');

            int x1 = Convert.ToInt32(x1V1X2V2[0]);

            int v1 = Convert.ToInt32(x1V1X2V2[1]);

            int x2 = Convert.ToInt32(x1V1X2V2[2]);

            int v2 = Convert.ToInt32(x1V1X2V2[3]);

            string result = ImplementationSolutions.kangaroo(x1, v1, x2, v2);

        public static void gradingStudents()
            int gradesCount = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine().Trim());

            List <int> grades = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < gradesCount; i++)
                int gradesItem = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine().Trim());

            List <int> result = ImplementationSolutions.gradingStudents(grades);

            System.Console.WriteLine(String.Join("\n", result));
        public static void electronicShop()
            string text1 = "A person wants to determine the most expensive computer keyboard and USB drive that can be purchased with a give budget. ";
            string text2 = "Type budget and number of keyboards and USB drivers splitted by space:";


            int[] bnm = Tools.getArrayInt(3, " ", 0, 100000);

            int b = bnm[0];

             * int n = Convert.ToInt32(bnm[1]);
             * int m = Convert.ToInt32(bnm[2]);

            string text3 = "Type keyboard prices splited by spaces:";

            int[] keyboards = Tools.getArrayInt(bnm[1], " ", 0, 1000000);

            string text4 = "Type USB prices splited by spaces:";

            int[] drives = Tools.getArrayInt(bnm[2], " ", 0, 1000000);

             * The maximum amount of money she can spend on a keyboard and USB drive, or -1 if she can't purchase both items
            int moneySpent = ImplementationSolutions.electronicShop(b, keyboards, drives);

            /* int moneySpent = getMoneySpent(keyboards, drives, b); */
            if (moneySpent > -1)
                Console.WriteLine("The highest sum is " + moneySpent);
                Console.WriteLine("There is no valid price combination");
            Console.WriteLine("\nPress any key to continue");