Ejemplo n.º 1
        private int GetPointColorVFold(XFoldStruct dataPoint, double pThreshold, double a, double userQValue, double qValueFraction, double qCuttoff)
            if (qValueFraction > 1)
                qValueFraction = 1;
            //Check as to what data vector to include this point
            ///blue = 0, orange = 1, green = 2, red = 3

            //establish the bounds
            double lowerFoldBound = Math.Pow(pThreshold / dataPoint.pValue, a);
            double upperFoldBound = Math.Pow(dataPoint.pValue / pThreshold, a);

            //Lets believe it is red
            int theColor = 2;

            if (dataPoint.pValue <= userQValue * qValueFraction)
                theColor = 0;

            if (dataPoint.FoldChange >= lowerFoldBound && dataPoint.FoldChange <= upperFoldBound)
                theColor = 3;

            if (theColor == 0 && dataPoint.QuantitationNegativeClass < qCuttoff && dataPoint.QuantitationPositiveClass < qCuttoff)
                theColor = 1;

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Used for detecting differential expression in pair-wise experiments
        /// To be selected as differentialy expressed, the event should satisfy
        /// buth criteria. In case of a timecourse, make sure t0 is the positive class
        /// Make sure we have a shattered matrix, before using this method
        /// As for the normalization method; 1 = rowSigma; 2 = TSC; 3 = none
        /// </summary>

        public List <XFoldStruct> Xfold(int normalizationMethod, bool useAC, double lowestAcceptablePValue)
            List <sparseMatrixRow> theMatrix = sm.theMatrixInRows;

            List <XFoldStruct> XFoldScores = new List <XFoldStruct>();
            pTools             pTool       = new pTools();

            //Find out which index belongs to the poitive iv and the negative iv
            int pi = 0; //positive index
            int ni = 1;

            if (theMatrix[0].Lable < 0)
                pi = 1;
                ni = 0;

            if (useAC)
                //Make sure we have a shattered Matrix
                if (theMatrix.Count > 2)
                    Exception myException = new Exception("Are you sure this is a shattered matrix?");
                    throw (myException);

                //Find TSC for + and -
                double tscp   = 0; //Total spectral counts positive
                double tscn   = 0; //Total spectral counts negative
                double meanp  = 0; //mean of the pos vector
                double meann  = 0; //mean of the neg vector
                double sigmap = 0; //std of the pos vector
                double sigman = 0; //std of the neg vector

                foreach (sparseMatrixRow r in theMatrix)
                    if (r.Lable > 0)
                        tscp   = r.totalValuesCount();
                        meanp  = tscp / r.Dims.Count;
                        sigmap = Math.Sqrt(PatternTools.pTools.variance(r.Values, false));
                        tscn   = r.totalValuesCount();
                        meann  = tscn / r.Dims.Count;
                        sigman = Math.Sqrt(PatternTools.pTools.variance(r.Values, false));

                //Eliminate any tagged dims
                List <int> dims = sm.allDims();

                for (int i = 0; i < dims.Count; i++)
                    //Find out fold Change

                    double thePosValue            = theMatrix[pi].getValueForDim(dims[i]);
                    double theNegValue            = theMatrix[ni].getValueForDim(dims[i]);
                    double thisFoldChange         = 0;
                    double normalizedSpecountPos  = thePosValue;
                    double normalizedSpecCountNeg = theNegValue;

                    if (normalizationMethod == 1)
                        //Row Sigma
                        //MessageBox.Show(meann.ToString()+ " "+ meanp.ToString() + " "+ sigman.ToString()+ " "+ sigmap.ToString()  );
                        normalizedSpecCountNeg = theNegValue / (meann + (3 * sigman));
                        normalizedSpecountPos  = thePosValue / (meanp + (3 * sigmap));
                    else if (normalizationMethod == 2)
                        normalizedSpecCountNeg = theNegValue / tscn;
                        normalizedSpecountPos  = thePosValue / tscp;

                    thisFoldChange = (normalizedSpecCountNeg) / (normalizedSpecountPos);

                    //Find out pValue
                    double totalSCL      = tscp;
                    double totalSCS      = tscn;
                    double theLargeValue = thePosValue;
                    double theSmallValue = theNegValue;

                    if (theNegValue > thePosValue)
                        totalSCL      = tscn;
                        totalSCS      = tscp;
                        theLargeValue = theNegValue;
                        theSmallValue = thePosValue;

                    //double thisPValue = pTool.ACTest(tscp, tscn, thePosValue, theNegValue);
                    double thisPValue = 0.5;

                        thisPValue = pTool.ACTest(totalSCL, totalSCS, theLargeValue, theSmallValue);
                    catch (Exception e)

                    XFoldStruct s = new XFoldStruct();
                    s.FoldChange = thisFoldChange;
                    s.pValue     = thisPValue;
                    s.QuantitationPositiveClass = thePosValue;
                    s.QuantitationNegativeClass = theNegValue;
                    s.GPI = dims[i];

                //we will use the t test
                //lets use the t test

                //First lets normalize
                SparseMatrix smUnnormalized = sm;

                if (normalizationMethod == 1)
                else if (normalizationMethod == 2)
                List <int> labels = sm.ExtractLabels();

                List <int> dims = sm.allDims();

                if (normalizationMethod != 2)
                    int           count       = 0;
                    List <double> standardDVs = new List <double>();
                    foreach (int myDim in dims)
                        List <double> thePosNormalized   = sm.ExtractDimValues(myDim, 1, true);
                        List <double> theNegNormalized   = sm.ExtractDimValues(myDim, -1, true);
                        List <double> thePosUnNormalized = smUnnormalized.ExtractDimValues(myDim, 1, true);
                        List <double> theNegUnNormalized = smUnnormalized.ExtractDimValues(myDim, -1, true);

                        if (thePosNormalized.Count >= 2)
                            double stdev = PatternTools.pTools.Stdev(theNegNormalized, true);
                            if (stdev > 0)

                        if (theNegNormalized.Count >= 2)
                            double stdev = PatternTools.pTools.Stdev(theNegNormalized, true);
                            if (stdev > 0)

                        if (count > 500)

                    //make the list non redundant
                    List <double> nonredundantSVar = new List <double>();
                    foreach (double n in standardDVs)
                        if (!nonredundantSVar.Contains(n))

                foreach (int myDim in dims)
                    List <double> thePosNormalized   = sm.ExtractDimValues(myDim, 1, true);
                    List <double> theNegNormalized   = sm.ExtractDimValues(myDim, -1, true);
                    List <double> thePosUnNormalized = smUnnormalized.ExtractDimValues(myDim, 1, true);
                    List <double> theNegUnNormalized = smUnnormalized.ExtractDimValues(myDim, -1, true);

                    //fold change;
                    double pvalue         = 0;
                    double thisFoldChange = 0;

                    if (labels.Count == 2)
                        double posAverage = pTools.Average(thePosNormalized);
                        if (thePosNormalized.Count == 0)
                            posAverage = 1;
                        thisFoldChange = pTools.Average(theNegNormalized) / posAverage;

                        List <double> pvalues = new List <double>()

                        double bothTails;
                        double leftTail;
                        double rightTail;

                        alglib.studentttest2(thePosNormalized.ToArray(), thePosNormalized.Count, theNegNormalized.ToArray(), theNegNormalized.Count, out bothTails, out leftTail, out rightTail);

                        pvalue = bothTails / 2;
                    else if (labels.Count == 1)
                        thisFoldChange = pTools.Average(theNegNormalized);

                        double bothTails;
                        double leftTail;
                        double rightTail;

                        alglib.studentttest1(theNegNormalized.ToArray(), theNegNormalized.Count, 1, out bothTails, out leftTail, out rightTail);

                        pvalue = bothTails / 2;

                    XFoldStruct s = new XFoldStruct();
                    s.FoldChange = thisFoldChange;
                    s.pValue     = pvalue;

                    s.QuantitationPositiveClass = PatternTools.pTools.Average(thePosUnNormalized);
                    s.QuantitationNegativeClass = PatternTools.pTools.Average(theNegNormalized);

                    s.GPI = myDim;
                    if (s.QuantitationPositiveClass > 0 && s.QuantitationNegativeClass > 0)

            foreach (var x in XFoldScores)
                if (x.pValue < lowestAcceptablePValue)
                    x.pValue = lowestAcceptablePValue;
