Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void CreateExampleMusicAndTimelineData(int accountid, List <Image> images)
                // Copy the music for the example
                Music        music1 = CreateExampleMusic(accountid, "Music Example 1", "musicexample1.mp3", "1B36982F-4101-4D38-AF20-FAD88A0FA9B5.mp3", "Example Music");
                Music        music2 = CreateExampleMusic(accountid, "Music Example 2", "musicexample2.mp3", "ADA2DBFA-D8D9-49A8-8370-8329A830667E.mp3", "Example Music");
                Music        music3 = CreateExampleMusic(accountid, "Music Example 3", "musicexample3.mp3", "E4B660F0-ACD3-44F1-92EE-FA23110BE5C6.mp3", "Example Music");
                List <Music> musics = new List <Music> {
                    music1, music2, music3

                // Create the example timeline
                ITimelineRepository tlrep    = new EntityTimelineRepository();
                Timeline            timeline = new Timeline();
                timeline.AccountID           = accountid;
                timeline.TimelineName        = "Timeline Example";
                timeline.Tags                = "Examples";
                timeline.IsActive            = true;
                timeline.MuteMusicOnPlayback = true;
                timeline.DurationInSecs      = 10;

                // Create the timeline music xrefs
                ITimelineMusicXrefRepository mxrefrep = new EntityTimelineMusicXrefRepository();
                int i = 1;
                foreach (Music music in musics)
                    TimelineMusicXref mxref = new TimelineMusicXref();
                    mxref.TimelineID = timeline.TimelineID;
                    mxref.MusicID    = music.MusicID;
                    mxref.PlayOrder  = i;
                    i = +1;

                // Create the timeline image xrefs
                ITimelineImageXrefRepository ixrefrep = new EntityTimelineImageXrefRepository();
                i = 1;
                foreach (Image image in images)
                    TimelineImageXref ixref = new TimelineImageXref();
                    ixref.TimelineID   = timeline.TimelineID;
                    ixref.ImageID      = image.ImageID;
                    ixref.DisplayOrder = i;
                    i = +1;
            catch { }
Ejemplo n.º 2
        // GET: /Screen/

        public ActionResult Index()
                if (Session["UserAccountID"] == null)
                    return RedirectToAction("Validate", "Login");
                User user = (User)Session["User"];
                ViewData["LoginInfo"] = Utility.BuildUserAccountString(user.Username, Convert.ToString(Session["UserAccountName"]));
                if (user.IsAdmin)
                    ViewData["txtIsAdmin"] = "true";
                    ViewData["txtIsAdmin"] = "false";

                // Initialize or get the page state using session
                ScreenPageState pagestate = GetPageState();

                // Get the account id
                int accountid = 0;
                if (Session["UserAccountID"] != null)
                    accountid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserAccountID"]);

                // Set and save the page state to the submitted form values if any values are passed
                if (Request.Form["lstAscDesc"] != null)
                    pagestate.AccountID = accountid;
                    pagestate.ScreenName = Request.Form["txtScreenName"].ToString().Trim();
                    pagestate.Description = Request.Form["txtDescription"].ToString().Trim();
                    if (Request.Form["chkIncludeInactive"].ToLower().StartsWith("true"))
                        pagestate.IncludeInactive = true;
                        pagestate.IncludeInactive = false;
                    pagestate.SortBy = Request.Form["lstSortBy"].ToString().Trim();
                    pagestate.AscDesc = Request.Form["lstAscDesc"].ToString().Trim();
                    pagestate.PageNumber = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Form["txtPageNumber"].ToString().Trim());

                // Add the session values to the view data so they can be populated in the form
                ViewData["AccountID"] = pagestate.AccountID;
                ViewData["ScreenName"] = pagestate.ScreenName;
                ViewData["Description"] = pagestate.Description;
                ViewData["IncludeInactive"] = pagestate.IncludeInactive;
                ViewData["SortBy"] = pagestate.SortBy;
                ViewData["SortByList"] = new SelectList(BuildSortByList(), "Value", "Text", pagestate.SortBy);
                ViewData["AscDescList"] = new SelectList(BuildAscDescList(), "Value", "Text", pagestate.AscDesc);

                // Determine asc/desc
                bool isdescending = false;
                if (pagestate.AscDesc.ToLower().StartsWith("d"))
                    isdescending = true;

                // Get a Count of all filtered records
                int recordcount = repository.GetScreenRecordCount(pagestate.AccountID, pagestate.ScreenName, pagestate.Description, pagestate.IncludeInactive);

                // Determine the page count
                int pagecount = 1;
                if (recordcount > 0)
                    pagecount = recordcount / Constants.PageSize;
                    if (recordcount % Constants.PageSize != 0) // Add a page if there are more records
                        pagecount = pagecount + 1;

                // Make sure the current page is not greater than the page count
                if (pagestate.PageNumber > pagecount)
                    pagestate.PageNumber = pagecount;

                // Set the page number and account in viewdata
                ViewData["PageNumber"] = Convert.ToString(pagestate.PageNumber);
                ViewData["PageCount"] = Convert.ToString(pagecount);
                ViewData["RecordCount"] = Convert.ToString(recordcount);

                // We need to add the Main Feature Type and Name, and the Screen Content Names
                IEnumerable<Screen> screens = repository.GetScreenPage(pagestate.AccountID, pagestate.ScreenName, pagestate.Description, pagestate.IncludeInactive, pagestate.SortBy, isdescending, pagestate.PageNumber, pagecount);
                List<ScreenWizardView> screenwizardviews = new List<ScreenWizardView>();
                ISlideShowRepository ssrep = new EntitySlideShowRepository();
                IPlayListRepository plrep = new EntityPlayListRepository();
                ITimelineRepository tlrep = new EntityTimelineRepository();
                IScreenScreenContentXrefRepository sscxrep = new EntityScreenScreenContentXrefRepository();
                IScreenContentRepository screp = new EntityScreenContentRepository();
                IScreenContentTypeRepository sctrep = new EntityScreenContentTypeRepository();
                foreach (Screen screen in screens)
                    ScreenWizardView swv = new ScreenWizardView();
                    swv.ScreenID = screen.ScreenID;
                    swv.AccountID = screen.AccountID;
                    swv.ScreenName = screen.ScreenName;
                    swv.ScreenDescription = screen.ScreenDescription;
                    if (screen.SlideShowID > 0)
                        swv.MainFeatureType = "Slide Show";
                        swv.MainFeatureName = ssrep.GetSlideShow(screen.SlideShowID).SlideShowName;
                    else if (screen.PlayListID > 0)
                        swv.MainFeatureType = "Play List";
                        swv.MainFeatureName = plrep.GetPlayList(screen.PlayListID).PlayListName;
                    else if (screen.TimelineID > 0)
                        swv.MainFeatureType = "Media Timeline";
                        swv.MainFeatureName = tlrep.GetTimeline(screen.TimelineID).TimelineName;
                    if (screen.IsInteractive)
                        IEnumerable<ScreenScreenContentXref> sscxs = sscxrep.GetScreenScreenContentXrefs(screen.ScreenID);
                        foreach (ScreenScreenContentXref sscx in sscxs)
                            string contentinfo = String.Empty;

                            ScreenContent sc = screp.GetScreenContent(sscx.ScreenContentID);
                            contentinfo = "'" + sc.ScreenContentName + "'";

                            ScreenContentType sctype = sctrep.GetScreenContentType(sc.ScreenContentTypeID);
                            contentinfo += " (" + sctype.ScreenContentTypeName + ")";

                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(swv.InteractiveContent)) swv.InteractiveContent += ", ";
                            swv.InteractiveContent += contentinfo;
                    swv.IsActive = screen.IsActive;


                ViewResult result = View(screenwizardviews);
                result.ViewName = "Index";
                return result;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Helpers.SetupApplicationError("Screen", "Index", ex.Message);
                return RedirectToAction("Index", "ApplicationError");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void CreateExampleMusicAndTimelineData(int accountid, List<Image> images)
                // Copy the music for the example
                Music music1 = CreateExampleMusic(accountid, "Music Example 1", "musicexample1.mp3", "1B36982F-4101-4D38-AF20-FAD88A0FA9B5.mp3", "Example Music");
                Music music2 = CreateExampleMusic(accountid, "Music Example 2", "musicexample2.mp3", "ADA2DBFA-D8D9-49A8-8370-8329A830667E.mp3", "Example Music");
                Music music3 = CreateExampleMusic(accountid, "Music Example 3", "musicexample3.mp3", "E4B660F0-ACD3-44F1-92EE-FA23110BE5C6.mp3", "Example Music");
                List<Music> musics = new List<Music> { music1, music2, music3 };

                // Create the example timeline
                ITimelineRepository tlrep = new EntityTimelineRepository();
                Timeline timeline = new Timeline();
                timeline.AccountID = accountid;
                timeline.TimelineName = "Timeline Example";
                timeline.Tags = "Examples";
                timeline.IsActive = true;
                timeline.MuteMusicOnPlayback = true;
                timeline.DurationInSecs = 10;

                // Create the timeline music xrefs
                ITimelineMusicXrefRepository mxrefrep = new EntityTimelineMusicXrefRepository();
                int i = 1;
                foreach (Music music in musics)
                    TimelineMusicXref mxref = new TimelineMusicXref();
                    mxref.TimelineID = timeline.TimelineID;
                    mxref.MusicID = music.MusicID;
                    mxref.PlayOrder = i;
                    i = +1;

                // Create the timeline image xrefs
                ITimelineImageXrefRepository ixrefrep = new EntityTimelineImageXrefRepository();
                i = 1;
                foreach (Image image in images)
                    TimelineImageXref ixref = new TimelineImageXref();
                    ixref.TimelineID = timeline.TimelineID;
                    ixref.ImageID = image.ImageID;
                    ixref.DisplayOrder = i;
                    i = +1;

            catch { }
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private List<SelectListItem> BuildTimelineList()
            // Get the account id
            int accountid = 0;
            if (Session["UserAccountID"] != null)
                accountid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserAccountID"]);

            // Build the timeline list
            List<SelectListItem> items = new List<SelectListItem>();

            ITimelineRepository tlrep = new EntityTimelineRepository();
            IEnumerable<Timeline> tls = tlrep.GetAllTimelines(accountid);
            foreach (Timeline tl in tls)
                SelectListItem item = new SelectListItem();
                item.Text = tl.TimelineName;
                item.Value = tl.TimelineID.ToString();

            if (items.Count == 0)
                SelectListItem item = new SelectListItem();
                item.Text = "No media timelines available";
                item.Value = "0";

            return items;