Ejemplo n.º 1
         * Parse an entry's header information from a header buffer.
         * @param header The tar entry header buffer to get information from.
        public void parseTarHeader(byte[] header)
            int offset = 0;

            name      = TarUtils.parseName(header, offset, TarConstants.NAMELEN);
            offset   += TarConstants.NAMELEN;
            mode      = (int)TarUtils.parseOctal(header, offset, TarConstants.MODELEN);
            offset   += TarConstants.MODELEN;
            userId    = (int)TarUtils.parseOctal(header, offset, TarConstants.UIDLEN);
            offset   += TarConstants.UIDLEN;
            groupId   = (int)TarUtils.parseOctal(header, offset, TarConstants.GIDLEN);
            offset   += TarConstants.GIDLEN;
            size      = TarUtils.parseOctal(header, offset, TarConstants.SIZELEN);
            offset   += TarConstants.SIZELEN;
            modTime   = TarUtils.parseOctal(header, offset, TarConstants.MODTIMELEN);
            offset   += TarConstants.MODTIMELEN;
            offset   += TarConstants.CHKSUMLEN;
            linkFlag  = header[offset++];
            linkName  = TarUtils.parseName(header, offset, TarConstants.NAMELEN);
            offset   += TarConstants.NAMELEN;
            magic     = TarUtils.parseName(header, offset, TarConstants.MAGICLEN);
            offset   += TarConstants.MAGICLEN;
            version   = TarUtils.parseName(header, offset, TarConstants.VERSIONLEN);
            offset   += TarConstants.VERSIONLEN;
            userName  = TarUtils.parseName(header, offset, TarConstants.UNAMELEN);
            offset   += TarConstants.UNAMELEN;
            groupName = TarUtils.parseName(header, offset, TarConstants.GNAMELEN);
            offset   += TarConstants.GNAMELEN;
            devMajor  = (int)TarUtils.parseOctal(header, offset, TarConstants.DEVLEN);
            offset   += TarConstants.DEVLEN;
            devMinor  = (int)TarUtils.parseOctal(header, offset, TarConstants.DEVLEN);
            offset   += TarConstants.DEVLEN;
            String prefix = TarUtils.parseName(header, offset, TarConstants.PREFIXLEN);

            // SunOS tar -E does not add / to directory names, so fix up to be consistent
            if (isDirectory() && !name.EndsWith("/"))
                name = name + "/";
            if (prefix.length() > 0)
                name = prefix + "/" + name;
Ejemplo n.º 2
         * Write an entry's header information to a header buffer.
         * @param outbuf The tar entry header buffer to fill in.
        public void writeEntryHeader(byte[] outbuf)
            int offset = 0;

            offset = TarUtils.formatNameBytes(name, outbuf, offset, TarConstants.NAMELEN);
            offset = TarUtils.formatOctalBytes(mode, outbuf, offset, TarConstants.MODELEN);
            offset = TarUtils.formatOctalBytes(userId, outbuf, offset, TarConstants.UIDLEN);
            offset = TarUtils.formatOctalBytes(groupId, outbuf, offset, TarConstants.GIDLEN);
            offset = TarUtils.formatLongOctalBytes(size, outbuf, offset, TarConstants.SIZELEN);
            offset = TarUtils.formatLongOctalBytes(modTime, outbuf, offset, TarConstants.MODTIMELEN);

            int csOffset = offset;

            for (int c = 0; c < TarConstants.CHKSUMLEN; ++c)
                outbuf[offset++] = (byte)' ';

            outbuf[offset++] = linkFlag;
            offset           = TarUtils.formatNameBytes(linkName, outbuf, offset, TarConstants.NAMELEN);
            offset           = TarUtils.formatNameBytes(magic, outbuf, offset, TarConstants.MAGICLEN);
            offset           = TarUtils.formatNameBytes(version, outbuf, offset, TarConstants.VERSIONLEN);
            offset           = TarUtils.formatNameBytes(userName, outbuf, offset, TarConstants.UNAMELEN);
            offset           = TarUtils.formatNameBytes(groupName, outbuf, offset, TarConstants.GNAMELEN);
            offset           = TarUtils.formatOctalBytes(devMajor, outbuf, offset, TarConstants.DEVLEN);
            offset           = TarUtils.formatOctalBytes(devMinor, outbuf, offset, TarConstants.DEVLEN);

            while (offset < outbuf.Length)
                outbuf[offset++] = 0;

            long chk = TarUtils.computeCheckSum(outbuf);

            TarUtils.formatCheckSumOctalBytes(chk, outbuf, csOffset, TarConstants.CHKSUMLEN);