Ejemplo n.º 1
 public void TestAnyContainer() {
     System.String testString = "abcd";
     OrbServices orb = OrbServices.GetSingleton();
     omg.org.CORBA.TypeCode wstringTc = orb.create_wstring_tc(0);
     Any any = new Any(testString, wstringTc);
     Any result = m_testService.EchoAny(any);
     Assertion.AssertEquals(any.Value, result.Value);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void TestNilReferenceAsAny() {
            OrbServices orb = OrbServices.GetSingleton();
            omg.org.CORBA.TypeCode nilRefTC = orb.create_tc_for_type(typeof(System.MarshalByRefObject));
            Any nilRefAny = new Any(null, nilRefTC);
            object result = m_testService.EchoAny(nilRefAny);
            Assert.IsNull(result, "result not null");

            Any nilRefAny2 = new Any(null, orb.create_interface_tc(String.Empty, String.Empty));
            object result2 = m_testService.EchoAny(nilRefAny2);
            Assert.IsNull(result2, "result not null");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void TestLongTypeDefAsAny() {
            OrbServices orb = OrbServices.GetSingleton();
            int arg = 74;
            int result = (int)m_testService.RetrieveLongTypeDefAsAny(arg);
            Assert.AreEqual(arg, result, "result of RetrieveLongTypeDefAsAny");

            int arg2 = 91;
            omg.org.CORBA.TypeCode argTC = orb.create_tc_for(arg2);
            omg.org.CORBA.TypeCode longTD_TC = orb.create_alias_tc("IDL:longTD:1.0", "longTD", argTC);
            Any any = new Any(arg2, longTD_TC);
            int result2 = m_testService.ExtractFromLongTypeDef(any);
            Assert.AreEqual(arg2, result2, "result of ExtractFromLongTypeDef");
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public void BoxLong()
     int val = 11;
     omg.org.CORBA.TypeCode tc = new LongTC();
     Any anyContainer = new Any(val, tc);
     Assert.AreEqual(tc, anyContainer.Type, "wrong tc");
     Assert.AreEqual(val, anyContainer.Value, "wrong val");
     Assert.AreEqual(val, anyContainer.ClsValue, "wrong val");
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public object RetrieveIdlIntArrayAsAny([IdlArray(0L, 5)] int[] arg) {
     // test with explicit typecode-creation
     IOrbServices orbServices = OrbServices.GetSingleton();
     omg.org.CORBA.TypeCode arrayTC = 
         orbServices.create_array_tc(5, orbServices.create_tc_for_type(typeof(int)));
     Any arrayAsAny = new Any(arg, arrayTC);
     return arrayAsAny;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public Any EchoAny(Any arg) {
     return arg;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public void TestPassingNullForFormalParamObjectAndAny() {
     object arg1 = null;
     object result1 = m_testService.EchoAnything(arg1);
     Assert.AreEqual(arg1, result1);
     Any any = new Any(null);
     Any result = m_testService.EchoAnythingContainer(any);
     Assert.AreEqual(any.Value, result.Value);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void TestSByteAsAny() {
            System.SByte arg = 1;
            System.SByte result = (System.SByte)
            Assert.AreEqual((System.SByte)arg, result);
            arg = -2;
            result = (System.SByte)
            Assert.AreEqual((System.SByte)arg, result);

            Any argAny = new Any(arg);
            Any resultAny = m_testService.EchoAnythingContainer(argAny);
            result = (System.SByte)
            Assert.AreEqual((System.SByte)arg, result);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public void BoxSByteToOctetOutsideRange()
     sbyte val = -11;
     omg.org.CORBA.TypeCode tc = new OctetTC();
     Any anyContainer = new Any(val, tc);
     Assert.AreEqual(tc, anyContainer.Type, "wrong tc");
     // do an unchecked cast, overflow no issue here
     Assert.AreEqual(unchecked((byte)val), anyContainer.Value, "wrong val");
     Assert.AreEqual(unchecked((byte)val), anyContainer.ClsValue, "wrong val");
                            anyContainer.ClsValue.GetType(), "wrong val type");
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public void BoxSByteToOctet()
     sbyte val = 11;
     omg.org.CORBA.TypeCode tc = new OctetTC();
     Any anyContainer = new Any(val, tc);
     Assert.AreEqual(tc, anyContainer.Type, "wrong tc");
     Assert.AreEqual((byte)val, anyContainer.Value, "wrong val");
     Assert.AreEqual((byte)val, anyContainer.ClsValue, "wrong val");
                            anyContainer.ClsValue.GetType(), "wrong val type");
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public void BoxUShortFromClsOutsideRange()
     short val = -11;
     omg.org.CORBA.TypeCode tc = new UShortTC();
     Any anyContainer = new Any(val, tc);
     Assert.AreEqual(tc, anyContainer.Type, "wrong tc");
     // do an unchecked cast, overflow no issue here
     Assert.AreEqual(unchecked((ushort)val), anyContainer.Value, "wrong val");
     Assert.AreEqual(unchecked((ushort)val).GetType(), anyContainer.Value.GetType(), "wrong val");
     Assert.AreEqual(val, anyContainer.ClsValue, "wrong val");
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public void BoxUShortFromCls()
     short val = 11;
     omg.org.CORBA.TypeCode tc = new UShortTC();
     Any anyContainer = new Any(val, tc);
     Assert.AreEqual(tc, anyContainer.Type, "wrong tc");
     Assert.AreEqual((ushort)val, anyContainer.Value, "wrong val");
     Assert.AreEqual(((ushort)val).GetType(), anyContainer.Value.GetType(), "wrong val");
     Assert.AreEqual(val, anyContainer.ClsValue, "wrong val");
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public void BoxUShort()
     ushort val = 11;
     omg.org.CORBA.TypeCode tc = new UShortTC();
     Any anyContainer = new Any(val, tc);
     Assert.AreEqual(tc, anyContainer.Type, "wrong tc");
     Assert.AreEqual(val, anyContainer.Value, "wrong val");
     Assert.AreEqual((short)val, anyContainer.ClsValue, "wrong val");
                            anyContainer.ClsValue.GetType(), "wrong val type");
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public void BoxULongLong()
     ulong val = 11;
     omg.org.CORBA.TypeCode tc = new ULongLongTC();
     Any anyContainer = new Any(val, tc);
     Assert.AreEqual(tc, anyContainer.Type, "wrong tc");
     Assert.AreEqual(val, anyContainer.Value, "wrong val");
     Assert.AreEqual((long)val, anyContainer.ClsValue, "wrong val");
                            anyContainer.ClsValue.GetType(), "wrong val type");
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public void TestStringArrayAsAnyManualTypeCode() {
            string[] argArray = new string[] { "a", "b", "c" };
            IOrbServices orb = OrbServices.GetSingleton();

            // variant 1 with manually created type code
            omg.org.CORBA.TypeCode arrayTypeCode1 = orb.create_value_box_tc("RMI:[Ljava.lang.String;:071DA8BE7F971128:A0F0A4387A3BB342",
            Any arg1 = new Any(argArray,
            string[] result1 = (string[]) m_test.EchoAnything(arg1);
            Assertion.AssertEquals(argArray.Length, result1.Length);
            Assertion.AssertEquals(argArray[0], result1[0]);
            Assertion.AssertEquals(argArray[1], result1[1]);
            Assertion.AssertEquals(argArray[2], result1[2]);
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public Any EchoAnythingContainer(Any arg) {
     return arg;
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public void BoxBoxedValueTypeFromBoxed()
            omg.org.CORBA.TypeCode tc =
                new ValueBoxTC("IDL:omg.org/CORBA/StringValue:1.0", "StringValue",
                               new StringTC());
            StringValue toBoxInto = new StringValue("test");
            Any anyContainer = new Any(toBoxInto, tc);
            Assert.AreEqual(tc, anyContainer.Type, "wrong tc");
                                   anyContainer.ValueInternalRepresenation, "wrong val");
                                   anyContainer.ValueInternalRepresenation.GetType(), "wrong val type");

                                   anyContainer.Value, "wrong val");
                                   anyContainer.Value.GetType(), "wrong val type");
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public void TestUInt64AsAny() {
     System.UInt64 arg = 1;
     System.UInt64 result = (System.UInt64)
     Assert.AreEqual(arg, result);
     arg = System.UInt64.MaxValue - 1;
     result = (System.UInt64)
     Assert.AreEqual(arg, result);
     Any argAny = new Any(arg);
     Any resultAny = m_testService.EchoAnythingContainer(argAny);
     result = (System.UInt64)resultAny.Value;
     Assert.AreEqual(arg, result);
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public void TestNonAssignableException()
         Any any = new Any("1.0", new OctetTC());
         Assert.Fail("assignement possible, but shouldn't");
     catch (BAD_PARAM bpEx)
         Assert.IsTrue(bpEx.Message.StartsWith("CORBA system exception : omg.org.CORBA.BAD_PARAM [The given instance 1.0 of type"), "exception message");
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public void TestCustomAnyTypeCode() {
     System.String testString = "abcd";
     OrbServices orb = OrbServices.GetSingleton();
     omg.org.CORBA.TypeCode wstringTc = orb.create_wstring_tc(0);
     Any any = new Any(testString, wstringTc);
     System.String echo = (System.String)m_testService.EchoAnything(any);
     Assert.AreEqual(testString, echo);
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public void TestPassingWStringAsAny() {
            // explicit mapping
            OrbServices orb = OrbServices.GetSingleton();
            string arg = "test";
            omg.org.CORBA.TypeCode wstringTC = orb.create_wstring_tc(0);
            Any any = new Any(arg, wstringTC);
            string result = (string)m_testService.EchoAny(any);
            Assert.AreEqual(arg, result);

            // improved implicit mapping (in case of any, don't map to boxed wstringvalue.
            string result2 = (string)m_testService.EchoAny(arg);
            Assert.AreEqual(arg, result2);

            // check extraction on server side with implicit mapping
            string result3 = m_testService.ExtractFromWStringAny(arg);
            Assert.AreEqual(arg, result3);
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public void TestPassingStringAsAny() {
            // explicit mapping
            OrbServices orb = OrbServices.GetSingleton();
            string arg = "test";
            omg.org.CORBA.TypeCode stringTC = orb.create_string_tc(0);
            Any any = new Any(arg, stringTC);
            string result = (string)m_testService.EchoAny(any);
            Assert.AreEqual(arg, result);

            // check extraction on server side with explicit mapping
            string result3 = m_testService.ExtractFromStringAny(any);
            Assert.AreEqual(arg, result3);
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public void TestULongAsAny() {
     int arg = 74;
     int result = (int) m_testService.RetrieveULongAsAny(arg);
     Assert.AreEqual(arg, result, "wrong result of retrieveULongAsAny");
     OrbServices orb = OrbServices.GetSingleton();
     int arg2 = 89;
     omg.org.CORBA.TypeCode ulongTC = orb.create_ulong_tc();
     Any any = new Any(arg2, ulongTC);
     int result2 = m_testService.ExtractFromULongAny(any);
     Assert.AreEqual(arg2, result2, "wrong result of ExtractFromULongAny");
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public object RetrieveIdlInt3DimArray2x2x3AsAny([IdlArray(0L, 2)][IdlArrayDimension(0L, 1, 2)][IdlArrayDimension(0L, 2, 3)] System.Int32[,,] arg) {
     // test with explicit typecode-creation
     IOrbServices orbServices = OrbServices.GetSingleton();
     omg.org.CORBA.TypeCode arrayTC = 
         orbServices.create_array_tc(3, orbServices.create_tc_for_type(typeof(int)));
     arrayTC = orbServices.create_array_tc(2, arrayTC);
     arrayTC = orbServices.create_array_tc(2, arrayTC);
     Any arrayAsAny = new Any(arg, arrayTC);
     return arrayAsAny;
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public void BoxIncompatibleType()
         byte val = 11;
         omg.org.CORBA.TypeCode tc = new LongTC();
         Any anyContainer = new Any(val, tc);
         Assert.Fail("expected exception");
     catch (BAD_PARAM bp)
         Assert.AreEqual(456, bp.Minor);