Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: vm.cs Proyecto: Northcode/nvm2
        public vm()
            //Initialize devices;
            cpu = new CPU(this); // Initializes the cpu
            ram = new Memory(PAGE_DIRECTORY_SIZE * Frame.FRAME_SIZE); //Allocates enough ram to fit number of page tables allowed
            hdi = new HDI("disk0"); //Maps a folder to the hard disk interface
            disk0 = new VirtualDataDisk("vhd.nvmd"); // Virtual data disk

            devices = new VMDevice[] {
                cpu, // Processer, device 0
                ram, // RAM, device 1
                hdi, // Hard drive Interface, device 3
                disk0, // Virtual Data Disk, device 4

            callstack = new CallStack(this,ram);
            pager = new Pager(ram, PAGE_DIRECTORY_SIZE);

            //setup premade page for callstack and bios
            BPG = pager.CreatePageEntry(Pager.PAGE_KERNEL_MODE);
            CSP = pager.getVAT(1024,pager.getEntry(BPG)); //bios will be loaded at 0 to 1023
            CBP = CSP;
            CR3I = BPG;
            CR3 = pager.getEntry(CR3I);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public Pager(Memory RAM, int PDSize)
            //machine = Machine;
            ram = RAM;

            PageDirectory = new PageDirectoryEntry[PDSize];
            for (int i = 0; i < PDSize; i++) {
                PageDirectory[i] = new PageDirectoryEntry() { PTAddress = 0, AccessLevel = false, InUse = false };
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public void AddPage(PageDirectoryEntry entry)
     //Find free frame
     Frame freeFrame = ram.findFreeFrame();
     freeFrame.IsFree = false;
     for(int i = 0; i < PageDirectory.Length; i++) {
         if(PageDirectory[i].PTAddress == entry.PTAddress) {
             freeFrame.PageTable = i;
     //Add frame to PT
     for (int i = 0; i < Pager.PAGE_TABLE_SIZE / 4; i++) {
         if (ram.ReadUInt((uint)(entry.PTAddress + i * 4)) == 0) {
             ram.Write((uint)(entry.PTAddress + i * 4),freeFrame.Address);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public string ReadString(uint address, PageDirectoryEntry entry)
     int len = ReadInt(address, entry);
     address += 4;
     char[] chr = new char[len];
     for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
         chr[i] = (char)Read ((uint)(address + i), entry);
     return new String(chr);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public uint ReadUInt(uint address, PageDirectoryEntry entry)
     return ram.ReadUInt(getVAT(address,entry));
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: vm.cs Proyecto: Northcode/nvm2
 public void SwitchPage(int newpage)
     CR3I = newpage;
     CR3 = pager.getEntry(CR3I);
     SP = CR3.stack_pointer;
     HP = CR3.heap_pointer;
     BP = CR3.base_pointer;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void FreePageTable(PageDirectoryEntry entry)
            uint addr = entry.PTAddress;

            //Read pages
            for (int i = 0; i < PAGE_TABLE_SIZE / 4; i++) {
                uint frameAddr = ram.ReadUInt((uint)(addr + (i*4)));
                int frameindex = (int)(frameAddr / Frame.FRAME_SIZE);
                Frame frame = ram.getFrame(frameindex);
                frame.IsFree = true; // Set frame to free, clears the frame
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public void WritePageTable(PageDirectoryEntry entry)
     //Write page table
     uint addr = entry.PTAddress; // Get page table address
     // Write: Page addresses
     for (int i = 0; i < PAGE_TABLE_SIZE / 4; i++) {
         ram.Write((uint)(addr + (i*4)), 0u);
     //Write first page address start
     ram.Write(addr,addr + PAGE_TABLE_SIZE + 4);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 ///Check if the address will overflow to the next page with the given size
 ///False if the address overflows
 public bool checkVAT(uint address, uint size, PageDirectoryEntry entry)
     uint addr1 = getVAT(address,entry);
     uint addr2 = getVAT(address + size,entry);
     return (addr2 - addr1 == size);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 /// <summary>
 /// Setup the heap memory allocation for the page table
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='entry'>
 /// Page table to setup
 /// </param>
 public void SetupMemoryAllocation(PageDirectoryEntry entry)
     entry.free_pointer = entry.heap_pointer; //set free-list pointer to start of heap
     ram.Write(getVAT(entry.heap_pointer,entry),0); // write 0 because there is no next block
     ram.Write(getVAT(entry.heap_pointer,entry) + 4,(uint)(GetPageDirectoryEntrySize(entry) - entry.heap_pointer)); //Write size of free block (total size of heap)
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public void LoadProgram(byte[] data, PageDirectoryEntry entry)
            uint origin = getVAT (0u, entry);
            if (checkVAT (0u, (uint)data.Length, entry)) { //does the program fit in the first page?
                for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++) {
                    ram.Write ((uint)(origin + i), data[i]); //this should be safe
            } else { //oooh boy

                //get length of program
                uint length = (uint)data.Length;
                uint writtenbytes = 0;
                //loop through pages
                for (int i = 0; i < GetPageDirectoryEntrySize(entry); i++) {
                    //get page start
                    uint origio = getVAT(writtenbytes,entry);
                    //get length of current page
                    uint curlen = (uint)(i == 0 ? Frame.FRAME_SIZE - PAGE_TABLE_SIZE : Frame.FRAME_SIZE);
                    //write through each page
                    for (int j = 0; j < curlen; j++) {
                        ram.Write((uint)(origio + j), data[writtenbytes]);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public uint GetPageDirectoryEntrySize(PageDirectoryEntry entry)
     uint addr = entry.PTAddress;
     uint count = 0;
     for(int i = 0; i < PAGE_TABLE_SIZE / 4; i++) {
         uint a = ram.ReadUInt((uint)(addr + i*4));
         if(a != 0) {
     return count * Frame.FRAME_SIZE;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public string PopString(PageDirectoryEntry entry)
     uint size = ram.ReadUInt(getVAT(entry.stack_pointer,entry));
     if (entry.stack_pointer + size + 4 >= entry.heap_pointer) {
         throw new Exception("No more items in stack!");
     string val = "";
     if(checkVAT(entry.stack_pointer,size,entry)) { //check for page overflow
         val = ram.ReadString(getVAT(entry.stack_pointer,entry));
     } else {
         val = ReadString(entry.stack_pointer,entry); //use method for safe writing under page overflow
     entry.stack_pointer	+= size + 4;
     return val;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public byte PopByte(PageDirectoryEntry entry)
     if (entry.stack_pointer + 1 >= entry.heap_pointer) {
         throw new Exception("No more items in stack!");
     byte val = ram.Read(getVAT(entry.stack_pointer,entry));
     return val;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public void MergeFreeBlocks(PageDirectoryEntry entry)
     uint pdsize = GetPageDirectoryEntrySize(entry);
     for (uint addr = entry.free_pointer; addr < pdsize;) {
         uint nextblock = ram.ReadUInt(getVAT(addr, entry)); //read address of next free block
         if(nextblock == 0) {
             break; //end of list
         uint blocksize = ram.ReadUInt(getVAT(addr + 4, entry)); //read size of current free block
         if(addr + blocksize >= nextblock) {
             uint nextsize = ram.ReadUInt(getVAT(nextblock + 4, entry)); //read size of next block
             uint newsize = blocksize + nextsize;
             uint nextpointer = ram.ReadUInt(getVAT(nextblock, entry));
             ram.Write(getVAT(addr + 4,entry),newsize);
         addr = nextblock;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 /// <summary>
 /// Allocate a new block of memory in the page table with the specified size
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='size'>
 /// Size of memory to allocate
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='entry'>
 /// Page table to use
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>
 /// The address of the allocated block
 /// </returns>
 public uint Malloc(uint size,PageDirectoryEntry entry)
     uint lastaddr = entry.free_pointer; //last free block pointer
     bool isfirst = true;
     //loop through freelist , check for large enough chunk
     uint pdsize = GetPageDirectoryEntrySize(entry);
     for (uint addr = entry.free_pointer; addr < pdsize; ) {
         uint nextblock = ram.ReadUInt(getVAT(addr, entry)); //read address of next free block
         uint blocksize = ram.ReadUInt(getVAT(addr + 4, entry)); //read size of current free block
         if (blocksize >= size) {
             uint newsize = blocksize - size; //get new size of free block
             uint newaddr = addr + size; //get new address of free block
             if (newsize >= 8) { //if size < 8, block is gone cause we can't store the next block pointer
                 ram.Write(getVAT(newaddr,entry),nextblock); // set next block pointer
                 ram.Write(getVAT(newaddr + 4,entry),newsize); //write new size of new freeblock
                 ram.Write(getVAT(lastaddr,entry),getVAT(newaddr,entry)); //set pointer of last block to point to this new one
                 if (isfirst) {
                     entry.free_pointer = newaddr; //update first freepointer
             else //set pointer to skip unexisting block
             return addr; //return address of allocated space
         if (nextblock == 0) { // there is no next block, break from loop
         addr = nextblock;
         isfirst = false;
     throw new OutOfMemoryException(String.Format("No more free blocks to allocate memory in page table: {0}",entry.PTAddress));
Ejemplo n.º 17
 /// <summary>
 /// Setup the heap and stack for the page table
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='entry'>
 /// Page directory entry
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='stack_pointer'>
 /// New stack_pointer, relative address.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='heap_pointer'>
 /// New heap_pointer, relative address
 /// </param>
 public void SetupMemory(PageDirectoryEntry entry, uint stack_start, uint heap_start)
     entry.stack_pointer = heap_start - 1;
     entry.base_pointer = stack_start;
     entry.heap_pointer = heap_start;
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public void Write(uint address, float value, PageDirectoryEntry entry)
     byte[] convertedValues = BitConverter.GetBytes(value);
     ram.Write(getVAT(address + 0,entry),convertedValues[0]);
     ram.Write(getVAT(address + 1,entry),convertedValues[1]);
     ram.Write(getVAT(address + 2,entry),convertedValues[2]);
     ram.Write(getVAT(address + 3,entry),convertedValues[3]);
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public uint PopUInt(PageDirectoryEntry entry)
     if (entry.stack_pointer + 4 >= entry.heap_pointer) {
         throw new Exception("No more items in stack!");
     uint val = ram.ReadUInt(getVAT(entry.stack_pointer,entry));
     entry.stack_pointer += 4;
     return val;
Ejemplo n.º 20
        ///Translates the page relative address to a 'physical' one
        public uint getVAT(uint address, PageDirectoryEntry entry)
            // Get address
            uint ptaddr = entry.PTAddress;

            //The 4 and 5 is for keeping space for integers stored to keep stuff from overflowing to different pages, strings need their own logic to do this.
            if(address < Frame.FRAME_SIZE - PAGE_TABLE_SIZE - 4) { //address is in the first frame
                return ptaddr + PAGE_TABLE_SIZE + address;
            } else { //address is after first frame
                int page = (int)(address / Frame.FRAME_SIZE);
                int offset = (int)(address - page * Frame.FRAME_SIZE + PAGE_TABLE_SIZE);
                if(offset > Frame.FRAME_SIZE - 5) { //fix for addresses over framesize - 512
                    offset -= Frame.FRAME_SIZE;
                uint pageaddr = ram.ReadUInt((uint)(ptaddr + (page * 4)));
                return (uint)(pageaddr + offset);
            // Get Page id
            int page = (int)(address / Frame.FRAME_SIZE);
            int offset = (int)(address - page * Frame.FRAME_SIZE);

            // Get page table entry address
            uint pageaddr = ram.ReadUInt((uint)(ptaddr + (page * 4)));

            // Get address
            return (uint)(pageaddr + offset);
Ejemplo n.º 21
 //Write methods
 public void Write(uint address, byte value, PageDirectoryEntry entry)
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public void Push(float data,PageDirectoryEntry entry)
     if (entry.stack_pointer - 4 < entry.base_pointer) {
         throw new Exception("No more space in stack!");
     entry.stack_pointer -= 4;
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public void Write(uint address, string value, PageDirectoryEntry entry)
     Write((uint)(address), (uint)value.Length, entry);
     address += 4;
     for (int i = 0; i < value.Length; i++)
         Write((uint)(address + i), ((byte)value[i]), entry);
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public void Push(string data,PageDirectoryEntry entry)
     if (entry.stack_pointer - (data.Length + 4) < entry.base_pointer) {
         throw new Exception("No more space in stack!");
     entry.stack_pointer -= (uint)(data.Length + 4);
     if(checkVAT(entry.stack_pointer,(uint)(data.Length + 4),entry)) { //check for overflow to next page
     } else {
         Write(entry.stack_pointer,data,entry); //use paging method to write, slower
Ejemplo n.º 25
 internal ushort ReadUInt16(uint address, PageDirectoryEntry entry)
     return ram.ReadUInt16(getVAT(address,entry));
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public byte Read(uint address, PageDirectoryEntry entry)
     return ram.Read(getVAT(address,entry));
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public int CreatePageEntry(bool mode)
     //Declare stuff
     int index = 0;
     //Find free entry in page directory
     PageDirectoryEntry entry = new PageDirectoryEntry();
     for (int i = 0; i < PageDirectory.Length; i++) {
         if (!PageDirectory[i].InUse) {
             entry = PageDirectory[i];
             index = i;
     //Find a free ram frame for the first page
     Frame mainFrame = ram.findFreeFrame();
     mainFrame.IsFree = false;
     mainFrame.PageTable = index;
     entry.PTAddress = mainFrame.Address;
     entry.AccessLevel = mode;
     entry.InUse = true;
     //Write page table to ram for entry
     PageDirectory[index] = entry;
     return index;
Ejemplo n.º 28
 public float ReadFloat(uint address, PageDirectoryEntry entry)
     return ram.ReadFloat(getVAT(address,entry));
Ejemplo n.º 29
 public uint[] ReadPageTable(PageDirectoryEntry entry)
     uint[] array = new uint[PAGE_TABLE_SIZE / 4];
     for (int i = 0; i < PAGE_TABLE_SIZE / 4; i++) {
         uint addr = ram.ReadUInt((uint)(entry.PTAddress + i * 4));
         array[i] = addr;
     return array;
Ejemplo n.º 30
 public void FreePageEntry(PageDirectoryEntry entry)
     entry.InUse = false;