Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void TestAddNew()
            if (Globals.prefs == null)
                Globals.prefs = JabRefPreferences.getInstance();

            ParserResult result;
            using (var parser = new BibtexParser(new StreamReader(@"C:\Users\Peter\Desktop\bibtest.bib")))
                result = parser.Parse();

            var db = result.Database;

            BibtexEntry entry = new BibtexEntry();

            db.setCiteKeyForEntry(entry.getId(), "ABC");

            foreach (var f in entry.getRequiredFields())
                string value = BibtexFields.isNumeric(f) ? "1300" : "Another Test";
                entry.setField(f, value);

            db.saveDatabase(File.Open(@"C:\Users\Peter\Desktop\bibtest.bib", FileMode.Open));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void TestCreateNew()
            if (Globals.prefs == null)
                Globals.prefs = JabRefPreferences.getInstance();

            BibtexDatabase db = new BibtexDatabase();

            BibtexEntry entry = new BibtexEntry();

            db.setCiteKeyForEntry(entry.getId(), "ZXY");

            foreach (var f in entry.getRequiredFields())
                string value = BibtexFields.isNumeric(f) ? "1000" : "Test";
                entry.setField(f, value);

            db.saveDatabase(File.Open(@"C:\Users\Peter\Desktop\bibtest.bib", FileMode.Create));
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Returns a clone of this entry. Useful for copying.
 public object clone()
     BibtexEntry clone = new BibtexEntry(_id, _type);
     clone._fields = new Dictionary<string, string>(_fields);
     return clone;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 protected bool isCoupledFieldSet(string field, BibtexEntry entry, BibtexDatabase database)
     if (reqSets == null)
     return false;
     for (int i=0; i<reqSets.Length; i++) {
     bool takesPart = false, oneSet = false;
     for (int j=0; j<reqSets[i].Length; j++) {
         // If this is the field we're looking for, note that the field is part of the set:
         if (reqSets[i][j].Equals(field, System.StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
             takesPart = true;
         // If it is a different field, check if it is set:
         else if (BibtexDatabase.getResolvedField(reqSets[i][j], entry, database) != null)
             oneSet = true;
     // Ths the field is part of the set, and at least one other field is set, return true:
     if (takesPart && oneSet)
         return true;
     // No hits, so return false:
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Check whether this entry's required fields are set, taking crossreferenced entries and
  * either-or fields into account:
  * @param entry The entry to check.
  * @param database The entry's database.
  * @return True if required fields are set, false otherwise.
 public override bool hasAllRequiredFields(BibtexEntry entry, BibtexDatabase database)
     // First check if the bibtex key is set:
     if (entry.getField(Globals.KEY_FIELD) == null)
         return false;
     // Then check other fields:
     bool[] isSet = new bool[req.Length];
     // First check for all fields, whether they are set here or in a crossref'd entry:
     for (int i=0; i<req.Length; i++)
     isSet[i] = BibtexDatabase.getResolvedField(req[i], entry, database) != null;
     // Then go through all fields. If a field is not set, see if it is part of an either-or
     // set where another field is set. If not, return false:
     for (int i=0; i<req.Length; i++) {
     if (!isSet[i]) {
         if (!isCoupledFieldSet(req[i], entry, database))
             return false;
     // Passed all fields, so return true:
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
         * Returns the text stored in the given field of the given bibtex entry
         * which belongs to the given database.
         * If a database is given, this function will try to resolve any string
         * references in the field-value.
         * Also, if a database is given, this function will try to find values for
         * unset fields in the entry linked by the "crossref" field, if any.
         * @param field
         *            The field to return the value of.
         * @param bibtex maybenull
         *            The bibtex entry which Contains the field.
         * @param database maybenull
         *            The database of the bibtex entry.
         * @return The resolved field value or null if not found.
        public static string getResolvedField(string field, BibtexEntry bibtex,
            BibtexDatabase database)
            if (field.Equals("bibtextype"))
            return bibtex.getType().getName();

            object o = bibtex.getField(field);

            // If this field is not set, and the entry has a crossref, try to look up the
            // field in the referred entry: Do not do this for the bibtex key.
            if ((o == null) && (database != null) && database.followCrossrefs &&
                !field.Equals(Globals.KEY_FIELD) && (database != null)) {
            object crossRef = bibtex.getField("crossref");
            if (crossRef != null) {
                BibtexEntry referred = database.getEntryByKey((string)crossRef);
                if (referred != null) {
                    // Ok, we found the referred entry. Get the field value from that
                    // entry. If it is unset there, too, stop looking:
                    o = referred.getField(field);

            return getText((string)o, database);
Ejemplo n.º 7
         * Take the given BibtexEntry and resolve any string references.
         * @param entry
         *            A BibtexEntry in which all strings of the form #xxx# will be
         *            resolved against the hash map of string references stored in
         *            the databasee.
         * @param inPlace
         *            If inPlace is true then the given BibtexEntry will be
         *            modified, if false then a copy is made using close made before
         *            resolving the strings.
         * @return a BibtexEntry with all string references resolved. It is
         *         dependent on the value of inPlace whether a copy is made or the
         *         given BibtexEntries is modified.
        public BibtexEntry resolveForStrings(BibtexEntry entry, bool inPlace)
            if (!inPlace){
            entry = (BibtexEntry)entry.clone();

            foreach (object field in entry.getAllFields()){
            entry.setField(field.ToString(), this.resolveForStrings(entry.getField(field.ToString()).ToString()));

            return entry;
Ejemplo n.º 8
         * Inserts the entry, given that its ID is not already in use.
         * use Util.createId(...) to make up a unique ID for an entry.
        public bool insertEntry(BibtexEntry entry)
            lock (_lock) {
            string id = entry.getId();
            if (getEntryById(id) != null)
              throw new KeyCollisionException(
                    "ID is already in use, please choose another");
            _entries.Add(id, entry);

            return checkForDuplicateKeyAndAdd(null, entry.getCiteKey(), false);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public override bool hasAllRequiredFields(BibtexEntry entry, BibtexDatabase database)
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        private void AddBibTeXEntry(BibtexEntry entry)
            string title = entry.getField("title");
            string subtitle = "";
            string author = entry.getField("author");
            string editor = entry.getField("editor");

            title = TrimEntry(title);
            author = TrimEntry(author);
            editor = TrimEntry(editor);

            if (author == null)
                Console.WriteLine("Warning: empty author field in entry {0}", entry.getId());
                author = "";

            if (editor == null)
                Console.WriteLine("Warning: empty editor field in entry {0}", entry.getId());
                editor = "";

            string[] authors = author.Split(new string[] { " and ", "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            string new_author = "";
            foreach (string a in authors)
                if (a.Length > 0 && new_author != "")
                    new_author = new_author + ";" + TrimEntry(a);
                else if (a.Length > 0)
                    new_author = TrimEntry(a);

            if (editor == "")
                editor = new_author;
            if (new_author == "")
                new_author = editor;

            string booktitle = entry.getField("booktitle");
            string edition = entry.getField("edition");
            string isbn = entry.getField("isbn");
            string journalorseriestitle = entry.getType() == BibtexEntryType.getType("ARTICLE") ? entry.getField("journal") : entry.getField("series");
            string volume = entry.getField("volume");
            string issue = entry.getField("issue");
            string pages = entry.getField("pages");
            string startpage = "";
            string endpage = "";

            if (pages != null)
                string[] splittedPages = pages.Split(new string[] { "-", "--" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                if (splittedPages.Length > 0)
                    startpage = splittedPages[0].Trim();
                if (splittedPages.Length > 1)
                    endpage = splittedPages[1].Trim();

            string issn = entry.getField("issn");
            string publisher = entry.getField("publisher");
            string publicationdate = entry.getField("year");
            string abstract_txt = entry.getField("abstract");
            string doi = entry.getField("doi");
            string fulltexturl = entry.getField("url");
            string notes = entry.getField("notes");
            string publicationtype = "";
            string orgcode = BibTex2eCitation.Properties.Settings.Default.DefaultOrgCode.ToString();

            if (entry.getType() == BibtexEntryType.getType("ARTICLE"))
                publicationtype = "Journal Items";
            else if (entry.getType() == BibtexEntryType.getType("BOOK"))
                publicationtype = "Monographs/ Monograph Items";
            else if (entry.getType() == BibtexEntryType.getType("PHDTHESIS"))
                publicationtype = "Doctoral Thesis and Habilitation";
            else if (entry.getType() == BibtexEntryType.getType("MASTERSTHESIS"))
                publicationtype = "Master Thesis and Bachelor Thesis";
            else if (entry.getType() == BibtexEntryType.getType("INPROCEEDINGS"))
                publicationtype = "Conference Contributions";
            string language = "English";

            dataGridView1.Rows.Add(new string[] { title, new_author, publicationdate, editor, publicationtype, "", orgcode, subtitle, booktitle, edition, "", "", isbn, journalorseriestitle, volume, issue, startpage, endpage, issn, publisher, "", "", abstract_txt, doi, fulltexturl, "", "", "", notes, "", language });
Ejemplo n.º 11
        /** Returns true iff the entry has a nonzero value in its field.
        private static bool nonZeroField(BibtexEntry be, string field)
            string o = (be.getField(field));

            return ((o != null) && !o.Equals("0"));
Ejemplo n.º 12
         * Saves the database to file, including only the entries included in the
         * supplied input array bes.
         * @return A List containing warnings, if any.
        public static void savePartOfDatabase(BibtexDatabase database,
            Stream file, JabRefPreferences prefs, BibtexEntry[] bes, string encoding)
            var types = new Dictionary<string, BibtexEntryType>(); // Map
            // to
            // collect
            // entry
            // type
            // definitions
            // that we must save along with entries using them.

            BibtexEntry be = null;
            bool backup = prefs.getBoolean("backup");


                // Define our data stream.
                var fw = new StreamWriter(file);

                // Write signature.
                writeBibFileHeader(fw, encoding);

                // Write preamble if there is one.
                writePreamble(fw, database.getPreamble());

                // Write strings if there are any.
                writeStrings(fw, database);

                // Write database entries. Take care, using CrossRefEntry-
                // IComparable, that referred entries occur after referring
                // ones. Apart from crossref requirements, entries will be
                // sorted as they appear on the screen.
                string pri, sec, ter;

                bool priD, secD, terD;
                if (!prefs.getBoolean("saveInStandardOrder"))
                    // The setting is to save according to the current table order.
                    pri = prefs.get("priSort");
                    sec = prefs.get("secSort");
                    // sorted as they appear on the screen.
                    ter = prefs.get("terSort");
                    priD = prefs.getBoolean("priDescending");
                    secD = prefs.getBoolean("secDescending");
                    terD = prefs.getBoolean("terDescending");
                    // The setting is to save in standard order: author, editor, year
                    pri = "author";
                    sec = "editor";
                    ter = "year";
                    priD = false;
                    secD = false;
                    terD = true;

                var comparators = new List<IComparer<BibtexEntry>>();
                comparators.Add(new CrossRefEntryComparator());
                comparators.Add(new FieldComparator(pri, priD));
                comparators.Add(new FieldComparator(sec, secD));
                comparators.Add(new FieldComparator(ter, terD));
                comparators.Add(new FieldComparator(Globals.KEY_FIELD));
                // Use glazed lists to get a sorted view of the entries:

                List<BibtexEntry> entries = new List<BibtexEntry>();

                if ((bes != null) && (bes.Length > 0))
                    for (int i = 0; i < bes.Length; i++)

                entries.Sort(new FieldComparatorStack<BibtexEntry>(comparators));

                FieldFormatter ff = new LatexFieldFormatter();

                for (var i = entries.GetEnumerator(); i.MoveNext(); )
                    be = i.Current;

                    // Check if we must write the type definition for this
                    // entry, as well. Our criterion is that all non-standard
                    // types (*not* customized standard types) must be written.
                    BibtexEntryType tp = be.getType();
                    if (BibtexEntryType.getStandardType(tp.getName()) == null)
                        types.Add(tp.getName(), tp);

                    be.write(fw, ff, true);

                // Write type definitions, if any:
                if (types.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var i in types.Keys)
                        CustomEntryType tp = (CustomEntryType)types[i];


            catch (Exception ex)
                    // TODO:
                    //repairAfterError(file, backup, status);
                catch (IOException e)
                    // Argh, another error? Can we do anything?
                    throw new SaveException(ex.Message + "\n" +
                            Globals.lang("Warning: could not complete file repair; your file may "
                            + "have been corrupted. Error message: ") + e.Message);
                throw new SaveException(ex.Message, be);