Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void testAppend()
            // could possibly split this into different tests
            String uri = "/localhost/user/folders/files/%00%0F";
            Name name = new Name(uri);
            Name name2 = new Name("/localhost").append(new Name("/user/folders/"));
            Assert.AssertEquals("Name constructed by appending names has " + name2.size()
                    + " components instead of 3", 3, name2.size());
            Assert.AssertTrue("Name constructed with append has wrong suffix", name2
                    .get(2).getValue().equals(new Blob("folders")));
            name2 = name2.append("files");
            Assert.AssertEquals("Name constructed by appending string has " + name2.size()
                    + " components instead of 4", 4, name2.size());
            name2 = name2.appendSegment(15);
                    "Name constructed by appending segment has wrong segment value",
                            .equals(new Blob(new int[] { 0x00, 0x0F })));

                    "Name constructed with append is not equal to URI constructed name",
            Assert.AssertEquals("Name constructed with append has wrong URI",
                    name.toUri(), name2.toUri());
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the public key name from the full certificate name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="certificateName">The full certificate name.</param>
        /// <returns>The related public key name.</returns>
        public static Name certificateNameToPublicKeyName(Name certificateName)
            String idString = "ID-CERT";
            bool foundIdString = false;
            int idCertComponentIndex = certificateName.size() - 1;
            for (; idCertComponentIndex + 1 > 0; --idCertComponentIndex) {
                if (certificateName.get(idCertComponentIndex).toEscapedString()
                        .equals(idString)) {
                    foundIdString = true;

            if (!foundIdString)
                throw new Exception("Incorrect identity certificate name "
                        + certificateName.toUri());

            Name tempName = certificateName.getSubName(0, idCertComponentIndex);
            String keyString = "KEY";
            bool foundKeyString = false;
            int keyComponentIndex = 0;
            for (; keyComponentIndex < tempName.size(); keyComponentIndex++) {
                if (tempName.get(keyComponentIndex).toEscapedString()
                        .equals(keyString)) {
                    foundKeyString = true;

            if (!foundKeyString)
                throw new Exception("Incorrect identity certificate name "
                        + certificateName.toUri());

            return tempName.getSubName(0, keyComponentIndex).append(
                    tempName.getSubName(keyComponentIndex + 1, tempName.size()
                            - keyComponentIndex - 1));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Check if this Interest's name matches the given name (using Name.match)
        /// and the given name also conforms to the interest selectors.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The name to check.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the name and interest selectors match, otherwise false.</returns>
        public bool matchesName(Name name)
            if (!getName().match(name))
                return false;

            if (minSuffixComponents_ >= 0 &&
            // Add 1 for the implicit digest.
                    !(name.size() + 1 - getName().size() >= minSuffixComponents_))
                return false;
            if (maxSuffixComponents_ >= 0 &&
            // Add 1 for the implicit digest.
                    !(name.size() + 1 - getName().size() <= maxSuffixComponents_))
                return false;
            if (getExclude().size() > 0 && name.size() > getName().size()
                    && getExclude().matches(name.get(getName().size())))
                return false;

            return true;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var face = new Face
            (new TcpTransport(), new TcpTransport.ConnectionInfo("localhost"));

              // For now, when setting face.setCommandSigningInfo, use a key chain with
              //   a default private key instead of the system default key chain. This
              //   is OK for now because NFD is configured to skip verification, so it
              //   ignores the system default key chain.
              var identityStorage = new MemoryIdentityStorage();
              var privateKeyStorage = new MemoryPrivateKeyStorage();
              var keyChain = new KeyChain
            (new IdentityManager(identityStorage, privateKeyStorage),
              new SelfVerifyPolicyManager(identityStorage));

              // Initialize the storage.
              var keyName = new Name("/testname/DSK-123");
              var certificateName = keyName.getSubName(0, keyName.size() - 1).append
              identityStorage.addKey(keyName, KeyType.RSA, new Blob(DEFAULT_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY_DER));
            (keyName, KeyType.RSA, new ByteBuffer(DEFAULT_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY_DER),
              new ByteBuffer(DEFAULT_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY_DER));

              face.setCommandSigningInfo(keyChain, certificateName);

              var echo = new Echo(keyChain, certificateName);
              var prefix = new Name("/testecho");
              Console.Out.WriteLine("Register prefix  " + prefix.toUri());
              face.registerPrefix(prefix, echo, echo);

              // The main event loop.
              // Wait to receive one interest for the prefix.
              while (echo.responseCount_ < 1) {

            // We need to sleep for a few milliseconds so we don't use 100% of
            //   the CPU.
        /// <summary>
        /// Set a key as the default key of an identity. The identity name is inferred
        /// from keyName.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="keyName">The name of the key.</param>
        /// <param name="identityNameCheck"></param>
        public override void setDefaultKeyNameForIdentity(Name keyName,
				Name identityNameCheck)
            Name identityName = keyName.getPrefix(-1);

            if (identityNameCheck.size() > 0
                    && !identityNameCheck.equals(identityName))
                throw new SecurityException(
                        "The specified identity name does not match the key name");

            String identity = identityName.toUri();
            if (identityStore_.Contains(identity)) {
                ((MemoryIdentityStorage.IdentityRecord ) ILOG.J2CsMapping.Collections.Collections.Get(identityStore_,identity))
                        .setDefaultKey(new Name(keyName));
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a KeyChain with the a default name and key pair.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="certificateName">Set certificateName[0] to the signing certificateName.</param>
        /// <returns>The KeyChain.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.Security.SecurityException"></exception>
        public static KeyChain buildKeyChain(Name[] certificateName)
            MemoryIdentityStorage identityStorage = new MemoryIdentityStorage();
            MemoryPrivateKeyStorage privateKeyStorage = new MemoryPrivateKeyStorage();
            KeyChain keyChain = new KeyChain(new IdentityManager(identityStorage,
                    new SelfVerifyPolicyManager(identityStorage));

            // initialize the storage with
            Name keyName = new Name("/testname/DSK-123");
            certificateName[0] = keyName.getSubName(0, keyName.size() - 1)
            identityStorage.addKey(keyName, net.named_data.jndn.security.KeyType.RSA, new Blob(
                    DEFAULT_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY_DER, false));
            privateKeyStorage.setKeyPairForKeyName(keyName, net.named_data.jndn.security.KeyType.RSA,

            return keyChain;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Check if the given name matches this filter. Match if name starts with this
        /// filter's prefix. If this filter has the optional regexFilter then the
        /// remaining components match the regexFilter regular expression.
        /// For example, the following InterestFilter:
        /// InterestFilter("/hello", "&lt;world&gt;&lt;&gt;+")
        /// will match all Interests, whose name has the prefix `/hello` which is
        /// followed by a component `world` and has at least one more component after it.
        /// Examples:
        /// /hello/world/!
        /// /hello/world/x/y/z
        /// Note that the regular expression will need to match all remaining components
        /// (e.g., there are implicit heading `^` and trailing `$` symbols in the
        /// regular expression).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The name to check against this filter.</param>
        /// <returns>True if name matches this filter, otherwise false.</returns>
        public bool doesMatch(Name name)
            if (name.size() < prefix_.size())
                return false;

            if (hasRegexFilter()) {
                // Perform a prefix match and regular expression match for the remaining
                // components.
                if (!prefix_.match(name))
                    return false;

                return null != net.named_data.jndn.util.NdnRegexMatcher.match(regexFilterPattern_,
            } else
                // Just perform a prefix match.
                return prefix_.match(name);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public void testUriConstructor()
     Name name = new Name(expectedURI);
     Assert.AssertEquals("Constructed name has " + name.size()
             + " components instead of 3", 3, name.size());
     Assert.AssertEquals("URI is incorrect", expectedURI, name.toUri());
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var data = new Data();
              data.wireDecode(new Blob(TlvData));
              Console.Out.WriteLine("Decoded Data:");

              // Set the content again to clear the cached encoding so we encode again.
              var encoding = data.wireEncode();

              var reDecodedData = new Data();
              Console.Out.WriteLine("Re-decoded Data:");

              var identityStorage = new MemoryIdentityStorage();
              var privateKeyStorage = new MemoryPrivateKeyStorage();
              var keyChain = new KeyChain
            (new IdentityManager(identityStorage, privateKeyStorage),
              new SelfVerifyPolicyManager(identityStorage));

              // Initialize the storage.
              var keyName = new Name("/testname/DSK-123");
              var certificateName = keyName.getSubName(0, keyName.size() - 1).append
              identityStorage.addKey(keyName, KeyType.RSA, new Blob(DEFAULT_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY_DER));
            (keyName, KeyType.RSA, new ByteBuffer(DEFAULT_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY_DER),
              new ByteBuffer(DEFAULT_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY_DER));

              VerifyCallbacks callbacks = new VerifyCallbacks("Re-decoded Data");
              keyChain.verifyData(reDecodedData, callbacks, callbacks);

              var freshData = new Data(new Name("/ndn/abc"));
              freshData.setContent(new Blob("SUCCESS!"));
              freshData.getMetaInfo().setFinalBlockId(new Name("/%00%09").get(0));
              keyChain.sign(freshData, certificateName);
              Console.Out.WriteLine("Freshly-signed Data:");

              callbacks = new VerifyCallbacks("Freshly-signed Data");
              keyChain.verifyData(freshData, callbacks, callbacks);
        /// <summary>
        /// Throw an exception if it is an error for setDefaultKeyNameForIdentity to
        /// set it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="keyName">The key name.</param>
        /// <param name="identityNameCheck">The identity name to check the keyName.</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.Security.SecurityException">if the identity name does not match the key nameor other problem.</exception>
        protected internal void checkSetDefaultKeyNameForIdentity(Name keyName,
				Name identityNameCheck)
            Name identityName = keyName.getPrefix(-1);

            if (identityNameCheck.size() > 0
                    && !identityNameCheck.equals(identityName))
                throw new SecurityException(
                        "The specified identity name does not match the key name");
Ejemplo n.º 11
        private static Name getKeyNameFromCertificatePrefix(Name certificatePrefix)
            Name result = new Name();

            String keyString = "KEY";
            int i = 0;
            for (; i < certificatePrefix.size(); i++) {
                if (certificatePrefix.get(i).toEscapedString().equals(keyString))

            if (i >= certificatePrefix.size())
                throw new SecurityException(
                        "Identity Certificate Prefix does not have a KEY component");

            result.append(certificatePrefix.getSubName(0, i));
            result.append(certificatePrefix.getSubName(i + 1,
                    certificatePrefix.size() - i - 1));

            return result;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Do the work of registerPrefix to register with NFD.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="registeredPrefixId">registeredPrefixTable_ (assuming it has already been done).</param>
        /// <param name="prefix"></param>
        /// <param name="onInterest"></param>
        /// <param name="onRegisterFailed"></param>
        /// <param name="onRegisterSuccess"></param>
        /// <param name="flags"></param>
        /// <param name="commandKeyChain"></param>
        /// <param name="commandCertificateName"></param>
        /// <param name="wireFormat_0"></param>
        /// <param name="face_1"></param>
        /// <exception cref="System.Security.SecurityException">If cannot find the private key for thecertificateName.</exception>
        private void nfdRegisterPrefix(long registeredPrefixId, Name prefix,
				OnInterestCallback onInterest, OnRegisterFailed onRegisterFailed,
				OnRegisterSuccess onRegisterSuccess, ForwardingFlags flags,
				KeyChain commandKeyChain, Name commandCertificateName,
				WireFormat wireFormat_0, Face face_1)
            if (commandKeyChain == null)
                throw new Exception(
                        "registerPrefix: The command KeyChain has not been set. You must call setCommandSigningInfo.");
            if (commandCertificateName.size() == 0)
                throw new Exception(
                        "registerPrefix: The command certificate name has not been set. You must call setCommandSigningInfo.");

            ControlParameters controlParameters = new ControlParameters();

            Interest commandInterest = new Interest();

            // Determine whether to use remote prefix registration.
            bool faceIsLocal;
            try {
                faceIsLocal = isLocal();
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                        "Register prefix failed: Error attempting to determine if the face is local: {0}",
                try {
                } catch (Exception exception) {
                    logger_.log(ILOG.J2CsMapping.Util.Logging.Level.SEVERE, "Error in onRegisterFailed",

            if (faceIsLocal) {
                commandInterest.setName(new Name("/localhost/nfd/rib/register"));
                // The interest is answered by the local host, so set a short timeout.
            } else {
                commandInterest.setName(new Name("/localhop/nfd/rib/register"));
                // The host is remote, so set a longer timeout.

            // NFD only accepts TlvWireFormat packets.
            makeCommandInterest(commandInterest, commandKeyChain,
                    commandCertificateName, net.named_data.jndn.encoding.TlvWireFormat.get());

            // Send the registration interest.
            Node.RegisterResponse  response = new Node.RegisterResponse (
                    new RegisterResponse.Info(prefix, onRegisterFailed,
                            onRegisterSuccess, registeredPrefixId, onInterest, face_1),
            try {
                expressInterest(getNextEntryId(), commandInterest, response,
                        response, null, wireFormat_0, face_1);
            } catch (IOException ex_2) {
                // Can't send the interest. Call onRegisterFailed.
                        "Register prefix failed: Error sending the register prefix interest to the forwarder: {0}",
                try {
                } catch (Exception exception_3) {
                    logger_.log(ILOG.J2CsMapping.Util.Logging.Level.SEVERE, "Error in onRegisterFailed",
Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Encode the name as NDN-TLV to the encoder.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The name to encode.</param>
        /// <param name="signedPortionBeginOffset">name component and ends just before the final name component (which is assumed to be a signature for a signed interest).</param>
        /// <param name="signedPortionEndOffset">name component and ends just before the final name component (which is assumed to be a signature for a signed interest).</param>
        /// <param name="encoder">The TlvEncoder to receive the encoding.</param>
        private static void encodeName(Name name, int[] signedPortionBeginOffset,
				int[] signedPortionEndOffset, TlvEncoder encoder)
            int saveLength = encoder.getLength();

            // Encode the components backwards.
            int signedPortionEndOffsetFromBack = 0;
            for (int i = name.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
                encodeNameComponent(name.get(i), encoder);
                if (i == name.size() - 1)
                    signedPortionEndOffsetFromBack = encoder.getLength();

            int signedPortionBeginOffsetFromBack = encoder.getLength();
            encoder.writeTypeAndLength(net.named_data.jndn.encoding.tlv.Tlv.Name, encoder.getLength() - saveLength);

            signedPortionBeginOffset[0] = encoder.getLength()
                    - signedPortionBeginOffsetFromBack;
            if (name.size() == 0)
                // There is no "final component", so set signedPortionEndOffset
                //   arbitrarily.
                signedPortionEndOffset[0] = signedPortionBeginOffset[0];
                signedPortionEndOffset[0] = encoder.getLength()
                        - signedPortionEndOffsetFromBack;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if a name satisfies the relation to another name, based on
        /// matchRelation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name"></param>
        /// <param name="matchName"></param>
        /// <param name="matchRelation">name as a prefix "is-strict-prefix-of" - passes if the name has the other name as a prefix, and is not equal "equal" - passes if the two names are equal</param>
        /// <returns>True if matches.</returns>
        private static bool matchesRelation(Name name, Name matchName,
				String matchRelation)
            bool passed = false;
            if (matchRelation.equals("is-strict-prefix-of")) {
                if (matchName.size() == name.size())
                    passed = false;
                else if (matchName.match(name))
                    passed = true;
            } else if (matchRelation.equals("is-prefix-of")) {
                if (matchName.match(name))
                    passed = true;
            } else if (matchRelation.equals("equal")) {
                if (matchName.equals(name))
                    passed = true;

            return passed;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 private static Name certNameFromKeyName(Name keyName, int keyIdx)
     if (keyIdx < 0)
         keyIdx = keyName.size() + keyIdx;
     return keyName.getPrefix(keyIdx).append("KEY")
Ejemplo n.º 16
 /// <summary>
 /// Check if the last component in the name is a segment number.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">The name to check.</param>
 /// <returns>True if the name ends with a segment number, otherwise false.</returns>
 private static bool endsWithSegmentNumber(Name name)
     return name.size() >= 1 && name.get(-1).isSegment();
Ejemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Wire encode the Data object, sign it and set its signature.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data"></param>
        /// <param name="identityName"></param>
        /// <param name="wireFormat">A WireFormat object used to encode the input. If omitted, use WireFormat getDefaultWireFormat().</param>
        public void signByIdentity(Data data, Name identityName,
				WireFormat wireFormat)
            Name signingCertificateName;

            if (identityName.size() == 0) {
                Name inferredIdentity = policyManager_.inferSigningIdentity(data
                if (inferredIdentity.size() == 0)
                    signingCertificateName = identityManager_
                    signingCertificateName = identityManager_
            } else
                signingCertificateName = identityManager_

            if (signingCertificateName.size() == 0)
                throw new SecurityException("No qualified certificate name found!");

            if (!policyManager_.checkSigningPolicy(data.getName(),
                throw new SecurityException(
                        "Signing Cert name does not comply with signing policy");

            identityManager_.signByCertificate(data, signingCertificateName,
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public CredentialStorage()
            this.identityStorage_ = new MemoryIdentityStorage();
            this.privateKeyStorage_ = new MemoryPrivateKeyStorage();
            this.keyChain_ = new KeyChain(new IdentityManager(
                    identityStorage_, privateKeyStorage_), new SelfVerifyPolicyManager(
            Name keyName = new Name("/testname/DSK-123");
            defaultCertName_ = keyName.getSubName(0, keyName.size() - 1)

            Name ecdsaKeyName = new Name("/testEcdsa/DSK-123");
            ecdsaCertName_ = ecdsaKeyName.getSubName(0, ecdsaKeyName.size() - 1)

            try {
                identityStorage_.addKey(keyName, net.named_data.jndn.security.KeyType.RSA, new Blob(
                        DEFAULT_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY_DER, false));
                privateKeyStorage_.setKeyPairForKeyName(keyName, net.named_data.jndn.security.KeyType.RSA,

            #if false // Skip ECDSA for now.
                identityStorage_.addKey(ecdsaKeyName, net.named_data.jndn.security.KeyType.ECDSA, new Blob(
                        DEFAULT_EC_PUBLIC_KEY_DER, false));
                        net.named_data.jndn.security.KeyType.ECDSA, DEFAULT_EC_PUBLIC_KEY_DER,
            } catch (SecurityException ex) {
                // Don't expect this to happen;
                System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Exception setting test keys: " + ex);
                identityStorage_ = null;
                privateKeyStorage_ = null;
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public void setUp()
            MemoryIdentityStorage identityStorage = new MemoryIdentityStorage();
            MemoryPrivateKeyStorage privateKeyStorage = new MemoryPrivateKeyStorage();
            keyChain = new KeyChain(new IdentityManager(identityStorage,
                    new SelfVerifyPolicyManager(identityStorage));

            // Initialize the storage.
            Name keyName = new Name("/testname/DSK-123");
            certificateName = keyName.getSubName(0, keyName.size() - 1)
            try {
                identityStorage.addKey(keyName, net.named_data.jndn.security.KeyType.RSA, new Blob(
                        DEFAULT_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY_DER, false));
                privateKeyStorage.setKeyPairForKeyName(keyName, net.named_data.jndn.security.KeyType.RSA,
            } catch (SecurityException ex) {
                // We don't expect this to happen.
                ILOG.J2CsMapping.Util.Logging.Logger.getLogger(typeof(TestLink).FullName).log(ILOG.J2CsMapping.Util.Logging.Level.SEVERE, null,
Ejemplo n.º 20
        private static bool isCorrectName(Name name)
            int i = name.size() - 1;

            String idString = "ID-CERT";
            for (; i >= 0; i--) {
                if (name.get(i).toEscapedString().equals(idString))

            if (i < 0)
                return false;

            int keyIdx = 0;
            String keyString = "KEY";
            for (; keyIdx < name.size(); keyIdx++) {
                if (name.get(keyIdx).toEscapedString().equals(keyString))

            if (keyIdx >= name.size())
                return false;

            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Prepare an unsigned identity certificate.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="keyName">The key name, e.g., `/{identity_name}/ksk-123456`.</param>
        /// <param name="publicKey">The public key to sign.</param>
        /// <param name="signingIdentity">The signing identity.</param>
        /// <param name="notBefore">See IdentityCertificate.</param>
        /// <param name="notAfter">See IdentityCertificate.</param>
        /// <param name="subjectDescription">on the keyName.</param>
        /// <param name="certPrefix">signingIdentity and the subject identity. If the signingIdentity is a prefix of the subject identity, `KEY` will be inserted after the signingIdentity, otherwise `KEY` is inserted after subject identity (i.e., before `ksk-...`).</param>
        /// <returns>The unsigned IdentityCertificate, or null if the inputs are invalid.</returns>
        public IdentityCertificate prepareUnsignedIdentityCertificate(
				Name keyName, PublicKey publicKey, Name signingIdentity,
				double notBefore, double notAfter, IList subjectDescription,
				Name certPrefix)
            if (keyName.size() < 1)
                return null;

            String tempKeyIdPrefix = keyName.get(-1).toEscapedString();
            if (tempKeyIdPrefix.Length < 4)
                return null;
            String keyIdPrefix = tempKeyIdPrefix.Substring(0,(4)-(0));
            if (!keyIdPrefix.equals("ksk-") && !keyIdPrefix.equals("dsk-"))
                return null;

            IdentityCertificate certificate = new IdentityCertificate();
            Name certName = new Name();

            if (certPrefix == null) {
                // No certificate prefix hint, so infer the prefix.
                if (signingIdentity.match(keyName))
                            .appendVersion((long) net.named_data.jndn.util.Common.getNowMilliseconds());
                            .appendVersion((long) net.named_data.jndn.util.Common.getNowMilliseconds());
            } else {
                // A cert prefix hint is supplied, so determine the cert name.
                if (certPrefix.match(keyName) && !certPrefix.equals(keyName))
                            .appendVersion((long) net.named_data.jndn.util.Common.getNowMilliseconds());
                    return null;


            if (subjectDescription == null || (subjectDescription.Count==0))
                        .addSubjectDescription(new CertificateSubjectDescription(
                                "", keyName.getPrefix(-1).toUri()));
            else {
                for (int i = 0; i < subjectDescription.Count; ++i)
                            .addSubjectDescription((CertificateSubjectDescription) subjectDescription[i]);

            try {
            } catch (DerEncodingException ex) {
                throw new SecurityException("DerEncodingException: " + ex);
            } catch (DerDecodingException ex_0) {
                throw new SecurityException("DerDecodingException: " + ex_0);

            return certificate;
Ejemplo n.º 22
        private void construct(Name prefix, Name dataType)
            Name fixedPrefix = new Name(prefix);
            Name fixedDataType = new Name(dataType);

            // Fill ekeyInfo_ with all permutations of dataType, including the 'E-KEY'
            // component of the name. This will be used in createContentKey to send
            // interests without reconstructing names every time.
            while (fixedDataType.size() > 0) {
                Name nodeName = new Name(fixedPrefix);

                ILOG.J2CsMapping.Collections.Collections.Put(eKeyInfo_,nodeName,new Producer.KeyInfo ());
                fixedDataType = fixedDataType.getPrefix(-1);
            namespace_ = new Name(prefix);
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public void signData(Data data, Name certificateName)
     if (certificateName.size() == 0)
         certificateName = defaultCertName_;
     keyChain_.sign(data, certificateName);
         * Loop to decode a data packet nIterations times.
         * @param nIterations The number of iterations.
         * @param useCrypto If true, verify the signature.  If false, don't verify.
         * @param keyType KeyType.RSA or EC, used if useCrypto is true.
         * @param encoding The wire encoding to decode.
         * @return The number of seconds for all iterations.
         * @throws EncodingException
        private static double benchmarkDecodeDataSeconds(int nIterations, bool useCrypto, KeyType keyType, Blob encoding)
            // Initialize the KeyChain storage in case useCrypto is true.
              MemoryIdentityStorage identityStorage = new MemoryIdentityStorage();
              KeyChain keyChain = new KeyChain
            (new IdentityManager(identityStorage, new MemoryPrivateKeyStorage()),
              new SelfVerifyPolicyManager(identityStorage));
              Name keyName = new Name("/testname/DSK-123");
              Name certificateName = keyName.getSubName(0, keyName.size() - 1).append
              identityStorage.addKey(keyName, KeyType.RSA, new Blob(DEFAULT_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY_DER));
              VerifyCallbacks callbacks = new VerifyCallbacks();

              double start = getNowSeconds();
              for (int i = 0; i < nIterations; ++i) {
            Data data = new Data();

            if (useCrypto)
              keyChain.verifyData(data, callbacks, callbacks);
              double finish = getNowSeconds();

              return finish - start;
         * Loop to encode a data packet nIterations times.
         * @param nIterations The number of iterations.
         * @param useComplex If true, use a large name, large content and all fields.
         * If false, use a small name, small content
         * and only required fields.
         * @param useCrypto If true, sign the data packet.  If false, use a blank
         * signature.
         * @param keyType KeyType.RSA or EC, used if useCrypto is true.
         * @param encoding Set encoding[0] to the wire encoding.
         * @return The number of seconds for all iterations.
        private static double benchmarkEncodeDataSeconds(int nIterations, bool useComplex, bool useCrypto, KeyType keyType,
        Blob[] encoding)
            Name name;
              Blob content;
              if (useComplex) {
            // Use a large name and content.
            name = new Name

            StringBuilder contentStream = new StringBuilder();
            int count = 1;
            while (contentStream.toString().Length < 1115)
              contentStream.append(" ").append(count++);
            content = new Blob(contentStream.toString());
              else {
            // Use a small name and content.
            name = new Name("/test");
            content = new Blob("abc");
              Name.Component finalBlockId =
            new Name.Component(new Blob(new byte[] { (byte)0 }));

              // Initialize the KeyChain storage in case useCrypto is true.
              MemoryIdentityStorage identityStorage = new MemoryIdentityStorage();
              MemoryPrivateKeyStorage privateKeyStorage = new MemoryPrivateKeyStorage();
              KeyChain keyChain = new KeyChain
            (new IdentityManager(identityStorage, privateKeyStorage),
              new SelfVerifyPolicyManager(identityStorage));
              Name keyName = new Name("/testname/DSK-123");
              Name certificateName = keyName.getSubName(0, keyName.size() - 1).append
              (keyName, KeyType.RSA, new ByteBuffer(DEFAULT_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY_DER),
            new ByteBuffer(DEFAULT_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY_DER));

              Blob signatureBits = new Blob(new byte[256]);
              Blob emptyBlob = new Blob(new byte[0]);

              double start = getNowSeconds();
              for (int i = 0; i < nIterations; ++i) {
            Data data = new Data(name);
            if (useComplex) {

            if (useCrypto)
              // This sets the signature fields.
              keyChain.sign(data, certificateName);
            else {
              // Imitate IdentityManager.signByCertificate to set up the signature
              //   fields, but don't sign.
              KeyLocator keyLocator = new KeyLocator();
              Sha256WithRsaSignature sha256Signature =

            encoding[0] = data.wireEncode();
              double finish = getNowSeconds();

              return finish - start;
Ejemplo n.º 26
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a public key to the identity storage. Also call addIdentity to ensure
        /// that the identityName for the key exists. However, if the key already
        /// exists, do nothing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="keyName">The name of the public key to be added.</param>
        /// <param name="keyType">Type of the public key to be added.</param>
        /// <param name="publicKeyDer">A blob of the public key DER to be added.</param>
        public override void addKey(Name keyName, KeyType keyType, Blob publicKeyDer)
            if (keyName.size() == 0)

            if (doesKeyExist(keyName))

            Name identityName = keyName.getSubName(0, keyName.size() - 1);


            ILOG.J2CsMapping.Collections.Collections.Put(keyStore_,keyName.toUri(),new MemoryIdentityStorage.KeyRecord (keyType, publicKeyDer));
Ejemplo n.º 27
        /// <summary>
        /// Compare a subset of this name to a subset of the other name, equivalent to
        /// this.getSubName(iStartComponent, nComponents).compare
        /// (other.getSubName(iOtherStartComponent, nOtherComponents)).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="iStartComponent">name.size() - N.</param>
        /// <param name="nComponents"></param>
        /// <param name="other">The other Name to compare with.</param>
        /// <param name="iOtherStartComponent">starting from other.size() - N.</param>
        /// <param name="nOtherComponents">until the end of the name.</param>
        /// <returns>0 If the sub names compare equal, -1 if this sub name comes before
        /// the other sub name in the canonical ordering, or 1 if after.</returns>
        public int compare(int iStartComponent, int nComponents, Name other,
				int iOtherStartComponent, int nOtherComponents)
            if (iStartComponent < 0)
                iStartComponent = size() - (-iStartComponent);
            if (iOtherStartComponent < 0)
                iOtherStartComponent = other.size() - (-iOtherStartComponent);

            nComponents = Math.Min(nComponents,size() - iStartComponent);
            nOtherComponents = Math.Min(nOtherComponents,other.size()
                            - iOtherStartComponent);

            int count = Math.Min(nComponents,nOtherComponents);
            for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
                int comparison = components_[iStartComponent + i].compare(
                        other.components_[iOtherStartComponent + i]);
                if (comparison == 0)
                    // The components at this index are equal, so check the next components.

                // Otherwise, the result is based on the components at this index.
                return comparison;

            // The components up to min(this.size(), other.size()) are equal, so the
            //   shorter name is less.
            if (nComponents < nOtherComponents)
                return -1;
            else if (nComponents > nOtherComponents)
                return 1;
                return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 28
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the public key DER blob from the identity storage.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="keyName">The name of the requested public key.</param>
        /// <returns>The DER Blob.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.Security.SecurityException">if the key doesn't exist.</exception>
        public override Blob getKey(Name keyName)
            if (keyName.size() == 0)
                throw new SecurityException(
                        "MemoryIdentityStorage::getKey: Empty keyName");

            MemoryIdentityStorage.KeyRecord  keyRecord = (MemoryIdentityStorage.KeyRecord ) ILOG.J2CsMapping.Collections.Collections.Get(keyStore_,keyName.toUri());
            if (keyRecord == null)
                throw new SecurityException(
                        "MemoryIdentityStorage::getKey: The key does not exist");

            return keyRecord.getKeyDer();
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var interest = new Interest();
              interest.wireDecode(new Blob(TlvInterest));

              // Set the name again to clear the cached encoding so we encode again.
              var encoding = interest.wireEncode();
              Console.Out.WriteLine("Re-encoded interest " + encoding.toHex());

              var reDecodedInterest = new Interest();
              Console.Out.WriteLine("Re-decoded Interest:");

              var freshInterest = new Interest(new Name("/ndn/abc"));
            (new Blob(new byte[] {
              0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0A, 0x0B, 0x0C, 0x0D, 0x0E, 0x0F,
              0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1A, 0x1B, 0x1C, 0x1D, 0x1E, 0x1F }));
              freshInterest.getExclude().appendComponent(new Name("abc").get(0)).appendAny();

              var identityStorage = new MemoryIdentityStorage();
              var privateKeyStorage = new MemoryPrivateKeyStorage();
              var keyChain = new KeyChain
            (new IdentityManager(identityStorage, privateKeyStorage),
              new SelfVerifyPolicyManager(identityStorage));

              // Initialize the storage.
              var keyName = new Name("/testname/DSK-123");
              var certificateName = keyName.getSubName(0, keyName.size() - 1).append
              identityStorage.addKey(keyName, KeyType.RSA, new Blob(DEFAULT_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY_DER));
            (keyName, KeyType.RSA, new ByteBuffer(DEFAULT_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY_DER),
             new ByteBuffer(DEFAULT_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY_DER));

              // Make a Face just so that we can sign the interest.
              var face = new Face("localhost");
              face.setCommandSigningInfo(keyChain, certificateName);

              Interest reDecodedFreshInterest = new Interest();
              Console.Out.WriteLine("Re-decoded fresh Interest:");

              VerifyCallbacks callbacks = new VerifyCallbacks("Freshly-signed Interest");
              keyChain.verifyInterest(reDecodedFreshInterest, callbacks, callbacks);
Ejemplo n.º 30
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the public key DER blob from the identity storage.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="keyName">The name of the requested public key.</param>
        /// <returns>The DER Blob.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.Security.SecurityException">if the key doesn't exist.</exception>
        public override sealed Blob getKey(Name keyName)
            if (keyName.size() == 0)
                throw new SecurityException(
                        "BasicIdentityStorage::getKey: Empty keyName");

            String keyId = keyName.get(-1).toEscapedString();
            Name identityName = keyName.getPrefix(-1);

            try {
                PreparedStatement statement = database_
                statement.setString(1, identityName.toUri());
                statement.setString(2, keyId);

                try {
                    SqlDataReader result = statement.executeQuery();

                    if (result.NextResult())
                        return new Blob(result.getBytes("public_key"), false);
                        throw new SecurityException(
                                "BasicIdentityStorage::getKey: The key does not exist");
                } finally {
            } catch (SQLException exception) {
                throw new SecurityException("BasicIdentityStorage: SQLite error: "
                        + exception);