Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static bool isinside(Geo.Tri t, Geo.Point p)
            // point in triangle test

            // a new Tri projected onto the xy plane:
            Geo.Point p1 = new Geo.Point(t.p[0].x, t.p[0].y, 0);
            Geo.Point p2 = new Geo.Point(t.p[1].x, t.p[1].y, 0);
            Geo.Point p3 = new Geo.Point(t.p[2].x, t.p[2].y, 0);
            Geo.Point pt = new Geo.Point(p.x, p.y, 0);

            bool b1 = isright(p1, p2, pt);
            bool b2 = isright(p3, p1, pt);
            bool b3 = isright(p2, p3, pt);

            if ((b1) && (b2) && (b3))
                return true;
            else if ((!b1) && (!b2) && (!b3))
                return true;
                return false;

        } // end isinside()
Ejemplo n.º 2
        // test for bounding box function
        public static void bbox_test(GLWindow g)
            // draw a triangle
            Geo.Point p1 = new Geo.Point(0.1, 0.1, 0);
            Geo.Point p2 = new Geo.Point(0.8, 0.3, 0);
            Geo.Point p3 = new Geo.Point(0.2, 0.6, 0);
            GeoLine   l1 = new GeoLine(p1, p2);
            GeoLine   l2 = new GeoLine(p1, p3);
            GeoLine   l3 = new GeoLine(p3, p2);

            l1.color = System.Drawing.Color.RoyalBlue;
            l2.color = System.Drawing.Color.RoyalBlue;
            l3.color = System.Drawing.Color.RoyalBlue;

            // create triangle and calculate bounding box
            Geo.Tri t = new Geo.Tri(p1, p2, p3);
            Geo.Point a  = new Geo.Point(t.bb.minx, t.bb.miny, 0);
            Geo.Point b  = new Geo.Point(t.bb.maxx, t.bb.miny, 0);
            Geo.Point c  = new Geo.Point(t.bb.maxx, t.bb.maxy, 0);
            Geo.Point d  = new Geo.Point(t.bb.minx, t.bb.maxy, 0);
            GeoLine   h1 = new GeoLine(a, b);
            GeoLine   h2 = new GeoLine(b, c);
            GeoLine   h3 = new GeoLine(c, d);
            GeoLine   h4 = new GeoLine(d, a);

            h1.color = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
            h2.color = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
            h3.color = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
            h4.color = System.Drawing.Color.Red;

            // check that the points are OK
            GeoPoint v1 = new GeoPoint(t.bb.minx, t.bb.miny, 0);

            v1.color = System.Drawing.Color.Green;
            GeoPoint v2 = new GeoPoint(t.bb.maxx, t.bb.maxy, 0);

            v2.color = System.Drawing.Color.Azure;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        // testing that the isinside function works OK
        public static void isinside_test(GLWindow g)
            Random r = new Random();

            // generate lots of random points
            int             N      = 100;
            List <GeoPoint> points = new List <GeoPoint>();

            for (int n = 0; n < N; n++)
                GeoPoint p = new GeoPoint(0.001 * (float)r.Next(0, 1000), 0.001 * (float)r.Next(0, 1000), 0);

            // draw a triangle
            Geo.Point p1 = new Geo.Point(0.1, 0.1, 0);
            Geo.Point p2 = new Geo.Point(0.8, 0.1, 0);
            Geo.Point p3 = new Geo.Point(0.2, 0.6, 0);
            GeoLine   l1 = new GeoLine(p1, p2);
            GeoLine   l2 = new GeoLine(p1, p3);
            GeoLine   l3 = new GeoLine(p3, p2);

            l1.color = System.Drawing.Color.RoyalBlue;
            l2.color = System.Drawing.Color.RoyalBlue;
            l3.color = System.Drawing.Color.RoyalBlue;
            // p.color = System.Drawing.Color.Aqua;

            // draw points
            Geo.Tri t = new Geo.Tri(p2, p3, p1);
            foreach (GeoPoint p in points)
                if (DropCutter.isinside(t, p.p))
                    p.color = System.Drawing.Color.Aqua;
                    p.color = System.Drawing.Color.Red;

Ejemplo n.º 4
        // test for bounding box function
        public static void bbox_test(GLWindow g)
            // draw a triangle
            Geo.Point p1 = new Geo.Point(0.1, 0.1, 0);
            Geo.Point p2 = new Geo.Point(0.8, 0.3, 0);
            Geo.Point p3 = new Geo.Point(0.2, 0.6, 0);
            GeoLine l1 = new GeoLine(p1, p2);
            GeoLine l2 = new GeoLine(p1, p3);
            GeoLine l3 = new GeoLine(p3, p2);
            l1.color = System.Drawing.Color.RoyalBlue;
            l2.color = System.Drawing.Color.RoyalBlue;
            l3.color = System.Drawing.Color.RoyalBlue;

            // create triangle and calculate bounding box
            Geo.Tri t = new Geo.Tri(p1, p2, p3);
            Geo.Point a = new Geo.Point(t.bb.minx, t.bb.miny, 0);
            Geo.Point b = new Geo.Point(t.bb.maxx, t.bb.miny, 0);
            Geo.Point c = new Geo.Point(t.bb.maxx, t.bb.maxy, 0);
            Geo.Point d = new Geo.Point(t.bb.minx, t.bb.maxy, 0);
            GeoLine h1 = new GeoLine(a, b);
            GeoLine h2 = new GeoLine(b, c);
            GeoLine h3 = new GeoLine(c, d);
            GeoLine h4 = new GeoLine(d, a);
            h1.color = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
            h2.color = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
            h3.color = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
            h4.color = System.Drawing.Color.Red;

            // check that the points are OK
            GeoPoint v1 = new GeoPoint(t.bb.minx, t.bb.miny, 0);
            v1.color = System.Drawing.Color.Green;
            GeoPoint v2 = new GeoPoint(t.bb.maxx, t.bb.maxy, 0);
            v2.color = System.Drawing.Color.Azure;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        static public STLSurf Load(System.IO.StreamReader fs)
            // Here's where autodetection will be provided for loading binary stl files and by wrapping STLA(scii) and STLB(inary)
            // but for now as only one format is provided, not bothering with it, we need to define a object format for handling file loading/saving
            // System.IO.StreamReader fs = new System.IO.StreamReader(FileName);

            STLSurf surf    = new STLSurf();
            int     state   = 0;
            int     counter = 0;

            string[] data;
            Geo.Tri  triangle = new Geo.Tri();
            Vector   normal   = new Vector();

            System.Globalization.CultureInfo locale = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-GB");
            int n_triangles = 0;

            while (!fs.EndOfStream)
                data = fs.ReadLine().TrimStart(' ').Split(' ');

                switch (state)
                case 0:
                    if (data[0].Equals("solid"))
                        surf.name = data[1];
                        state     = 1; // continue readingx

                case 1:
                    if (data[0].Equals("facet"))
                        normal.x = double.Parse(data[2], locale);
                        normal.y = double.Parse(data[3], locale);
                        normal.z = double.Parse(data[4], locale);
                        triangle = new Geo.Tri(normal);
                        counter  = 0;
                        state    = 2;

                case 2:
                    if (data[0].Equals("vertex"))
                        if (counter <= 2)
                            triangle.p[counter].x = double.Parse(data[1], locale);
                            triangle.p[counter].y = double.Parse(data[2], locale);
                            triangle.p[counter].z = double.Parse(data[3], locale);
                            // System.Console.WriteLine("STLReader: added point" + triangle.p[counter]);
                            // System.Console.ReadKey();
                    else if (data[0].Equals("endfacet"))
                        if (counter == 3)
                            n_triangles += 1;
                        state = 1;
            System.Console.WriteLine("STLReader: read {0} triangles!", n_triangles);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        // testing that the isinside function works OK
        public static void isinside_test(GLWindow g)
            Random r = new Random();

            // generate lots of random points
            int N = 100;
            List<GeoPoint> points = new List<GeoPoint>();
            for (int n = 0; n < N; n++)
                GeoPoint p = new GeoPoint(0.001 * (float)r.Next(0, 1000), 0.001 * (float)r.Next(0, 1000), 0);

            // draw a triangle
            Geo.Point p1 = new Geo.Point(0.1, 0.1, 0);
            Geo.Point p2 = new Geo.Point(0.8, 0.1, 0);
            Geo.Point p3 = new Geo.Point(0.2, 0.6, 0);
            GeoLine l1 = new GeoLine(p1, p2);
            GeoLine l2 = new GeoLine(p1, p3);
            GeoLine l3 = new GeoLine(p3, p2);
            l1.color = System.Drawing.Color.RoyalBlue;
            l2.color = System.Drawing.Color.RoyalBlue;
            l3.color = System.Drawing.Color.RoyalBlue;
            // p.color = System.Drawing.Color.Aqua;

            // draw points
            Geo.Tri t = new Geo.Tri(p2, p3, p1);
            foreach (GeoPoint p in points)
                if (DropCutter.isinside(t,p.p))
                    p.color = System.Drawing.Color.Aqua;
                    p.color = System.Drawing.Color.Red;

Ejemplo n.º 7
       } // end VertexTest

        public static double? FacetTest(Cutter cu, Geo.Point e, Geo.Tri t)
            // local copy of the surface normal

            t.recalc_normals(); // don't trust the pre-calculated normal! calculate it separately here.

            Vector n = new Vector(t.n.x, t.n.y, t.n.z);
            Geo.Point cc;

            if (n.z == 0)
                // vertical plane, can't touch cutter against that!
                return null;
            else if (n.z < 0)
                // flip the normal so it points up (? is this always required?)
                n = -1*n;

            // define plane containing facet
            double a = n.x;
            double b = n.y;
            double c = n.z;
            double d = - n.x * t.p[0].x - n.y * t.p[0].y - n.z * t.p[0].z;

            // the z-direction normal is a special case (?required?)
            // in debug phase, see if this is a useful case!
            if ((a == 0) && (b == 0))
                // System.Console.WriteLine("facet-test:z-dir normal case!");
                e.z = t.p[0].z;
                cc = new Geo.Point(e.x,e.y,e.z);
                if (isinside(t, cc))
                    // System.Console.WriteLine("facet-test:z-dir normal case!, returning {0}",e.z);
                    // System.Console.ReadKey();
                    return e.z;
                    return null;

            // System.Console.WriteLine("facet-test:general case!");
            // facet test general case
            // uses trigonometry, so might be too slow?

            // flat endmill and ballnose should be simple to do without trig
            // toroidal case might require offset-ellipse idea?

            theta = asin(c);
            zf= -d/c - (a*xe+b*ye)/c+ (R-r)/tan(theta) + r/sin(theta) -r;
            e=[xe ye zf];
            u=[0  0  1];
            rc=e + ((R-r)*tan(theta)+r)*u - ((R-r)/cos(theta) + r)*n;

            double theta = Math.Asin(c);
            double zf = -d/c - (a*e.x+b*e.y)/c + (cu.R-cu.r)/Math.Tan(theta) + cu.r/Math.Sin(theta) - cu.r;
            Vector ve = new Vector(e.x,e.y,zf);
            Vector u = new Vector(0,0,1);
            Vector rc = new Vector();
            rc = ve +((cu.R-cu.r)*Math.Tan(theta)+cu.r)*u - ((cu.R-cu.r)/Math.Cos(theta)+cu.r)*n;

            if (rc.z > 1000)
                System.Console.WriteLine("z>1000 !");

            cc = new Geo.Point(rc.x, rc.y, rc.z);

            // check that CC lies in plane:
            // a*rc(1)+b*rc(2)+c*rc(3)+d
            double test = a * cc.x + b * cc.y + c * cc.z + d;
            if (test > 0.000001)
                System.Console.WriteLine("FacetTest ERROR! CC point not in plane");

            if (isinside(t, cc))
                if (Math.Abs(zf) > 100)
                    System.Console.WriteLine("serious problem... at" +e.x + "," + e.y);
                return zf;
                return null;

        } // end FacetTest
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public static STLSurf Load(System.IO.StreamReader fs)
            // Here's where autodetection will be provided for loading binary stl files and by wrapping STLA(scii) and STLB(inary)
               // but for now as only one format is provided, not bothering with it, we need to define a object format for handling file loading/saving
               // System.IO.StreamReader fs = new System.IO.StreamReader(FileName);

               STLSurf surf = new STLSurf();
               int state = 0;
               int counter = 0;
               string[] data;
               Geo.Tri triangle = new Geo.Tri();
               Vector normal = new Vector();

               System.Globalization.CultureInfo locale =  new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-GB");
               int n_triangles=0;
               while ( !fs.EndOfStream ) {
               data = fs.ReadLine().TrimStart(' ').Split(' ');

               switch (state)
                   case 0:
                       if (data[0].Equals("solid"))
                           surf.name = data[1];
                           state = 1; // continue readingx
                   case 1:
                       if (data[0].Equals("facet")) {
                           normal.x = double.Parse(data[2], locale);
                           normal.y = double.Parse(data[3], locale);
                           normal.z = double.Parse(data[4], locale);
                           triangle = new Geo.Tri(normal);
                           counter = 0;
                           state = 2;
                   case 2:
                       if (data[0].Equals("vertex"))
                           if ( counter <= 2 ) {
                               triangle.p[counter].x = double.Parse(data[1], locale);
                               triangle.p[counter].y = double.Parse(data[2], locale);
                               triangle.p[counter].z = double.Parse(data[3], locale);
                               // System.Console.WriteLine("STLReader: added point" + triangle.p[counter]);
                               // System.Console.ReadKey();

                       } else if (data[0].Equals("endfacet"))
                           if (counter == 3)
                               n_triangles += 1;

                           state = 1;
               System.Console.WriteLine("STLReader: read {0} triangles!",n_triangles);
               return (surf);